FP Filed w/County 013111NUMBER BEARING DISTANCE NUMBER BEARING DISTANCE 11 S 44'32'39" W 18.14' L21 N 5375'10" E 5.12' L2 S 8932'39" W 7.17' 122 N 7358'19" W 9.63' 13 S 0077'22' E 20.00' 123 5 73'58 E 6.00' 14 N 89'32'39" E 20.00' L24 N 38'41'45" E 5.96' 15 5 0077'22" E 7.17' 125 5 38'41'45" W 12.51' L6 S 4577'21" E 18.14' 126 5 2013'52" E 6.00' L7 5 0077 E 7,17' L27 N 201352 w 12.55' L8 S 8932'39" W 20.00' L28 S 73'44'36" W 12.55' 19 N 00'27'22" W 20.00' L29 5 73'44'36" W 6.00' L10 5 893239" W 7.17' L30 S 69'49'48" E 20.00' 111 5 44'32'39" W 18.14' 131 S 2010'12" w 26.49' 112 5 8932'39" W 7.17' L32 5 2013'52" E 11.50' 113 S 0077'21" E N 89'32'39' E 20.00' 20.00' L33 LJ4 N 20102" E 5 2010'12" W 25.06' 44.48' 114 115 S 0077'21" E S 4631'15" E 7.17' 18.47' L35 L36 S 69'49'48' E 5 2010'12" W 20.00' 47.95' 116 L17 5 0077'21" E 6.70' 137 N 87'24'36' E 105.51' 118 N 87'24'36" E 20.01' L38 S 08'52'46" W 5.10' L19 S 00'27'21" E 20.01' 139 5 87'24'36' W 98.37' 120 N 8724'36" E 5.39' 140 N 46'31'15" W _6.94' NUMBER DELTA RADIUS ARC BEARING CHORD C1 72'36'45" 62.50 79.21 N 19'35'52" W 74.01 C2 68'10'12" 56.00 66.63 N 17'44'36" W 62.77 C3 05'09'58" 50.00 4.51 S 66'36'46" W 4.51 C4 103'08 62.50 112.52 S 63'14'44' E 97.93 C5 94'59'38" 56.00 92.85 N 63'14'45" W 82.57 C6 21'44'56" 38.50 14.61 5 79'53'57" W 14.53 C7 30'34'12" 38.50 20.54 N 59'59'13" W 20.30 C8 05'09'58' 50.00 4.51 S 54'27'13" E 4.51 C9 05'09'58" 50.00 4.51 S 13'06'17" E 4.51 0 40 80 feet SCALE: 1" 40' STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS c 0 ,d) C3 (1)111; brass m OWNER'S CERTIFICATE VICI NIJY MAP N 89'32'39" E 337.25' 2.497 acre remainder TFW ENTERPRISES, LTD called 5.869 acre Vol. 2005005, Pg. 04120 POINT OF BEGINNING WHEREAS, HAAS ROSE AT LC)ST CREEK, LLC is the owner of a 3.8104 acre tract of land situated in the B.B.B. C. RR. Survey, Abstract No. 1772, City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, as recorded in Instrument No. 201000004179, Official Public Records, Dallas County, Texas, some being part of that calmed 5.869 acre tract of land conveyed to TFW ENTERPRISES, LTD. by deed recorded in Volume 2005005, Page 04120, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texcs (D.R.D.C.T.), and part of that called 0.676 acre Tract i1 conveyed to TFW ENTERPRISES, LTD. by deed recorded in Volume 20105029, Page 07708, D.R.D.C.T., and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2 inch iron rod with orange plastic cap stamped PIBURN PARTNERS set for corner in the north right -of -way line of (60' Coppell Road 60 ublic right-of-way); said point being N orth 89'32'39" East along said right-of-way line, o distance of 337.25 feet from p P 9 Y) P 9 9 9 Y the south end of the cut -olff line between the southeast right -of -way line of Highway 121 (variable width public right -of -way) sand said north right -of -way line of Coppell Rood; THENCE North 00'21'28" Wes t, departing said right -of -way line of Coppell Road, a distance of 179.92 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with orange plastic cop stamped "PIBURN PARTNERS" set for corner; THENCE North 53'2510 East! a distance of 329.38 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with orange plastic cap stamped "PIBURN PARTNERS" set for corner in the north line of said Tract II and the south line of a tract of land conveyed to Whaley Irene Trustee eta/ by deed recorded in Volume 2005031, Page 0861'9, D.R.D.C. T.; THENCE South 69'49'48" East, along the south line of said Whaley Irene Trustee etal tract, a distance of 363.25 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with orange plastic cop stamped "P /BURN PARTNERS" set for the northeast corner of the aforementioned Tract 11; THENCE South 00'39'21" 'Wes t, along the east line of said Tract 11, a distance of 37.53 feet to o 1/2 inch iron rod with orange plastic cap stamped "PIBURN PARTNERS" set for corner in the north line of that called 1.003 acre Tract 1 conveyed to TFW ENTERPRISES, L TD. by the aforementioned deed recorded in Volume 2005029, Page 07708; THENCE North 89'20'39" Wes t, along said north tine of said Tract I, a distance of 43. 