AGNREQ CC 061409 AGENDA REQUEST FORM T„ E.`' T"~° F DEPT: PLANNING COPPELL DATE: June 16, 2009 ~ ~ T 0 ~ X' b` g q ITEM 7 ~ WORK SESSION ~ CONSENT a REGULAR ITEM TYPE: PRESENTATION ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Red Hawk, Preliminary Plat, a request for approval of a preliminary plat for 54 single-family lots, a cemetery parcel and two commercial lots on 16.42 acres of property, located along the west side of S. Denton Tap Road, north of Bethel School Road. GOAL(S): EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The following P&Z conditions remain outstanding: 1. A drainage study acceptable to Engineering will be required. 2. Properiy dimension width of Lots b-12, Block A, Wynnpage Addition. 3. Address all drafting and clerical discrepancies outlined in earlier correspondence. FINANCIAL COMMENTS: RECOMMENDED ACTION: ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL: APPROt/ED BY On April 1 b, 2009, the Planning Commission unanimously CITY Ct3UNCIL recommended approval of this preliminary plat (7-O), subject to the ()N ABaVE DATE above-stated conditions. Commissioners Jett, Shute, Frnka, Haas, Motion to Approve subject to condition 1 above Sangerhausen, Kittrell and Shipley voted in favor, none opposed. M - Franklin S - Hunt On May 26, 2009, Council denied this preliminary plat and directed the applicant to bring back this request to the June 1 b, 2009 meeting with vote - 6-1 Tunnell voted a ainst ~ LibbyBall the above stated conditions (7-0). g zoos.os.zs ,o:oa:sa Staff recommends APPROVAL. -oe~oo• Q02 RH, PP 1-AR CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT Red Hawk, Preliminarv Plat P8~Z HEARING DATE: March 19, 2009 (Continued to April 16, 2009) C.C. HEARING DATE: April 14, 2009 May 12, 2009 (Rescheduled to Moy 26, 2009) STAFF REP.: Gary L. Sieb, Director of Planning LOCATION: West side of S. Denton Tap Road, north of Bethel School Road SIZE OF AREA: 16.42 acres of property CURRENT ZONING: O (Office) REQUEST: A request for approval of a preliminary plat for 54 single-family lots, a cemetery parcel and two commercial lots on 16.42 acres of property, located along the west side of S. Denton Tap Road, North of Bethel School Road. APPLICANT: Purchaser: THBGP, Inc. dba The Holmes Builders 1445 MacArthur Drive Suite 200 Carrollton, TX. 75007 (972) 242-1770 Fax: (972) 242-2931 Engineer: Kadleck and Associates Lynn Kadleck 555 Republic Drive Suite 1 15 ' Plano, TX. 75074 (972) 881-0771 HISTORY: There has been no recent development history on the parcel although the former owner (now deceased) lived in a trailer on this property