RP Filed w/county 050613UTILITY SIGNATURE BLOCK NAME ; DATE SIGNATURE ONCOR . I v ATMOS ENERGY J STATE F TEXAS TIME WARNER — / , N VERIZON L(4 113 NOTES: T O DWNER S DEDICATION OWNER 0 1: IRF - Iron Rod Found STATE F TEXAS , N NOW, THEREFORE KNOW ALL MEN BY PRESENTS: S LINTY F DALLAS Basis f _ , , THAT, ATE EDWARD CRATER, EDWARD R CRATER ED AR R. do KIMBERLY K CR HOMEOWNERS' • C CRATER, SCOTT D. & & KELLI J. PARK EDWARD &KIMBERLY K. C CRATER AND according to the Flat .thereof recorded m Volume 96020 P Page 2043 Map of Dallas Count H ASSOCIATION OF OLD COPPELL ESTATES, INC., AND SCOTT D. do KEW J. PARK, does - - , of land situated m - P ► r r • r Survey, Abstract N •° Texas and bean an addition to the City of Coppell, Texas and does hereby dedicate to the ESTATES, Y PP y all that certain tract of land to Edward R R Crater by deed recorded in Instrument No: 2 201200336287 FLOOD CERTIFICATE public use forever, the streets and alleys, shown hereon. The Easements shown hereon Deed Records, Dallas County, 9 9 , , T As determined by the FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MA P S for Dallas. County, the subject property Does a e y purpose as a P ark; by deed reco r de d in Volume 2004247 Page 16094 said Deed Recor ds, and being all that certain rl 4 i tract of land to Edward R. & Kimberly K Crater, b deed recorded ►n Instrument No. 2008003 070 said Not appear to lie within a Special FI H r 1 : ! , p Flood Hazard Area 100 Year Flood), Ma date 8 26 200 Y Y P ) P / , No bu►Idm s fences trees shrubs or other improvements or growths shall. be g P 9 r n In II that certain tract of land to Homeowners Association of Old Coppell .Estates Community anel No. 48113C0135J subject lot is located in Zone X. , , Deed Records, and, being a pp , Y J • • constructed or lace upon, over or across "Utility Easements as shown. Said P P , Y _ :99213 Page 4 ► and Inca b deed. recorded m Volume 288 said Deed Records and being all of Lots 1 2 a If this site ►s not within. an identified flood hazard area this. Flood Statement does not imply what. 9 9 , "Utility Easements being hereby reserved for the mutual use and accommodation of - ' C 1 lock 1 Old Coppell Estates an addition to the City of Coppell, Dallas Count Texas according to Y 9 Y B , the property and or structures thereon will be free -from flooding 'or flood damage. e. On rare ... .. .. PP Y PP Y 9 / 9 9 • all public utilities desiring to use or using some. All and an public utility hall have P 9 9 Y P Y s the plat thereof recorded m Volume 96020 Page .2043 Ma Records Dallas Count Texas and being occasions, greater floods can and will occur and flood heights may be increased b man-made or P � 9 � P � Y� � 9 9 9 Y Y the right to `remove and keep removed all r parts of buildings, fences, e g p ed o pat o y gs, a ces, trees, more, articular) described as follows: natural causes. This Flood Statement shall not. create liability on the art of the Surveyor. particularly _Y P Y - shrubs or other improvements or growths which may In an way endanger r interfere _ P 9 Y Y Y 9 o to with the construction, o r efficiency of its respective system on the BEGINNING at a point from which a 5 8 inch iron rod with RPLS 1855 ca