Landscape PlanPLANT LIST 0 12' HT, W -6' SPRD, B" CAL., 18 CHINESE PISTACHE Pistacia chinensis 65ga1 SPECIMEN ° 16 CHINQUAPIN OAK Quercus muehlenbereii 65gal 12' HT, 4' -5' SPRD, 3" CAL., SPECIMEN Lagerstroemia indica 8- 10'HT; 3- 4'SPRD. MULTI- TRUNK; O 5 CRAPEMYRTLE 'TUSCARORA' 'Tuscarora' 30ga1 SPECIMEN Abelia x grandiflora 30" HT., 15" -18" SPRD., FULL POT, 220 EDWARD GOUCHER ABELIA 'Edward Goucher' 5gal WELL ROOTED, 30" HT min. AT TIME OF PLANTING. 30" HT., 15 " -18" SPRD., FULL POT, 17 DWARF BURFORD HOLLY Ilex cornuto 'Dwarf B rfordii' 3gal WELL ROOTED, 36" O.G., 20 -24" HT., 15 " -18" SPRD., FULL 16 KNOCK -OUT ROSE Rosa x Radrazz 3gal Beat g POT, WELL ROOTED, 36" O.G., POT " HT., 18" ROOT-20" SPRD, FULL POT, WELL ROOTED, , 14 DWARF YAUPON HOLLY Ilex vom itoria 'Nana' 30" HT., 15 " -18" SPRD., FULL POT, � (D 64 DWARF WAX MYRTLE Myrica pusilla 3gal WELL ROOTED, 30" HT min. AT TIME Beal OF PLANTING. 18 " -20" HT. 18 " -20" SPRD. FULL POT, WELL ROOTED, 8 -12" HT., 12 " -15" SPRD., FULL POT, 4q INDIAN HAWTHORN Raphiolepis indica 'Clef -a' - 0 70 LANTANA Lantana camara 'New Gold' lgal WELL ROOTED, All solid sod shall be COMMON BERMUDA cynodon dactylon Common Bermuda i 1.82' s 1 r- I (6)--EXISTING B" TREES � `\ 74° 4S#39,, '\ Ln O 1 o \ \ _ NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY FOR AND PROCURE ALL REQUIRED PERMITS PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. CONTACT ALL UTILITY COMPANIES MINIMUM 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY WORK. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE / RESPONSIBLE FOR BECOMING FAMILIAR WITH ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, PIPES, STRUCTURES, ETC. CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY COST INCURRED DUE TO DAMAGE OF / THESE UTILITIES. B. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT WILLFULLY PROCEED WITH CONSTRUCTION AS DESIGNED WHEN IT IS OBVIOUS THAT UNKNOWN OBSTRUCTIONS AND /OR GRADE DIFFERENCES EXIST THAT MAY NOT HAVE / BEEN FORESEEN IN THE DESIGN. SUCH CONDITIONS SHALL 1,E BROUGHT UP TO THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY NECESSARY / CHANGES DUE TO FAILURE TO GIVE SUCH NOTIFICATION. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL WORK WITH OTHER SUBCONTRACTORS ON THE JOBSITE AS REQUIRED TO COMPLETE CONSTRUCTION. 5. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SAMPLES OF EACH SHRUB AND GROUNDCOVER SPECIES OR NURSERY / SOURCE FOR APPROVAL BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. ALL PLANTS ARE TO / BE SPECIMEN QUALITY, FULL POT AND HEAD, SYMMETRICAL FOLIAGE AND BRANCHING STRUCTURE. SHRUBS SHALL BE FULL TO GROUND. PLANT MATERIAL OF THE SAME SPECIES SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM THE SAME SOURCE. 6. THE OWNER, TENANT AND THEIR AGENT, IF ANY SHALL BE JOINTLY AND SEVERALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF ALL LANDSCAPING. ALL REQUIRED; LANDSCAPING SHALL BE _ MAINTAINED IN A NEAT AND ORDERLY MANNER AT ALL TIM -ES. THIS SHALL INCLUDE MOWING, EDGING, PRUNING, FERTILIZING, NATERING WEEDING, AND OTHER SUCH ACTIVITIES COMMON TO E ST THE MAINTENANCE OF LANDSCAPING. LANDSCAPED AREAS SHALL BE KEPT FREE OF TRASH, LITTER, N� WEEDS AND OTHER SUCH MATERIAL OR PLANTS NOT A PART OF THE LANDSCAPING. ALL PLANT ULl MATERIALS SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A HEALTHY AND GRN1NG CONDITION AS IS APPROPRIATE FOR THE SEASON OF THE YEAR. PLANT MATERIALS WHICH DIE SHALL BE REPLACED WITH PLANT MATERIAL OF SIMILAR VARIETY AND SIZE. (1 1- CHINESE PISTACHE 16- LANTANA .8- INDIAN HAWTHORN 1.- CHINESE PISTACHE /4 D ARF WAX MYRTLE 6q- I�D GOUCHER' ABELIA �/ — ffioz . - 11 314� wNi2j" Elp 7- CHINQUAPIN OAK -� o SOME NN �'q-�_ 215 O Tl� Y 38, PACE 24 /(�gNTo SE SAS COON Icv Ic V \, 137.23, S78' 05' 13" E •4 fN&T MIN OAK RE HYDRANT o +. +FDICI - - - -- + + , - 'EDWARD GOUCHER' ABELIA F + I- CHINESE PISTACHE 52 -DWARF WAX MYRTLE ' 1- CHINESE PISTACHE + o/ COMMON BERMUDA SOLID SOD -1- CHINESE PISTACHE BULLROCK o' /. 1- CHINESE PISTACHE 8— INDIAN HAWTHOR-N COMMON BERMUD. SOLID SOD V ........... ........ .._. QC d I °I M 2- CRAPEMYRTLE ° 1- CHINESE PISTACHE + ° o + 2- CRAPEMYRTLE + 1- CHINE5E PISTACHE 5- CHINQUAPIN OAK _ 1- CHINESE PISTACHE 9 + 1- CHINESE PISTACHE % II 0 MONUMENT SIGN ED OCHE ABELIA + 20'X30' UTILITY ESMT. — —1 -LA TAN CABINET Y, PAGE 626 -1 WT ORN _ 0 N I CC# 20080282895 (DAL o — I — — h e_N77° _. —Ch-��0 S?A R 6 L,-309-771 - - -_ 4 — w�ab � r a_oo s.s5. — 1e _:j 6 °42� j'j'I(� v 19„ Y �$y 12, PROPOSED 6 'WIDE CONC SIDEWALK 00 C COM N BERMUDA o 00 OLID SOD p ALLY AREAS TO BE COMMON BERMUDA SOD 10' STREET & SIDEWALK EASEMENT CABINET Y, PAGE 626 (DENTON COUNTY) CC# 20080282895 (DALLAS COUNTY) C.C. vfi1 KN ® 14-0 LANDSCAPE TABULATIONS INTERIOR LANDSCAPE ........................ ........................ PAVING AREA = 36,950 SF 10% = 316015 SF REQUIRED 3/706 SF PROVIDED I TREE PER 400 SF - q TREES REQUIRED 13 TREES PROVIDED PERIMETER LANDSCAPING I TREE PER 50' 7 TREES PROVIDED ALONG SOUTH PERMTER 5 TREES PROVIDED ALONG EAST PERIME�-'rER HEDGE ROW PROVIDED NON-VEHICULAR USE AREAS FRONT YARD REMAINING YARD LOT - 77/ 885 SF BLDG - 13, q81 SF (05/0104 SF * 15% = q/585 REQUIRED 4, 7q3 SF OF FRONT YARD REQUIRED FRONT YARD - 5/ 0501 SF REMAINING = 5/580 SF ss SS )11 . CIRF CIRFJ XCF NLUENT el&N ULTI TENANT) ................... .................... ... XCF . ............. ... . ......................... ..................... .......................... .......................... ........................... 15isf @ Z ......... PERIMETER LANDSCAPING 1509f WIN S n b t-!YA of - I lcv 780sf ......... ............. ................ ........... f ................. ................... ........... .. ...................... ...................... ..................... .. ....... I ............. ...................... . . . . . ............. o......, ................. ........... �­:t:wo:aa, ....... ............. 2q2sf F_-7 ........... ... .. ............. .j L .......... .......... ........................... ............ 171 sf . . ..... ......... .................... . .................. .. ............... - .. .. ................. . ................ ........ .. .. .. 17W .............. ",302sf 150sf q479f Moll IM 2145sf--\ 1509f MONWENT 61ON ............... 150 f i , /ir ire PERIMETER LANDSCAPING 0 .ATe TAC H E D ol I C,C, PACKET C 0 O ....................... . . . . . . . . . . . .............. ........................... ................. ........... ...... ............ . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... ............ ............ .................. ................ ............. ..... ............ ........... . ............ ........... ..................... ............... ............... ............ ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . j Architect i /iii /r�ir� it // Glu 7 f,-,ITY OF c .Pp E NINGDEPARTMENI.... . ......... ........ . . L PLANTING � as 1/2" DIA. BLACK HOSE PART 1 GENERAL A. Sharp Sand: Sand shall be thoroughly washed, coarse grade shape, construction or brick sand, PART 2 PRODUCTS 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS free of clay balls, weeds, and grass. So- called cushion sand, blow sand, or creek silt is not 2.01 SOD Drawings and General Provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary acceptable for substitution where sharp sand is specified. A. Sod shall be nursery grown Common Bermuda sod having a healthy, virile root systerh of dense, Conditions and all applicable specification sections, apply to this section.. B. Herbicide thickly matted roots throughout the soil of the sod for a minimum thickness of 1 inch, Sod shall be 1.02 DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1. Pre - emergent herbicide shall be Eptom 5G by Green Light Co., P. 0. Box 471, Missouri City, TX, free of noxious weeds and undesirable native grasses. Soil attached to the sod shall be free of 9 A. This Section specifies the requirements for providing planting materials and their 77459, (713) 438 -6824, or approved equal. stones and debris. installation as indicated and scheduled. For grass installation refer to Se 9 ction 02487 2. Contact herbicide shall be Roundup by Monsanto, 800 N. Lindbergh, St. Louis, Missouri, 63167, B. Sod shall