FP Filed w/County 120412z t D n J n VICINTIY MAP NOT TO SCALE ;A I I N LEGEND 1 BL= BUILDING LINE ^, h U.E.= UTILITY EASEMENT r' L_ I � }) I I I I I 7 I I I CURVE DATA TABLE ARC RADIUS 20.57' DELTA 211.82' 50.00' C1 84 °11'06" C2 242 °43'54" C3 26 °14'55" C4 26 °07'16" C5 88 °45'08" C6 04 °27'35" ;A I I N LEGEND 1 BL= BUILDING LINE ^, h U.E.= UTILITY EASEMENT r' L_ I � }) I I I I I 7 I I I CURVE DATA TABLE ARC RADIUS 20.57' 14.00' 211.82' 50.00' 103.08' 225.00' 91.18' 200.00' 61.96' 40.00' 13.62' 175.00' LONG CHORD S46 °39'26 "E. 18.77' N32 °36'57 "E, 85.39' S12 °53'39 "E, 102.18' S12 °57'29 "E. 90.39' N45 °36'52 "E, 55.95' S02 °20'05 "E. 13.62' r:1 O O W H N (A VARIABLE WIDTH PUBLIC RIGHT —OF —WAY) SAN-DY -LAKE—ROAD ---------------------- W ONCOR ELECTRIC DELIVERY 5/8" IRON ROD WITH CAP VARIABLE WIDTH EASEMENT STAMPED INST. N0. 201200053760 PELOTON" 25.64` WIDE AT EAST LINE SET 5/8" IRON AND 24.45 FSUBJECTTETRACTEjT LINE OF ROD WITH CAP STAMPED "PELOTON" 15' LANDSCAPE BUFFER N al to N O ° r-- Q O F_ <c_0 Y •Q U =O - w (L zsz m 0 .o Q t- z U U QI n O O n 0 U L (n U L t- 0 U O O O O_ 0 U / m O / PROPOSED §I 8' WOOD FENCE —\� Cil ,3 , lob 6' S LS' 11 O O Q0 PVMT o_ N _ t\1 CAPE ao N Q CD I— Q OC U Y N Q _ U v Q 0 U00 . J m0 Z 2 WOcr m to mN Oop° W ° 10 � U � 0 QI n O O n 0 U L (n U L t- 0 U O O O O_ 0 U / m O / PROPOSED §I 8' WOOD FENCE —\� Cil ,3 , lob 6' S LS' O O PVMT o_ L _ CAPE ao PE M 0 0= m! LLI al o; W l 1 ROW STREET SECTION A -A NTS EXISTING 20' ALLEY FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION NO. HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE CITY OF COPPELL FLOODPLAIpq ADMINSTRATOR ON jalA 2012. = FLOODPLAIN ADMINISTRATOR, DATED: 10'1_7 2012. WILLOWOOD NO. 2 ADDITION VOL. 73095, PG. 746 D.R.D.C.T. 6 NOTES: 1. NO PORTION OF THIS SUBDIVISON IS LOCATED WITHIN A SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA INUNDATED BY 100 -YEAR FLOOD AS SHOWN ON FLOOD RATE INSURANCE MAP 48113COl55J, DATED AUG. 23,2001. 2. ALL LOT CORNERS ARE 5/ 8" IRON RODS WITH CAP STAMPED "PELOTON" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. BASIS OF BEARINGS IS THE TEXAS STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NORTH CENTRAL ZONE, NAD '83 GPS DERIVED. 4. LOTS 1X, 2X, & 3X ARE COMMON AREA LOTS AND WILL BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION (HOA). 5. SIDEWALKS ALONG THE FRONTAGE OF LOTS 1 -6 TO BE CONSTRUCTED BY HOMEBUILDER AT TIME OF HOUSE CONSTRUCTION. SIDEWALKS ALONG COMMON AREA LOTS 1X AND 2X TO BE CONSTRUCTED BY THE DEVELOPER PRIOR TO CITY ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. 6. NO PARKING SHALL BE PERMITTED ALONG THE WEST SIDE OF THE STREET, ADJACENT TO COMMON AREA LOT 3X. Rosebriar Estates City of Coppell, Texas Proposed Variances to the Subdivision Regulations Appendix C Section I.A.1. No sidewalk will be required on the west side of Rosebriar Court adjacent to lot 3X (common area). Landscaping and a slope, no greater than 4:1, will be allowed within the outside 6' of the west ROW. The remaining 5' of the ROW adjacent to the curb will have the standard I/4" per foot parkway slope. Section V.A. The existing overhead power lines located along the perimeter of the project will remain in place. No new overhead power lines will be allowed as part of this development. Chapter 13 Appendix D Section VI Due to the existence of overhead utilities, the electric company will not allow overstory trees within this easement. In lieu of Cedar Elms, trees such as Southern Magnolia, Yaupon Holly and Mexican Plums, as shown on the Landscape Plan, will be planted to satisfy the requirements of this ordinance. PREPARED: MARCH, 2012 Conformed Copy Official Public Records John F. Warren, County Clerk Dallas County, TEXAS 12/04/2012 03:09:00 PM $58.00 a q e 201200359200 OWNER /APPLICANT OWNER'S CERTIFICATE AND DEDICATION STATE OF TEXAS) COUNTY OF DALLAS) Whereas Rosebrior Development, LLC is the owner of a tract of land situated in the Sibered B. Henderson Survey, Abstract No. 629, City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, said tract conveyed in a Deed to Rosebriar Development, LLC as recorded in Instrument No. 201200053760. Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described my metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8" iron rod with cap stamped "PELOTON" set for the northeast corner of said Rosebriar tract being a point in the south right -of -way line of Sandy Lake Road and being the northwest corner of Castlebury Court an addition to the City of Coppell as recorded in Volume 99141, Page 88 of said Deed Records: THENCE S01 °15'01 "W, along the east line of said Rosebriar tract and the west line of said Castlebury Court Addition, at 15.01 feet pass a 1/2" iron rod found for the northwest corner of Lot 1. Block A of said Castlebury Court addition and in all a total distance of 702.02 feet to an "X" cut in concrete for the southeast corner of said Rosebriar tract and being in the north line of a 20 foot wide alley as shown on the plat of Willowood No. 2, an addition to the City of Coppell as recorded in Volume 73095, Page 746 of said Deed Records; THENCE S89 °59'35 "W, 175.89 feet along the south line of said Rosebriar tract and the north line of said 20 foot wide alley to a 5/8 "iron rod found for the southwest corner of said Rosebriar tract, and being the southeast corner of Lot 8. Block A, Dobecka Addition, an addition to the City of Coppell as recorded in Volume 82084, Page 1226 of said Deed Records; THENCE N01 °15'10 "E. 698.53 feet along the west line of said Rosebriar tract and along the east line of said Block A, Dobecka Addition and then 'along the east line of Block B. Dobecka Addition Phase II, an addition to the City of Coppell as recorded in Instrument No. 20070172592 of said Deed Records to a 5/8' iron rod with cap stamped "PELOTON" set for the northwest corner of said Rosebrior tract and being in the south right -of -way line of said Sandy Lake Road; THENCE N88 °51'24 "E, 175.97 feet along the south right -of -way line of said Sandy Lake Road to the POINT OF BEGINNING. and containing 123,130 square feet or 2.827 acres of land, more or less. NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT Rosebriar Development, LLC does hereby adopt this plat designating the herein described property as ROSEBRIAR ESTATES , an addition to the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas and does hereby dedicate to the City of Coppell and public use forever the streets and easements shown hereon. The Easements shown hereon being reserved for the purposes as indicated. Rosebri A Development. LLC- Terry Mitchell, Manager STATE OF TEXAS) COUNTY OF DALLAS) BEFORE me the undersigned authority. a notary public, on this day personally appeared Terry Mitchell, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in the capacity therein stated and for the purposes and consideration herein stated. ) °i MILLiE L YARDLEY G V UNDER Y HAND AN SEAL OF OFFICE this the �Jday of � 2012. oAAVPOec, public, State of Texas No Commission Expire s ne 08, 2014 N`0 MY PUBLIC o, ,e beiE,o Ju The undersigned, the City Secretary of city of Coppell. Texas, hereby certifies that the preliminary plat of ROSEBRIAR ESTATES, an addition to the City of Coppell was submitted to the City Council on the 14th day of February. 2012 and the Council. by formal action, then and there approved the preliminary plat and by separate motion des ignoted the Planning and Zoning Commission to be the Municipal Authority responsible for the approval of the Final Plat of such land and the Final Subdivision Plat of such land need not be brought back for final approval to the City Council. V TpESS M± A thJsAday of�A- -2012. ,J _ v, tea, J by formal action of the Planning and Zoning Commission on the 1qfA% by accepting the dedication of streets, alleys. parks, easements. public ones, as shown and set forth in and upon said plat and authorizing (el-ptance thereof by signing his name as hereinbelow subscribed. City of Coppell. Texas Attest: Secretary, Planning and Zoning Commission City of Coppell, Texas SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION That I, Todd A. Bridges, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor, do hereby certify that I have prepared this plot from an actual on the ground survey of the land; and the monuments shown hereon were found and /or placed under my personal supervision in accordance with the platting rules and regulations of the City of Coppell. Texas ze,40 Todd A. Bridges, KPLS No. 4940 STATE OF TEXAS) COUNTY OF TARRANT) Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Texas on this day personally appeared Todd A. Bridges, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the some for the purpose and consideration therein expressed and in the capacit therein s ated. GIVEN � DER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this the day of . 