PP attached to CC Packet 1208090 1 40 SCALE: 1" 40' 80 feet 0 WNER'S CER TIFICA TE VICINITY MAP nts /Cob Canyon) Sandy Lake Road b r()5s Drive c 32 Mir N 89'32'39" E 337.25' 7.497 ace rer-icirider TF 7ERPRIS ES, LT/ cciied 5.869 acre /of. 2005005, Pg. 04120 c TE-x,4),7 cc:1A TY OT Aihr TFW ENTERPRISES, LTD. 5 b e owner Y 00 4 acre tract of /chic'. cituated in the 5.E.3.E. RR. Survey, Abstract No. 1772, 2.1 of Coppel, Dolios Cou'nty, Texas, and being par t tha' odea 5.869 acre tract of icnd conveyed to T FW ENTERPR,': LTD. by deed recorded in VOlurre 2005005, Paae 04120, Deed Rse corcL, sl'i Texas (E.R.D.C. and port of that ca0ed 0.67,s3 acre Tract f% conveyed to TOW ENTERPRISES, LTD by aeea recorded in Vc'0r ;:CO502 9, Page 077C8, D.R.D.C. 7., oho being more part:culariy deserted 'J5 f0i!ONS: BEGINNING o 0 72 inch !'r rod OrC c cap stamped "P/BLIRN PARTNERS" set for corner n the or th right-of-way ilne of Coppe Roca (60' pub'ic rignt-dt- way); said pont be) North 892'39" East °Iona sa,'d r/ht-of-way 'ine, a distance of 337.25 feet frorn the south end of the cut-off line etween the sou::necst rich t-cf- way line 7 Highway 127 (vor;able idh pubic right-of- anC sc;ci north right-of-way !tne 7 Coppeli Roca; Ti--)ENCE. North 00 '28" West, departing sa,d right- of- wcy line of Copoel Rood, a cstance of 779.92 feet to 0 7/2 f)ici iron rod with orange plastic cop stomped' "P!BURN P AR. TNER.f." 5 t for corner, ThENC,'E North 53 Eost a distance of 32/28 feet 7 o /2 :hch iron roa w.th orange plastic cap stamped "PfEi_JRN PARTNERs" corner H the north irie of said Tract onc th,€) south line Of c tract 7 'ono can/eyed to Whaley rene Trostee eta( by deed recorded Vo!urre 200507?, Page 06 THENCE Scutt' 69° East, aiond the south e cf sad vVhaiey) trene Trustee eta/ tract, a distance of 363.25 feet to 0 ,/7 inch ;rah roc with orange p'0 cop stamped "PiEuRN PARTNERS" set for the hortheast ca‘rnrer o' tne 7orerne1OeG Tract H; THENCE South 00°39'2 Nest, cionc the east 'ine c)f Tract c distance of .37.53 feet tc o /2 nch iron rod w:tr, orange pastia, cap 5t0rrped "PUN ..4P set for corner the north 'ine of that coNe,d OCZ acre Tract on 'eyed 0 TFW ENTERPRISES, L Tr). by the 0torementionea deed recorded in Voiume 2005C29, Page 07728: 7, --ENCE Not 892L '39" Nest, av_png sod north HE of said Tract c distance o 42. 79 feet to 3 /2 ;r rod with orange piosti/, cap stamped "P,SuRN PARTNERS" set fe,r (.70 T h'EV00 SOLith 0852'd6' East, c;ono the 'N: •'ine Oaia Troct i, bass+ng at o a:stance of 202.78 feet c ir 1r0 found for the west corner ot sa;rd TraC7 Oina continuing to! 0 total' distance Of 207.88 feet to o abL on r7 fouha for corer the otcre,nnenionea hortF- nrght 7 w ov of C F■ 7 South 8724 Nest, aiohg said naht-7- way 'line of Cappei! Road, c c cf 98.0 feet to c capped iron rod found at he beginHng of c curve tO the -ion t c/n o central Jr 02°0802”, o radius of 975.00 feet and c Coro which bears South 88 West 36.31 feet; Tr con tih:_,Hhg a.'ona w y ne 7 .copoeo Road .and along c,./rve o dr 7 36.0 /i feet to a copped [ron hound at the ern of 500 c,Jrve; r:---,ENcE South ‘,.,9°,32'34 weFt, cor c),c.ha sdc/ north rsgh, way 'ire at Ccopen oca, :distance- of 793.49 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING any J:c,r7t. 65, 982 sacre feet or 0.8104 acres