FP filed w/County 122313f 50 0 50 100 150 Scc'e: 1" = 50' 1/2" IRF (CM) nO 0 0 �W _ C0 Daniel C. Soto Called 1.321 Acres Volume 2003106, Page 25482 D.R.D.C.T. APProx Cl, Grapevine Gyeek 1/2" IRF (CM) ST. LOUIS & SOUTHWESTERN RAILROAD 100' ROW U) i SITE aQ 1 1 LOCATION 25.23' NORTH I N 07 °37'53" E DART 1 3 - ( SCU THWEST.RN BLVD. 20.45' 1 4 N 14'14'00" E � c I a CREED i N 18'52'35" E 31.18' 1.6 S 71'07'25" E GATEWAY BLVD. P / / � � -1 [- G i v AIRLINE J I y i J s m '� z 20' SIDEYARD o T °\ WRANGLER - � y 2 � N 3 �I- 4 CA / U W o- VICINITY MAP N.T.S. 20' SAN. SEWER EASEMENT VOLUME 68079, PAGE 100 POINT OF BEGINNING D.R.D.C.T. _ _ 20' 103.39' 15' T.P. &L. EASEMENT - N 85 02732" 1= 504. W a S,DEYa�O _ H.O.A. -I - 3 3 _ - COMMON7tREA� 15' T.P. &L. EASEMENT VOLUME 71207 =PAGE 105, D.R.D.C. C.T. S , o m - - - i >2S I oz m VIJAY K. RORRA & RAMANA JUVVADI 46 O' k 7 o_ 25' Drainage Easement D.C.C. INST. NO. 201200131254 Volume 91211, Page 1011 P.R.D.C.T. �m - 9 SF D.R.D.C.T. The City of Coppell will have no responsibility for maintenance of the t j O 13,25, I ; b V / N20' ' floodway /floodplain areas as shown hereon; however, the City does have o cD h� ro ti r� the authority to regulate activity in the floodway /floodplain as per the City's ° uCOi nV 2 I� i3 N 90 °00'00" W 1 20.48' Floodplain Ordinance. The maintenance of these areas shall be the sole responsibility of the Individual lot owner(s), adjacent to said areas. These i j ll < I i areas are to remain free of improvements that may obstruct the flow of VN o _p W 4 'S' p y� s' SIDEYARD T'rP p storm water and protected from potential from potential erosion by the F- m y o IN m owners. No fences will be allowed in the floodplain, along with any other ° Q > ,Uri ` N 6 � structures as per the City's Floodplain Ordinance. 4 Z U ro u 0 eCOj // e O (J) 005 z I 7854 SF O Lot 4,10-0 00 = h % I O Pinkerton Elemi D. o Volume 9 COMMON AREA 1X O���O.�PRO� /� / / 5 90 °00'00" E 140.91' O D. 73,556 SQ. FT. 01 H.O.A. LOT 2X J 25' B'SIDEYARD ti O 6 ADDITIO L PARKI L6 \b.\ o�C A 111 ZONE AE per FIRM PANEL NO. 19 ) J / / / / � o rl 8258 SF 48113CO115 J Dated 0812312009 S' SIDEYARD g Cu / c / H.O.A. 8' N 90 °00'00" W 92.25' COMMON AREA 21( N 30.00' H.O.A. e i N 00° 155 1 " W COMMON AREA iX ` N 90 000'00" E 1 63.56' 5.29' / 3 C, / Fire Lane Mutual Access, Utility & Sidewalk Esmt. o H.O.A. 20' SAN. SEWER EASEMENT � COMMON AREA 3X VOLUME 68079, PAGE 100 / _/ N 90 °00'00" W 129.95' 30.00' D.R.D.C.T. N / / / / I I SEM� oo / �RFA GE 1 / 1 - - , i ___ I SENR7e,PP / 2�0 0 s OG� P JF Daniel C. Soto Volume 94002, Page 2212 D.R.D.C.T. Daniel C. Soto Called 1.321 Acres Volume 2003106, Page 25482 D.R.D.C.T. PROPERTY LINE TABLE NUMBER DIRECTION DISTA CE 1 1 N 07 °37'53" E 25.23' 12 I N 07 °37'53" E 2.45' 1 3 - N 76'14'51 " W 20.45' 1 4 N 14'14'00" E 34.10' I5 N 18'52'35" E 31.18' 1.6 S 71'07'25" E 18.50' CL ROADWAY CURVE TABLE CURVE NUMBER C5 DELTA ANGLE 19'16'10" RADIUS --2S' UTILITY ESMT. 297.18' ARC LENGTH 99.95' CHORD DIRECTION N 09 °43'41" E CHORD LENGTH 99.47' / 89 44E 92.72 (C3 9.Z72 60.00 60.03 DELTA ANGLE 101'32'13" 07 °20'22 9,03" --2S' UTILITY ESMT. RADIUS 50.00 50.00 50.00 5.00 ARC LENGTH 89.25' i C 2s' BUIU)ING UNE CHORD DIRECTON N 39 °1353 W N 15 °12'24 E IN 45 °00'00" E N 89 °44'35" E 8 1.48' F-4 CHORD LENGT -i / / � � -1 [- 70.7' 6.68 / V3 v N N 0 '� z 20' SIDEYARD o - � y 2 � N 3 �I- 4 CA / U W o- W um - O O ' s .. 46 8 ; "' 6065 SF 0 6568 SF y a 6570 SF g b -o _ 6i , C* m T) O O W u 0 I -o J C" co 2e' m M El o i REAR SETBACK L y 10925 SF - 7.. 