for many years. Approximately 8 years ago, the ITEM #5 Page 1 of 3 zoning was changed from "C" Commercial to "O" Office although no development activity reflecting office use occurred. TRANSPORTATION: Denton Tap Road is an improved P6D, six lane divided concrete roadway built within a proposed 110 foot right of way. Bethel School road is a C2U, concrete two lane road built within a proposed 60 foot right-of-way. SURROUNDING LAND USE 8~ ZONING: North-single family homes and office; PD-115 SF-7 and "C" Commercial South -Ace Hardware; "C": Commercial East-retail/gas station; "C" Commercial West-single family homes; PD-95 SF-9 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan, as amended, shows this property as appropriate for mixed use development, which includes residential and commercial buildings. DISCUSSION: This is the plat for the case previously discussed. Because of the number of outstanding conditions that need to be addressed with the zoning case, and the fact that the subdivision plat needs to reflect what the site plan proposes, staff cannot supporf this application at this time. Staff has concerns regarding maintenance of the existing cemetery, how access to it will be provided, dimensions of the entry landscape area, provision of proposed street names, labeling of no parking zones in street right-of-way, and yard setbacks, among others. Once the Site Plan discrepancies have been resolved, we would entertain a re-review of the subdivision plat. When/if resubmitted we recommend the subdivision be titled the J.C.Thweat subdivision. ~ RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending DENIAL of this preliminary plat as it does not conform to the recommended development of the subject tract, and is lacking in several items required for proposed subdivision review, with many mentioned above. It should be added that this is not an all inclusive list, but is based upon a number of concerns members of the Development Review Committee expressed during review of this submittal. ITEM #5 Page 2 of 3 REVISED STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based upon the revised Planned Development application, staff can support this preliminary plat based upon the following conditions: 1. A drainage study acceptable to Engineering will be required. 2. Main entry needs to line up with second hardware store entry. 3. Sideyards on 60 foot-wide lois shall be 7.5 feet, those on 50 foot-wide lots shall be 5 feet. Front yard setbacks on 60 foot-wide lots 3-11, Block A shcll be no less than 25 feet, rear lots no less than 20 feet on lots 1-11 and 16-18, Block A. 4. Density shall not exceed 3 units per acre (49 lots). 