have been mowed within 7 days of being stripped. Sod shall be provided in rectangular (314) 694 - 1000, or approved equal. pads of not less than 12 inches nor more than 24 inches. Dry sod will be rejected. D. Bark Mulch for top dressing: Organic mulch free from deleterious materials and suitable for top BACKFILL MIX Sodding and Section 02486 - Hydromulching dressing of trees, shrubs or plants. Mulch shall be composted, well rotted, shredded hardwood mulch, 2.02 TOPSOIL 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE black or dark brown in color. Enriched Bark Mulch for bed prep shall be as above with additional A. Provide topsoil which is fertile, friable, natural loam, surface soil, free of subsoil, clay lumps, brush, A. Installer: Installation of planting work shall be performed by a single firm organic of peat and /or manure. weeds and other litter, and free of roots, stumps, stones larger than 2" in any dimension and other E. Root Stimulator: Shall be Hi -Yield Root Stimulator 5 -12 -3, by Voluntary Purchasing Group, P. 0. extraneous or toxic matter harmful to plant growth. specializing in landscape and planting work. Contractor shall be licensed P 9 P P 9 by the Box 460, Bonham, TX, 75418, (214) 583 -5501, or approved equal. Spreader sticker as needed. B. Obtain topsoil only from naturally, well - drained sites where topsoil occurs in a depth of not less Texas Association of Nurserymen, shall possess an agricultural certificatex shall be a F. Fire Ant control: Durzban or 1% Diazanon Granular as manufactured by Green Light Projects Co., than 4". Topsoil shall not be collected from sites that are infected with growth of or the licensed pest applicator, and shall have not less than 5 years of experience in this San Antonio, TX, 78217 or Logic by PBI Gordon, Kansas City, MO. reproductive parts of noxious weeks, especially nut grass. Topsoil shall not be stripped, collected or type of work. G. Insecticide: Lindane with Adjuvant distributed by Esco Distributors, 514 W. 25th, Stfeet, Houston, deposited while wet. Topsoil shall not be excessively acid or alkaline contain toxic substances B. Quality ontrol Y TX, 77008, (713) 864 -7771. i which may be harmful to plant growth. Topsoil shall be without admixture of subsoil. 2.03 FERTILIZER 1. Trees, Shrubs, and Groundcovers: H. Planting Backfill Mix: Shall be 33% topsoil, 33% sharp sand, and 33% enriched bark mulch or A. Fertilizer shall be granulated fertilizer with an analysis of 16 -8 -8 +iron, unless otherwise a. Provide plants of quantity, size, genus, species and variety shown P q Y• 9 p Y and approved commercially available planter's soil mix. Add fertilizer as per specifications. Contractor indicated. The figures in the analysis represent the percent of nitrogen, phosphoric acid and 9 Y P P 9 P potash scheduled for planting work and complying with recommendations and shall submit source or sample to Landscape Architect. nutrients respectively. pectively requirements of ANSI 260.1 "American Standard for Nursery Stock.' I. Topsoil 1. Provide topsoil which is fertile, friable, natural loam, surface soil, free of subsoil, clay lumps, brush, p B. Fertilizer shall be uniform in composition and dry. Fertilizer shall be furnished in unopened p Y• p Provide health vigorous stock, grown in recognized nurser in Y' g g g Y weeds and other litter, and free of roots, stumps, stones larger than 2 inches in any dimension and containers, labeled to indicate the analysis of the contents. Caked or otherwise damaged material will be rejected. accordance with good horticultural practice and free of disease, insects, other extraneous or toxic matter harmful to plant growth. PART 3 EXECUTION eggs, larvae and defects such as knots, sun scald, injuries, abrasions, or 2. Obtain topsoil only from naturally, well- drained sites where topsoil occurs in a depth of not less 3.01 INSPECTION disfigurement. than 4 inches. Topsoil shall not be collected from sites that are infected with growth of, or the A. Surfaces indicated to be sodded shall be inspected to verify that all preceding work in the area b. Label each plant with securely