60.57 60.00' .60.00' N = /\ Asir I0 1/2" IRF (CM) 5 59055'48" W 1/2" IRF (CM) N LAJ m 188.57 J � J um N o O 1J2" IRF (CM) LB. SIDE -o I Coil Ingress & Egress Restrictive Covenants LU 80.89' 112" IR (CM) 0,12' Called 0.108 acres Lot 1, 210 1/2' IRF (CM) ( U� Volume 83140, Page 5283 m Pinkerton Eleen aD N 89 02'24' W D.R.D.C.T. Volume 91211, 99.3 1 ' W O D.R.11 Daniel C. Soto 0 Daniel Q, Soto Volume 94002, Page 2212 _ , N Volume 9400x; page 2212 D.R.D.C.T. 1° N Coppell Independent School District D.RIJ;C.T. I Q O Called 0. 108 Acres (5) i 3 Volume 95033, Page 279 D rTl D.R.D.C.T. aIf 1/2" IRF z ! O I _ O NO 15' Drainage Easement 15' pj N W Volume 91211, Page 1011 D.R.D.C.T. Oto a i - rZ Recdprocal Easement Agreement Volume 87087, Page 3937 �10' Z & Called 20' Strip Volume 83140, Page 5279 D.R.D.C.T. i 5 89 05 1'33" W 20.06' 1/2" IRF (CM) 1/2" IRF (CM) SOUTHWESTERN - - - ;3� - - - - -BLVD. - - - PD CONDITIONS: 1. AN ALLEY WAIVER REQUESTED WITH THIS ZONING APPLICATION. VARIANCE REQUESTED TO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE APPENDIX C SECTION 1.A10. 2. A CUL-DE -SAC VARIANCE IS REQUESTED WITH THIS ZONING APPLICATION. VARIANCE REQUESTED TO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE APPENDIX C SECTION 1.A.8. HAMMERHEAD STREET IS USED HERE. 3. LOT 4 AND LOT 7 MUST BE EQUIPPED WITH AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM. 4. ALL STREET PAVING, PARKING AREAS, FENCE, SIDEWALKS AND COMMON AREAS SHALL BE THE MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION (HOA). 5. A TREE REMOVAL PERMIT MUST BE ISSUED BY THE CITY PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY ON -SITE GRADING. 6. ALL SIDEWALKS SHALL ADHERE TO ADA STANDARDS. 7. DIMENSIONS ARE BACK TO BACK UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 8. THE LOT NUMBER DESIGNATION " -X" SIGNIFIES A COMMON AREA LOT. 9. ON-STREET PARKING SHALL BE PROHIBITED ALONG PROPOSED STREETS. HOME OWNERS TO USE PARKING LOT WHICH IS ADDED SEPARATELY. 10. A SIX FEET DECORATIVE METAL FENCE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED ALONG THE CREEK TO PROTECT THE WOODED AREA VIEW. 11. FROM THE EDGE OF SOUTHWESTERN BLVD, INSTALL STANDARD CURBS 270 FT NORTH AS PER CITY OF COPPELL STANDARDS AND REMAINING CURBS CAN BE INSTALLED AS MOUNTABLE CURBS. 12. A $1285 PARK DEVELOPMENT FEE PER LOT NEEDS TO BE PAID PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 13. PAVING OF 30 FOOT FIRELANE/MUTUAL ACCESS/UTILITY EASEMENT /SIDEWALK SHALL INCLUDE 10 FEET OF EASEMENT WEST OF WEST PROPERTY LINE. 14. ADDITIONAL VEHICLE PAVING SHALL BE AT LEAST 24' WIDE. 15. MINIMUM FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION IS 507.00 FEET. GENERAL NOTES: 1. BASIS OF BEARINGS: The Easterly Line of TRACT I, described in Dallas, County Clerk's Instrument Number 201200131254 as, SOUTH 00° 20'07" EAST, D.R.D.C.T. 2. A Portion of this property lies in FLOOD ZONE AE as shown on FIRM Rate Map for Dallas County, Texas, and Incorporated Areas, Panel Number 48113CO155 J, with a effective Date of August 12, 2001. 3. Geodetic Control Bench Mark #13: City of Coppell 3" Aluminun Disk (BM #13) located on top of inlet on the North Side of Southwestern Blvd. approximately 263 Ft. West of Coppell Rd. ELEVATION = 516.87 FT. 4. This SURVEY performed without benefit of Title Commitment. 