of Jana, more c- z CN c) Oi 00 c 0 z POINT OF BEGINNING brass mon 0 tri TFW E N TERPR/SES, LTD. STATE OF TEXAS 0 r'CLA Tv (7 DAL' AS C L=32.35' 2X 3,764 S.F. S 38'13'03" S 3813'03" W-7.00' 'N 8932'39" E 69.33' 7 77 5 F.:(..il'arng :Detback 24 3,623 S.F. 105.01 23 3,677 S.F. 105.0r 22 3,679 S.F. N 8912'.W E 105.13' Bui/a Setback 24 a 4 4,674 S.F. 4 i 4 i bt bt 0 5' BLIddinc Eetboofr 95.21' F'Tc) e t f GTE SHARED SE i0ENTEF< !NST 20090074402 NNE SS, my hand oh th, the ov Nc'scr y U0iHC in ch d for t,h re NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN 8 0 TEST- P 4/ oc 20 L u eo) t 20' Drainage EIC.'Eeocen 1 6=164828" R=50.00 L=142.41' CH=S 8200'53" E LC=98.92' S 7318'52 E-11.50' 11=68'08'05" R=38.50' L=45.78' CH=N 17'42'54" W LC=43.13' 6=38'40'25" L=33. CH=N 7109'48" W LC=33.04' 7 .1, (11 c) c T co/EN under my hand On° sec/ c' otfice, th s the ooy of 0 CN 0 tri 0 70.00' 00 14.1 2 cC4 0 Moir tenarce Easement (60 pup c ricr Ncy:. 0 0 0 0 Lei Brazos Eiectr (.7.7)Oper 'fl 0. Easehr ert '10 9722, Rg. 23C N 8912'39'' E 118.24' N 28'50'22" W 25.10' 1 9 4,321 S.F. 115.37 18 17 4,199 S.F. 104.9r 16 3,675 S.F. 104.99 104.99' 14 3,675 S.F. 13 4,666 S.F. COPPELL ROAD 20 7,945 S.F. MIN. FF=468.(30 5' 5,,AOH.; Setbcc.< 104.99 NTF. Easement 7etO3ci, 94.99' 2(\ Vc S 89 W GP 3,775 S.F. 3.8104 (165,982 S N 891 E 104. 99' OM II e• 0 C_77 0) 0) /'H4/7Y r 7 TPF ETA 26050 -o, ,/r 1 C, Acres 9 675 uare Feet) 3, S.F TFW ENTER, RISES, LTD 8 15 vr 04190 3,675 sF d p 0. \Lot_ 1150 9, _g_07708 393.49' 87id:0/ SetooT.K That, TRW Et4TERRRISES, LTD., does hereby odo r tfr °es anat'fli, 7 "ere n above desor as WILLOW PARK. an odd/or. to the C,:ty of Coopeli. Texas and do ereoy cea)ccfe. I- fee r)ip s'r.Fre'rs easenHents shown thereon are hereby reserved fo' oses 7cao 7 a a 're 2 e :;pen f,re anci poiice units, garbage and rubbish ooi 7enc es or'C' or oao r tr. ece- ,ne rh .7;hte-c-ce of pa ving 00 tre Utiity and fi-e easement 's be eSOOnSib :r 07 tne property ;7;_. c,ncs, tehr.e.e. t- .7rie ihnpro vernents or growths sha be constr,ctea, reci,rstruec. c o'ace0 ,bc .3/Cr r 0. t easeme ta Erl; 3 ease-en fs pe Hereby reserved for the r use and accon-r cr' oubi c ut us des,ring 70 se 0 0 ory Eha'i hove the right to remove and keeo rehno /ea' a: or cr75 C‘ 'O te- subs cf. er or ar,):, whio' an/ way endanger or 7erfere N't the constr rna ntenchce, et=o'er 7 s syste-n. the ecse-ents, 0 ,._,tii;t:e shoo ot 01, times hove the right rgre,E3 Gra r7i D0 the 00 ease) 7. 0005ti reCOnStst ;fliSPeC7 Datrairng, O 00 7'7 0 '"e C,Cir'S r systern/: t' aoces s ;t y o t ony time of procurihg the perhnisFlon r".; 00/ 0ne ::ArL put sh7f; rave 's !at HareS: e7e55 70 r" °rope sty for the purpose of ecaing meters and cry ter ah,1:e Cr Eerv:ne cra nar .me, the Under 0L/00 ty, 0 Nc P107 rn 0 fOr SC (71 on0 0ta's.e, y 3 known to me LE 'he perso' cse harne s:,':.•ribed rc ihstrunner n ackno 1edged to me that h exec.,,tea e same he COCDOC here stated arc os tne OCt 0 0 deed 12 1 1 3,847 S.F. 10 4,208 S.F. 104.99 7 3,675 S.F. NOTE Because of the proximity of DEW Airport to Willow Park Subdivision, piurchasers of the lots are hereby notified that there may be occurrences of ambient aircraft noise due to aircraft over flights. r 4 9, 747 S.F. MIN. FF=468.00 N 89'32'39 E 99.26 5u 106.91 W/ 104.99 0 6 4 7 5 99 S;R N 892 10479g 7 BL.,, -CV cr) 6 4,666 S.