79 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with orange plastic cap stamped "PIBURN PARTNERS" set for corner; THENCE South 08'52'46" Eas t, along the west line of said Tract 1, passing at o distance of 202. 78 feet o 1/2 inch iron rod fou nd for the southwest corner of said Trcrct I, and continuing for a totol distance of 207.88 feet to a capped iron rod found for corner in the aforementioned north right -of -way line of Coppell Road; THENCE South 87'24'36" We ;t, along said right -of -way line of Coppell Road, a distance of 98.37 feet to a capped iron rod fourld at the beginning of a curve to the right having a central angle of 02'08'02 a radius of 975.00 feet and a chord which bears South 88'28'37" West 36.31 feet; THENCE continuing along said right -of -way line of Coppell Rood and along said curve a distance of .36.31 feet to a capped iron rod found at the end of said curve; THENCE South 89'32'39" West, continuing along said north right -of -way line of Coppell Road, o distance of 393.49 feet to the !POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 165,982 square feet or 3.8104 acres of land, more or less. NOTE Because of the proximity of DFW Airport to Willow Park Subdivision, purchasers of the lots are hereby notified that there may be occurrences of ambient aircraft noise due to aircraft over flights. GTE 0 0 brass mon Sidewalk Easement No. (see detail) 3,764 S.F. s 3813'03" 14.50L S 3813'03" W- COOO N 89'32'39" E x F5' Building Setback S' e S g 1 24 1 3,623 S.F. L_ J 0 4-9r 7 8 '1 23 1 3,677 S.F. 1 7z. 1 ag„LKIE (f cr y): N‘ 0 (35(\ t ,„CP ti L=32.35' 2X 1 0 5: 0 22 1 1 3,679 S.F. 1 7I 89:52 2- 1053 3 1 J 5' Building Setback 15' Building Setback 21 4,642 S.F. 5' Wall Maintenance Easement 20'x20' Monument Sign Maintenance Easement No. (see detail) -9i 7 FLQOOPLAIN NOTE 1 20 L 57.08' r 6=16'48'28" R=50.00' L=142.41' CH -S 82 E LC =98.92' S 73'38'52" E-11.50' 21 0,s (9 T� ��8 0 c 4/-77-) °/n fro/ 2 O rr 4 626 FS 41° OS02 t a cr e D 1/45'7' 9 O>D 3 Z Replat of SHARED SERVICES CENTER ADDITION 1NST# 200900124402 otary Public j.' nd f.7 the State of Texas 20' Utility Easement NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: (68'08'05" R =38.50' L =45.78' CH =N 17'42'54" W LC =4J.13' !!=38'40'25" R =50.00' L =33.75' CH =N 71 LC =33.04' 75.66' in co O 25'x25' visrppflt trios Ia N measured of back -of -Curb 0 (b 1 1 O 20'x20' Monument Sign Maintenance Easement No. 2 (see detail) COPPELL (60' public right -of -way) 100' wide Brazos Electric Povver Cooperative, Inc. Easement Vol. 90122, Pg. 34 o•� S I\ a a� 20 v-0 .pk7,:945 S.F. oy 6' I 5 0 I m MiN. F F =468.00 I 5' BuildinLSettuack 1 N 28 '50'22" W 25.10' 19 4,321 S.F. L 32.80' 1 s u1 S c 3,775 S.F. tnL 5' Building Setbock_ N 8 9'32'39' E 15' Water Eas ment-. -1- 10' Building Setback 8 W 4 I 4,199 S.F. L -05:01 -J 1 7w 3.8104 16 3,675 S. F. (1655,902 S L 1VJ.00r 0 r 1- f AAS SE A 15 INS T T. 2 g 3,675 S.F: m J r 14 1 1 3.67;5 S.F. 1 g L N 0 r 5' Building Setback -1 rr 3 4,653 S.F. J 15' Building Setback 9:2 fr 89'32'39" W 5' Wall M tenance Easement 'S. J 01 La' S V )t% /i 902q, °Sege n 9. 47 o 0 L 5' 8uilding_Setback xl 1 1 0 I 3,847 S.F. In 0 213.82 Acres 9 �uaf Feet) 3.675 S'F 105.00 E 5' Building Setback L 15' Building Setback 94.32 WHALEY 1RENE TRUSTEE ETAL Vol. 2005031, Pg. 8619 n9re s V 0/ S czc 9S2 2 S 9es dos 9. 2 _e, 2�\ &vi /pj 12 k 9, 747 S.F. MIN. FF= 468.00 5' Building Setback 10' Building Setbock m I 10 4,208 S.F. L TO5:50'r -J OST CREE6 L C� i 0o 004179 8 1a 3,675 S.F. I v L J 105.00' m r o 7 1 1 3,675 S.F. 1 L N 89'' 2 39'-E 105.00 6 4,633 S.F. That, HAAS ROSE AT LOST CREEK, LLC, does hereby adopt this plot, designating thie herein above described property as WILLOW PARK, an addition to the City of Coppell, Texas and do hereby dedicote, in fee simple, to th e public use forever the streets and alleys shown thereon. The easements shown thereon are hereby reserved for the purposes indicated. The utility and fire Zane easements shall be open to the public, fire and police units, garbage and rubbish collection agencies and all public and private utilities for each particular use. The maintenance of paving on the utility and fire lone easement is the responsibility or the property owner. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths shall be constructed, reconstructed or placed upon, over or across the easements shown. Said easements being hereby reserved for the mutual use and accommodation of all public utilities using or desiring to use the same. All, and any public utility shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or parts of any building, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths which in any way endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenaince or efficiency of its respective system on the easements, and all public utilities shall of all time have the full right of ingress crnd egress to or from and upon the said easements for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining and adding to or removing all or ports of its respective systems without the necessity at any time of procuring the permission of anyone. (Any public utility shall have the right of ingress and egress to private property for the purpose of reading meters and any maintenance or service required or ordinarily performed by that utility). p�I WITNESS, my hand on this the fig_ day of _!'QV I t a n, 2010. HAAS ROS LOST CREEK, LL STATE OF TEXAS 0 COUNTY OF DALLAS 0 BEFOR f e u .ersi ned authority, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared known to me to be the person whose dame is subscribed to the foregoing instrument acknowledged to me that he executed the same in the capacity herein stated and as the act and deed of said company. GiVE unner my handed seal of office, this the day of b r201C). LINDSAY MICHELLE JARESI;1 Notary Public STATE OF TEXAS try Cornin. Exp: 12-31 -2013 1. Wall maintenance and monument sign easements will be the responsibility of I!he HOA along with all common areas. 2. From the top of slope to the bottom of slope of the bank on the north side of, the property will be maintained by the HOA. The City of Coppell will have no responsibility for maintenance of this area. The City of Coppell will have no responsibility for the potential failure of the sloped area. The City of Coppell will have no responsibility for maintenance of the floodway /floodplain areas as shown hereon; however, the City dces hove the authority to regulate activity in the floodway /floodplain as per the City's Floodplain Ordinance. The maintenance of these areas shall be the sole responsibility of the individual lot owner(s) adjacent to said areas;. These areas are to remain free of improvements that may obstruct the flow of stormwoter and protected from potential erosion by the owners. No fences shall be allowed in the floodplain, along with other structures as per the City's Floodplain Ordinance. BASE 100-YEAR FLOOD ELEVATION LIMIT PER FEMA FIRM NO. 48113C0135 J 100 YR WSEL AT SITE= 466.00 contour :n s. and :4 4 S 4916'45" E 'f 24.03' M ti L= 13.91' N v 8 3X 19,087 S.F. dia 0 ,S �l7 6=84'32 34" 6= 69'39'08" R =38.50' R=50.00' L- 84.14' R CH =S 6314'48" E CH =N 34'22'12' E LC= 56.98' LC=57.11' S 73'44'36" 18.50' 41 L J o 393.49 20'x20' Monument Sign Maintenance Easement No. 3 (see detail) 02'08'02' R=975.00' L =36.31' CH=S 8828'37" W CL=36.31' l 1X 1 4,783 S 6=74'46 '0 5 R =50. 