Landscape PlanII I1V Ill l�1 kp 1 1 1' 1 1 1 I 1 I1 1 4d 1h r I 'I Ill II '�I II II 1'� I i y I I IIII II II II BC BO CE CMR CMP CP DBH EP ERC IH LE LI LO RO SC VTX •A �V V", QUANTITY PLANT TYPE SYMBOL PLANT TYPE TREES BOTANICAL NAME Bald Cypress Bur Oak Cedar Elm Crepe Myrtle 'Red' Crepe Myrtle 'Pink' Chinese Pistache Dwarf Burford Holly East Palatka Holly Eastern Red Cedar Indian Hawthome Lacebark Elm Liriope Live Oak Red Oak 'Shumard' Seasonal Color Vitex Juniperus virginiana Lagerstroemia indica 'Red' Lagerstroemia indica 'Pink' Pistachia chinensis Quercus macrocarpa Quercus shumardii Quercus virginiana Taxodium distichum Ulmus crassifolia Ulmlus parvifolia Vitex agnes castes SHRUBS /GROUNDCOVER BOTANICAL NAME EXISTING PLANT LEGEND EXISTING PLANT LIST Ilex sp. 'East Paltka' Ilex cornuta 'Burfordii nana' Raphiolepsis indica 'Spring Rapture' Liriope muscari 'Big Blue' Cynodon dactylon �3A;:i /CN'NJ EXISTING LANDSCAPE COMMON NAME Eastern Red Cedar Crepe Myrtle 'Red' Crepe Myrtle 'Pink' Chinese Pistache Bur Oak Red Oak 'Shumard' Live Oak Bald Cypress Cedar Elm Lacebark Elm Vitex COMMON NAME t SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY. NIC IN THIS SCOPE East Palatka Holly 36 Dwarf Burford Holly 267 Indian Hawthome 57 Liriope Big Blue 5149 Common Bermudagrass Seasonal Color 727 QTY. SIZE REMARKS NOTE: ALL TREES TO HAVE STRAIGHT TRUNKS AND BE MATCHING WITHIN VARIETIES QTY. SIZE REMARKS 6' ht. 5 gal. 5 gal. 4" pots 4" pots IRFi NOTE: Plant list is an aid to bidders only. Contractor shall verify all quantities on plan. All heights and spreads are minimums. All plant material shall meet or exceed remarks as indicated. 3P ACES container, full to base container, full 24" o.c. container, full 36" o.c. container, full 10" o.c, hydromulch, refer to notes container, full 10" o.c. 161 7' ht. B &B, full to base 26 7' ht. B &B, 3 -5 cane, no cross caning 30 7' ht. B &B, 3 -5 cane, no cross caning 14 3" cal. B &B, 13' ht. 4' -5' spread min. 12 3" cal. B &B, 13' ht. 4' -5' spread min. 23 3" cal. B &B, 13' ht. 4' -5' spread min. 45 3" cal. B &B, 13' ht. 4' -5' spread min. 20 3" cal. B &B, 13' ht. 4' -5' spread min. 59 3" cal. B &B, 13' ht. 4' -5' spread min. 14 3" cal. B &B, 13' ht. 4' -5' spread min. 43 7' ht. B &B, 3 -5 cane, no cross caning 7 c CONCRETE PAVEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT EXISTING Larinscaee PA 24 SCE$ \I V I I12ISPACE6 F 12 SF AC 0 1 S E TT l)'T) ��T (J cyJ.p o l 4 4 wv i wv x� F� N u G 'P, -1 MAINTENANCE NOTES 1. The Owner, tenant and their agent, if any, shall be jointly and severally responsible for the maintenance of all landscape. 4. All plant material shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition as is appropriate for the season of the year. 6. Contractor shall provide separate bid proposal for one year's maintenance to begin after final acceptance. LANDSCAPE NOTES 1, Contractor shall verify all existing and proposed site elements and notify Architect of any discrepancies. Survey data of existing conditions was supplied by others. 2. Contractor shall locate all existing underground utilities and notify Architect of any conflicts. Contractor shall exercise caution when working in the vicinity of underground utilities. 3. All landscape areas shall be kept free of trash, litter, weeds and other such material or plants not part of this plan. 3. Contractor is responsible for obtaining all required landscape and irrigation permits. 4. Contractor to provide a minimum 2% slope away from all structures. 5. All planting beds and lawn areas to be separated by steel edging. No steel to be installed adjacent to sidewalks or curbs. 6. All landscape areas to be 100% irrigated with an underground automatic irrigation system and shall include rain and freeze sensors. 