found bears North 68 deg. BEG G P / P 9 Utility asements and all public utilities shall at all times have the full right of f of for the Southwest corner of said Edward R. Crater r me being in Y P 54 trim: 59 sec. West, 0.75 0 s E a Cate tact,. sa g ingress and egress to or from and, upon th e said "Utility Easements" for the purpose t h e North right of way line of Bethel Road (a variable width right of way); - of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining and adding to or P p , 9 9 9 9 9 9 removing rom all or "arts of its respective system without the necessity at an time 9 P P Y Y Y THENCE North 00 de 05 min: 56 sec. West, along the. West.. line of said Edward R. Crater asset of procuring the permission of anyone. 9 9 passing P s P 9 I n e .7 f 1 2 Inch Iron rod with Plburn Partners" f h at a d sta c of 9 0 feet a ca found for the Southeast LOT 4R2, BLOCK 1 / P N8 9'11 04 W 1 40.00 I OLD COPPELL ESTATES ADDITION corner of Lot 1R2 Block 1 Vaughan Addition, an addition to the City of Coppell, Dallas Count Texas: 9 Y PP _ y, INST NO. 201100211432 • according to the plat hereof recorded in Instrument No. 201100 11431 Ma Record Dallas Count t 2 s, Da , Witness our hand at C ell Texas this Witness our hand at C I Texas P P Y M.R.D.C.T. PP el this T n ► I h common line of said Edward Crater 1 Texas, and continuing along , t e E R C to tract and said Lot 1R2 a tots the �' 9 9 t e a of the da of Y Y distcnce of 164.00 feet to a 1 2 Iron rod found from which a 5 8 inch iron rod with RPL 1855 ca A:D. 3. A.D. 013.. / / o t S p 361 HEARTHSTONE LA , NE - found bears North 37 deg. 11 min. 55 sec.` West 0.37 foot said corner being the Northwest corner of , DAVID J. & FlONA BARLEGGS 9 9 a► w r r me being the Nor ✓- said Edward R. Crater tract, sa Northeast corner of said 1 R2 same being m the South VOL 2003076, PG. 8813 - -- - - - - -- ` -- - - - - - -- � 9 � 9 - line of Lot 4R2 lock 1 Old o' ell Estates Addition an B C ..addition to the City of Coppell, alias County, EDWARD. R. CRATER KI BERLY K. TER PP , D I_ Y PP Texas according o the Plat thereof recorded in Instrument N . 11 114 t o 20 002 32 said Ma Records g p , GRAPHIC SCALE STATE OF TEXAS THENCE South 89 de 47 mm. 13 sec. East along the common line of said Edward R. Crater tract and STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS 9 � 9 , said Lot 4R2 passing the most southerly Southeast corner e st co a of said Lot 4R2 same being ''the most 20 o to 20 40 so COUNTY OF DALLAS P 9 Y T R BLOCK 1 Coppell : . LO 3 LO wester) Southwest corner of Lot 3R Block 1 Old Esta s A dl ►on I to Addition, an addition to the City of Before me, the undersigned, o Notary Y � , o Y OLD COPPELL ESTATES ADDITION 9 Y s Co ell Dallas Count Texas according to the plot thereof recorded m Instrument N 0 4 Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public m and for the said Count and Coppell, Y, 9 P t 0 2009 00 0806, INST. N0. 