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I ~ I ~I I" I~ · I ~ Ill'i g I",., 10 (1)1 I~ I~ ~ I I~ I~ ~ I I ~ PORTION OF I~ ~ I I ~ CDI GATEWAY: LTD. 18 I , g v: 20055109, P. 11570 I <I) ~ I I <I) I J I 1 I I I ~ '-..... o.~# , I liS ~ .............. v"<. , d . 1 ,~ ~ ~ i!" ~', ~'), c I eJcO~ '..J'<# ........ ~/':) ~~ 1 ~!"')Q ""'-- \!~~J I 2.067 1 cx~~ ~ 1 ~Cl:Cl: .............. I A eRE S ~~ " 6';;""'" I ~ -lR '....:-........ ~ ~ "i~ \, I S!~;J -~ ......... "" ~ ~ I ~ 's U' .~'\ , '6's(? '<:6 -.\. " J I ....... ,,~6';># ~ ''''% -'?..p~ ~ ~ I , {' , "~~~~ I~."r.~ " .. 1 ' '0#" , ' , I'......... IV' -,,~- cfo ."'J" ~ I ~ ~ , ~'b ,o~a ....... <0-" I ~ 6'$' ~~ .(".... I I/J c:s <::5 , ~ ~~ ' I' k ~ ~ " " b..J'-;-'" ....).v;. t. /" 1/ !\' '.ri -'1 '~~J.'~ '.....[ t .9~~ ~ ~ "'I: l .............. "<'3;.......: 4'AA'~"" /" <f I ~ ~ ",,"" I , """ te~~ ;, ~<~~~ " ~ 8<9..9;#, ..\ 6""},A"".e'",, / ~ I '" d!. "" , .....~,o. ,.":,, t)~ . ~ '....., " " ...... ~f_ ~ /__ _ ,_ , ~........ ~'V, ";~IO.A' 'tf:" ~ ~" S 89'4T4.0'"c 51..3S'1 , ,~.# t).-({~'~ I' "(;) '" I . " <0# ~ r....{>-1.({;;S , " ~ __ / ~ ~t.."" PUBUC WTR. ESMT. J ~ -.....k ..?~Ul}- ~, ' , .............. L;27.86''/ ,e' ""....g ~L N 89'47'40"W 51.51' ~ ~,~ ~, 1 " " ~ R= .3000' / ,9./" -----,--,-. ~~~~-11.~ 1',. ....... , ~. ~:/ /' ~ "" " ........ <cS!':..J " .... , · A':/ "" /', "'1 A~ ~~~ 'I, ',', 6"~/ ",,"" ",,"" I ~ '" 8. ~ ., , , s;/ /' ....... ~o09' "i', ',', L=2.3.21' """",,,,/' ",,"" _\~o~ 0,1 ~ ' ...... ' ..... '..... '...... R== 25.00' /'" "" -" IJ n ~". ~ .," ", "---- "" ",," '\ v~\I ~~'() ,....... ,,,,, "" .la' ',....... '.........."" "" , ....... "" , , "" " "" " "" " "" ,\f\', "" " ~., "" ,,~~. '.........."" ~~ \.~ \P \~.~ Vicinity Map - Not to Scale Dallas Mapsco Page lA-J Utility 4 .. & 9)' ~ ~ ..~ ~ o ~ ~ '-..... ~ ..... , ~ "" ~ " 7045839.48100 2429471.35300 ~ ....... , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ~ , , POINT OF BEGINNING ............... , ....... ~ , , ~ , , ~ ....... , ~ , , ~ , , ~ Notes: According to the U.s. Deporlment of Housing and Urban D~velopment FBderal Insurance AdmInistration F700d Insuranc~ Rat~ map Community Pan~1 Number 481 1JC 0155 J EfffJCtlv~ August 23, 2001 this property do~s not II~ within a 100 year flood hazard artK1. ~rings co"slated to th~ North Central T~xas G.P.S. network. 1/2. Irons set at all corn~rs unless otherwise notBd. Private drainage easement Is to be malntalnBd by the property owners. An ownsr's agreement for malnt~nancs of privat~ drainag~. privat~ water, pavement and landscapIng Is required. All off-sits easemsnts shall be recorded by seperate instrument at the time of this plat recordation. eTEVEN5 ~LRND Sr!.. VI1YIND 7. B WEATHERFORD HWY. ."", WORTH. 7EX4S 76116 (817) 696-9776 (817) 696-9780 FAX SCALE: ,. = 30' 30 -1 FEET 60 - 90 1 30 0 ~- GRAPHIC SCALE I 1 1 I I I II S 6404S'05"E / 4 SO' I 30' FIRE lANE de ./ "...... 2 ..:.- -' _ _ _ _ _[MIJ!...UAL_A'3:.ESS ~~E~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __" i S 89'48'48"W 126.96' I 1 1 I \ \ \ "- ....... N 89056'23"E 249.73' I I I 1 , I 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I I I , I --r 1 I CAPPED .SURVCON. 17/2' IRON FOUND I. ~ I~ ~ I ~ N 89'48'48Mc (() 6.66' L-"" L= 7.57' ;: ~ ./,,-- R= 20.00'1 ~~~~ / I~~c:i~" IL=47.16' la~r--:'.~ I R= .30.00' ~ OS ~ ~ - I 1 Cl: Cl: Cl: Cl: f IS~~g~ ISO)~~~ '" 0) I ~ssss 1 l---J , I , I r-- I I . I ~I ~ ~I ~ ~ ~ B ~ ?<7 ~.l>A -q~~ ('~h./~ ~o.JI:'~q~ "- co~ '4}> ~ ,o-f~~ ~ , 1 . . 