5. Tree Removal Permit required prior to start of construction. OWNER'S CERTIFICATE THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § WHEREAS VIJAY K. BORRA and RAMANA JUVVADI are the owners of that certain called CITY OF COPPELL § 168,652 square foot lot, tract, or parcel of land lying and being situated in the City of Coppell, and the County of Dallas, Texas, in the J. A. Simmons Survey, Abstract Number 1296, Dallas County, Texas, OWNER'S DEDICATION and being also all of those certain lots, tracts or parcels of land described as Tract L Tract H and Tract III, in a Warranty Deed with Minerals Reservation to VIJAY K. BORRA and RAMANA JUVVADI, NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: recorded under Dallas County Clerk's Instrument Number 201200131254, of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: THAT, VIJAY K. BORRA and RAMANA JUVVADI, are the owners of the herein described property, and do BEGINNING at a 1/2" iron rebar with a yellow plastic cap found for the northeasterly comer of the hereby adopt this plat designating the herein described property as VILLAS OF SOUTHWESTERN, an addition to aforesaid Tract I, same being the northwesterly corner of Lot 1, Block A, of Pinkerton Elementary the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas and does hereby dedicate, in fee simple, to the public use forever School Addition, an addition to the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, recorded in Volume 91211, the streets shown hereon. The easements shown hereon are hereby reserved for purposes indicated. at Page 1011, of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, said 1/2" iron rebar also being in the The utility and fire lane easements shall be open to the public, fire and police units, garbage and rubbish southwesterly line of the St. Louis & Southwestern Railroad, a 100 feet wide right -of -way; collection agencies, and all public and private utilities for each particular use. The maintenance of paving on the utility and fire lane easements is the responsibility of the property owner. No buildings, fences, trees, THENCE departing said common corner and continuing with the easterly line of Tract I, and the shrubs or other improvements or growths shall be constructed, reconstructed or place upon, over or across westerly line of Lot 1, Block A, of said Pinkerton School Addition, South 000 20' 07" East, a distance the easements as shown. Said easements being hereby reserved for the mutual use and accommodation of all of 370.19 feet (Deed = South 001 20'07" East, 370.11 feet) to a 1/2" iron rebar with a plastic yellow public utilities using or desiring to use the same. All and any public utility shall have the right to remove and cap found for corner, same being the northeasterly comer of that certain called 0.108 acre tract of land keep removed all or parts of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths which in conveyed to Coppell Independent School District, recorded in Volume 95033, at Page 279, of the Deed any way endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance or efficiency of its respective right or ingress Records of Dallas County, Texas; or egress to or from and upon the said easement for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, THENCE departing the easterly line of Tract I, and the westerly line of Lot 1, Block A, and patrolling, maintaining and adding to or removing all or parts of its respective systems without the necessity continuing with the common southerly line of Tract I with the northerly line of Coppell Independent ��� at any time of