200900040805 , 9 � Y Y _ : , said Ma Records and continuing along the common line f e o said Edward R. Crater tract and said Lo M.R.D.C.T. Public in and for the said Count and State on this day personally appeared P , 9 9 t IN FEET I Y , Y P Y PP 3R o total distance 81.86 feet to a 1 2 .Inch iron r State on this day personally appeared Kimberly K. Crater, known o 0 rod found for the Northeast corner of said Edward 1 inch ft. Y P Y PP Y , to me to be / 365 HEARTHSTONE LAN Crater ► ern E R. Gate tract same being an internal corner of said Lot 3R .Edward R. Crater, known to me to be the the person whose name ►s subscribed to , MICHAEL S. & AMY R. CURTIS P 9 person whose name Is subscribed to the ' the foregoing .instrument n T 01 0308534 P 9 9 and INST. NO 2 00 THENCE South 00 deg. 49 min. 02 sec. West along the o common line of said Edward Crater r foregoing Instrument and acknowledged to acknowledged to me that the executed g g Ed a d R C ate , tact and 9 9 9 9 Y me that the executed the same for the the same for the purposes n a d said Lot 3R, a distance of 6.00 feet to a 1 2 Inch Iron rod found for the most southerly .Southwest Y / F. 1/2- R purposes and consideration therein consideration therein expressed, / p p e essed, and m corner of said Lot 3R, same bean the Northwest corner of aforesaid Lot 2 FROM WHICH A P 9 , . - expressed, and ►n the capacity therein the capacity therein stated: s/8 IRF W/ RPLS 1855 . s » P � P Y P Y CAP BEARS S00 49 02 W stated. THENCE South 89 de 10 mina 58 sec. East along the common line of said .Lot 2 and said Lot 3R a .. S89 4713E 81.Et6 9 9 , N3T1155 W 0.37 � 20.00. Given under m hand d and seal office, — — 6.00. I e of o ce, distance of 12.0 inch iron - Y 0 0 feet to a 1 /2 0 rod found for the Northeast corner of said Lot 2, same t 2 IRF r : Given under m hand and seal f office his the y t _�___ day of _ 1L___, being the Southeast corner of said Lot 3 same being m the West right of way line f Hearthstone n S89'10 58 E 120.00 � ,� � � 9 9 Y o La e t 2 IRF `: Eqq / ; this the day of }1 201 -- — — = - - - - -- Y -- - - -- 3 a 50 foot right f _ •1 2 IRF CONTROLLING '� � O g t o way), t / _ MONUMENT 2013 I - - - - - -- -!% - -- - -- THENCE South 00 deg. 49 min. 02 sec. West along the common I g g o East Imes of said Lot 2, and aforesaid i otar Public in or the S atS"�e of - -- - - - - -- -- - - - -- Y Lots 1 and C -1, and the West right of way line of said Hearthstone Lane, a distance of 164.00 feet to N ar Public in or the tate of Texas N ' Y a 1/2 Inch iron rod set for the .Southeast corner of said Lot C -1, same being the Northwest / 9 R Texas o + intersection of the West right of wa line of said Hearthstone Lane with the North right of way line of NO N I Y 9 Y G aforesaid Bethel Road, M ® LOT .�2R, BLOCK 1 �P P � _ ,., BARNETT ` , �. IJESSICA � ICA BARNETt E �, JtcSS � 16 232 S FT. 0.373 ACRE s — R , Q , ipNl= acPlR� THENCE North 89 de 40 mm. 00 sec. West, along the common line of said Lot C 1 and the North *. S MY COMMISSION 9 9 . €� MY COMMISSION EXPIRt:S • I 2016 00 _ st i5, „ Augu 1 X16 right, of wa line of said Bethel Road, a distance of 120.00 feet to a 5 8 inch iron rod with SMLS i !.. }T .., E3l. { } {.F. I �, ?'rq*Re' � , August 5, Y / F ,, N I OLD COF 'F=E 1.1. ESTATES ( ' '� 4242 ca found for the Southwest corner of said Lot C -1, same being an angle point in the North yr r . , FIG. ., , . - P 9 9 P i Vol.. 9 {5{ }..0, F G. 201..3 - right of way line of said Bethel Road i 9 Y , o� i t HEARTHSTONE o .: °0 THENCE North 00 de . 