5. Change title of Preliminary Plat to Thweat Place. 6. Change Bullock Place to Thweat Place and assign another street name to Bullock. 7. Properly dimension width of Lots 6-12, Block A, Wynnpage Addition. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend approval of the request 2. Recommend disapproval of the request 3. Recommend modification of the request ATTACHMENTS: 1. Preliminary Subdivision Plat (2 sheets) ITEM #5 Page 3 of 3 ~ u. ienl II~ ~ wat. :''so ~3 ~ y~ ~ ' > i i crxun I I ~ ,°a w~~ e ~a ss \ ~e~ a ~x zi ~ m v , VICINI R MAP ~+.~c~ iet N ~yy~~ ' nM -./Yn9 - _ _ r.. - /r'w ~~~l ~~r ri~,~,«~'°r i i a e~ ss ~ ~ ~ .oi •.x, _ a.~°V. .eswsmi j~~ o ~~s~rxi~ ~ ~ Tj'/~~ ' ~ 'y / ~ / 2 ~~.~or...s~nv.o~ . g~•.",~~` \\\\`\~C~\~ /~~;oioi~~/ ~ i ~ '~a i _ _e~ . s~u ~b d~ ~ - j >i ° i ~.u .:a a.MPy.~p.~ ~ ~ / ~b.6fi1 SF ~ ~ ' +w*a..~~w~a~[~~n„iwi ~T ~c' % .f5o1o ~ 18 I . ~ u~ 3) ~ A~M AREA~ ] ~ w \ 13.~5 { a , ~ . - I I / / Cyo ~'AScMENTi l ~ : i'~50. ~ I ~ . / . Q ~ Si~ ~ ~ _ ~ P~W°~ u~ .11 ~ - ~ . _o~ i0 ~y~v+ ~rm^rt' I .oi 33 _a~ ]o Wt b . la! / ~ / ~ ~ ~ . ~ i i r j 5~?e adPa~99~B9. P9 i9t0 / E I~~ / / ~ Nf W t . / ~9 ~ ~ I . - 5~^~ 0!~~~t el SJR- ~ w oRA~ e~ / "66 ~ i086] Y/0.]NB AC . a~ \ '[J I / / ~ 6o MISTOfiG BuLL~~ T 8.3]2 ff ~ ~ I . 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BLOCK B - ~ c 411.05' C2 u 500'OB'31 "W 373.7?~• -~m••~ 6 a30] .aa nucr i. ac 502'28'29"_ MM N A A 1 ~ cD'MARD A. ~ROW SURVEY, ABSntAC~ .NO. 301 qtt OF COPPELL OALLAS CDUNTY, TE%A$ PqNT OF 1 ~rs~ u qpN pEpiunox t 9 766 SF Q~H BGINNING t3.099Y/O.J00)>C.I -1 _ - _ _ - - _ _ _ - MBfi rK DBn ME WIUES Bul0ER5 1L SC~NNOLLTOMp 1EZ15 ]500) 300 - 9R-3~3-~n0 K~~LECK k~~S$OCIAiES ~ t'+nr a~-o~ ~,a ~u ~e . a~asc~rxnFlCwnon am~R•soFnicnnan surtverorts c~ncicare NTEREIS. iMBGP INC. OBa Tt1E YOLAIES BUILOE{25. is ine wniar W a vaa of IaW'epuwE ~n nOW. TXEREFORE. qiOW ALL MEN BY THFSE PRESENfS Ms EEwWU A Gw SuveY. PGNact W. ]Ot. (hY al CooM~. Dab~ WnM1. Tao4 srE hm Gn9 ' KNOW hLL MEN BY TNESE PitE5ENT5: all af a aa¢ ef iaq mmaYm ro OW A IMfaYUm W beE nwtlen m(',wmY CMrt le~me~ W. Thet. TIBGP. iNC. D8C THE IIOLMES BUILOER3, is tM wnr af iM Mrwn MvEaE prvpwry. 2[1090002138t. OeeE RamNS o! Da1ei CdntY. imus aM .vid traG a1 lab Ev9 EsuWetl u Oou tiaeEY ~G~ Ltle P~ 4~TStl^9 Ae he~sn UemaM WW~*H as REO W1WIC n sEdtlan ro TIIAT. I. l LYNN KA~LECK a RaqeMW MvfwoonY tvE SwaW in Ne Sfab W Tuat, ao Vro d1Y d CaPPd. OeYU CGnry. Tmus aM eor ~ BEGINNINGNafanE%SvMironrvOxiTaC~aGlaamnsatMemNm~wafaMMd amY4atiola.