850327(SUP)-CS 850327 DALLAS MARKETIN(3 DISTRICT Taylor P 0 Box 860230 Dav,s March 27, 1985 Da,las. TX 752e6-0230 Mr. Mark W. Sweeney Adminstrative Assistant City of Coppell P. O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 Re: Proposed Service Station Beltline Road & Denton Tapp Road Coppell, Texas (S.E.C.) Dear Mr. Sweeney: Enclosed are copies of a preliminary plat, site plan, and property survey for the referenced location, along with application for subdivision approval and request for specific use permit. The proposed station will include a convenience store, and a self service car wash. The car wash building is located five feet (5') from the south property line; requiring approval of a variance to Section 23.3 lb of the current zoning ordinance, which requires a minimum set-back of thirty feet (30'). If any additional information is required to expedite approval, please contact the writer at (214) 699-6623. Very truly yours, G. R. Davis Operations Manager GRD/MLW: vh cc: R. E. Barnhart