49 min. 02 sec. East, continuing along the common line of said Lot C -1 and I Witness our hand at Co ell, Texas this � .i{i.3 I..,t1E. PP 9 9 9 Pa �. I WiT__1 hand at Coppell, Texas this S {, { }TT E. PARK ARK WIFE, , � r% PP said Bethel Road, a distance of 7.01 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set for the Southeast corner of • y -'° � -' - - -- Y � , aforesaid Edward R. Crater tract; i F:icLE.t J PAF ?F' I the _ � day of _ � th da of � -- - - - -- , VOL. 2001,247, Pa. 16091 A.D., 2013. A i WEST; LINE OF LOTS t AND 2 _ I, 1 , TH r d E . North GE 89 de 47 min. 30 c. _ BY __THIS PLAT _ ': : se .West aion the come.: n ARE ABANDONED @ TJi►s LA _ _ I - _ a: :__- � _ common II a of said Edward R. Crater tract 4f }8 , T. S: , . _ _,r F � Ew ,..L �� n f fl d ne North t t right of wo lin of -said t3e.ne► Road, goad a`aisi:an�e o► �s. , 2 BUILDING SETBACK 2,� fleet cc fire r'vnvT G. E s Bu Lo SCOTT PA 9 Y EE .-. K fJ.P K VOL 98020, PG 2043 NIN n O i O � BEGINNING and containing 2 948 square feet or 0.756 acre of computed land more � � IFtsi•. FI: }. 2fi1'.?flf }d3B.:$: Q g q p o e or less. i O O r}.t ?.E }.{:.T. i 13 STATE OF TEXAS Ln , NOO-49 -02 "E d' STATE OF TEXAS 1/2 IRS N89'10 58 W 80. I t0 COUNTY OF DALLAS COUNTY OF DALLAS '. 412 BETHEL ROAD CJ1 _ — 55 _ —t /2- IRS ` 3.90 � �, o 0) , " r. SURVEYOR'S. CERTIFICATE LOT 1 R2, BLOCK 1 S89'10 58 E 80.55 ' " N89'10 58 W 120.00 _ — — c� Before me the undersigned, a Notary , VAUGHAN ADDITION _� — _ 3 _ , 9 , x CUT , Before' me, the undersigned, a Notar ► sss'10 58 E 2 - � ., � 9 Y STATE OF TEXAS INST N0. 201100211431 FNO• 1 0.00 1/2 IRF BEARS �, Public In and for the said Count and -► i N2899� 'E 0.98' N z Y Public m and for the said Count and M.R.D.C.T. i O ° State,. on this day personally appeared Y COUNTY OF TARRANT i w Y P Y PP State, on this day personally appeared ' •P ► � O Scott D. Park known to me to bet he P Y PP he Kelli J. Park known to me to be the •° 412 BETHEL ROAD ► d' I T►Inoth R. M nkin f Mankm Surveying O �... .:.__- ...:.._:._...._:...,,�..� ;��, �; �g� I person name ►s subscribed to y a o Peiser & eying LLC, a Registered .Professional Land. Surveyor of the. RDS REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS, LLC 20 BUILDING SETBACK i are rvlxr�, sy rr K to unuTY EASEMENT p the person whose name is subscribed to the 9 Y ' O i NPOL g602O, PG. 2043 VOL. 96020, PG. 2043 O m State of Texas hereby certify that I prepared this ( — INST. NO. 201100215204 (BY THIS PLAT) , r foregoing Instrument and acknowledged to , Y Y P P pat from an actual on the ground survey of the (as�tar.c�r� Iz< �Ila ° O foregoing instrument and acknowledged to 9 9 9 land, and that the corner monuments shown thereon were properly laced under m erson ' ► � ����� o +ln me that the executed the same for the P P Y P y p a(4 su erv►sion LOT! Y me that the executed the same for the y ►n a ,cordance wl e lattin rules and regulations of the City of Coppell, Texas. L LOT! 1R BLOC 1 purposes and consideration therein P 9 9 Y PP I purposes and consideration therein P P expressed, and ►n the capacity therein 15,192. SQ. FT., 0.349 ACRE expressed, and m the capacity therein � stated. P Y , stated. : ; 0o I T►mOth R. Mankm, R.P.L.S. No. 6122 I LOT . I Given under m hand and seal of office 15 BUDDING SETBACK N W I s I. r 4 r , . w yr l OLE} {, {}F # i LL E,3T „TE,: y Given under m hand and seal of office INST. NO. 200900040807 z X CUT i'C : , row 1 is the day of � VOL. v { }!.. } { :f }.. { }, FIG. SET -� -- Y - ��-t'�- �- - - -� this the �/ day of of 2013. 