procuring the permission of anyone. (Any public utility shall have the right of ingress School District's 0.108 acre tract of land, South 890 58'48" West, a distance of 188.57 feet (Deed = i l and egress to private property for the purpose of reading meters and any maintenance or service North 890 59'07" West, 188.50 feet) to a 1/2" iron rebar with a yellow plastic cap found for the required or ordinarily performed by the utility). northwesterly corner of said Coppell Independent School District's 0.108 acre tract of land, from which point the northeasterly comer of said Tract II bears, North 00° 18'06" West, a distance of 127.50 feet Water main and wastewater easements shall also include additional areas of working space for construction (Deed = North 000 20107" West, 127.45 feet) ; and maintenance of the systems. Additional easement area is also conveyed for installation and maintenance of manholes, cleanouts, fire hydrants, water services and wastewater services from the main to the curb or THENCE continuing with the easterly line t Tract II and the westerly line d Coppell Independent pavement line, and description of such additional easements herein granted shall be determined by their School District's 0.108 acre tract of land, South 2" 26' 06" East, passing at a distance of found feet location as installed. This plat approved to all plating ordinances, rules, regualitons and resolutions of the (Deed =South 00° tar being East, the c feet) a nor iron rebar with a plastic yellow cap found for City of Coppell, Texas. corner, said iron rebar being also the common northeastry comer of said Tract III, with the southwesterly comer of Coppell Independent School District's 0.108 acre tract of land, said 1/2" iron 2013, rebar being in the westerly line of that certain called 1.00 acre lot, tract or parcel of land conveyed to Executed this the day of t v Coppell Independent School District, recorded in Volume 95033, at Page 279, of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, and continuing in all a total distance of 234.05 feet (Deed = 234.00 feet) to a BY: Vijay K. Borra & Ramana Juwadi 1/2" iron rebar with a plastic yellow cap found for the common southeasterly comer of said Tract III, with the southwesterly corner of Coppell Independent School District's 1.00 acre ltract of land, said 1/2" iron rebar being in the northerly line of Southwestern Boulevard, a variable width public right -of -way at this point; ij4ay. THENCE departing the common southeasterly corner of Tract III with the southwesterly comer of Coppell Independent School District's 1.00 acre tract of land, continuing with the northerly line of Southwestern Boulevard, and the southerly line of Tract III, South 89° 51'33" West, a distance of 20.06 feet (Deed = North 89° 59'07" West, 20.00 feet) to a 1/2" iron rebar with a yellow plastic cap found for the common southwesterly corner of Tract III with the southeasterly corner of that certain Ramana Juwadi called 0.11 acre tract of land described in a Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien to Daniel C. Soto ock A recorded in Volume 94002, at Page 2212, of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; y School Addition Page 1011 THENCE departing the southerly line of Southwestern Boulevard, continuing with the common c.T. STATE OF TEXAS westerly line of Tract III with the easterly line of Daniel C. Soto's 0.11 acre and 0.14 acre tracts of COUNTY OF DALLAS land, North 00° 23' 15" West, a