RP Filed w/county 0305121/2' IRS FROM WHICH A 2 3 Z. D. C. T. 1 5/8' IRF WITH TRASH CONTAINER ESMT - 112" IRF T - CAP STAMPED 'TNP' TRA" 'CONTAINER ESMT 4' X 12 (TYP.) S00" 19' 12 W i BEARS CENTERED ON LOT LINE 4 X 12 (TYP.) N00'1 9'12 "E 462.83 TRASH CONTAINER ESMT N08'07'21"E 2.28' S' U' ILTIY EASEMENT CENTERED ON L07 LINE 4' X 12 (TYP,) 15' E x 1 s I I n g Alley 20' SANI TARP SEWER & UTILTIY EASEMENT 1/2' IRS (CALL N 00 ° 38'42' E 457.89') CENTERED ON LOT LINE FROM WHICHA 5.00' 54.00' _ 54.00' 54.00' N11 1/2' I 54 00' 5.00' 54.00' 1 - - - - - - _ _ 6.00' 6.00 - - - - - - - 0 29.79' 6.00' 6.00' 6.00 6.00' N00° 19' 12 "E 462.83' I 20' SETBACK 20' SETBACK 20' SETBACK 20' SETBACK 20' SE TBACK S 2 0' SIDS YARD) SETBACK - -- - / 7- I WHISPERING HILLS I y I EXI TIN G Z NING - PD- 227R -SF >C 2 y I I I PRO _- & UT /Y OS D ONING - PD-227R -1 I I I I z a o w ml I �� �I I I I Bloc A I I I of 7643 SF � i in �I I� �I 1 I I I I rn tn I Iyl / // I D NCI I SDI 2 I Z y g � �I �y�e�� / I� �I I I i I � I �I 1 y / 7 $ co I ���I 7283 SF /�! / I�� N I 6555 SF I 751;5 SF I'�" 3 Ix rn R Ix m �I I - /0 I" Z o W - - _ I ( I a A I 8318 SF 20' SETBA I W I 8364 SF I N I / / ( �SSC BAC �/6y�� ��Q% 915G SF I j m a - - - - _ y \ 20' DRAINAGE & WATER ESMT. I $ o 11.28' 61.04' N00'14'21 "E \ J _ _ _ _J � 10'SETBACK 11.21' 2 39q• 25' SETBACK 25' SETBACK / N00'2852 'W 107.31' _ A � 8 1 10' UTILITY 8 R - \ 3g SIDEWALK ESMT S00 °28'52 "E 107.31' 2 0 o s�. - - - - - - - - - o 10'SETBACK o 6 - 7 6 4 9' O O \ b � �`� �; f - - r - I - 11.15' 36.44" 23.82' 60.00' 9.43' 2 I I I 7 6.49 , 2 WHISPERING HILLS g co 8 _ Z I a - ? 0 0 0 0 _ - - 0 3 149.11' N89 '37'S1 x-y Lot 2X \ 86 - - - - /vD3� 4 1r a / �� 6569 SF 0 4 6022 SF C o u r t 9g 4 q� / rs1 \ - � CESS ESMT 116.24' o R 77. ? ?. 6' SETBACK 1/2' 90.51' 20.C'0' 149.11' 7 .0 p , 1763 142.47 `sBMR f ICH S 00 °10'47" W 124.48' 1 �M F S 0 °22'09" W 338 24' '.� 5/8' IRF Willi CAP STAMPED ' 1 NP' BILL E. MILLS, JR. VOLUME 98118, PAGE 411' D. R. D. C. T. 10' UTILITY ESMT 4 Block A, 6 PLACE, Vi 7 1/2' IRF 7 City of Coppell, Texas VICINITY MAP The undersigned, the City Secretary of the City of Coppell, Texas, hereby certifies that the foregoing re -plat of BELLACERE ADDITION, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 1 & 2X, Bloc n additi n to the City of Coppell was submitted to the City Council on the I day of ► , 2011, and the Council, by formal action, then and there accepted the kiedication of streets, alleys, parks, easements, public places, and water and sewer lines, as shown and set forth in and upon said plat, and said Council further authorized the Mayor to note the acceptance thereof by signing his name as hereinabove subscribed. WIT SS MY HAND, this th day of inza 2012. //,/ . / ./) 7 5 D. R. D. C. T. J am. BLOCK A, SHADYDALE 4CRES, VOLUME 42, PAGE 95, M. R. D. C. T. City Secretary, City of Coppell, Tex CAP STAMPED 7NP Verizon Telephone Date BEARS J Oncor yl S00 7.55' G) M Atmos E rg Date y w w J O o in I D 19 C5 D w Zi w 4 m EXI TIN G Z NING - PD- 227R -SF >C 2 y I I I PRO _- & UT /Y OS D ONING - PD-227R -1 I I I I z a o w ml I �� �I I I I Bloc A I I I of 7643 SF � i in �I I� �I 1 I I I I rn tn I Iyl / // I D NCI I SDI 2 I Z y