FP filed w/county 0105120 40 80 SCALE: 1 " =40' BASIS OF BEARINGS EAST R.O.W. LINE OF BELTLINE ROAD N 00 °02'27" E (C.C.F. NO. 201100264185, D.R.D.C.T.) LEGEND LINE TABLE NUMBER DIRECTION DISTANCE L1 S 89 °57'33" E 51.28' L2 S 89 0 57'33" E 27.25' L3 N 89 0 57'33" W 73.87' CURVE TABLE NUMBER DELTA RADIUS LENGTH CHORD BEARING CHORD C1 90 0 06'41" 54.00' 84.93' S 44 0 54'12" E 76.44' C2 90 0 09'00" 30.00' 47.20' S 44 0 53'03" E 42.48' C3 35 0 14'51" 30.00' 18.46' N 72 0 25'01" E 18.17' C4 35 °14'51" 30.00' 18.46' N 72 0 25'01" E 18.17' C5 71 0 48'18" 10.00' 12.53' N 54 0 08' 18" E 11.73' C6 77 20.00 26.93 N 51 W 24.94 C7 90 54.00 84.93 N 44 W 76.44 C8 125 30.00' 65.66' N 62 W 53.32' C9 35 30.00' 18.46' S 72 W 18.17' FLOOD STATEMENT By graphic plotting only, the property described hereon lies in Zone "X ", areas determined to be outside the 500 -year flood plain, as indicated on documents issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, entitled "Flood Insurance Rate Map, for Dallas County, Texas and Incorporated Areas, Map Number 48113CO165 J, Effective Date, August 23, 2001. This flood statement does not imply that the property and /or structures thereon will be free from flooding or flood damage. On rare occasions, greater floods can and will occur and flood heights may be increased by man -made or natural causes. This flood statement shall not create liability on the part of the surveyor. OWNER'S CERTIFICATE WHEREAS, DB TEXAS QT II, LLC, is the owner of a tract of land situated in the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas out of the John L. Whitman Survey, Abstract No. 1521 and being all of a 2.29 acre tract of land conveyed to DH Texas QT II, LLC according to the deed filed for record in County Clerk's File No. 201100264185, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2" iron rod found with plastic cap stamped "Pacheco Koch" in the east right of way line of Beltline Road (120' right of way), the most westerly southwest corner of said 2.29 acre tract, the end of a corner clip; SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 1/2" I.R.F.C.1 1/2" IRON ROD FOUND WITH PLASTIC CAP STAMPED "C.B.G. SURVEYING" 112" I.R.F.C.2 1/2" IRON ROD FOUND WITH PLASTIC CAP STAMPED "PACHECO KOCH" 5/8" I.R.S. 5/8" IRON ROD SET WITH PLASTIC CAP STAMPED "R.P.L.S. 5199" CL CENTER LINE D.R.D.C.T. DEED RECORDS, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS I.R.F. IRON ROD FOUND M.R.D.C.T. MAP RECORDS, DALLAS, COUNTY, TEXAS P.O.B. POINT OF BEGINNING P.O.C. POINT OF COMMENCING R.O.W. RIGHT -OF -WAY ® ® BOUNDARY LINE (SUBJECT PROPERTY) LOT LINE - - BOUNDARY LINE (OFF SITE) - - - - - - - - - - - EASEMENT LINE N 45'00 E 1000,00 BOUNDARY DIMENSIONS 100.00' LOT DIMENSIONS 100.00' EASEMENT DIMENSIONS I II I I I I I 1 1 2" I.R.F.C,1 S 89 0 57'33" E 315.15' 12` H F C 1 ® ®® 1° I I 1 I - - - - -_ S 89'57'33" E 108.50' 30' BUILDING LINE I Io I ° FIRE LANE ( EASEMENT � �\ 1 1 \8 \ L3 09 \ \ II I I 24.0' I I I I Z 2.29 ACRES DB TEXAS QT II, LLC c� I (C.C.F. NO. 201100264185, D.R.D.C.T.) Z ® DE x �Ik- POWER & LIGHT COMPANY EASEMENT I� z �I m 49 ® 0 �,� 1 I (VOLUME 4633, PAGE 248, D.R.D.C.T.) I C"i 12 NI oN I I�` ®_ a I I (NO DEFINED WIDTH) w a 3 L 1 BLOCK B co W I I_ w 1 100,160 SQUARE FEET V. lu o w i w l IN Z NI 2 .2994 ACRES I� REMAINDER UA I a I N Q N � 27.856 ACRE TRACT Z I c a U ~ I 1 w o I HACKBELT 27 PARTNERS, L.P. ° ® P4 I _j w 10 � of (VOLUME 2003167, PAGE 12149, D.R.D.C.T.) 1 .I II I I I I I s/8` LR F