2012 � n ROSEBRIAR DEVELOPMENT, LLC 300 EAST JOHN CARPENTER FWY SUITE 940 IRVING, TX 75062 972-793-7685 FILED IN DOC. NO. 6 RESIDENTIAL LOTS 3 COMMON AREAS BLOCK A, LOTS 1-6, 1X, 2X, & 3X ZONING PD -251 R -SF -12 FINAL PLAT OF ROSEBRIAR ESTATES BEING 2.827 ACRES SITUATED IN THE SIBERED B. HENDERSON SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 629 CITY OF COPPELL DALLAS COUNTY TEXAS 6 RESIDENTIAL LOTS O O ....,. o_ Y _ U_ ao ROW STREET SECTION A -A NTS EXISTING 20' ALLEY FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION NO. HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE CITY OF COPPELL FLOODPLAIpq ADMINSTRATOR ON jalA 2012. = FLOODPLAIN ADMINISTRATOR, DATED: 10'1_7 2012. WILLOWOOD NO. 2 ADDITION VOL. 73095, PG. 746 D.R.D.C.T. 6 NOTES: 1. NO PORTION OF THIS SUBDIVISON IS LOCATED WITHIN A SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA INUNDATED BY 100 -YEAR FLOOD AS SHOWN ON FLOOD RATE INSURANCE MAP 48113COl55J, DATED AUG. 23,2001. 2. ALL LOT CORNERS ARE 5/ 8" IRON RODS WITH CAP STAMPED "PELOTON" UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. BASIS OF BEARINGS IS THE TEXAS STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NORTH CENTRAL ZONE, NAD '83 GPS DERIVED. 4. LOTS 1X, 2X, & 3X ARE COMMON AREA LOTS AND WILL BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION (HOA). 5. SIDEWALKS ALONG THE FRONTAGE OF LOTS 1 -6 TO BE CONSTRUCTED BY HOMEBUILDER AT TIME OF HOUSE CONSTRUCTION. SIDEWALKS ALONG COMMON AREA LOTS 1X AND 2X TO BE CONSTRUCTED BY THE DEVELOPER PRIOR TO CITY ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. 6. NO PARKING SHALL BE PERMITTED ALONG THE WEST SIDE OF THE STREET, ADJACENT TO COMMON AREA LOT 3X. Rosebriar Estates City of Coppell, Texas Proposed Variances to the Subdivision Regulations Appendix C Section I.A.1. No sidewalk will be required on the west side of Rosebriar Court adjacent to lot 3X (common area). Landscaping and a slope, no greater than 4:1, will be allowed within the outside 6' of the west ROW. The remaining 5' of the ROW adjacent to the curb will have the standard I/4" per foot parkway slope. Section V.A. The existing overhead power lines located along the perimeter of the project will remain in place. No new overhead power lines will be allowed as part of this development. Chapter 13 Appendix D Section VI Due to the existence of overhead utilities, the electric company will not allow overstory trees within this easement. In lieu of Cedar Elms, trees such as Southern Magnolia, Yaupon Holly and Mexican Plums, as shown on the Landscape Plan, will be planted to satisfy the requirements of this ordinance. PREPARED: MARCH, 2012 Conformed Copy Official Public Records John F. Warren, County Clerk Dallas County, TEXAS 12/04/2012 03:09:00 PM $58.00 a q e 201200359200 OWNER /APPLICANT OWNER'S CERTIFICATE AND DEDICATION STATE OF TEXAS) COUNTY OF DALLAS) Whereas Rosebrior Development, LLC is the owner of a tract of land situated in the Sibered B. Henderson Survey, Abstract No. 629, City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, said tract conveyed in a Deed to Rosebriar Development, LLC as recorded in Instrument No. 201200053760. Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described my metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8" iron rod with cap stamped "PELOTON" set for the northeast corner of said Rosebriar tract being a point in the south right -of -way line of Sandy Lake Road and being the northwest corner of Castlebury Court an addition to the City of Coppell as recorded in Volume 99141, Page 88 of said Deed Records: THENCE S01 °15'01 "W, along the east line of said Rosebriar tract and the west line of said Castlebury Court Addition, at 15.01 feet pass a 1/2" iron rod found for the northwest corner of Lot 1. Block A of said Castlebury Court addition and in all a total distance of 702.02 feet to an "X" cut in concrete for the southeast corner of said Rosebriar tract and being in the north line of a 20 foot wide alley as shown on the plat of Willowood No. 2, an addition to the City of Coppell as recorded in Volume 73095, Page 746 of said Deed Records; THENCE