g � �I �y�e�� / I� �I I I i I � I �I 1 y / 7 $ co I ���I 7283 SF /�! / I�� N I 6555 SF I 751;5 SF I'�" 3 Ix rn R Ix m �I I - /0 I" Z o W - - _ I ( I a A I 8318 SF 20' SETBA I W I 8364 SF I N I / / ( �SSC BAC �/6y�� ��Q% 915G SF I j m a - - - - _ y \ 20' DRAINAGE & WATER ESMT. I $ o 11.28' 61.04' N00'14'21 "E \ J _ _ _ _J � 10'SETBACK 11.21' 2 39q• 25' SETBACK 25' SETBACK / N00'2852 'W 107.31' _ A � 8 1 10' UTILITY 8 R - \ 3g SIDEWALK ESMT S00 °28'52 "E 107.31' 2 0 o s�. - - - - - - - - - o 10'SETBACK o 6 - 7 6 4 9' O O \ b � �`� �; f - - r - I - 11.15' 36.44" 23.82' 60.00' 9.43' 2 I I I 7 6.49 , 2 WHISPERING HILLS g co 8 _ Z I a - ? 0 0 0 0 _ - - 0 3 149.11' N89 '37'S1 x-y Lot 2X \ 86 - - - - /vD3� 4 1r a / �� 6569 SF 0 4 6022 SF C o u r t 9g 4 q� / rs1 \ - � CESS ESMT 116.24' o R 77. ? ?. 6' SETBACK 1/2' 90.51' 20.C'0' 149.11' 7 .0 p , 1763 142.47 `sBMR f ICH S 00 °10'47" W 124.48' 1 �M F S 0 °22'09" W 338 24' '.� 5/8' IRF Willi CAP STAMPED ' 1 NP' BILL E. MILLS, JR. VOLUME 98118, PAGE 411' D. R. D. C. T. 10' UTILITY ESMT 4 Block A, 6 PLACE, Vi 7 1/2' IRF 7 City of Coppell, Texas VICINITY MAP The undersigned, the City Secretary of the City of Coppell, Texas, hereby certifies that the foregoing re -plat of BELLACERE ADDITION, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 1 & 2X, Bloc n additi n to the City of Coppell was submitted to the City Council on the I day of ► , 2011, and the Council, by formal action, then and there accepted the kiedication of streets, alleys, parks, easements, public places, and water and sewer lines, as shown and set forth in and upon said plat, and said Council further authorized the Mayor to note the acceptance thereof by signing his name as hereinabove subscribed. WIT SS MY HAND, this th day of inza 2012. //,/ . / ./) 7 5 D. R. D. C. T. J am. BLOCK A, SHADYDALE 4CRES, VOLUME 42, PAGE 95, M. R. D. C. T. City Secretary, City of Coppell, Tex U Z � t'Y J w J CL = U) P.O.B. LOT 1 -A, BLOCK SHADYDALE ACRES VOL I IME 83102, PAGE 2642, M. R. D. C. T. Administrator) NOTES 1. Bearings based on the east and south lin.. of Summer Place, an addition to the City of Coppell, according to the plat thereof recorded in Voiume 86116, Page 929, Map Records, Dallas County, Texas and the west line of Shadydale Acres, an addition to the City of Coppell, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 42, Page 95, Map Records, Dallas County, Texas. "Floodplain Development Permit Application No. VI I( has been filed with the City of Coppell Floodplain Administrator on 2012. (CALL 334.84) REMAINDER OF TRACT NO. 1 DENNIS W. MOSS & PORTION OF TRACT NO. 2 KARIN E. MOSS EUGENE EDWARE . & VOLUME 98118, PAGE 4111 NELDA EDWARDS D. R. D. C. T. VOLUME 82235, PAGE 3106 - - 14�IZ Date Date PORTION OF TRACT NO. 2 PATRIC J. RYAN VOLUME 2004088, PAGE 1751 D. R. D. C. T. UTILI FY COMPANY RECEIPT ACKNOWLEDGMENT 3 -lz Verizon Telephone Date J Oncor yl Date e i o L � / Tine Warner Qqble ate Atmos E rg Date w w J J a w Zi w \\\ U SITE (0 CL SANDY LAKE ROAD U Z � t'Y J w J CL = U) P.O.B. LOT 1 -A, BLOCK SHADYDALE ACRES VOL I IME 83102, PAGE 2642, M. R. D. C. T. Administrator) NOTES 1. Bearings based on the east and south lin.. of Summer Place, an addition