C "CARTER & BURGESS" BEARS N 01'35 W 5.7' 11' I.P.F. BEARS S 64'48 W 0.6' I II I I I I I �I REMAINDER 355.2 ACRE TRACT TRAMMELL CROW COMPANY NO. 43, LTD. (VOLUME 2005045, PAGE 08912, D.R.D.C.T.) REMAINDER 27.856 ACRE TRACT HACKBELT 27 PARTNERS, L.P. (VOLUME 2003167, PAGE 12149, D.R.D.C.T.) �rw Qoll IZ NI C1 OO II o 1 Z Z I I O Z zl1 I 7D J I I 0 I I rf > 1 2 � 4.o 60.0' 60.0' I \� `�\ \ / c4 L2t Ln \ FIRE LANE EASEMENT Ln I 60' BUILDING LINE N 89'57'33" W 103.15' c 6 �y I I P .O.R. I I 112" I.R.FC2 \ N 44 0 57'33" W 10' UTILITY EASEMENT - 112 1RF C 1 - ® - 21.21' 1 112" LR F C 2 N 89 0 57'33" W 300.15' I I o I ' I E AST DIVID DRIV (90' R.O.W.) - - - (C.C.F. NO. 200900100537, D.R.D.C.T.) I o ti SITE r DIVIDEND DR 635. o w z!j w' O -- - w ml o 1 I HACKBERRY iRViN 1 's 635: _ I I I ii I I I I REMAINDER 27.856 ACRE TRACT HACKBELT 27 PARTNERS, L.P. (VOLUME 2003167, PAGE 12149, D.R.D.C.T.) LOCATION MAP SCALE: I"=2000' THENCE, along said east right of way line, the west line of said 2.29 acre tract, North 00 degrees, 02 minutes, 27 seconds East, a distance of 303.17 feet to a 112" iron rod found with plastic cap stamped "C.B.G. Surveying ", the northwest corner of said 2.29 acre tract; THENCE, departing said common line, along the north line of said 2.29 acre tract, South 89 degrees, 57 minutes, 33 seconds East, a distance of 315.15 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found with plastic cap stamped "C.B.G. Surveying ", the northeast corner of said 2.29 acre tract; THENCE, along the east line of said 2.29 acre tract, South 00 degrees, 02 minutes, 27 seconds West, a distance of 318.17 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found with plastic cap stamped "C.B.G. Surveying" in the north right of way line of East Dividend Drive (90' right of way), the southeast corner of said 2.29 acre tract; THENCE, along said north right of way line, the south line of said 2.29 acre tract, North 89 degrees, 57 minutes, 33 seconds West, a distance of 300.15 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found with plastic cap stamped "Pacheco Koch ", the most southerly southwest corner of said 2.29 acre tract, the beginning of a corner clip; THENCE, along said corner clip, the southwest line of said 2.29 acre tract, North 44 degrees, 57 minutes, 33 seconds West, a distance of 21.21 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 100,160 square feet or 2.2994 acres of land, more or less. OWNER'S DEDICATI NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That, DB TEXAS QT II, LLC does hereby adopt this plat designating the herein described property as LESLEY RETAIL ADDITION, LOT 1, BLOCK B, an addition to the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas and do hereby dedicate to the public use forever, the streets, alleys and easements specified as dedicated to the public shown thereon. The easements shown hereon are hereby reserved for the purpose as indicated. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growth shall be constructed or placed upon, over or across the "Utility Easements" as shown. Said "Utility Easements" being hereby reserved for the mutual use and accommodation of all public utilities desiring to use or using same. All and any public utility shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or part of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths while reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining and adding to or removing from all parts