2013. r � STATE OF TEXAS 1 3. ,i Fi F,TFi.sTf }ttE_ l.ytFE. t ---- z l E� _�� A� COUNTY OF TARRANT W : DRIVEWAY EASEMENT /! �- - - - - -- a, EDWARD i ` £ E:ev. ,F.E: F?. n KIMBERLY V. — °----- - - - - -- '• - APPROVED BY .� : :: Notary Public In and for the State of ” CRAT£_F?, TRUSTEES OF THE ro CITY OF COPPELL Y Notar Public m and for the State of • : Y N40 01 08 .. CRATER f 15 BUILDING SETBACK , : :r ON OCTOBER to 1999. Before me undersigned Notary Public m and for said ..{ }{ }g f. :...T�F=, TF.s�� / Texas , 9 Y County and State, on this day personally appeared ' .� INFORMATION Texas Y P Y PP (BY THIS PLAT) i 4.61 r 2 I (RECORDING NFORM ON t/2 IRF W/ tiFaT. il. }. .. {, { }g{}fi31,f },f} ,� I Timothy R. Mankm, known to be the person. whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and PIBURN PARTNERS - i •'S O UNKNOWN) o io 9 r acknowledged to me that he executed the same CAP CONTROLLING P ,, 9 for the purposes and considerations therein expressed. ► 15 BUILDING SETBACK h :• Y P "•, a KVON M. RAHROVI P ORIGINAL R ,d lP... G9�.i, MONUMENT . , . . a KVON M. RAHROVI 1 2 IRF ► VOL vOL.96020,PG.2043 .o•: .�. :?• •�- Notar P bl�ostateofrexas Given u, m hand and seal- of office this day of April, - LOT LINE 0 I ,�.• :�� _ ; : __ v u Y _ y P 2013. / _ _ Notary Public, State of Tex - - Expires - -�• .h- Commission W% PIBURN N87 ' " t 2- IRS i / _ _ _ as M Co s _ ro31s w / i {l {} BETHEL f ?{ }AE} N. y_ Q, Y PARTNERS' CAP O ,q ESE .. M Commission . , .. +, e - ,9,•....• +eo� v Expires May 21, :2016 _ �-- 86.41 1.50 r . F { }t .OWN ' ,3 I o i �1E_ Ef? ,., ,. may 21 2016 _. -_— -- - - - - -- N8 SS rn 9 47 30 W 79.24 t 2 IRS ASSOCIATION F: — - — � o r Public State of ,,,,.,, 5 Y , . •, • , , . ESTATES, ICA BARNEIT 1 ...IRS _ {. { }F F E.l.E. ttt {.. , ,, JESSICA r /2 N89 40 00 W 77.00 1 2 IRF :� > f . t » 1 2• IRS / M Commission MISSION EXPIRES 5/8 IRF w/ VOL.99:1.? FIG.: {tee y _ iss►on Expires x/15/2016 RPLS 1855 N89 47 30 W 79.2.3 . � : I MYCOMMISS - _ .. •� 1 2016 August 5 AP BEARS 1 2 IRS Au u , C / • — _ _ ._ .L W tness our -hand at Coppell,. Texas this „pF „• N68.5459 W 0.75 N00 49 02 E 5 8 IRF W • � » • / / _ the __%i_ day of 13Lt� - - - - - -- POINT OF N89 40 00 W 120.00 y gg__QQ , sMLS 4242 CAP ��'T 7.01 _ A.D. 2013. BEGINNING CONTROLLING i.s�T {. 1, i3l.f } {.F. 1 , MONUMENT t COPPELL. f }i.E, {. {,PFE.t.I. 1 REPEAT VOL. 96020, FIG. 2043 B Homeowners Association ssociation of Old Coppell Est tes Inc. BETHEL ROAD. Pp , OLD COPPELL ESTATES (VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT OF WA 'O LOT C-1 R. BLOCK 1 - -- -----------------==------------ 1,524 SQ. FT., 0.035 ACRE -- - - - -- - -- LOTS C-1 R 1 R R co nded fo _proval. -- >, 2R, -BLOCK 1 VICINITY MAP Woody McMI n 32 94 8 S FT. OR 0.756 T T A k lJt >, Q ACRE OR REPLAY. TO INCORPORATE 0.28 ACRES OF No o SCALE REASON F - - - -� - -- -- -- - - ----- - - - - -- - STATE OF TEXAS ....