1 ~: ~I ~I~ ~:~ ~~~ ~I~ ~: 1 . . I . I 1 7045467.30300 2430262.51100 , ~ , , ~ I , , ~ , , ~ , , ~ , , ~ , , ~ (,) fO o CD N ~ N .qe to ,-..4 o o 00 1-1 I I 1 --1 S 89044'31 "w 0.22' , , ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ (,) ~I ~::t: '-'0 ~~ ~~ ~'- ~ , ~\\\\""""""" ~,,\~~ \<.. JENlVt ~II~;; ~~,~~..:&y. Pli...~G& ~ ~ ~" ..t'\.\f\" ~{,.. ~ ~ .~'V*'O.. ~ .~ :.. e. ~ ~ . . ~ ~ . . ~ .: . . ..... :; : : = -:; .. ,,,," ~ .. ~ .., . -/A')-p.. ~- . _ ~ .. "'~t: OF1~' .. ~ .~ ...fXPIR~~... ...~ .~ ....... ~' ~IIII. 2'19.20'~ ~",,, ~11""mm\\\\\' , "............. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS CITY OF COPPELL 2.067 acres 01 land situated in the CLARINDA SQUIRES SURVEY, Abst. No. 1682, and the WILLIAM T. HYDER SURVEY, Abst. No. 1793, Dallas County, Texas, being a portion 01 that certain tract 01 land conveyed to CDI Gateway, LTD., by deed recorded in Volume 2006109, Page 11670, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, said 2.067 acre 01 land being more particularly described, as lollows: BEGINNING at a 1/2" iron set in the north line 01 State Highway No. 121 (r.o.w. varies), in the southerly line 01 said CDI Gateway, LTD. tract, 604.20 leet from its most westerly southwest corner,' THENCE North 24 degrees 49 minutes 63 seconds East, 239.00 leet to a 1/2" iron set; THENCE South 64 degrees 43 minutes 06 seconds East, 14.30 leet to a 1/2" iron set; THENCE North 89 degrees 66 minutes 23 seconds East, 249.73 leet to a 1/2" iron set in the west line 01 Denton Tap Road (r.o.w. varies), in the east line 01 said CDI Gateway, LTD. tract, 696.23 leet from its northeast cermer; THENCE South 00 degrees 15 minutes 42 seconds East, along the common line 01 said CDI Gateway, Ltd. and Denton Tap Road, 260.69 leet to a 1/2" iron set; THENCE South 89 degrees 44 minutes 31 seconds West, continuing along said CDI Gateway, LTD. and Denton Tap Road 0.22 leet to a 1/2" iron set; THENCE South 61 degrees 44 minutes 41 seconds West, 134.96 leet to a 1/2" iron lound,' THENCE North 66 degrees 09 minutes 04 seconds West lor a distance 01 270. 13 leet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 2.067 acres 01 land. NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That, BDC .'family Limited Partnership; Bobby and Leona Cox, LLC, General Partner does hereby adopt this plat designating the herein described property as NORTH GATEWAY PLAZA, Lot, 6, Block A, an addition to the City 01 Coppell, in lee simple, to the public 'USe lorever the streets shown thereon. The easements shown thereon are hereby reserved lor the purposes indicated. The utility and fire lane easements shall be open to the public, /ire and police units, garbage and rubbish collection agencies, and all public and private utilities lor each particrular 'USe. The maintenance 01 paving on the utility and fire lane easements is the responsibility 01 the pToperty owner. No buildings, lences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growths shall be constructed. reconstructed or placed upon, over or across the easements shown. Said easements being hereby reserved lor the mutual 'USe and accommodation 01 all public utilities using or desiring to 'USe same. All and any public utility shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or parts 01 any buildings, lences, trees, shrubs, or any other improvements or growths which in any way endanger or interlere with the construction, maintenance or elficiency 01 its respective right or ingress or egress to or from and upon the said easement lor the purpose 01 constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining and adding to or