7. All lawn areas to be hydromulch Bermudagrass, unless otherwise noted on the drawings. 2. All landscape shall be maintained in a neat and orderly manner at all times. This shall include mowing, edging, pruning, fertilizing, watering, weeding and other such activities common to landscape maintenance. 5. All plant material which dies shall be replaced with plant material of equal or better value. 21 w EXISTING 00 W ONE -STORY CONCRETE BUILDING 240 DIVIDEND DRIVE 41 SPA CIF S l i CONCRETE PAVEMENT BRICK PAVESTONE 1•111•1101111111 Fn. L It CONCRETE PAVEMENT 2. Landscape plans shall be signed and sealed by a licensed Landscape Architect. 5. All landscape areas to be 100% irrigated with an automatic underground irrigation system. TRANSPLANT NOTES 1. Trees shall have ten (10 inches of rootball width for every one (1 inch caliper of tree. 2. Trees shall have one fourth (1/4) the height of the tree in rootball depth. COPPELL NOTES 1. Irrigation controller shall include a surge protection device, freeze detector and rain sensor. 3. Irrigation plans shall be signed and sealed by a licensed Irrigation Designer. 3. Trees shall be dug either by hand or by the use of a tree spade. Tree spade shall be a minimum of 60". 4. Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining all transplanted trees in the event they are unable to replant them immediately after digging. Contractor shall coordinate with other trades such that digging and replanting can occur simultaneously. 5. In the event transplanted trees have to be held on site, it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to maintain the trees in a healthy a,nd growing condition. 6. The following list shall be used as guidelines only for holding of trees on site: a. Trees shall be set on grade with the rootball completely covered with compost and mulch. No rootball shall be exposed. b. Trees shall be wired and staked such that they will not blow over. c. Trees shall be watered daily by hand or a temporary drip /trickle irrigation system installed. 7. Replanting trees shall follow the same planting techniques asoutllined in the Landscape Specifications. 4. Irrigation meter will require assessment by the City of Coppell Water Utilities, t JT1u" EAST 4E (PST. NO. 2 VER1 20N EASEI.IEN 0 20080004184 a Tamil CONCRETE PAVEMENT BRICK )(F PAVESTONE We, i�n�ro t: j. �YM� Il' i1�C.. 1111 11 ss� ,c; T_,N 0 ■Z_TJ4E 4917,111,1111100011 REFER`s}02 f LtO'1 FOR PARKING LOT ADDITION PLANTING 4eN ti� a r ,,�1; jI r, ;nom CONCRETE PAVEMENT BRICK PAVESTONE (TYP. 1i' RMOVE EX. LAWN EATS NEVIJNNTING BED, STEEL 1 1 EDGING BORDER 70 ;��A NAC;E AS�MEN (IN`,T N"2, 2D:7 )4453C)9) ;)NCC -L C)R1;' Ci_I ✓;qY CV''AV A M' "N T NC 200 /0 f i CLAN ASE v V N� NC_ 2;!J/0446(K.,3) "1, 7A ACCE SS ^•`E M� NT (I\� NC ?OJ7 T44F ^Q) EXISTING LANDSCAP 24 R; 1' FO' 7 WOW p 1' 'lh" 4 I I" .i 1 I I V 111 is 1 0 'O I■ �k g 0 00 w �p :e W /�pn tti A- 32 °C 410D JU 2713.3'.3 3) pOST(NG CHINES LOCATED. FRONT A. NDL• EAST FAD CEP 6' HT. ENLARGEMENT LANDSCAPE PLAN 10' BUILDING LINE s- PARKING SETBACK (VOL. 98008. PG. 11) P&∎ E ASi Mf N r ASEMEN' NT 2CC70C'454S) ACH -i BE 11, TRRE ATIONS TO BE ALONG ED T TIME OF INSTALLATION EASE Alf 9H008, To- su1ErnR I ME PARKING SETBACK VOL 98008, PG. 11) R 495.00' "81.., 72°313'.35" �l '!'D -1 80. 1 1 1 1 6/ED TO CON CR A TE PAVEMENT REFER TO 01 1 L1.02 FOR PARKING LOT ADDITION PLANTING -7/‘ A -04 °O '5`)„ i R 0 0 49 ").2 F r0`) DSCAPE PLAN i SCALE: 1" =80'-0" landscape architects, inc. 1708 N. Griffin Street Dallas, Texas 75202 Tel 214.871.0083 Fax 214.871.0545 Email smr @smr- la.com 1 1r 0o n Duke REALTY CORPORATION 14241 Dallas Parkway Suite 1000 Dallas, TX 75254 Phone: 972 361 -6700 Fax: 972) 361 -6800 0 0 Certified B CO 0 L1.01 Drawing Number: 0 0 c 0 U f1) 0 Duke Realty Job Number: A/E Job Number: co 0 0, co I. II Ili 11 1100 1 Of 2 Sheets