attached waterproof tag bearing legible designation reproductive parts of noxious weeds, especially nut grass. Topsoil shall not be stripped, collected or has been completed. Sodding shall not start until all preceding work has been completed. of botanical and common name. deposited while wet. Topsoil shall not be excessively acid or alkaline or contain toxic substances which 3.02 SODDING 2. Compliance: Ship planting materials with Certificates of Inspection as required by may be harmful to plant growth. Topsoil shall be without admixture of subsoil. A. Preparation governing authorities. Comply with all applicable local, state, and federal requirements 1. Strip existing vegetation and 1 inch of existing soil from all areas to receive sod not stripped and regarding materials, methods of work, and disposal of excess and waste materials. 2.02 PLANT MATERIALS graded under previous work or contract. 3. Substitutions: Do not make substitutions unless approved in writing by Landscape A. Shrubs and Groundcover: Provide specimen quality plant material as described in Construction 2. After stripping, loosen soil to a depth of 1 -1/2 inches prior to laying sod. Remove call stones, Architect. If specified planting material is not obtainable, submit proof of non- availability Documents. Each individual species of plant material shall be obtained and provided from a single roots, vegetation, rubbish, debris and other foreign matter 1 in diameter or larger from the top to Landscape Architect together with proposal for use of equivalent material; Contractor source. 2" of soil. No foreign matter may be buried on site. Hand rake to achieve smooth grade. shall submit proposal in a timely manner as to not impact project completion or PART 3 EXECUTION 3. Fertilizer shall be uniformly spread over the topsoil at the average rate of 400 lbs. per acre and installation of other work. 3.01 PREPARATION shall be raked into the topsoil to a full 2 -inch depth. A. Grading 4. Immediately prior to placing sod, the fertilized topsoil substrate shall be lightly moistened. 4. Analysis and Standards: All packaged products shall be delivered in original 1. Strip existing vegetation and soil in areas to receive planting and grass to depth shown on B. Installation manufacturer's sealed containers. For unpackaged materials, submit analysis by recognized drawings. Backfill with topsoil and planting backfill mix to depth shown on drawings. 1. All sod shall be carefully laid in parallel rows in a smooth manner, alternating all sod joints, laboratory made in accordance with methods established by the Association of Official 2. Perform grading within Contract limits, including adjacent transition areas, where required, Fit sod strips tightly together so that no joints are visible and tamp firmly. Cut Pieces of sod Agriculture Chemists, wherever applicable. to new elevations, levels, and contours indicated. Provide subgrade surfaces parallel to to fill any voids left. 5. Inspection: Notify Landscape Architect at least 2 weeks prior to installation, of finished surface grades. Provide uniform levels and slopes. 2. Water sod immediately after planting, slowly but thoroughly, to secure at least six (6) inches location where materials that have been selected for planting may be inspected, either at 3. Grade surface to ensure areas drain away from structures and to prevent ponding and pockets of penetration into the soil below the sod. Do not allow the blades of grass to wilt. The sodded place of growth or the site prior to planting. Plant material will be inspected for surface drainage. Provide subgrade surfaces free from irregular surface changes. Provide area shall be rolled to form a thoroughly even, solid mat. Any voids left in block sodding shall compliance with requirements for genus, species, variety, size and quality. Landscape P subgrade surface free of exposed boulders or stones exceeding 4 inches in neatest dimension in g p g 9 be filled with cut sod pieces and /or topsoil. Architect retains right to further inspect trees for size and conditions of balls and root paved areas; 2 inches lawn areas. 