removing all 01 parts 01 its respective systems without the necessity at any time 01 procuring the permission 01 anyone. (Any public utility shall have the right to ingress or egress to private property lor the purpose 01 reading meters and any maintenance 01 service required or ordinarily perlormed by the utility). Water main and waste water easements shall also include additional areas 01 working space lor construction and maintenance lor the systems. Additional easement area is also conveyed lor installation and maintenance 01 manholes, cleanouts, fire hydrants, water services and waste water services from the main to the curb or paveme'1lt line, and description 01 S'Uch additional easement herein granted shall be determined by their location as installed. This plat approved S'Ubject to all platting ordinances, rules, regulations, and resolutions 01 the City 01 Coppell, Texas. ~ J u..\~ I Witness, my hand this the _~'::1__ day 01, 2009. BDC Family Limited Partnership ::~: an~~~~?_!1;;i~ PartMr Bobby ~~-~bl/1' M..e~~.e.r ------------------------- Title STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFB..flE ME, the 'Undersigned, a Nota'!1lJ~~~~ ln .~ lor the State 01 Texas, on this day personally appeared .a.Q..\!.~~~_______, 0/..!P~..!. k__!!..n!-.I~' known to me to be the person and officer whose name is S'Ubs6ribecl to the loregoing instrume t and acknowledged to me that he executed the same lor the purposes and considerations therein expressed, and in the cap!JCitll L therein stated. J ( . . :~~fJ::~12?k:E:::;:_~~~he ----~~----. day oJ. ---~~-----. 2009. Notary Public in ana lor -~tat;o:;~Tit"as Floodplain Development Permit Application No. .rt./L-- has been filed with the City 01 Coppell Iloodplain a.dministra:;p 0;; __________, 2009. FIo~d.;i_;.in~tr~~1=-----:z.~~-=~-- Conformed COpy Official PubliC Records John F Warren, County Clerk Dallas County, TEXAS 08/10/2009 03 18:02 PM $33 00 Approved. and Accepted.: 1 ------~~-_----Jlt.1 ~_ J/ayor ate City 01 Cell, Te:z:as 200900228162 11 cJ. The undersigned, the City Secretary 01 the City 01 Coppell, Texas, hereby certifies that the loregoing plat 01 NORTH GATEWAY ~44PA, Lot 6, B~A.. a Addition to the City 01 Coppell was S'Ubmitted to the City Council on the -JA~ day 01 _, 2009, and the Council, by lormal action, then and there accepted the dedication 01 streets, leys, parks, easements, public places, and water and sewer lines, as shown and set lorth in and upon said plat, and said Council further authorized the mayor to note the acceptance thereol by signing~. name hereinabove S'Ubscribed. this .6.~ day 01, A.D. 2 . . ~- KNOW AIL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: ANDRE:W E. STEVENS RfGlSTERED PROFE:SSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR TEXAS REGItTRAOON NO. 5396 JANUARY 28. 2009 Final Plat NORTH GATEWAY PLAZA Lot 5, Block A, being 2.067 acres out of the CLARINDA SQUIRES SURVEY, Abst. No. 1327, and the, WILLIAM T. HYDER SURVEY, G)DENYSEautNTANUA A.bst. No. 1793, .~ ~~~ C'f,ty of Coppell, ~ ~~s allas County, Texas. BEFORE ME, the undersigne~ a Notary Public in and lor the State 01 Texas on this c:r, persoml~ wzeared 8~~_f:..:...:f~~______, of-~;...-.(.lA~~~~_, known to me to be the person and olficer whose name is subscribed to the loregoing instrument and accnowledged to me that he executed the same lor the purposes and clJnsiderations therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. GrJXrf!!.~_~_~fa:'o~ ~t.J~-~~~~. t~-tgo~~ ~~';-s~e-Ol Teza;---- 090002-2AC-PLAT GH/iF 090002-2AC BATCH FILE 090002.CRD