Landscape Plan0 EXISTING TREE TRANSPLANT PLAN 2SC TRANSPLANT NOTES L REPAIR NOTES 1 Trees shall have �en � 16") inches of rootballwinn) 1, All la No areas darnageo' ounrig conslrac!1on io be repaired with soliffsod and for every one (I ") (rich caliper of Irae rake free oll IN, 2 Tiees shall have one-four, { 1 the beigh el Ihe !fee in rootbail depth. 2 Adusi damaged areas I, achieve jrosi!rve drainage away from buildings Provide uniform rounding a top and bol orii of slopes and other breaks in ;� ,a �� Trp by ihe us of a tr ee scade Correc irregui � aWies and areas Nhere v�aler rray staro 3 'Ps shall he dug e ither by hand o� grade. T , S p ao p shelf be a mn rn ol`667, i x I , 3 Ali are as to be repairr i mnusa be pi anted by harld to cover area comirlet I/ -esi or mairl im iq oi ir nsc r 'o o 4, 4 onliiacl!or sha/i be i ionsible f, r I , a a 0 Insure edges of sotare louching, Top dre�sloifj!s by hano voth , I, I os t !iees if !he event they are unable to neplan! lhern �rnmeaia!ely 10 volos 'z after digging Con!raclior shall cooirdina!e wiIh olhef �Taoes Such -il digging and !erlan:iing car, occur sin,"Olianeously 4 Po ienured aleas lo achieve a sm',00ill even sodace, tree from unnatural unduly )ons. 5, in 'he event i, Iees havc to he ne/a on si'e, / hali be the resmsnsfbdi'y of he Contracior to maintom the 'rees In a heathy and growing conji!ion. LANDSCAPE NOTES 1 'ConIrac!cr hall verify all exisIing arid proposed s; a sile e/emerbnd naltfy X I) ff fi, I ili", i r, g ! is . � s he tj s e d as g I, t d e!i n e a on k)r hl rig A rch! 'eI. t I, f an d is repa ri i S o rve y data o c. x I s Ing con 01 vas s C/ !rees on ie soec/le"! ti/ o"hers, ri Irecs shall he s( on gracle Nob !he ioo. "a niI ) ele' 1 overed with cicmoos,i anoi mu/, No roWdail shall hu 2 shall ioca'e all existing onderymon tj�dilies and rlotftykchr+ ct 0 exposed any ccmfli 'S. ConlracIcr shO exert se cautIon when working in the viclimfy of 7ree' shal/I be IIired an 7l s akeo such tha! !he/ not uode/giound li,i ii! 'les, a Itl,� over T ees sh, ce a - ngall c, I a!) b e- 6a�eied daily by banci o, a !e!of. 3, Con"rac'o is lesporisihie for rVaimng all reqbirf y �fj bindsca, ind if jt on drur),lockle i?ngai)on syslie , s!a , `!ed, o e, I m I!s 2 r l s - iniqu s rlfr,�K� o o n- vide a m m!mur, % slope avay from all , structure s. Replaol I,rees shaP foflo,� he , jfI;e plariting !eJ 6 4 `o as outhred lo !be Lanosca{,e Specificalsons. 5 All r4, !ling beds anti lawn areas to be separated by steel edging. No steel 'a to iri�, 'h e 8 Doe Oak to be pruneo by 114 offol lnsWleii adiacen! io sidewalks or curbs, 6. All landscape areas Is be 100% irrigateo 40) an oridergroondiu� i I rnga!ion sysl�err, and shall include rain and sensors'. IRRIGATION REPAIR SPECIFICATIONS 1, Conlfac�cr shall perfil sl�e visit r..f Io hiJoing an,J 7 All laeri areas !o, be Solis Sod Berrmioagrass. uniess o!hervvise no�l the ✓ drawings cooslruOon, to reviev� ex,ent of exec in Irrigaliucn sys�ern. 2 Corbrac or shall be responsible for verifying conol')ons of DEMOLITION NOTES / exrs,iing irri gat Icn sys!erll Corlllra shaP h w? e ressible for s inaln,�amrr?g �be in�egri�y jfexis.�ing irrigaflon where pcssiblfs, and fnot I Provide derrolmon, salvage and pro�ecrion of exis?ing slructures surfacesaind eualr as oeeled, in bu! not lirnif d lo irrigatton r!roller frees as shown on the drawings ✓ 2. Before sul oroil visit and examine see to cleaerreine actual nature rand pe of demo/illon and salvage work. Claims for extra cclmpensaIfon on LANDSCAPE TABULATIONS ac runt ofaddi ion ai labor rna�prials or equipment require for dll Transfbar"t Live Oak DERIME�I.R t_A�DSDV�E encriontered In clemolilifon and salvage will not be fecognizecy. St-cet F S�1, I , I co')tlm a 15 ' 3 Poor '0 der no, jlsconnec� and cap off utilities an service lines nol requjre'o I mt') or)e I per 5 f and 30" ht narking :lot s;c!ee') liedje, o! for navv � I?) al','coroarice with reqemenis of governirigauffion!Ies Per ietei Iandscape areas sna: Corta a 1 !a oicbriances and regulations. cuff er avig b operty ~ICs with one 0 t:ce per 50 J F Pa ( f � 13,620", s 1 4 Erec,' necessary bamcaide& sllorlog and protective i as required P'! " 18 ies 1r 5, M, and let ris resul°mg from cierriolittoo operallons become PI)L 0 r, hr, bear grope i fy of Me CoriIiractor. Please remove from sile. .