MP Filed w/County 080219650 I E Lt r,. ,TH if ft I .._4fif 4.c Fft 55.15't :31 4f 1 F. °eft 4. 4 7 'ft f+ F- '1 -rtt 46.5 5ft 4 .+1)f' t. ft 14ft 1 ^)ft -tft 0 C V 0 0 Lf) 1 i r, r ,rrn 9 r•r r 1 4 0• r c. 1 w FIRE LANE CURVE DATA J in 0 I 7 l I ?I 1 'ft y1 \r'2:' c '-►J ),ft RAM .(Cf Dolt 4� Cftt L'; nnft r r.` ^ft .�.C r),-.0. oft rnf+ .r nrft rnft ft nf+ 9r f t r„ tt 1 96 +t F, f• 49ft ENGINEER: WALTER NELSON AND ASSOCIATES 308 N.W. 2nd STREET SUITE 5 GRAND PRAIRIE, TEXAS 75050 (214) 262 -0600 TAN 7Fi .T .F ft 2 .44ft 9.33Tt 7 C'.FCft ,r' t-: 4Ft 1 i ft l 1 ft c f+ z l 4 4f t 4 •1t Thft c.'.tt J 4 F y n )EKE .TI ^r� r r f F 7 1 N E J r'' 4 I( E 4 '1 _�r l r' 1 c 1 1 'C'r 4 'r fi f S89 °41'55 'ft 16 'ft Approved Director City of Co The under igned, the City Secretary of the City of Coppell, Texas, hereby certifies that the foregoing minor plat of LOT 1 R, ADVANTAGE SELF STORAGE ADf1ITIO"J to the City of Coppell was submitted to the City on the day of 1996, and approved for filing as a minor plat by the Director of Planning and Comm r ity Services for the City of Coppell, Texas, as authorized by Section 10(B) of the City of Goppe!I Ordinance 44643 and Section 212.0065 of the Local Government Code cf the State of Texas. WITrJrSS MY SAND, this the /2, day of City cretary, City of Ccprell, Texas 7 f t 7 f 4t 3,ett "tt ,'ft 4 s✓ 4 4 l L r_ r F. a ir J ft J f t 1 tc .‘,4 f. 1 1 T i I L4' ICE LA "JE- 1 an ns an o rn unity Services pelt, exas •S 29' .)RAINLGE F DRAINAGE v REi.1U ^c1: 1 1)' C Drainage Easement D _n L 5" E Fc1.50ft EAEMENT 25.4�ft SURVEYOR: D D SURVEYING, INC. P.O. BOX 532563 GRAND PRAIRIE, TEXAS 75053 (214) 262 -3898 es. F=1cc'dplain L'evelcpment F crmit Application V has beer filed with the City of Ccppe!I �iccdplain Administrctnr nn ;Flo plain A ini1 r tor) 20' 'lRAINAGE EASEMENT 33. `a Oft -r1 N8 �'41'r 5 "E 4- I C EASEMENT WIfTH THIS l4 7 t t 496.36ft r-rainage Easement N 'Ur w ‘,Ni i z 7ft 24' FIRE LANE +t 5 �..F f t i 4 _ft_ r.71ft WILLIAM G. THOMPSON, TRUSTEE VOL. 80106, PAGE 1302 1996. Date ^r I OWNER: COLONIAL RMC, INC. 750 N. Carroll Ave. Southlake, Texas 76092 (817) 421-7642 r J9F rate so r w 23' nIRE LANE L c 9� 6 4tt r A ,y L 1. FIRE LANE 216.16ft I I 1. ft. I F "4„'C'6 .4 I (r r IF 1 2" 1.k.F. I CC L i r c-) L1 CY_ [1 z (l. 0 Lil a- z L1.J N (J) Lla LL.1 Q_ �I0 W a- O w 0 J k PROJECT LOCATION C! ITY MAP N.T.S. NORTH LAKE RECEIPT ACKNOWLF.. ENT eneral e ep one Lone Star G P Cable L95.59ft A91 °17'00" T61.36ft R60.00ft CDS4 -5 °38'30" W LC85.80f t Da95 °29'35" 5 "9k? Date Date Date Date WHERE/., CCLCNIAL k ".1C, INC. is the sole a'Yvncr of a tract of s tuated in the City of Coppell, Lailas County, Texas, andt,eing out of the Mckinney ac Williams Survey Abstract No. 1054, said tract beirg all of AL ^J FAC; STC;kAGE Af f iTiC7 J, an addition to the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas as rcccrded in ✓o!'ume t'6( 4C, rage 4120, D.R.D.C.T., and a 1.678 acre portion of the remainder of that called 4.C4/ acre tract of and described tn Thompson Management Co., Inc., Trustee by deed reccrded in volume 75 rage 2C71, and a portion of the remainder of that called 1 C.CC acre tract cf and described to Wiliam rncmpson, Trustee by deea recurded in 'Volume 8C106, I-age 1 >'''L, L..H.L.C.T. said tract bc;ing mere particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BECITJll 1O at c 1 inch iron rnd fcund fcr the 'Jnrth. crest cc rner cf said AP !ANTAGE =ELF STC ;kAC,E ADDITION, said point. also being at the intersection of the Last right -ef- -way line of fentnn Tae kead (1:70' and the ;;nu+herly right :ray lino of the nt. Lewis and 1Jnuthwestc:rn RfYirnad THFN''E North 7 L degrees 51 minutes IC cecc r)ds r ast a cng the !orth, line c.f raid An .'AN rA(,E _L.F ST-)RA."-;E ALLITION and the south erly right -of v.ay line of the Lt. lL oeis and ,Louthwe_.te rn kaiirJad, a dist -.once of Fn2. i feet tc a i inch iron rid found for the nc- rthe -t cc rner of A \ANTA ;E .:EI_r �TCRA:E Ar c_ THENCE South 0 i degree 17 minu s,cccnds Jest, al -ng the r_ast line r er±d Ar ,ANTA(,F. �T�RASE ADDITION, a distance of 3i fret to i ir ircn rod found fcr cc rner c r the North right of-.vay lire of North '_ake Sri fie paid point being the t c;ginning cf a nc n tanT.'nta' sure: to thee' l e f t having a radius cf t=,r'.or' feet, a contra, angle of 1 degree- 1 minutes r cc.ccnds, a tangent length of r i feet and u chcrd bearing and d cf n ath degrees 7 P minute. zo sect r•ds ,Vest, °n; feet; THE N ,E with ::e a cuRe to the Ic `t fc` wing the right- cf -v. ay of :15.,'? feet to a 1.'"_ inch iron rod fcund for corner; THEN F Vest, along the eastcrnmcst c ;0th cf said JTA L L Lr distance of r= ;.1 F fee+ to a 1/2. ir_ in iron rmi fc end fcr cc rner; rHE r` c South u I degree 27 minutes r 4 ecccrld`' .'je` t de;'arting from) tile "r' jth In. r,f AT, E Ar`r'ITI�''1, a di ;t-7r ;e cf j foe+ t" a ir r it -'r rod four a for .nrr e r rF,r I ^E o �tfl a degrees 41 minutes -.;ccrld /e a d f-...t to a Fo an 1 for corner in the ,',/est right-- e^f -vlati line, cf ai i c -nton roc THEr 'E North CC de.jree;L:, rld" ast, arc. rig tr'e r-_ant right ,;f c f aid T ap Road, at 1 r, feet pao.:,irg the ;:iouth'r.e -st ^rrer of Aj.A' IT�.,TF t r� k A A"JITDN, in .al' a distance of 1_ 1 feet to the 1-( IiNT F and r a 1 of land. Ki 1C.,/ ALL '.1E-_:'J THt= THAT, ,�I �rJ!AI_ RMC, I1`,2. doer; hereby adopt thi r r iesignating th; herein described prnperty a� a i_� i H�: aJTA(,E -E1_r r�r� ;TH an addition tc the City of Coppell, Lailas c unty ,ixan and dr) h(.n.:t)y dedicate tL the of .0Dpell and put'lic us-: fc re ier the streets and cranernentc ht.rtnn. rh ear',rn. .2ntc he n her n bin reserved to the purpnccs as indiccted. Ltate -)f Texas -'1 I_ !NLEk gr J nere �n. l\ EN _,tate of Texas Jr..) R -.7,- )Ioniai RMC, nc. ",'ilium Bryan 7handler, --resident REF ('RE Me-, the undersigned authority, a notary Chandler, known tn me to bc the eerseh .vh( e- name acknowledged to me that he executed the rarne (Jr) therein ;acted Ord for the _urpo:e:, and _ersideratHr_ t �I r I �Ai 1 A' J EAL 'our-ey rr;.aae ;,rC':r my direc tion and Jp- :rii-ic n and that all the rner "4.0,10 1',erde'I H. Lay, R.r.l_.!. RFFc'RF Me, the und:;rcign'�d Jay, kn ;own to me to be the acKnnV:+c aged to me that h..-, Are p he -ret.,V ertHfy that the plat h ^v,r nerecn 5 /z 9G f C' Jrvck'; C6RT!FICATE �r F SCE, thic the c n tt)ic day persnr1ally apcearea .'':'pia^^ L ryrarl uk �crit�d to the f; regoing ,r trsment and act and deer cf Ccic nial FR ".1C, inc. in the capacity hc-rc,'ir s t :tea, �ARY •PLB�� NC r il' Y ZRIA r ,;f COMMISSION EXPIRES A N C '�'3, „z MARCH 22, 2000 X000 •omocJa. �aoo,(1 Q Ma ENDELL FL DAY 0 4 00V O S 0 V O ,J 1, .J 9 'J 4389 J Y °O Oaoo`' JO LF t r r"<C TO THE r I I I '_it v I r I ;q/voL•' -o Aix) 1 Free r RA day of r entr; t')e MI\LIR P1 AT AL a ;rch irwr rod re- jl'c '-f an n the rn, nur"lent`_i 'are ..in authi •re a notary puL iic, pc:rcnrlai�y arpc,are�;� whc•.3e came c at scrit��d t^ the fc regnH q instr_jment and cx .�cut•�d the sarne fcr t��,_ p Grp c and cenGid :ratio I,,.rejn .a* .,1 J 1 I A "F r I ,F, this the e day t /2/49-e/ i 0•• W. R. STILLEy Notary Public, State of Texas 1,• Commission Expires 05 -18 -99 _;rtr Yolk„,„. 9611 x. 1'/72 RUC 1 99E. T 1R, AVANTA�I SELF STFRA�EI (1:i�ITt BEING AN Av1ENDED PLAT OF ADVANTAGE SELF STORAGE ADDITION AND A FINAL P.AT OF 1.678 ACES OF LAND OUT OF THE McKINNHY 8c WILLIAMS SJRVEY, ABSTRACT No. 1054 AN Ali -J I T1 '\J r