distance of 184.70 feet (Deed = North 00° 20'07" West, 184.60 feet) to a 1/2" iron rebar with a yellow plastic cap found in the common westerly line of Tract III with the BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority in and for the state of Texas, on this day personally appeared northeasterly comer of Daniel C. Sots 0.14 acre tract of land, said 1/2" iron rebar being also in the VIJAY BORRA & RAMANA JU VADIknown to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to southerly line of Tract H, from which point a 1/2" iron robar with a yellow cap found for the the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and northwesterly comer of Tract III bears, North 001 13' 27" West, a distance of 24.38 feet (Deed = North consideration therin expressed and in the capacity therin ;hated. 00° 20' 07" West, 24.40feet); GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE THIS i� day of c i v hw' 2013. THENCE continuing with the common southerly line of Tract II, and the northerly line of Daniel C. Soto's 0.14 acre tract of land, North 89° 02'24" West, a distance of 99.31 feet (Deed = North 89° 01' 04" West, 99.20 feet) to a 1/2" iron rebar with a yellow cap found for the southwesterly comer of Tract II, same being in the easterly line of Daniel C. Soto's 0.45 acre tract of land; 4 THENCE departing the southwesterly corner of Tract 11 continuing with the easterly line of Daniel C. NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF TEXAS Soto's 0.45 acre tract of land, North 00° 15'21" West, a distance of 153.45 feet (Deed = North 000 20' DAVID L. NELSON 07" West, 153.43 feet) to a 1/2" iron rebar with a yellow cap found for the northwesterly comer of Idly Commission Exphs Tract II, from which point the northeasterly corner of said Tract II bears, North 79° 37'47" East, a aa,� 5 �J MafCh 8, 2016 distance of 121.07 feet (Deed = North 790 39153 "East, 121.01 feet) said 1/2" iron rebar being also in My Commission Expires Y'r`t,,s Ci 2•� I �o ,'+ a�"' the southwesterly line of Tract I; THENCE departing the northwesterly corner of Tract H, continuing with the northerly line of Daniel C. Soto's 0.45 and 0.42 acre tracts of land, South 79° 39'03" West, a distance of 199.39 feet (Deed = South 791 39'53" West, 320.18 feet) to a 1/2" iron rebar with a yellow cap found for the southwesterly comer of Tract I, same being the northwesterly comer 'f Daniel C. Soto's 0:45 acre tract of land; said t ". . . Floodplain D v m a 1 to easterly 1 f D Soto's 1.321 acre tract of land described m a Development merit Permit Application No, 111�fttt 112 trop rebar be also n e me o anlet C p pp � - iJttliy Comparry Receipt Acknoltyiedgemen. g City of Coppell floodplain administrate: on 2013. ' General Warranty Deed to Daniel C. Soto recorded in Volume 2003106, at Page 25422, of the Deed lRecords of Dallas County, Texas; Oneor l✓ }� ` THENCE departing the southwesterly comer of Tract I continuing with the common westerly line of t . r1 �'%j ( V Tract I, with the easterly line of Daniel C. Sows 1.321 acre tract of land, North 00° 03'59" West, a Floof plain Admi ist for Date distance of 260.44 feet (Deed = North 00° 35'35 " West, 260.44feet) to a 1/2" iron rebar with a yellow cap found for the northwesterly comer of Tract I, same being the northeasterly corner of Daniel C. _(� f Soto's 1.321 acre tract of land, said 1/2" iron rebar being also in the southwesterly line of the said St. Atmos Energy ( ( Louis & Southwestern Railroad; fool Addition