AP Filed w/County 071213POINT OF BEGINNING of .20'A BLOCK D co O - - 0 40 80 0 WEST MAIN T TREE 51U1 S _ o O ~ M Scale 1 " = 40' r, _ o 1 1r 1 W N 1047'53" W 112.50 N 88012'07" E N 01 47 53 W 140, 00 tV 0.1 S 880127' W 55.08 32.51 a rn i Z 112.0 5.0 _ 5 �, I 32.51 n ib UTILITY EASEMENT �+ol V I.N ° � I O N N - C." $ o I. R2 Z o I 0 1 rl r Lot 1 N 1 47 53 W 232.50 o E SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE 00 �I ( "' I 0.346 Acres o0 15.00 N 1'47'53"W 218,92 .1 15 x 15 TRANSFORMER o O I L=-------------=-- _.,`--- - - - - -- � 15.050s.f, � STATE 10.0 EASEMENT S A S § I- - - - - -- - -- -- a--- - - = - -- X5.0' O C S t °4753" E -i r- ° a ° 00 15.0' N COUNTY OF DALLAS IN 5.0 L � 5.0 S 1 47 53 E 162.44 -1 X5.0 ( _ , '' ^^ � § 46.48' � L" V, .� 5.o It of - o� I I N .I O � KNOW ALL M EN BY THESE PRESENTS: That I Wiliam P. Price, Registered Professional Land Surveyor CC 15.0 O of the State of Texas, do hereby certify that I prepared this AMENDING PLAT OF LOTS 1R1- LOT 1R2 AND C O � m Y fY p P �I O POINT F BEGINIV LOT 2R, BLOCK E, OLD TOWN ADDITION from an actual and accurate curve of the land. that the corner Z Y 00 .I °I I z a monuments shown were properly laced under m personal supervision in actor a the the platting rules ., IL' p P Yp YP p p g 1 I� I N (!� ° and regulations of the City f Coppell, Texas. ., � v, 3 SIDEWALKEASEMENT g ty pp OF T I I N 1 -1 >. ., �- � P > � T 9 �i �� `.ter. �..,.11 ....:. >o.. >o..m..... °d - - - -- - - =- R1. Lot 2R �14e:-oel- - 5 UTILITY EASEMENT I I m William P. Price WILLIAM P PRICE T 1 Acres ............. >.e ... >...,,.° 5 29 A e s Professional L d Surveyor r .3047 _ TILITY Re Registered Profe tonal an Su e o No 5 U EASEMENT Y g VICINITY PLAN i► 3 SIDEWALK EASEMENT N 30 47 VICIN 66 615 s.f. N .9 P> II POINT OF BEGINNING e ss o, C37 .. N.T.S. STATE OF TEXAS q p N.T BLOCK C § 0 E V SUR N I _ II 15 x 15 TRANSFORMER O COUNTY OF DALLAS - EASEMENT O _ S MENT ( I 15.0 V1 rn _ rn w O 0 II • � Lot 1 R1 0 Public n BEFORE ME h undersigned auth n a Nota ub Ic in a s O �, O , the o d for the State of Texas on this day personally O ( n ty, Notary Yp Y _ o N cn O o . 46 Acres 03 0 .. I ( I r William P. Price known t me to be the person whose ` subscribed _ appeared o o p name Is ub cubed to the foregoing 81 R.O.W. Cil a i. 40.50 40.50 . 15.0 instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same purposes consideration 15.050 S.f. .� tru t for the purpo a and _ therein. O 10.0 II O a 5 15 x 15 TRANSFORMER _ 81.00 R.O.W V UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL F THE OFFICE this GIVEN U D O d f 2 13. a o 0 _ I 1 I UTILITY EASEMENT day .EASEMENT a 10.0 W _ II J to a Al' O O r14,40 , O o I- L 20.0 n NOTES: LL 269.00' 10.0 - 5.0 1 140.00 Notary Public, to of Texas , 00 W O 1 11 00 w " 9.0 0 �° o 1. All Iron rods set (IRS) are capped In yellow and marked RPLS 3047 �/ S 01 47 53 E 485.00 ��� N i ko r -T-,YAS o „ 5' t4otary POINT OF BEGINNING - s (P, t �� 2. Basis of Bearing Is the most westerly line of Lot 1, Block G, bearing S 85 29'33" W. I-- M O 06.26.15 BLOCK E �. �� Cx . LOC P . " U) 5 m V J 3. Transformer Easement dedicated try 4ncor Electric Delivery Co., LLB. EAST MAIN STREET - .... - _ Z OWNER'S D (n - o - _ _ I OW S EICATION NOTICE. The roe described in this plat Is located within close proximity to the 00 00 - ;, i>, STATE OF TEXAS § flight approach and departure paths of Dallas -Fort Worth International Airport and may COUNTY OF DALLAS N n o § be subject to increased noise levels resulting from aircraft operations occurring above J co NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: or in close proximity to the property. m 12' LR.B. N 01 047'53" W W I.R.B. _ s _ 521 a i That, the City of Coppell does hereby adopt this plat designating the herein described property as AMENDING PLAT 36.29' 31.50' 32.00' 32.00` 32.00' 32.00' 32.001 32.00' 32.00' 32.00 32.00' 32.00' 32.00' 32.00 33.00 38.21 5 OF LOTS 1R1 -1R2 AND LOT 2R, BLOCK E, OLD TOWN ADDITION, an addition to the City of Coppell , Dallas w County, I Texas and do hereby dedicate to the p ublic use forever, the streets alleys and easements s pet i ed a s 4 n� n dedicated to the public shown thereon. The easements shown hereon are hereby reserved for the purpose as indicated. No buildings, f e nces trees shr ub s or other improvements or growth shall be constructed or placed upon, over or ac r o ss t h e "Utility ty E_ a s eme n s a s sh own. Said "Utility Easements" being :hereby - reserved for the mutual use and OWNER'S CERTIFICATE ' accomodation of all public utilities desiring to use or using same. All and any public utility shall the night to remove and OWNER. STATE OF TEXAS- § keep removed all or part of any building, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths while reconstructing, CITY OF COPPELL inspecting, patrolling, maintaining and adding to or removing from all parts of its respective system, within said "Utility 255 PARKWAY BLVD. COUNTY OF DALLAS § ,, P.O. BOX 9478 Easements", without the necessity at any time of procuring the permission of anyone. COPPELL, TEXAS 7501e WHEREAS THE CITY OF COPPELL actin b and through the undersigned th Ir d I authorized re resen iv Is 9 Y 9 e duly p tat e, - APPROVAL Notwithstanding the foregoing, the CI of Co Coppell reserves f g City pp for themselves, -their successors and assigns the right to the owner of a tract of land out of the JAMES A. SIMMONS SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 1296 Dallas County, exas - ' �' use the surface of all such easements for installing landscaping ' 8 2 N 9 prig and Irrigation systems, for parking of vehicles (except. according to the deeds recorded in County Clerks File No. 20070000 0 , o, 200900282446 and Volume 2003094, " ' that parking shall not be authorized in an designated fore lanes )' for the passage of pedestrian and vehicular traffic, 797 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, ty, Texas and being more articul ry described a s follows: The Amending lat of LOTS 1 R1 -1 R2 AND LOT 2R, BLOCK E, OLD and to construct and maintain paving on the surface of such ea ENGINEER: g p g cements for the purpose of such reserved use. 's approved pursuant to Section 212.016 of the TOWN ADDITION i hereby app o p .�-~ GLENN ENGINEERING CORP. Texas Local Government Code and Section 13-7 of the :Coppell Code of Witness my hand at Coppell, Texas this the day of , 2013. 105 DECKER COURT, SUITE 910 LEGAL DESCRIPTION - LOTS 1 R1 -1 R2 AND LOT 2R, BLOCK E iRVING, TEXAS 75062 Ordinances. The owner(s) have joined In the application for amendment TBPE FIRM NO. F -303 remove an covenants Or 972 717 -5151 to the plat, the plat does not attempt to remo y ( ) BEING A 2.220 Acre tract of land and being all of LOT 1 AND LOT 2, BLOCK E, according to the plat OLD TOWN 972 717 -2178 FAx restrictions, does not Increase the number of lots, and does not create or ( ) ADDITION, as recorded in County Clerks File No. 201100074924, Dallas County, Texas and being more particulary CONTACT: MIKE GLENN, P.E. • require the creation of a new street or make necessary the .extension of CITY OF PP L described as follows. municipal facilities. BEGINNING at a 1/2 -inch iron rod set for corner at the most northeasterly corner of said Lot 1 Block E said point also Y a P being the southwest corner of the intersection of Houston Street ( A variable width right -of -way ) and East Main Street Ka en Hu ht A 78 foot right-of-way )o �.