S89 °59'35 "W, 175.89 feet along the south line of said Rosebriar tract and the north line of said 20 foot wide alley to a 5/8 "iron rod found for the southwest corner of said Rosebriar tract, and being the southeast corner of Lot 8. Block A, Dobecka Addition, an addition to the City of Coppell as recorded in Volume 82084, Page 1226 of said Deed Records; THENCE N01 °15'10 "E. 698.53 feet along the west line of said Rosebriar tract and along the east line of said Block A, Dobecka Addition and then 'along the east line of Block B. Dobecka Addition Phase II, an addition to the City of Coppell as recorded in Instrument No. 20070172592 of said Deed Records to a 5/8' iron rod with cap stamped "PELOTON" set for the northwest corner of said Rosebrior tract and being in the south right -of -way line of said Sandy Lake Road; THENCE N88 °51'24 "E, 175.97 feet along the south right -of -way line of said Sandy Lake Road to the POINT OF BEGINNING. and containing 123,130 square feet or 2.827 acres of land, more or less. NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT Rosebriar Development, LLC does hereby adopt this plat designating the herein described property as ROSEBRIAR ESTATES , an addition to the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas and does hereby dedicate to the City of Coppell and public use forever the streets and easements shown hereon. The Easements shown hereon being reserved for the purposes as indicated. Rosebri A Development. LLC- Terry Mitchell, Manager STATE OF TEXAS) COUNTY OF DALLAS) BEFORE me the undersigned authority. a notary public, on this day personally appeared Terry Mitchell, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in the capacity therein stated and for the purposes and consideration herein stated. ) °i MILLiE L YARDLEY G V UNDER Y HAND AN SEAL OF OFFICE this the �Jday of � 2012. oAAVPOec, public, State of Texas No Commission Expire s ne 08, 2014 N`0 MY PUBLIC o, ,e beiE,o Ju The undersigned, the City Secretary of city of Coppell. Texas, hereby certifies that the preliminary plat of ROSEBRIAR ESTATES, an addition to the City of Coppell was submitted to the City Council on the 14th day of February. 2012 and the Council. by formal action, then and there approved the preliminary plat and by separate motion des ignoted the Planning and Zoning Commission to be the Municipal Authority responsible for the approval of the Final Plat of such land and the Final Subdivision Plat of such land need not be brought back for final approval to the City Council. V TpESS M± A thJsAday of�A- -2012. ,J _ v, tea, J by formal action of the Planning and Zoning Commission on the 1qfA% by accepting the dedication of streets, alleys. parks, easements. public ones, as shown and set forth in and upon said plat and authorizing (el-ptance thereof by signing his name as hereinbelow subscribed. City of Coppell. Texas Attest: Secretary, Planning and Zoning Commission City of Coppell, Texas SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION That I, Todd A. Bridges, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor, do hereby certify that I have prepared this plot from an actual on the ground survey of the land; and the monuments shown hereon were found and /or placed under my personal supervision in accordance with the platting rules and regulations of the City of Coppell. Texas ze,40 Todd A. Bridges, KPLS No. 4940 STATE OF TEXAS) COUNTY OF TARRANT) Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Texas on this day personally appeared Todd A. Bridges, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the some for the purpose and consideration therein expressed and in the capacit therein s ated. GIVEN � DER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this the day of . 2012 � n ROSEBRIAR DEVELOPMENT, LLC 300 EAST JOHN CARPENTER FWY SUITE 940 IRVING, TX 75062 972-793-7685 FILED IN DOC. NO. 6 RESIDENTIAL LOTS 3 COMMON AREAS BLOCK A, LOTS 1-6, 1X, 2X, & 3X ZONING PD -251 R -SF -12 FINAL PLAT OF ROSEBRIAR ESTATES BEING 2.827 ACRES SITUATED IN THE SIBERED B. HENDERSON SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 629 CITY OF COPPELL DALLAS COUNTY TEXAS 6 RESIDENTIAL LOTS O O N o_ Y _ U_ ao M o�D z W O m0 Z 2 W Y Q to W W � U � to Z M N Z (° 0 O _ CD N O � ooll O W U) J W Y 0 LU z LQ 00 Q Ui J C/) � LY W 0 go* SHEET OF SHEETS