00' c L =91.8 3' CH.S 36'55'41" w LC= 79.4 6 N 25'x25' visf f ft trf n e measured at back-of-Curb .00 Jo' R. Piburn, Jr., R. P. L. S. Registration No. 3689 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS 20' Sani. Svvr. Easement (see idetaii) 20' Drainage Easement (see detail) i. 1 5,164 S.F. DRAINAGE Lot 3X To be 15' Building Setback Ir S il 8.87'24'36" W KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: or the State of Texas OWNER HAAS ROSE AT LOST CREEK, LLC 141 DICKENS DR. COPPELL, TEXAS 75019 (214) 454- 7895 CONTACT: JASON ROSE 20'x20' Monument Sign Maintenance Easement No.4 (see detail) Sidewalk Easement No. 2 (see detail) l 2p 841 d i n 9 to c S ek, 5 6,223 S.F. is MIN. FF =468.00 l too SJ o N 877 S 1 �E Setbock J -9.1 1 4 ��6 a'�� 3,9$ F t o 11.02' 04T 1 4, 517 S. F lm v r 10' Privcite Drainage Easement 8 M (j)I 2 ic 1 4,314 S.F. I J m' L N 87 4` e__E i_2_0745, r7 rN. N f 5' Building Setback SUF ?VEYOR'S CERTIFICATE __J AND FL00DWAY EASEMEN 19,087 S.F. (Hy this Plat maintained by the HOA ENGINEER lI IQ ORACLE ENGINEERING 7012 LiNDSLEY AVE. DALLAS, TEXAS 75223 (214) 321 -1436 CONTACT: MATT KOSTIAL C 50' wide Brazo. Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. Easemen t Vol. 0122, Pg. 3403 Appr{ox. location Drainage Easement 5' Wall Maintenance Easement (see detail) seal of office, on this the *lay of Al_p_kirlbfd__, 2010. JENNIFER L. WHiTTINGTON Notary Public, State of Texas My Commission Expires January 18, 2012 r THAT 1, John R. Piburn, Jr., do hereby certify that 1 prepared this plat from an actual and accurate survey of the land, that the corner monuments shown thereon were properly placed under my personal supervision in accordance with the plat ing ruler and regulations of the City of Coppell. BEFORE me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared John R. Piburn, Jr., known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledgied to me that he executed the some for the purposes and considerations therein expressed and' in the capacity herein stated. SURVEYOR 1 00'39'21 1' w 37.53' 15.00' i 2 01.79 1 N 89'2 9" �y 43. 9' TFW EN TERPRiSE LTD 1 called 1.003 cicrie Tract 1 Vol. 2005029, Pg., 017708 233.48' PIBURN PARTNERS, LLC 9535 FOREST LANE, SUITE 229 DALLAS, TEXAS 75243 (214) 328 -3500 CONTACT: JOHN PIBURN Flo 2 •-49.etioN plain Admini tic for Rea mended for crpproval Planning Zo? ing chairperson City Secretory ayor, Ci i_' of Capp efi Date (NOVEMBER 2010 NOTES: cirs 1/2" iron rod with orange plastic cop stomped "PIBURN PARTNERS" set for corner cirf capped iron rod found 1 /2 "irf 1/2 inch iron rod found brass mon brass disk monument in concrete Bearings shown hereon are based upon the northerly right way line of Coppell Road as defined in deed to TFW Enterprises, Ltd., as recorded in Volume 2005005, Page 04120 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas. A portion of the subject property lies within an area of 100 -year flood according to FEMA's Flood Insurance Rate Map No. 48113C0135 J, dated August 23, 2001. L4 V1 r-I No. 1 Date rx `7. 10 Date /v7-10 Curve Table No. 2 No. 3 20'x20' Monument Sign Maintenance Easements 20' Sani. Swr. Easement Sidewalk Easements c cs No. 2 t L 28 118 20' Drainage Easement 137 l„ 0 L39 5' Wall Maintenance Easement Line Table APPROVED AND ACCEPTED Verizon Oncor Atmos Energy :6■= Time Warner Floodplain Developm €'nt Permit Application No. has been filed with the City of Coppell floodplain administrator on 2010. Conformed Copy Official Public Records John F Warren, County Clerk Dallas County, TEXAS 01/31/2011 12 34 53 PM $58 00 The undersigned, thoe City Secretary of the City of Coppell, Texas, hereby certifies that the foregoing Plat of WILLISW PARK to the City of Coppell was submitted to the City Council on the RI__ day of 2010, and the council, by formai action, then and there accepted the dedication of streets, alleys, parks, easements, public places, and water and sewer lines, as shown ond set forth in ond upon said plat, and said Council further authorized the Mayor to note the acceptance thereof by signing their nome as hereinabov'e subscribed. Witness my hand th is ill_ day of 2fCeLin.4_e.- A.D., 2010. FINAL PLAT WILLOW PARK 24 Residential Lots 3 Common Lots (1x, 2x, 3x) 3.8104 ACRES SITLATE.-_ I\ T SHEET 1 OF 1 120 No. 4 CI TY OF COPPELL, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS