Fax toTerry Holmes Nav 21 08 04:37p Svejkovsky ......... 9724712736 .... p.1 COPPELL DANCE CENTRE FACSIMILE TRANSMlnAl SHEET TO: FROM: Usa Svejrovsky DATE: 11/21/2008 TOTAL NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: 1 . Terry Holmes COMPANY: The Holmes Builders FAX !'fUMBER: 972-242-2931 ~HONE NUMBER: SENDER'S FA)( HUMBER: 972.471.2736 Re: Parking Spaces o URGENT 0 FOR REVO:W o PLEASE COMMENT 0 PLEASE REPLY o PLEASE RECYClE NOTES/COMMENTS: Coppell Dance Centre is currently leasing 5000 sq ft of a 26,243 sq ft building. There are 49 parking spaces &. 3 handicap spaces in and around our building. Many of these parking spaces are for our building and two other buildings in close proximity. Of these spaces, we use approximately 15-20 spaces at various times during our hours of operation: Mondays lO.30am-12.00pm; Monday-Thursday 3.30pm-9.30pm; and Saturdays 9.30am-S.OOpm. As a dance studio our business is primarily drop off - therefore, we do not require too many parking spaces. Lynette Mesecke & LIsa Svejkovsky Cappel! Dance Centre 972.304.6365 phone i nfo@coppelldancecentre.com 169 S. MACARTHUR BLVD. SUITE 257 COPPElL. TX 75019 PHONE 972.304.6365 KADLECK & ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING PLANNING SURVEYING 555 REPUBLIC DRIVE, SUITE 115 PLANO, TEXAS 75074 972-881-0771 971-509-1861 (FAX) January 6, 2009 Plamllng Department 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, Texas 75019 Attn: Marcie Diamond Re: Coppell Office Village, Lot 1, Block A, Replat, State Highway 121, Coppell, Texas Attached are twelve full size copies and three reduced (8Y2"xll") copies of the Replat and two full size copies of the Preliminary Utility and Drainage Plan. Also, attached is a CD with a PDP copy of the Replat. Regarding the review comments, I offer the following: - Engineering Comments: 1) The word ''utility'' was removed from the Mutual Access and Fire Lane Easements. 2) A twenty-foot utility easement was added for the sanitary sewer main extension into the property. 3) A five-foot drainage easement was added to the east side of the property. - Fire Administration Comments: 1) The entire width of the driveway connection to SH 121 is being dedicated as a fire lane easement. 2) The Site Plan was revised to reflect the same fire lane. 3) The line placement for the FDC was corrected and a water line and valve were added from the main to the fire sprinkler room in the building. (comment from zoning review) .. Planning Departtne.t Comments: 1) The variance note was removed from the replat. 2) Spelling corrections were made to the existing easements. - Planning Department Comments from Replat review: 1) The variance note was removed from the replat. 2) Spelling corrections were made to the existing easements. Please continue the processing of the replat and contact me with any questions or comments. J?61Y' L ynn Kadleck Kadleck & Associates Copy: Terry Holmes