�.. _:�......,.����., ...�,. , ,.�... •_ ,. BEING A REPEAT OF LOT — Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission a S C 1, 1, & 2,, BLOCK 1, City of Coppell, Texas COUNTY of DALLAS OLD COPPELL ESTATES, Before me, the undersigned, a Notary AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF COPPELL DALLAS COUNTY TEXAS, Approved an Acc pte : � ► S, Public in and for the said County and ACCORDING TO THE PLAT - THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 96020, W1013 State, on this day personally appeared — -- - - = - - — — — - - -- PAGE 2043 OF THE MAP Mayor Del t el Woody McMinn, known to me to be the P RECORDS OF DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS person whose name ►s subscribed to the City of Coppell, Texas- AND foregoing instrument and acknowledged to BEING A PLAT OF THAT 0.30 TRACT ACT IN THE JAMES W. ANDERSON THE undersigned, the City Secretor of the City of Coppell, Texas hereby certifies h me that they executed the same for the 9 Y Y Y PP , y stat foregoing r I f th l ell h purposes and consideration therein SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 18, IN THE CITY OF COPPELL DALLAS the ep at o e Old Copp E fate to the City of .Coppell_ was submitted to the City Council on the �^'< day c�rz r� 201 an the expressed, and In the capacity therein y _`_�__ y Cr - d COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING THAT CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND IN Council b formal action then and there accepted the dedication of streets alleys, stated. y � P � y � . DEED TO EDWARD. R. CRATER, RECORDED UNDER INSTRUMENT parks, easements, public places, acid water and sewer Imes, as shown . and set forth m Given under my hand and seal of office, NUMBER 201200336287 OF THE and upon said plat, and said council further authorized the mayor to note the DEED RECORDS OF DALLAS this the -i -- day of -- acceptance thereof by signing his name as herein above subscribed. 2013. COUNTY, TEXAS .. . 2�C JOB NO. 120722 W' n my hand t s �- day of - - -, A.D., 2013. - -------- - - - - -- PEISER & MANKIN SURVEYING LLC - _ ' SHEET Notary or the State of DATE: 08/13/2012 wvw. elsersurve 111 .com ---- - - - - -- Texas ' - P y g ,� „ ____._ REVISED: 08/30/2012 ' y Secretary Yr� ISTICAETER Texas 1 , KR 623 E. DALLAS ROAD COMMERCIAL Society of *i COMMISSION EXPIRES " _ y _ nnv co SCALE, 1 - 20 Flood lain Development Permit Application No. has` been fled r Bann 2/,i ! d GRAPEVINE TEXAS 76051 RESIDENTIAL Professional P P PP - =-- '�--- - - - - -- >, S Surveyors j € „ 9F 817- 481 -1806 BOUNDARIES eyors OF with the City of Coppell Floodplain Administrator on __$2013. (0) • LLC TOPOGRAPHY DRAWN. J.L.B. 817 481 1809 (F) Flood lam Administrator, _ --13 - - -- Date. MORTGAGE 1 - P e Owners: Owners: Edward R. & Kimberly K. Crater Scott D. & Kelli J. Park 373 Hearthstone Ln. 369 Hearthstone Lane Coppell, Texas 75019 Coppell, Texas "75019 Owners: Owners: Homeowners' Association of Edward R. Crater Old Coppell Estates, Inc. 373 Hearthstone Ln. c/o Woody McMinn Coppell, Texas 75019 362 Hearthstone Lane Coppell, Texas 75019