3. Follow the completion of the installation, the sod shall be watered in an amount and as often as 4. Provide adequate drainage of the working area at all times. necessary to maintain healthy growth of the grass. systems, insects, injuries and latent defects, and to reject unsatisfactory or defective 5. Fine grade topsoil eliminating rough and low areas to ensure positive drainage. Maintain 4. Treat entire areas of sod for fire ants with Durzban as per manufacturer's instructions, material at any time during progress of work. Contractor shall remove rejected trees levels, profiles, and contours of subgrades. 3.03 MAINTENANCE OF SODDED AREAS immediately from site and replace with specified materials. Plant material not installed in 6. Remove stones, roots, weeds, and debris while raking topsoil. Rake surface clean of stones 1 A. Contractor shall correctly maintain the sodded areas throughout the installation. accordance with Contract will be rejected. inch or larger in any dimension and of all debris. Place planting backfill mix to depth specified Contractor shall be responsible for care and maintenance of entire project. C. Reference standards Applicable to this section: on drawings. END OF SECTION 1. ANSI: American National Standards Institute 7. All finished grades shall meet line and grade of pavement. Finished grades (top of soil a. Z60.1: Nursery Stock prior to hydromulch) shall be maximum of 1 inch below walkway pavement surface: Grade 2. Association of Official Agriculture Chemists all slopes from rear of landscape easement or center of medians to walkways and curbs at a 3. FS: Federal Specifications and Standards minimum of 2 percent slope. B. Plant Layout: Layout individual tree locations of trees to be machine moved by others and areas a. Q- P -166E: Peat, Moss; Peat, Humus; and Peat, Reed -Sedge for multiple plantings as shown on drawings. In case of conflicts or non - contractual conditions, 4. NBS: National Bureau of Standards notify Landscape Architect before proceeding with the work. a. PS23: Perlite Product Standard 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Work Schedule: Contractor shall submit a work schedule for all planting work prior A. Preparation of Planting Backfill Mix 1. Mix specified soil amendments and fertilizers with topsoil at rates indicated: Delay mixing to purchase and installation of plant material. of fertilizer if planting will not follow placing of planting soil within 48 hours, unless otherwise B. Certification: directed. Amendments shall be incorporated into soil as a part of the soil preparation process 1. Submit, for landscape Architect's review and approval, manufacturer's or prior to fine grading, fertilizing, and planting. Each amendment material shall be broadcast or vendor's certified analysis of soil amendments. Submit other data substantiating spread evenly at the specified rate over the planting area. that materials comply with specified and indicated requirements. Amendments shall be thoroughly incorporated into the topsoil until amendments are 2. Fertilizer certification shall be submitted for landscape Architect's review and pulverized and have become a homogeneous layer of soil ready for planting. approval as to the chemical analysis of the fertilizer, a listing of the elements Incorporation and mixing shall be accomplished by mechanical means. therein their 1. For planting beds, mix planting soil prior to backfilling. contained and percentages. D. Fire Ant Control: Fire ants shall be controlled with broadcast application of insecticide at a rate C. Maintenance Instructions: Submit typewritten instructions, including manufacturer's of 1 -1/2 lbs. bait per acre. Apply after dew has dried and when no rain is expected for 6 hours. recommendations and instructions recommending procedures to be established by Use properly calibrated equipment to assure uniform distribution. Apply to entire area of ` Owner for maintenance of planting work. Submit instructions prior to expiration of planting /grassing. contractor's required maintenance period. 