� � a� ✓ WE` )Gt qc, � f 7,91(� 6 Remove oavemen!s, ario strmc�ures to !he Oeplhs offfileir subl-sbuc!ure, Reqj ed 9) tel 7 Leave conslroc!ion area clean and ready to use by other Trades. J ) 2,840 C s 1 8, Remove pavewerli sub-fl io the depth of the base ri R e il 1 6 d Piov T; ea s i6) trell Do not remove or clal frees uniess nolied Po be removed or iransp1an!ed_ Soom m,u� v 7e K2 f N' 100s f 16, Prior to begirmong oernoli,'ior, on'factof se a/1 provide coverings forexisIlng Requ r(:d P ded, �% � t7 , trs r t Ces site e n a e vfs e rm1 ,fining to prevent iamage> Art✓ site e leme nt: scheduled to 11,: oma­e s remain vdnch are clam aged by the Contractor's f)c1livities shall be neqoiredat ifie Con�rartor's expense ­e r: rr e t e i l_andscape 4 s f 1 �f ss drves SOLID SOD NOTES N ERIOR -AN "i S C AP E 1. Fine grade areas to achieve final contows moicated Leave areas Io receive. , cc 4,' 10" of gross "a k, ng wea < ',,(I a'xllsc a;ce� Die (I topsoil 3" below fin oes!reo grade in rlaW ng areas and I , e r g - aosi ! c , s f *)f red la 1d. 9 - e a In 'icrf areas a K n, of 90 2' s f 2. Arius' contours ?o achieve posi,ltve M', away from; buildings Provide unill mionding at top and bo,'ton of slopes and olIher breaks i grade. Req'i ed �a Correct irregebarilies and areas 4here aa�er may stand 9 '21 s t 1 li ocl 4f. 1 t 3. Ala lar ,n areas !o receive soOu son' shalf be W in a maxii of I" belowfinal finish grade. Conlra !o coordinate opera°ions willb on -site Cons!rucli!on r," EN SPACE Manager Re, i mincnis 1r of lc io covemd, by buildlings to be ancl (i n s,­, a c. e (,,) e 1 ;T e o, er 2 20,0 s, f o o s p a ce 4, ('oo'la o.rtj cordir a'a ,v oil site Cons!ructlon Manager for availability of existing locsorl, (7) Trairispiaot Live Oak l V, JS T VC ") ; )g 'over Irefica�eo` area ccorr"We'ely. insure edgesofsod 356,404 f 5 Plan! so, I)ar)J to c d Z or(, lowJimg, Tnn ciressjoinis by I)aqJ m Ioosod !c fill voids, (3) EX. �,)VE 0� K Reqj ed Provided 53,461 s f VF�� 16 7 s f (18 4,",,,) -hisive �j srfirr �h, even surface free froii3 unnatural 'A �21) t 6, W grass aleas �c a� 01 TO BE NKIl TED lee, 94 965 s f uss expanse �7U,065 s f; ondu a!iiirls 248 . -ees "j,"", SUMA � 1 ee r RY < 7 kater so(j 1hcmijgYy as scd operation piN,,resses. "N" -- ;- . . .... eqjiied 96) � -ecs ola , jiovded 1 29 � t,ees N 'orlra )r sl)all n all lawn areas until ll acceWance This shall "J include, blip not lin d to, mrmng water fng. weeding cultrva!ing, cleaning a, are 515 CH S f an replacing dead or bare areas to keep plants in a vigoirrus, healthy "a d 7 ol, a lf.ridsca, 196,966 f 08( of Mai .,',e : con"Vion, EXISTING TREE TRANSPLANT PLAN 03 SCALE 40'-0' EXISTING PLANT LEGEND 9, CoWi actor shaiigil eslabirshmeW of an acceptable !ljrl area and shah H laude repiacerneni fro an local sup friecessary, Ot , ANT! TY .TZ - T TYPE 777— 16, If rns!alla iori oc,'curs bel September I and March it, all sodare he SYMBOL PLAN Q uTN ever seedec) wrh kiniei Pyeyrass, of a fa'e of (4) pounds ��e� or)eliloosanc — -------- - PLANT TYPE y f. LANDSCAPE PLAN FEE, (16 square feel. AP Austr,,=rri Pine 01 SCALE 40'-0" 'lfV PlaW iden ileo ,' i,/In c allou' smr d am, Raid lCyletess �andscape architects, info 1P C a, da r E! r I? boyare at! exis;il plants ativ AppPoval 11 Ac 1 T i irmnistr i_j, 11P Chinese Pis�ache � �, r ff n S­ e e. s'e in R e I D RECEIV E D ERC E, Ceder ERC2 Eas�em Red Cedar 0 20 40 80 3? 7. 1" 2 1 8 7 1 C ','8 3 - Live Oak Fax 214 �71 C545 0 lvemar� Plum JAN 2 7 201? E­ a s r r4, s: - -a S C sea5or"111 color