• 94.99' +N 20' X 2C c r ten ere rce rc,:irerent EASE OQ OL000 ELiv,ATH.TN FE. .\.,!0 48 770 YR W55L 07 TF S 49'16'45 24.03' 0 tri 0 u-i 3X 19,087 S.F. 7 7 7 E CH=S (0 38.30' c' TEXAS COr"% T Y 0' OA 1 ,6=69'39'06" R=50.00' L=60.78' CH=N 34'22'12" LC=57./1' ('I 6=0208'02" R=975.00' L=36.31' CH=S 8828'37" W CL=36.31' j r.. Reg %a :553'9 L=32.21' a H.:Lserr en t R=50.00 L=91.8.3' 36'55'41" W LC=79.46' 0 tri 0) "4 (N2 ALL 7, -7" Es,z 3°: 2' 2E" A 6=84'32'34" R=38.50' L=64.14' CH=S 63'14'48" E E LC=56.98' -11.02' ■S‘ •e, 1/4.1%i L=4.10 L L/ /dry 1 Or 1 t e ri f Te o 7 4 ,00' rainage Lasemeht 3 4,517 S.1F. 126714' 2 1 5,197 S.F. E5 98.37' SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE RELEASED 11/20/09 FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY. 'THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE RECORDED FOR ANY PURF'OSE. ony °oo sea; 7 ?ffice, fh Ls the Coy Of ENGINEER EN LiNDSLE 706 0A0/4S, 7- „'.-704S 7',5223 2'4 32 r'e K iNAGE AN5 e 5 -(aci 4 6,223 S.F. r■ MIN. FF=468.00 L B,10fng Setbac< N 87'24'36 E 94.15 4,314 S.F. N 87'24 120745' o 0/ 7 5' tbock S 87'24'36" W 98.37' 7 3,5 S.F. o 132.04 fr) (i) 0 0 3 n r A S y f n e C 2C09. SURVEYOR N 8920'39" 43.79' 50' wide Brazos Powt., 'no. Easement Var. 96122, Pg. .34-01, R. Pil r.Herepy cer that r; Drepar€?d thr's ;Drat from c.nd occ,_.drate survey rtrre ch'irrie,r snov- thereon wee prc,per'y ooceo ur w:t. the phdtt;ng rL.'es ano reg,j'Otia'T c' thE? of Copr,eli me. s he -Jers[,-ghea out ');otory t 'n (:)7 fOr SCIC CO3 7 7: 8to7 an tr.s day Ot'7rS:ry 'OLTDea-ea i 70 me tc. t:): the person whose 70 The fi)reacing ,-str f. dna cc thct e exe):L:tea tie sorne to' YTh. co-Fideratons there•- exbressec cnc e cdpccity nere'n stated. a_,/PN A T*7 9535 0 08E8 0 LANE, 84. TE 229 [7iALL.43, TEXAS 1 004 7400: „JOHN r=; TT V/ EN' TEP 'Pr SE 3, coHie: 7. :03 o T YO!. 20055529, t=pg 233.48' C'ty Secret° ry 00°39'21" W 37.53' 158.00' 201.79' Recorpmenpled 117 HIJOn n ZO ersc AbbrJ'ieo Y of 1 ,Achninistratc Vii7nerES 7-77 hanC 0. NOTES NOVEMBER 20, 2009 oos :0 0h -oc v,/,t•ni orange tit rap 1 hn a "4f8 PAIRTN'EFr'S" Set fr3" carrier cHrf papc ,rcr 000 toLinsJ /2rf /2 ;nor ;ran "OC fc,nd brass r bross disk •-nonurhent 'n concrete BeCr;ny.5 GN!' r ore based the nortner!y r way line of FRoc'd oefinea cieed TFiN flterprses, Ltd., as recorded ./clurne 20C.;500', Page '':,4 the neec ecords as County, Tex05. portion 0,f tne pr,..,r4e7 proper W;thH an area of 1C0 Aced according t o Thood nsurcnce Rate Mop 00. 4 8 1 'ZCCL35 doted Auc,'L:!:5t 23, 200 Co, eiO3v0 nhown rereon er pro by otners. APPROVED AND ACCEPTED Verizon On cor clay ct Atmos Energy Time Warner The unde the (._,Ht :,e).7retcry :7)1= ,tne y 0/ C'opoe,', Texas, erfEO y cert :not the forego ;:ict 'NILI OW F-TzARK 0/ ti C:'); c 0. f fhe ty i the da Cf 000„1, h 1 act )n, oon ond there '7.7.7:e7e0 the dedi-ation of streets, c:leys, bdr eose-ents. CS" rj water ono sever irr as strovs arra !set fort Crra /000 511 D"ot, 0'rd 50,0 7 the M c yor note th e c, 0OOC cy srarri the norne as hereincL, be:J. 0.0 2009. PRELIMINARY PLA WILLOW PARK H /r t7: CITY OF COPPELL TLANNING ZONING DEPARTMEN' CITY OF COPPELL, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS REVISED NOV 3 u 2009 SHEET 1 OF 1 N