3.02 PLANTING D. Submittals: Contractor shall submit in writing materials used on jobsite. Provide A. Excavation for Shrubs company name of product or nursery. p Y P y 1. Excavate pits, beds and trenches with vertical sides and with bottom of excavation slightly raised at center to provide proper drainage. 1.05 DELIVERY. STORAGE AND HANDLING 2. Make excavations at least half again as wide as the ball diameter and equal to the ball depth, plus 3" allowance for setting of ball on a layer of compacted backfill. A. Packaged Materials: Deliver packaged materials in fully labeled original containers 3. Dispose of subsoil removed from planting excavations. Do not mix with planting soil or use showing weight, analysis and names of manufacturer. Protect materials from as backfill. deterioration during delivery, and while stored at site. B. Planting Large Shrubs B. Plants: 1. Set stock on layer of compacted planting soil mixture, plumb and in center of pit at some 1. Do not drop stock during delivery. elevation as adjacent finished planting grades. Place fertilizer tablets evenly spaced in hole at 2. Materials shall not be pruned prior to installation unless otherwise approved by layer specified rate. Place additional backfill mix around base and sides of ball and work each la Y Landscape Architect in writing. Do not bend or bind -tie trees and shrubs irl such a to settle backfill and eliminate voids and air pockets. When excavation is approximately 2/3 manner as to damage bark, break branches or destroy natural shape. Provide protective full, water thoroughly before placing remainder of backfill. Repeat watering until no more covering during delivery. water is absorbed. Dish top of backfill to allow for mulching. Prune 3. Deliver plants after preparation for planting has been completed and plant immediately. 2. Prune, thin out, and shape shrubs in accordance with standard horticultural practice: shrubs to retain natural character. Remove and replace excessively pruned or misfor=med If planting is delayed more than 7 hours after delivery, set plants in shade, protect from stock resulting from improper pruning. moist b covering with mulch weather and mechanical damage. Keep roots y g burlap or C. Planting Shrubs, Groundcover and Seasonals other acceptable means of retaining moisture, and water as needed. 1. Excavate hole as necessary to accommodate root ball. Place fertilizer tablet(s) or granular 4. Do not remove container grown stock from containers before time of planting and fertilizer in hole according to recommended rate. Backfill hole with planting backfill mix. water immediately after delivery and prior to planting. Water after planting to remove voids and place additional prepared soil to cover root ball if 1.06 JOB CONDITIONS necessary. A. Work Scheduling: Proceed with and complete planting work in a timely 2. Mulch entire planting bed areas with 2 -3 inches bark mulch spread consistently and manner, working within seasonal limitations for each kind of planting work required. evenly across root balls and entire planting bed areas. 3.03 CLEANUP AND PROTECTION B. Planting time A. During planting work, keep pavements clean and work area in an orderly condition. Sweep site and 1. Correlate planting with specified maintenance periods to provide maintenance remove trash at end of each workday as necessary. from date of Substantial Completion. B. Protect planting work and materials from damage due to planting operations, operations by other 2. Plan to frost - tender trees only after danger of frost is past or sufficiently contractors and trades and trespassers. Maintain protection during installation periods. Treat, repair before frost season to allow for establishment before first frost. Do not plant in re replace damaged planting work as directed by Landscape Architect. frozen ground. C. Stockpile, haul from site, and legally dispose of waste materials and debris. Accumulation will not 3. Plant trees, shrubs and groundcover after final grades are established and be permitted. Maintain haul and disposal routes clear, clean and free of debris. On -site burning of combustible cleared materials will not be permitted. prior to planting of lawns, unless otherwise directed by Landscape Architect in D. Upon completion of work, clean areas within Contract limits; remove tools, supplies and equipment writing. If planting occurs after lawn work, protect lawn areas and promptly repair Wash down curbs and pavement areas. Scrub curbs and walks as necessary to insure a clean damage to awns resulting from planting operations. surface. Provide site clean and free of materials and suitable for use as intended. 