851213(SUP)-CS 851213 C.~T¥ OF CO?PELL ZONING AP .~LICATION 2] .~-~62-0022 A. R eouestin~: R ezoning, B. De_~uri~tion & Location of Property: 2. Addition Marne (if app~cable): Z. Lot ~ Bloc~(~ app~eabie}: 4. Tot~ Number ~. Loca~on further d~crlbed: -C. Zonin$ Recueszed: i ?resent Zonln~ ProDcse~ ~ ; I Dwe~2in[ {Classifi- { Grc~ Net' C~assif~- Gro~ { ~e:' ~ni~/Aere (~on-F. esid. { e~:ion { Area Area eat~on Areasl, Are~ 'Zxciuom ma)or a seeonomD' :norougr2~. Z. Eeaon{s).for Zonin~ Chmn~e (pieae be specific}: i (We) hereuy certify that the appiic~ton fee, .~ '~0,00 . to cover the cost of tY.!s zoning app'.,ieafion, h~-~ been paid to the City of Coppe]5 or, lmec. I~ . 1.~8~;. :~-ther: i (We) here~y auC~orlze the Ci:y of CopDe~l and i~s emp~oye~, ~o enter upon the prem~ herein adore d~uribed at ~ re~onabie tim~ for the p~pcse of eree~ng, m~n:~ning, or removin~ ~ zu notify ~ne pubhu of the pending concerning s~d apphctlio~ i (We) rele~e the Ci~, of COpDe]] and its employees :rom 5aD~ty for ~ny damag~ w~ch may be ineu~ed 1~ my (o~) property in the erectin[, m~n~nin[, c r.remov~ of s~d siam. F..~ ~ ~w~L~ ~' - ...... ~T.-~r Otr QOPPELL DEYELOPER'$ CHECKLIST ZONING KE~UEST: A. Complete all parts of the official zoning application form ......................... ]5. Pay appropriate filing fee: !. Zoning - $100 plus $6.0C per acre ........................................................ 2. Zoning appeal - $100 plus ~.~.00 per property owner notified .................. 3. Land Study - $100 plus $1.00 per acre (for annexations) ......................... 4. Concept Plan- $100 when submitted separately with a zoning request n/c when submitted with zoning reeuest (for PD requests) .............. . ....... 5. Site-Plan/l~'~ulti-Famih,' - 6100 plus 66.00 per unit (fo.' PD requests) ........ 6. Site Plan - Other - 6100 (for PD requests) ............................................. 7. Specific Use Permit (SUP) - $100 plus $~.00 per acre ............................. r, ~ubmit twenty-two (ZZ) folded prints of the zoning exhibit drawn at a scale one inch equals ZOO feet or larger on sheet 24" x 36" .................................... Submit twenty-two (ZZ) folded prints of the site plan of the proposed develo? ment on sheet size 24" x 36". ...................................................................... E. Submit one (I) S~" x 11" print of both the zoning exhibit and site plan ......... F. Prints of the zonin~ exhibit will conta~ the following information all on one sheet: 1. "Zoning Exhibit" title .......................................................................... _- 2. ]~lap of property to be zoned and all property located within 20C f% ........ _-. 2. Name and address of applicant and/or owner ......................................... 4. Name and address of certified surveyor ................................................ .-.. ~. Name and address of person preparing the exhibiz ................................. _- 6. North point, scale and date .................................................................. 7. Accurate locazion map in the upper right or lefz hand corner ................. E. Survey and abs-~ract with -~racI designation ........................................... 9. Current and proposed zonin~ of the site ................................................ lC. Current zoning of property located withir. 200 fl of the site .................. _~. '-'.'~. Names of owners of unpia~te~ land within 200 ft of the .DroDer~r. . to be zon_c ................................................................................................ _-~ ~. Loca:ion and right-or-d'aT of existing and planned major and secondary thoroughfares located within or adjacent to the subjec: property. .......... :~. Gross and Net acreages of the requested zoning .................................... ]-'.. Potential number of dwelling units for residential zoning requests .......... _-. !5. Potential square footaFe of building space for commercial, office, retail, and industrial zoninE requeszs .............................................................. ]6. Location of existing right-or-d'ay, utiii:y and/or drainage easements ...... _-. 17. Topography and flood plain designation ................................................ ]~. Aircraft Noise Zone designation (if applicable) ..................................... _- i.e. Derailed legal description of property .................................................. ''This checklist is only a supplement to the current Zoning Ordinance. It is the applicant's re~onsibility to review and comply witl~ the requirements of the current Zoning Ordinsmc~ DE'~'ELOPEI~'$ CHECKLIST CO~'I,N'UED PAGE 2 in all instances v.'here the a?plican:.proposes te mo?if.;', delete o.~ adz tc ant of the stan~arcl re/~ulations of a reoueste?S --.o,~inE ¢l';stri~, a complete ~-n'S detaiied list of the chanEes shall be ~,,~'~*o~ ,~ ": H. If the applicant is requesting a "PD" Plannecl Development District he must comply with :he af'~itional requirements outlined in the Zoning Ordinance. i. The applicant shall place a zoning chanl~e silen, providei by the City, in a highly.' visabie location on the site. The sign must be in pos~tior, tev. (i0) days prior to P ~ Z consideration and ~hen returned to the City w/thin 24 hours after City Council consideration .............................................................................................. ~ J. If the applicant iz reques:ing a Specific Dse Permit (SUP) he must comply with the additional requirements outlined in the Zoning Ordinance. K. After review' by the City staff, the applicant shall make all corrections requested of hi,n. b~,' :he Administrative Assis:an: ......................................................... .~ L. The applicant shall provide a short summary of his track record as a deveiover (examples of projects in other communitites: handouts, sli~e presentation, etc.) 1. P:m:s of :he site plan shall contain :he foiiowin~ information al: on one S~" '~: folded Rrin:s and one (1'~ 8~--i" x ll" print sheet ~submit twenty-two k~/ .................. Property dimensions of the site ~n~ approximate distance to nearest ~ross street; ,:, 2. All exis:inE or proposed buildings on :he proper:y, existing strut:utes and fire lane and access easements adjacent :o the proper:y, and access points on and adjacent :he property; 2. Setback~ and building lines; All exis:inE private and public streets including street widzhs, media: openings, and ieft-zurn lanes; =. Proposed areas of dedication if necessary, including streets, alleys o: easements; ~. Points of ingress and egress :o the property including design and spacing of driveways; 7. Parking area including number and layout of space~, aisle width, garbage pick-up iota:ion, fire lanes, and types of surface of fire lanes; E. Screening walls and lo~ation, type of screening wall, et:her living or masonry. ~. indicate all areas to be landscaped, type of landscaping, and zonal seuare footage of landscaped ar~as; dc ~o: use "tree s;amps ; id. All ex~g cervices, fire hydrants, wa:er mains, and sea, er mains ~'i:hin :he :rat: and immediately adjacent :o i: ~-i:h pipe slz¢ and io~atiom 1 i. All propo~d ~-azer and sanitary see, er pipe lines with si=es indicazei and valves, fire hydra~:s, manholes, and other appurtenances or SZTUC:UreS shown. 12. Al! proposed or exiszinE ~'a:er and sec'er conned:ions, meter locations, size of meters, with mete: and/or detector cheek valve vaul:s : =~. Finished ~oor eleva:ior; of proposed or exis:in~ structures or. :he site referenced ~ea ievel da:urn; i4. Existing and proposed con:ours of :he aras: in intervals of one foot o: less, referenced ro sea level ~arum; !5. Proposed or exisr~E on and off-site iniers; culverts or other drainage szrucrure~. The follo~'ing informarion should be submirreC a~ notes on ~h¢ sire plan: A. Proposed use of :he size or buildings. E. Lo: or tract area. C. Size of buildin~ (square footage). ~. Height of all structures. E. Number of living unir~, bv number of bedrooms, if applicable. F. Calculation of ~he parking spaces reeulred and provided. NO~: P~E~2~ON OF Ah~ POR~ON OF A SITE PLAN ~E~EI~ES SUBMISSION OF THE ENTRE ~TE PLAN. CONCEFT PLAN REQUIREMENTS Prints of the contest plan shall contain ti~e following information ali on one 24" × 3~" sheet isubrnit twentv-twoo ~,'t?o) folded prints and one ~-i x 11" print}: 1. The property dimensions of the s~te, inclufiinE ~o~al acre~Fc and total square footage of site, an~ approximate distance to the nearest cross street. ~. Existing o: proposed buildin~ sites, on or adjacen~ to ~he proper~y. ~. Existing public or private streets with right-of-way and pavement width, median openings, and left turn lane~. 4. Proposed area~ of dedication, if necessary, incluflin~ streets, alleys, easements, and their dimensions. 5. