RP filed w/County 08121189.80' ROY ONSTOTT VOL. 95073, PG. 51 89 North 0 A v K 0 z 0 N ST sou7HwE/ u cr'v cr, Ct Lurs xi) z cn o U z 0 N VICINITY COPPER LN COZBYr BROOKS LN 5/8" irf 0 CIRS J BLVD V1 A r- 1/2. ,rr f OM OS 89'52'13 E 172.10' 0 C �0 CIRS am W �14 8.0 a2 cr s Rs S 89'26'49" 148.05' BRITAMER, LP VOL. 2005079, PG. 7991 15 Building Setback Doc. 200900040807 8 6.10' R.C. VV. Dedication Doc. 200600049322 0 0 1 -4 z 0 BELT LINE CITY OF COPPELL VOL. 89127, PG. 4336 BRITAMER, LP VOL. 2005079, PG. 7991 BRITAMER, LP VOL 2005079, PG. 7997 CIR5 PURPOSE STATEMENT NOTES: m 0 7C/ CABLEVSION VOL, 2007007, PG. 2843 79.31' N 02'19'15' 27.67' Lot 5R2, Block 1 Il Addition Old Coppell Estat s dd tIo n PP N 69'11'04" W 290.60' o I° Lot 4R2, Block 1 Old Coppell Estates Addition 20.00 oR5 1/2" irf c J 2 3/e "irf (Variable width right way) Note: Drive shall be permitted to be a minimum width. DAVID FiONA BA,RLEGGS VOL. 2003076, PG. 8813 O inst.# 201000303481 6\ti o- P d C Ca ‘g �o n C G 0 C 1 CHARLES SHAf 'VAUGHAN VOL. 96210, P. 81 InSL# 201000308493 O N BETHEL ROAD S Aft a d. w P 0 U� O 0 0 e' n o d 0 9 Q C N 89'11'04" V1l 140.00' CCILW JAIME FAULKNER iN!>T. 50. 200600232777 st.# 201000308533 LOT 2 SCOTT 8r KELLI PARK VOL. 2004.247, PG. 16094 L 1 15' Setback Line The purpose of the replat is to incorporate the reer portion of Lot 1R1, Bicnak 1 Vaughan Addition into lots 4R 5R, Block 1, Old ;oppell Estates Addition cirs 1/2" iron rod with orange plastic cap stomped "PIBURN PARTNERS" set for corner BASIS OF BEARINGS: Bearings shown hereon are based upon the northerly right -of -way line of BETHEL ROAD as defined jn a deed to Britamer, L as recorded in Volume 2005079, Page 07997 of the Deed Records of Dait)s County, Texas. No portion of the subject property lies within any area of 100 -year flood according to FEMA's Flood Insurance Rate Map No 48173C0135 J, doted August 23, 2001. Property is in zone X. 720.00 120 00' LOT 6 CHRISTOPHER NANCY D05BS VOL 2003253, PG 5798 N 89'40'00 W 120.00' (BASIS OF BEARINGS) -n N 0 0 0 w 0 I0 CIRS i POINT OF BEGINNING W Q 6= 6428'20" R =50.00 L=56.26' CB=S 0349'20" E CH 53 3 frd r O 0 30 60 feet ALE: 1" 30 _OT _0T 4 0 3 Biock 2, Lot Cl 311000 1711 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS WHEREAS, BR, T AMEp 0 C R E7 I r; HA L �c �hA =N' VAu;;HAN, ANA �Av, rICr:,; BAhr E DGS, are tre owners of a 389 core tract of ;a' situotec 'n tree JA.ME A -N'S EI-i; SON _SURVEY ABSTRACT NC. 1E, Dallas County, Texas and ce'ng o ner`.,on Ot _er '0, Bicol< of VA_'GHAN .AD0i IICN an addrt,on to t, ~,e C Cecbe'•, accordlnc the ;D _~erec recorceu n s current Nc. LuO200900040867, Deed Rf'COras Dc/fa: LOLJnty; TeXeS (DRLDC' and j be!n all or Lots 4R, end SR, 0/OCk OLYO CO ESTA AFL �lC7 on oddlt :or .'o the C ty C! C0008" a000rdlhc t0 the F blot t'- recorded stn f i r r,. 9 u e �o ..;9GG�4�8Gc, �'RJ�: So iii 3�.. .ere tract of land be,ng more particu'or'y described cis foiie„ BEGINNING at o i 2 r0!', r0CJ '✓i =ran P r cap stomped "PIE/ N P /r set for the soJiheast corner of Said LCt 4R, ar'rc lying en the west ne rieortn` tone Lane (50' width right of way); THENCE North 89 'C4, lti'es: deport ng s west ehe oIci.nq the s 0i.;tr ne of said Lot 4 P, the north re L at 3R 1 ck soli D CC 0r f r aria the 0 d OLD �L ES TA Its d roe c 140, JC feet tr r -r f r� I rod c r r c Or w, r' r- p c �a K TI t i p p s.arnped Pi�.� v An ��R. set or the southwest ;o r., er cf said Lot 4R, and .he west line cf se:or/ 0 0i TAE' DDITICN; THENCE Sou 2 West, ;_atone the west /ne O+ sold Lot 4R, ,a cista': e of 74.57 f t eet o d 7/2" on rod w'tn orange plast'o Cap stamped F/BURN 'A /TNERS" set `or the northmo•t soJtheaEt correr of co Lot 70, Eilock 1, VADCHAN 4DD'TiQQ \f, THENCE South 89 °20'49" West, along tie eastmos' scuts iir'e of said L. passing the corner or soo of 7P at o distance of 62.05 feet, and across sa C' `_at 'R for 7o1ai distance of 748 05 feet to a R" iron rod lcora 'or corner in the west Line Of 5(1d L 7R; THENCE ,N;Orth CC 0/ 20 West. along s/ west line of Lot 'K and the east line of a tract of 'an0 conveyed to ir(; ONLS oy deed tecoraed I /o,dme 95/73, !te :ge `i, DRDCT, a distance of 248.05 feet to g 7/2" ir rod fain° f,nr the northwest corner nf :aid Lot 7R; THENCE 'North 89 S 3' Ecst, along he north line of said Lot 1 R and the south lin of n e o a tract F :ono conveyed to +re TY OF SPELL oy deed fecoraec VC) f Urne 8 2 7, Page 4.3.36, 0RnCT aris the northeast come f oa /d Lot lP at n GI ,tar ot feet, n the 2 et, and along t e we5tmost norm l ine of 50 a Lot .5R lock of OLD COPPELL ESTATES addition, for a total distance Of 172.10 feet to o 12 iron '0 of foGna for the sc4theo4t c7rner of sold CITY CR COPPELL tract; THENCE North (.72 East, along the west line of sold Lot 5R, and the east line of said CITY OF COPPELL tract, a distance of 27.67 feet to c 3/8" i ron roc found for the northwest corner of said Lot THENCE South East, along the norther 61'35 '2' t ine o f sold _Ct 5R, ai/tan. 1 29.71 y' ce of feet to 0 Y2" Iron rod toured for corner, end ying on the curving wester y tine of the oforennen'.Ioneo Hearthstone Lone, and oerr q at the beginning of oJii ve to the lett having a rad :us cr 50.Q0 fee' and a chord nears South 03 °4 9 2C" l a d/stnnce of 53.34 feet; THENCE a +onq said ,vester'y right cf way :ire and a soil c ihrc�ugl central angle of 64'28'X" for cn art. distance of 56. )6 feet tc an X Cu f n concrete four for corner; THENCE Sou th 00'49'02" West, co t along said west rant. of way line, distance f 7'r e a dis�a� ce c feet to the PON BEGINNING; ,d ront.21n ;nq 6 sa.ore feet v '.339 acres of 'anti, more or less. t'NOV✓ A_!- MEN BY PRESENTS: 1 n R. Piburn, P.L.S. Registration N 3689 LOT 2 HA Jvnn R. /,'/,r4), 1r Co hereby certify that prepared iris plot fro- on actual and accurate Survey of the tond, that the corner monuments shown thereon were properly pieced unoer my perso-ol S✓0ervision in accordance with the platt rules ana regulations of the City cf opceli. STATE TEXAS r�. '.ALL A' BEFORE me, the LoDdersdneo cutrorry, a r•,otory ac n and r. a County and State, on this doy personally appeared R. r corn �r known to me to be the c er.sor whose name is ruoscr` bed 10 the 'ciege :rg instrument ono ccknow' edged to me that n executed the some for the ouroose7 and _onsaerarono t exoreSSec and jlr fre capac ty ,here:- stated. 6/YLNl u*Tder rn Public The undersigned, t! City Secretory of the City of Coppell, Texas, hereby certifies that the foregoing Replat of Lots 4.R2 and 5R2, Bi 1 ,f the COPPELL L ESTATES ADO/ N r T C to the ty of �oppe,l way submitted tc the City Council on the day of L and t e C li no by formal action, then and there accepted the dedicoti n of streets alleys, parks, easements, pub iC o /c,ces, and water and sewer lines, as shown and set forth !n and pole sc'a plot, and said Cc ."4 further cutbcOz d the Mayor to ,'late the acceptance thereof Cy signing their acre as as hereinabave subscribed. ✓'t ass m nand 7/'� i n Pity Secretory r 0 oodpicin Development Perm :t App''cat'on on 2071. :din Administrator ,Recommended for appro Oning Chairperson 0 ated f Cty o Copper) BRITAMER, LP 0.0. BOX 1609 COPPELL, TX 75019 214 -629 -7265 CONTACT: SHARON VAUGHA.,N the State of Texas OWNER'S CERTIFICA TE SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE hand a sea' of office an this the lk� DA VIC FIONA BARLEGGS 361 0 ARTN TONE L ANE COPPELL, TX 75319 has C A 1 4 Dat OWNERS: CHARLES SHARON VA LCH A 'N J57 H= ARTHSTCNE COPPELL, TX 750 (1_ da of A Ev been Flied JENNIFER L. WHITTINGTON Notary Public, State of Texas My Commission Expires January 18, 2012 20' 7. ire City of Coppell f000070j0 administrator ENGINEER ORACLE Ef\ 7012 L!IN'DSLEY AVE. DALLAS, TEXAS 75223 (214) 321- 436 CONTACT: MATT KOS TIAL SURVEYOR PIBU'RN CARSON, LLC 535 FOREST LANE, Sv! TE 229 DALLAS, TX 75243 (21 4) 328-.3500 CONTACT: JCHN' PIBURN Being NOW TH,=RE /ORE, K'vC'N ALL MEN E?Y T'/SE PRESENTS: That, Br LP, CHARLES VA/ CHAN, AN,- ,1 /'75 PARL ECG'S, de hereby adopt this prat, designating the herein above described property as LOTS 4R2 5R2, BLOCK 1, OLD COPPELL ESTATES ADDITION. an addition to the City c' Coppell, Texas and do hereby dedicate, in fee 'onrrpie, tc the public use forever the streets and alleys shown theree' the easements show-, thereon are hereby reserved for the purposes indicated. The and fire lone easements sha'' he open to the public, fire and pu ce arbQ e and rubbish collection agencies and all ubl n of g g g p c and private utilit�es for each corticuicr use r e n.a+'ntend,lce of paving on the utility and fire lane easement i 'he responsoo1ljty of the property owner. NO Guild�r:'g5, fences, trees, shrubs Or other improvements or h t O. growths .S ail be ted, f. r n .I Si r n ti u, ed neon t c e, O ace ��✓F ^cress e easements r s n e t- own. Id easements Sala e� e is ueI c, hereby reserved for the gal ■.se ono accom edat o: of al/ pub/ c eti!,tles Using or o'er ring to use the same. All, and any pub iC utll'tj/ sha0 have the right to rer^o✓o and keep removed all or parts of any buiidina, fences, trees, Shrubs or other- Irrprovemerts or growths wh'cn in acv way endanger or interfere with the CO m aintenance or efficiency Of its respective system On the ease men to, and shcli ot ail times have the full right of egress 2nd egress to cr from and upon the s a easements for the purpose of constr,cting, reconstructing, inspectlrg, patrol /log, nsairtaln.tig and adding t cif removing all or parts of its respect've systems w the necessity at any time of procurirq the perm SS'o'1 of anyone. (Any public utility shall hove the right of ingress and egress to private property F O ,he 0t,roose Cf r e0aing meters and any maintenance Or :service reaured Cr ard'nar';y' perfdrmc'd by t ✓:rater '"na and wastewater eooer' eats Shall O iris ude additional area of working space for construction aria maintenance of the systems. Aoditiono' easerr,ent area is also conveyed for installation and maintenance of morholes, clean00ts, fire hydrants wafer services and wastewater services form the main to the curb Or pavement an0 description of such additional easements herein granted shall be determined by their location as instal/ea. This plat approve° subject to a': plotting crcin:Jnces, rules, r egulations and resolutions of the City of Coppeu, Texas. WITNESS my hard or this the WITNESS my hand or this the ,day of 8 y: (BR AVER, LP r 0HAS V UG STATE CF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS O EEECRE me, the undersigned dothor ty, Q Notary e ubliC n and 'or said County and State, on this day personally appeared Sharon Vaughan, known to me ro be the ;terser whose name is subscribed to the foregoirk) instrument and ocknow /edged to me that ne executed the same in the capacity here/ stand and as the act end deed of said company G11LN udder n,y nand qn a see/ of office, this the cay Of L�1�� 201 1(1 1 to4k Notary 'abbe in ana for the N!TN'ES`O, my hona or this 00y ot ?y: DA !ID BARLEG 1/ V V DAVID HARLEGGS (Cwner) Notary u0lic in and for the State of Texas LESLIE M WARD Notary Public, State ot Texas My Commission Expires July 24, 2014 0 2 LESLIE M WARD Notary Public, State of Texas My Commission Expires July 24, 2014 20 v S AI\ 2911. day',of STATE 0CF TEXAS 0 COUNT` OF DALLAS O BEFORE ^,e, t' undersigned au thor i ty, a Nctc■ry °Ublic in and ror said County and State, on this coy p ersonclly appeared David Har!eggs, knewn to me tc be the per non whose :70171e is subscribed to the Foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed fine Sanie in the capacity herein stated and as the act and deed of said company. 0 CEfd c-nder my a seal of office, this the 'fay oflh,- 20 1. 80 v Conformed Copy Official Public Records John F Warren County Clerk Dallas County TEXAS 08/12/2011 10 53 25 G(1 $66 00 o K 1 REPEAT CLD COPPELL ESTATES ADDITION rT C Su V B y: ON 04 r J ON VA1JC- STATE GET TEXAS 0 COuNTY OF DALLAS O CongeI AE STRAC BEFORE me, the undersigned authority, a Notary 0 ublic In and for said County and State, on this dcy personally appeared Sharon 'Vaughan, known to me to be the person whose name subscribed tc the foregoing instrurnert and acknowledged to me that he executed. the some in the capacity herein stated ana as the act and deed or said company. GIB ti' under day of I 2011, 201100211432 Notary Public it and FOr the State of Texas mo t es Ac u c, replat of Lots 4R 5R, Block 1 of Old Coppell Estates Addition Recorded in Document 200900040806 And A replat of a portion of Lot 1, Block 1 of Vaughan Addition Recorded in Document 200900040807 Additions to the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas JULY 2011 SHEET 1 OF 1 0m 0010000.0. seal of office, this the LESLIE M WARD Notary Public, State of Texas ..',4 My Commission Expres July 24, 2014 2M1. C T'