~inft~id~.bMP~lic~ ~ ~yow111uwW~tltluO~homansWalmE»9~s~vMYM1M1sntl:sdiM ra«. m. ~e.e .~a .~eys a,c.n n.am.ln. wen.wm sem n>.on a. riwesv ~x..aa a W.y mnw tin s m. me.s.rsm a om iwa~..a u~. a a.mei seea awo p ss aa ~w aw+v~ ~oo~ ~maiuw. rn. uwn ~a ns ian. aes.me~e sm ee ow~ m me a+n`c roa .m oouce ~ q n.~.m ..e a.a aneror w~.e ~„e.. ~n a.~m~+ wow~n m a~e.a4 wun m. w r s a oewn raa Raaa iao aa rqK aww~k ults 9sbaqo aq MEiN mlemm e9eitles, mE N V~~ ana P~~e iNfies frc P~k ~Mes. . a~.miq ~vi.s vn ~ww~ ~ m. c"N accww. rws. ~~~mn.~apm~qmmeuwv~arniw~.w w~«etlwnesw~~a ~ on~msm._mra .mos. T1IENCE 5]8'1sLS w, wlh Me nartlwvn ~i~ro af eeVM Sawd Roa6 a amnm af s18a1 ~e~t ro wrnr. No euieYgs. ~enus. reec. srubs s ana Invrwamnls v 9~'hs aal b• cmmucae~. a15184itl1imim0~wtl~aW6CO0~'! KeWrJCRPlS/3852'!afimM.aYtlP~~ rem~IDUC1eUVPU~W~.wraaco~lM~6K5Mxn.3eitlawmeN8DS~9~dm'Y OMq tle aautlinY mrM/ a18bG A d Sharox RMp! E#N4 FW Imam~tt Paqat u~a:wtlM errvlE M yy m~Mtl uw e~p ecmmmopL4m ot eY in Vduns B8t88. PeP 1920. DeeE RemNS d DvYU CauMy. Teas: mne. PL and anY WOXC W W'/ 9uN heva Ne utl1EU uanB a EwYig m uae Oia ~ IVNN W10lECK Wd^94 tarcez, veec siMa a aM ImWOwmsrts u A~TS ~MCi In nY `+'aY ~^9s r ,v Tl1EMCE N 2t°JBY' W. EepvEM Me nalttN~at Wn af BMMI Stl~od Rotl vq Me uC 6ne d iMdfse xM Ve canaNdm. miMl~MCe n~rt b mmae ab kR rYnwaO el rc W~ at a~Y Rq~~ve0 Pralufonal Lan05uvyvNO. ]852 dluNlty U ~K leepeCeve nqM a Ingle6 a qess ~o u~0 9aG A ot S~eeow RiOpe Evam. F Invanert RW~K W~9 rt a oYW Ciarv d t6~.01 a kwn sW Wm Ne saE easman~ IQ Ta G~se d caiswctl^9. reoonsvuMq. inAStlb~9. STATE OF TFXAS j be11M foW~ela mn~v ol Lq S2. 3bG A af SI~aOVw Rqqs E4eba. =~Y ImanvX ss tsmN~O in V WnM B{110. Pap~ 6113, peeE Rsm~W q palles CpAy. Tema. m~Mnng In all a Oi~bw d m~~q ~d m a rtmatg e1 a psR o( Ih ieqedw ryAans wTaut Tc COUNN OF Cd1JN ~ t94.T1 few m a(a~E'h ~ wn rad v:N a Wevtle aV ror a mewr. ^~%ti'/ et artY tlme d WaamrS E~a pemmm d+nY~e.1~M' Wb~k uYM MY Mw rtw ngrt d inTM1~ enE egess N qrvele P~^V^M 1v Ne WP~ al 2e9n0 meMS aM am/ msnl~Y~oe Y BEFORE NE M u~MMa9~b, a NarY HW1c m eM M 1M Slab d Tam. m Tu OaY W~Y 'HENCE. V~e fibw~q wueea xW Efsfnus wnh me eaa iiro W saq Bbd A d Sliww Rltlpe aavice nP+~ a aUimiY O~~ed M me uMYI. ~W ~~p b m~ Nn M ewlsC ma vme fa tM Nmaea aq ~m~ EWIe~. F ItveinaR WdQ mri mM wemsvnr esamsio 9m1 Nm ~ndu0e eEUFmd aaa W'xaFn9 mxe tar Menn e~ema ~ ~uClm rq rMmlawio W iM1e s}20na qUE1tnW eenmen~ >es Is tlro Cpnsl~ b - r~ oe~sais• w, a amanm m ias.~ ~.w ro a ralm h ina ~mn roe..:m a d.sK m~• ~~munewi aa mensiw..~s a memdec weno,rts. nre mvmm. ~a s.~m ra w.srwer GIVEN UN~ER MV iUNO ANO SEPL OF JFFIGE tl'is tln _~ey ai , 2t . W^~ aarvicn han IM mev~ ro M avE rc Pewmanl tlro. sM EswxNtlan d wdl eUOiM1mtl ww~s~6 - n.sn qremee vw e. awMnnao oy Ar ~rzem as ~mo~ea - r~orsi~a•E.a~smnoaisi.aaroxma~wmK~na~m~roa..maqewcmnrora ~ mK wti mm~a 9,aee ro w w.~s ~.M.•. wes. ,.y~i.em: ma a me ciry a ~~'-ooor. rmma. ~w+n wtic seo w 1.~ . n3vw~irw.aa~a.~emza3.asrw~ia.~ana~~~~~n~m.;moW~+cuoror. • , mm.r, =_xaoieo w me _ e.v a , mos . hB ~ naow~zrw.amnnoa~s~wr.vmarwiaY,im~nairaawnad.wcoc~ara ar.rhBt(~,~nc.oanillElau~eseu~oEas . . ' ~ - NOp`M'M'~a0va~od]N.BBieslbatavqX~intlihannEr.MedtaECCyltta ~ . - S in Ew swl~ kr R a 15 bot NMV ^C~ ot'+aY as anoxn m Me ma0 d Bbrk a al terty Mmnn . 'Nynnpqe AG6tlm as mmm~0 in Vtlume 9N01, ?ape 2952 OwE RemrW of DaW~ AECOMNENpFD FpR APPROVAL :wntY. Tase, sr0 Part ben9 tlr rialMaat raml d ar0 Bba A d Slwtlwv Rkq~ . ' ~adb~.Fntlmrnen[ , ~ STATEOFtEXAS , - COUNTY OF 0.4LLP6 ; THENCE. N 89'Zl'11" xM iM mutlf Iero at iM vid MeY ~9M Of waY. Gase~q al a NAYV'e W CNmmat Plnmp 6 Zonmp GMM~wn ~ Y1~i ~ sn.az +e.t ms aaum..m m~w a ~rn i, ~ n a w~.waw aav <ndmn u ixvn.o ~ 9EFORE ME, tlx uiM>agna0 eunartY in m0 b Pie Sisa af Tenc m Nk aN Pa~dV =M1Y al CWPM. Tm~ . Vaun~ 2WZM~. PW~ t01. daE RamNn d D~INS CunM. i aoa. PtavnO x e mvr~o afTR.3t aoM~~ Tmy MoYnac Xdmes BulErs, mwm ro ms to ea tlro 4>+~ w~aw iwme s APP~'b sq ~ ~PInW: ~a foun0 X u l~ von mtl x+V~ a W~ec o0 at tM wiN~K mrna of viC Ld t. Bbdc n aM tle wCwMaE b Pe ~aM~9 msaumenf mC eclmw~aE9m m me fie[ M maane0 As ama br Ew IM af Demm~ TaF mM I~~R~O ham e tt0 bot ro a 100 taoc nqM of wb a IM1S Ioolonl, pupoma er~e cvrOSllm Trxi e~evtl ra In t~e uro M Nerein awen. ~wn n a~ a a.unre a'reza~ raa ro. aum ;s :xn w~ ~va wan . wmc w mr. c«r.r ~ " aa tM "d li~w Mw^ T°p a°a CaIVEN UNOER MY h1AND A1m SFAL OF OFFICE Tu _ EeY oI . ZWB. Ctty d Cwp~tl. T~W ' ~ dAppmvai ! THENLE Ae ttlbnln9 d~~ ~ 1~e xvt Ne M Ds~tm Tep RmC: TM ~YpnU,1M CYy SwY~9 q tln Clly of CoppYl. Twt MMy urtlfiu pp( qy Iq~ypyp NafM' Pub1c iM~ W Tws MW W~1 d R~0 MwMt an mNtlm b tlr GN et CoPDW w avmm~a m ne CtlY Ca~nd m iM _ ~ 5 00°OB'~1' W. e ~INnd ol 3]3.]8 ~eet to a ~oisiE'S inM i~m rcC wt~ a qefM cap N M aY IN 2~OY ;a~ tlw Cancl. Cy MmY wlm. V~r~ rp iMn awptl iM MEiupm a9~9 IN s ten9uil oine to EM IM wM a mnVal enW al 02]TOP. a reEMK d N iM svW, atlsY+. G~. wwMM. W Wlc 0~, sN.wRw antl fwx IMt, rt al~own ad ew (aVl n an0 ~9~ 8rC WR an0 WE Caurr3 fiaVls a~INanaO tlN N~Ya b rtN Cw eWpWv 5.:'l9.58 bat a morE EesMS d S ~t^A59' E antl e tl~ora Elmnce d 14193 h~t - uw~af h' ~^OM ~um~ a~ 1~ram,eaw eWaviMG - SaMrYSly. alonp a0 awa. an rc tllaano d 263.95 feec to e Mne X i~wi kon ra0 ~MTNESS MV N~N~. W~ me _WY N . AOB wpn. q.euc cep az ma pmt a anqw~cr ~ s oru•as E. e ahanu a a~ to5 tee~ ~o a w~w :S Im]~ iran rm rIm a p~mc c.p ar e cam~. .viE G~~ Na noM cans d iM eEave w0 nqlll al weY mnw tl4 en0 ~q V~ ~Y ~wY oa.y m. e.gnmq d a na.unp.n au.