3.04 MAINTENANCE A. Utilities: Refer to engineering drawings and coordinate with Utility Contractor for location of A. Contractor shall correctly maintain the planting work throughout the installation process and utilities. Contractor shall be responsible for damage to existing utilities throughout the landscape maintenance period as specified in Section 02493, Exterior Landscape and structures. maintenance. B. Security: The Owner will not assume any responsibility for security of any materials, equipment, 3.05 etc. during construction of the project until project acceptance. A. While planting work is completed and at the completion of maintenance period, Owner will make an C. Excavation: When conditions detrimental to plant growth are encountered, such as rubble fill, inspection to determine acceptability. adverse drainage conditions beyond the scope of this contract, or obstructions, notify Landscape B. When inspected planting work does not comply with the Contract Document requirements, replace Architect of such conditions, immediately and before planting. rejected work and continue specified maintenance until reinspected by Owner and found to be D. Pollution Control: Control dust caused by planting operations. Dampen surfaces as necessary. acceptable. Contractor shall remove rejected plants and mat4erials promptly from site. Comply with pollution control regulations of governing authorities. END OF SECTION 1.07 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE A. Substantial Completion notice for planting work will be issued by landscape Architect only for entire planting and landscape work. SODDING B. Substantial Completion notice will be issued only after Owner and Landscape Architect inspect and approve all required planted materials and grassed areas. PART 1 GENERAL C. Final acceptance will be determined after the maintenance period and when all plant materials are 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS alive and healthy and grass areas are established. A. Drawings and General Provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary D. Final acceptance notice will be issued only after Owner and Landscape Architect inspect and Conditions and all applicable specification sections, apply to this section. approve all planting work as in accordance with the Contract Documents. 1.02 DESCRIPTION 1.08 SPECIAL PROJECT WARRANTY A. Provide sodding as specified and as indicated. A. Contractor shall furnish written warranty of trees, shrubs and groundcover for 12 months after 1.03 SUBMITTALS date of final acceptance, against defects including death and unsatisfactory growth, except for A. Sod Certification: Certification shall be submitted from the sod nursery as to the grass species, defects resulting from neglect by Owner or abuse or damage by others. (Machine moved trees location of the field from which the sod has been stripped and the date of stripping. Certification installed by others under a separate contract shall be warranted by others.) shall accompany the delivery of the sod. B. Remove and replace shrubs and groundcover found to be dead or in unhealthy condition during B. Fertilizer Certification: Certification shall be submitted from the fertilizer manufacturer as to the warranty period. Replace shrubs and groundcover which are in doubtful condition at end of warranty chemical analysis of the fertilizer, a listing of the elements contained therein and their percentages. period. However, if in the opinion of Owner, such doubtful material may survive, Contractor shall Certification shall also indicate that the fertilizer is in accordance with the requirements of the Texas extend the warranty period for a full growing season. Owner will determine which items are in Fertilizer Law. doubtful condition. 