to the City of Coppell, according to the plat thereof recorded in Voiume 86116, Page 929, Map Records, Dallas County, Texas and the west line of Shadydale Acres, an addition to the City of Coppell, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 42, Page 95, Map Records, Dallas County, Texas. "Floodplain Development Permit Application No. VI I( has been filed with the City of Coppell Floodplain Administrator on 2012. (CALL 334.84) REMAINDER OF TRACT NO. 1 DENNIS W. MOSS & PORTION OF TRACT NO. 2 KARIN E. MOSS EUGENE EDWARE . & VOLUME 98118, PAGE 4111 NELDA EDWARDS D. R. D. C. T. VOLUME 82235, PAGE 3106 - - 14�IZ Date Date PORTION OF TRACT NO. 2 PATRIC J. RYAN VOLUME 2004088, PAGE 1751 D. R. D. C. T. UTILI FY COMPANY RECEIPT ACKNOWLEDGMENT 3 -lz Verizon Telephone Date J Oncor yl Date e i o L � / Tine Warner Qqble ate Atmos E rg Date Conformed Copy Official Public Records John F Warren County Clerk Dallas County TEXAS 03/05/2012 12 05 33 PM $90 00 0 15 30 60 Scale 1 " = 30' 1/2' IRF C.M. TBPS No. 101733 -00 86116, Page 923, l� 8 ate TIC• / /1 vµ7 ? •� TRASH CONTAINER ESMT 4'X 12 (TYP.) CEN'c RED ON LOT LINE 1 1/2' IRS OWNEN S CERTIFICATE WHEREAS TFW ENTERPRISES, LTD. is the sole owner of a 1.906 acre tract of land situated in the George W. Jack Survey, Abstract Number 694, City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas and being all of the , emaining portion of Bellacere Addition, an addition to the City of Coppell, according to the plat thereof recorded in Document Number 20080284399, Official Public Records, Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 112 inch iron rod set for corner, said point being the southeast corner of said Bellacere Addition, same point being in the north line of Sandy Lake Road (a variable width right -of -way), said point being North 00 degrees 10 minutes 47 seconds East, a distance of 0.55 feet from a 518 inch iron rod found with cap stamped "TNP" for corner, said point also being in the west line of Lot 1 -A, Block A, Shadydale Acres, an addition to the City of Coppell, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 83102, Page 2642, Map Records, Dallas County, Texas; THENCE South 89 degrees 59 minutes 41 seconds West, along said north line of said Sandy Lake Road, a distance of 179.61 feet to a 112 iron rod set for corner, said point being the southwest corner of said Bellacere Addition; THENCE North 00 deg. 19 min. 12 sec. East, departing the nortlT line of said Sandy Lake Road, passing the southeast comer of Lot 1, Block A, Summer Place Addition, an addition to the City of Coppell, according to the p/ai thereof recorded in Volume 86116, Page 923, Map Records, Dallas County, Texas, and continuing for a total distance of 462.83 to a 112 inch iron rod set for corner, said point being at an el corner for the east line and south line of a 15 Foot Alley Dedication by plat, Summer Place Addition, an addition to the City of Coppell, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 86116, Page 923, Map Records, Dallas County, Texas; THENCE North 89 deg. 58 min. 27 sec. East, along the common line of said Bellacere Addition and said 15 Foot Alley Dedication, a distance of 179.60 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set for corner, said point being the Northeast comer of said Bellacere Addition and the most northerly southeast comer or said Summer Place Addition, same point being in the west line of Tract 2, Block A, Shadydale Acres, an addition to the City of Coppell, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 42, Page 95, Map Records, Dallas County, Texas; THENCE South 00 deg. 22 min. 09 sec. West, along the common line of said Bellacere Addition and said Shadydale Acres, a distance of 338.24 feet to a 112 inch iron . d found for corner; Thence South 00 deg. 10 min. 47 sec. East, continuing along the common line of said Bellacere Addition and said Shadydale Acres, a distance of 124.46 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, and containing 83,046 square feet or 1.906 acres of computed land. NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. THAT, TFW ENTERPRISES, LTD. does hereby adopt this final plat designating the herein above described property as BELLACERE ADDITION, an addition to the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas and does hereby dedicate to the City of Coppell and public use forever the streets and easements shown hereon. The easements shown hereon bein reserved for the purposes as Indicated. -' TFW ENTERPRISES, LTD.. - THOMAS F1 WHATLEY 11, GENERAL PARTNER STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE Me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, on this day personally appeared THOMAS F. WHATLEY 11, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same in the capacity therein stated and for the purposes and considerations herein stated. }� GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this the I I 1 day of ( v 2012. taf tl O xu SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 1, William P. Price, do het aby certify that the plat Shown hereon represents the results of an on the ground survey made under m-' direction and supervision and that all the corner monuments are as shown hereon. William P. Price, R.P.L.S. No. 3047 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE Me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, on this day personally appeared William P. Price known .o me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknow, 3dged to n)e that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations herein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this the day of �2012. 1 Rf)oYN R. HI TT _; � rt0lary 1 Slat of Tnxas t,'y Co 1m f 01 RE -PLAT BELLACERE ADDITION -- 8 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS (Lots 1 -8, Lot 1X & 2X of Blk. A) BEING A 1.906 ACRE TRACT OF LAND, OUT OF THE GEORGE JACK SURVEY, Aa�TRACT NO. 694 CITY OF COPPELL, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS APPLICANT: TFW ENTERPRISES, LTD. P.O. BOX 440 COPPELL, TEXAS 75019 972 - 350 -9800 - FAX 972 -888 -9966 SURVEYOR: SURVEY GROUP 400 S. INDUSTRIAL BOULEVARD, STE 219 EULESS, TEXAS 76040 CONTACT: WILLIAM P. PRICE 817 - 354 -1445 (0) - 817 - 354 -1451 (F) PREPARED - September 7, 2011 1 " =30' SHEET: 1 OF 1 2. All corners are 1/2 inch iron rods set with a cap stamped "RPLS 3047 ", unless otherwise noted