~. m na ~qm wim a came spr a iivrtr, e Fl.ooo Puin rqrE ~aau. d ao.ao iaa . man eaemis ds ar3rm•w em . msa esonce a 5 is nsc Tiw aqC pioprly Ilp wptin OTMER qREAS - ZANE X-M~s p~xrmmM b b auMe 500.yw. TiENCE 3aNweqsM. wX~ tlro srC ~p M wM cam~ tliP anE elm9 M srE om. en x Olatxo af 6.1T 1M to iM Pvit d Bynnng nE ConMYg ]25,%1 spYre bel a~ 16.fiBfi5 ecAS . ~a0~~ n a~vw~ a~ IM Nalbn~ FboE Ineuaio Pmpam. Floop Iminnu xm MR (FlRY) br aIME. S4VE AN~ IXCEPT Ma ttlownp Cesvpea pM ot IenE: ~1i1LITY COMGANY RECEIP~ 4GKNGNLEDGEMENT. ~~h. T~~as an0ltmpw~M Atit, PsnM 155 of ]25. Mp NunOr bt t~C0155 y m~p. mnM RuP~31.2001 as P~~~ M IM flx~1 EmMM Y M~n~Wnmt FPZY (FOA~7. BEING a t0.e65 apuve M~ a e O.R~tB aaa asct M lem 9uebG 'n iM cEwem A. ?oY 9uvey. ~NCOR cLOOpPUiH pRDiNqNLE tqTE 4GCtfct No. ]Ot. Gly ot CappY. DtlNS CwMy, Tem[, aq P~ct Mng YI M e dltl 0]~5 sc~ veG d Nm cmr^a0 to Wsmc &Naz Cemtvy .namoetlm py a~E rsmrE~E N Vtl~ne %D~, qTMpS ENERGY~ ?W> )8I1. Oe~C RamNS d Oe1a~ Cau~RY. iaLC aM aN bett M teM Eem9 aeeaYUW x ftlbwi . Rooaplrn MvwoP~Mt Pvn~M1 Mq~Om No. _ Mt Own NW wM M C~Y W ~oWM~ FboOOlrn Ia nCmnitYmm 3009. TIME WMNER. CAMNENQNG a~ e IdnE A IM van ~op wiT a puiCC cp M M r~orTae~t came~ ot Lol 20. 91oQ A ol9ieaov RWpp esOtw, rl'Y Inawn~t ea reGapep n vohms B~1t0. Peq~ 51~3. DwE VERIZON: ~~~~~n1e~y ~r Ra[aas rl OYe ~umry. Te~: iheice. 5 OWa~M'IW. e dLnn d SU.00 M m~ 0~ ~vr TMnm, 5 89°1515 E e Namnce W{232 ler ro a pon[ Thsim. S~B'6'S9" E. e Eial~.r ~ of 218.i3 faw b M Pmt ol Bqmnq at4u ~sen nefoqeC e'ec[ d Isq: TMENCE 5 Pt`Z2'26' a tlsMn d 1T 61 teM b a f~I 51B InT ~irtn Mt~ a planlc cp sYmpeU t KWrx RPlS q86T M e cvnr. iHENCE 5 ffi'OSOt' W, a Avence a fiD.pO Mtm e at 5l6 nm em wM e piptic mp eWnpeU Z. SHEEi 2 OF 2 KeWtl~ RPLS KlB32'trc e comr. TlIENCE N UI•19'7/' W. e deOnm W 118.~9 feal W a sM 39 ndf vm vT a qamc mp ~npe0 LKeWGRPl5~52'bemnr. PREUMINARY P!AT TFENCEN85°a8'lT'EaBMnof59.8lfewtotlrPVedBeguvwiganECaner+ngl~.6B5 RED HAWK sww~.waa.zuas~.wM~va~a.r«a~~s.us:a.rerew«~a.umwe. LOlS 1-28. BLOCK A dt . L075 1-28, BLOqC B • i6.a20) ~qlE ~PnCT ~i ME EDWARO A. CROW SURVEY, ABSTFZACT N0. }OY ~ Citt OF COPPELL DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS 9YRfE@ mecr. ~~c oen ra~auics euxttes ~ e +~c.wu+ra oart. sxi[ zao cwa ~rw. i x ~~soo~ KA~aLEp( k^'~SSOCIATE$ A~:,~:,~~.~.,,. m,~,.