1.04PRODUCT HANDLING C. Another inspection will be conducted by Owner, at end of extended warranty period to determine A. Sod Delivery: Sod shall be delivered on pallets with the root system protected from exposure to acceptance or rejection. wind and sun. Stripping and delivery shall be timed so that sod will be placed within 48 fours of PART 2 PRODUCTS stripping. 2.01 MATERIALS B. Fertilizer Delivery: Fertilizer shall be delivered in the manufacturer's unopened containers, labeled A. Fertilizer to indicate the manufacturer's name and product identification. Containers shall be stored protected 1. Granular fertilizer shall be a commercial fertilizer, uniform in composition, free flowing, and from ground contact and from the elements. suitable for application with approved equipment. Fertilizer which has been exposed to high humidity 1.05JOB CONDITIONS and moisture, has become caked or otherwise damaged making it unsuitable for use, will not be A. Sod shall be placed during the period between the last freeze in the spring and 6 weeks prior to acceptable. Application shall be Osmocote 13. 13. 13 + Iron by Sierra Chemical, 1 -800- 492 -8255, the average date for the first freeze in the fall according to the National Weather Service for the 1001 Yosemite Dr. Milpitas, CA 95035, or approved equal. Broadcast rototill fertilizer at the rate of area in which the work is located. 3 lbs. Actual nitrogen per 1000 square feet into prepared planting soil. 1.06 GUARANTEE A. A written guarantee shall be provided guaranteeing the sodded areas are in a healthy, vigorous, undamaged condition for a period of 90 days beginning on the date of final acceptance. Guarantee shall provide for filling, leveling, and repairing eroded areas, or resodding areas exhibiting lack of healthy growth. J 0 m 0 D - MULTI -STEM TREE PLANTING SCALE: NTS 45GAL OR LARGER ONLY ALL TREES LARGER THAN SHALL RECEIVE 3 STAKES. � v _ SINGLE TRUNK TREE 1/2" DIA. BLACK HOSE #12 ga. SMOOTH GALV. WIRE T METAL T POST GREEN; TOP OF POLES SHALL BE EVEN. 2 STAKES PER TREE - SET O 180° APART. ALL MES LARGER THAN 45 GAL SHALL REGOVE 3 STAKES. MIN. FINISH GRADE 3,4" SAUCER RING 2-W SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULO PREPARED SOIL BACKFILL MIX COMPACTED SOIL PEDESTAL EXISTING SUBGRADE TREE PLANTING SCALE: NTS ® 0 d d a a o 0 Q.: 2-3" HARDWOOD MULCH GROUNDCOVER SET INTO PREPARED BED PREPARED SOIL: W PLANTER'S MIX TILLED INTO EXISTING SOIL EXISTING SURADE A - GROUNDCOVER PLANTING SCALE: NTS BED PLANTED SHRUB 2-3" SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH PREPARED SOIL: 6" PLANTER'S MIX TILLED INTO EXISTING SOIL COMPACTED SOIL PEDESTAL EXISTING SUBGRADE 6 MIN. B SHRUB PLANTING SCALE: NTS O Q3 0 U O c a Y N O N I � as 1/2" DIA. BLACK HOSE #12 ga. SMOOTH GALV. WIRE I S 7' METAL T POST, GREENS TOP OF POLES SHALL BE EVEN. FINISH GRADE -3-4" SOIL SAUCER Rites v. • 1 2-3" SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH PREPARED SOIL BACKFILL MIX :: , EXISTING SUBGRADE MIN. COMPACTED SOIL PEDESTAL D - MULTI -STEM TREE PLANTING SCALE: NTS 45GAL OR LARGER ONLY ALL TREES LARGER THAN SHALL RECEIVE 3 STAKES. � v _ SINGLE TRUNK TREE 1/2" DIA. BLACK HOSE #12 ga. SMOOTH GALV. WIRE T METAL T POST GREEN; TOP OF POLES SHALL BE EVEN. 2 STAKES PER TREE - SET O 180° APART. ALL MES LARGER THAN 45 GAL SHALL REGOVE 3 STAKES. MIN. FINISH GRADE 3,4" SAUCER RING 2-W SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULO PREPARED SOIL BACKFILL MIX COMPACTED SOIL PEDESTAL EXISTING SUBGRADE TREE PLANTING SCALE: NTS ® 0 d d a a o 0 Q.: 2-3" HARDWOOD MULCH GROUNDCOVER SET INTO PREPARED BED PREPARED SOIL: W PLANTER'S MIX TILLED INTO EXISTING SOIL EXISTING SURADE A - GROUNDCOVER PLANTING SCALE: NTS BED PLANTED SHRUB 2-3" SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH PREPARED SOIL: 6" PLANTER'S MIX TILLED INTO EXISTING SOIL COMPACTED SOIL PEDESTAL EXISTING SUBGRADE 6 MIN. B SHRUB PLANTING SCALE: NTS O Q3 0 U O c a Y N O N I � as i I S v. • .11 1" 1 Sbecs