D1011 y THENCE continuing with the common northerly line of Tract I, with the southwesterly line of the St. l Louis & Southwestern Railroad, North 85° 27'32" East, a distance of 504.20 feet (Deed = North 85° Time Warner 29'38 "East, 504.20 feet) to the PLACE OF BEGINNING containing 168,652.26 square feet or App led a ACCepted: , 3.872 acres of land. City of Coppell, Texas Date The undersigned the City Secretary of the City of Coppell, Texas, hereby certifies that the foregoing plat of the Villas of Southwest n, Lots 1, 4,5,6,and 7, an addition, to the City of Coppell was submitted to the City Council on the May of ? �_ 2013, and the Council, by formal action, then and there accepted the de cation of stre ts, alleys, parks, easements, public places, and water and sewer lines as shown and set forth in and upon said plat, and said Council further authorized the Mayor to note the acceptance thereof by signing her name as herein subscribed. WITNESS my hand this day of A.D., 2013. Verizon / - Conformed Copy Official Public Records John F. Warren, County Clerk i Secretary Dallas County, TEXAS City of Coppell, Texas 12/231 Reco en d for Approv Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission City of Coppell, Texas � fl ;bt Date PROPERTY LINE CURVE TABLE 2013 12:02:34 PM $62.00 o'a qq >a LINE NUMBER C1 C2 (C3 C4 DELTA ANGLE 101'32'13" 07 °20'22 j 90 °00'00" 83 °52'44" RADIUS 50.00 50.00 50.00 5.00 ARC LENGTH 88.61 6.40 78.54 _ 7.32 CHORD DIRECTON N 39 °1353 W N 15 °12'24 E IN 45 °00'00" E IN 34 °18'29" W CHORD LENGT -i 77.46 16.40 70.7' 6.68 OWNERS VIJAY K. BORRA & RAMANA JUWADI 1916 COTTONWOOD VALLEY CIRCLE IRIVNG, TEXAS 75038 201300384409 SURVEYOR PROBECK LAND SURVEYORS PO BOX 550695 DALLAS, TEXAS 75355 -0695 (214) 549 -5349 OFFICE SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, LARRY A. PROBECK, a Registered Professional an Surveyor, licensed by the State of Texas, do hereby declair that this survey was prepared from an actual on the ground survey of the land, and that the corner monuments shown thereon were found or placed idler my direct supervision. DATED THIS THE DAY OF C/� 7�-'f" 2013. .2 OF 3 LARRY A. PROBEC , R.P.L.S. REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR NO. 5187 J TEXAS LICENSED SURVEY FIRM NO. 100420 -00 t1 1 „k PV A! AM DM)0 1 THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § CITY OF COPPELL § BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, on this day personally appeared LARRY PROBECK known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in the capacity herein stated, and for the purposes and conside� therein expressed. J4, tx� LARRY PROBEC GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this the �( / ^ day of f� 2013. NOTARY PUBLIC IN REYY.LEE My COMMISSION EXPIRES My Commission Expires: ?' ••• t' FINAL PLAT OF VILLAS OF SOUTHWESTERN 3.872 ACRES OF LAND 7 RESIDENTIAL LOTS, 3 COMMON AREA LOTS J. A. SIMMONS SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1296 CITY OF COPPELL, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS COPYRIGHT © 2013, PROBECK LAND SURVEYORS TEXAS LICENSED SURVEYING FIRM: 100426 -00 ..a C3 C" Qa. W Z J � o LAJ r L In 00 In M ag F. C.� Ca Z �� W V3 v 0 Q CA O Co W Z W um Q � l C* m 3�3o3�a Lo a) C" W I* J O r r L In 00 In M ag 25 h �� W V3 r CA O Q rA y um Q � l O O CO J C" O co 49 m M � L y LO N = /\ Asir LAJ m 0 J � um O 3�3o3�a y J Lu a~ n Q CA O LU CJ O c J O co 49 � UMy y = p J rAJ � J � Z Coil LU IO LL. 0 ca W CJ 3�3o3�a