�(. M or SURVEYOR: Date SURVEY GROUP, LLC THENCE South 01 deg. 47 min. 53 sec. East along the wester) right-of-way line of said East Main Road, a distance of ary L. eb 400 SOUTH INDUSTRIAL BLVD. 9 9 Y irector of Planning STATE OF TEXAS § SUITE 219 485.00 feet to a 1/2 -inch iron rod set for corner, said corner also being in the westerly line of said East Main Street EULESS, TEXAS 76048 and the northers right-of-way line of Travis Street an 81 foot right-of-way COUNTY OF DALLAS § TAPS NO. 101733-00 Y 9 Y ( 9 Y), (817) 354 -1445 817 354 -1451 FAX • • ' BEFORE ME the undersigned authority, Notary ublic in and for the State of Texas on this day personally appeared - ( ) THENCE South 88 deg. 12 min. 07 sec. West along the northers right-of-way line of said Travis Street a distance of ' g ty' ry y p y pp CONTACT: RODNEY MARTINEZ g g Y ATTEST: Karen Hunt known to me to be the person whose name Is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged t 215.00 feet to a 1/2 -inch iron rod set for corner, said corner being in the easterly right -of -way line of West Main Street ( p g g 9 q me that she executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein. ` A variable width right-of-way ), J nita Mlles Date GIV UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE OFFICE, this day of , 2013. THENCE North 01 deg. 47 min. 53 sec. West along the easterly line of said West Main Street a distance of 112.50. feet .. . . to a 112 inch iron rod set for corner, Sr. Administrative Technician .� ash+.' ® o _ THENCE North 88 deg. 12 min. 07 sec. East along the east right -of -way line of said West Main Street a distance of ry Public, State f Texas CHRISTEL B PETTI Conformed ropy 32.51feet to 112 -inch iron rod set for comer; Nos Official Public Records Flood lain Development Permit Application No. N/A has been filed with My Commission Expires p p pp Me 1 John F. Warren County Clerk s. Y 0, 2015 THENCE North 01 deg. 47 min. 53 sec. West along the east right -of -way line of said West Main Street a distance of the City of Coppell floodpiain administrator on „E�, Dallas County TEXAS �,r 232.50 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod set for corner; 2013. 07/12/2013 11:26:31 AM $66.00 _ 3 .THENCE South 88 deg. 12 min. 07 sec. West along the .east right-of-way line of said West Main. Street a distance of Ken riffin , 32.51 feet to a 1/2 -Inch Iron rod set for corner, � P.E. Date � Flood lain Administrator p , THENCE North 01 deg. 47 min. 53 sec. West a along the east right-of-way line of said West Matn Street a distance of 9 9 g Y 140.00 feet to a 1/2 -inch iron rod set for corner, said corner being in the southerly right -of -way line of said Houston 201300219928 Street; ` THENCE North 88 deg. 12 min. 07 sec. East along the southerly right-of-way way line of said Houston Street a distance of UTILITY APPROVAL 215.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; Containing a computed area of 96,715 square feet or 2.220 acres or land, more or less. Approved and accepted by Atmos Energy h Date /8' 1 Oncor Electric D I' ry Company Date Verizon Date Time Wainer Cable Date AMENDING PLAT LOTS 1 R1 -1 R2 & LOT 2R, BLOCK E OLD TOWN ADDITION SITUATED IN JAMES A. SIMMONS SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 1296 CITY OF COPPELL, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS 6 -4 -13 Sheet 1 of 1