of its respective system, within said "Utility Easements ", without the necessity at any time of procuring the permission of anyone. Notwithstanding the foregoing, DB TEXAS QT II, LLC reserves for themselves their successors and assigns the right to use the surface of all such easements for installing landscaping and irrigation systems, for parking of vehicles (except that parking shall not be authorized in any designated fire lanes), for the passage of pedestrian and vehicular traffic, and to construct and maintain paving on the surface of such easements for the purpose of such reserved use. Witness my hand at Coppell, Texas this the day of G V 3 2011. DB TEXAS QT II LC By: Dan W. B s Managing Member STATE OF NEVADA § COUNTY OF CARSON CITY § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Nevada, on this day personally appeared Dan W. Burns, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consider tion therein. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this day of dV , 2011. otary Publ;Q State of Nevada %MY €NIJA GILBERTSON NOTARY PIUBUC STATE OF NEVADA APPT. Pao. 08- 8300 -3 AMENDED APPT APRIL 10, 2012 OWNE R_: DB TEXAS QT II, LLC 7400 Bryan Canyon Road Carson City, Nevada 89704 (775) 882 -5444 1 hv�ll D to o / vt - - a e ® 4 avWlt Da e /6 # Da Date Conformed Copy Official Public Records John F Warren County Clerk Dallas County TEXAS 01/0512012 11 32 56 AM $74 00 T s r • �i 201200003 10 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF COLLIN § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That I, Douglas S. Loomis, Registered Professional Land Surveyor do hereby certify that I prepared this plat from an actual and accurate survey of the land; that the corner monuments shown were properly aced under my personal supervision in accordance with the platting rules an egula ons of he City of Coppell, Texas. 0 F• T A, Q�•G\ s T f QF'�' Douglas S. Loomis �:�? a•9� Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 5199 •• DOUGLAS • LOOMIS • STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF COLLIN § ............................. 5199 ".•'Q- 9 of ess k 0�• \°, S U R`I BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Douglas S. Loomis, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein. GIVEN UNDER .AND SEAL OF OFFICE this 2 of IyOJEmp-s , 2011. �,�° n� MICHAEL DYER Notary Public ' Notary Publ , to f Texas Q r �P State of Texas 9 E �>� ` Comm. Expires 03 - 09 - 2013 The undersigned, the City Secretary of the City of Coppell, Texas, hereby certifies that the foregoing plat of LESLEY RETAIL ADDITION, LOT 1, BLOCK B k tq addition e City of Coppell, was submitted to the City Council on the) r day of , 2011, and the Council, by formal action, then and th re accepted the d i ation of streets, alleys, parks, easements, public places and water and sew r lines, as shown and set forth in and upon said plat, and said Council further authorized the Mayor to note the acceptance thereof by signing his name as herein above subscribed. WITNESS MY HAND, thi day of 2011. (;i y Secretary, City of Cop ell, Texas Da Recommended for Approval: r�roved man, n ine and Zoning Commission A an A epted: mpany May2�r, C ty bf Coppell, Texas Dat Floodplain Development Permit Application No. vx 4 1� has been filed with the City of Coppell floodplain administrator on the day of 2011. t X!t - .n /ta_ I X. I- I I oodplain lAdministrator UTILITY APPROVAL Approved and Accepted by: Oncd Time Warner Cable Amft A Veriz •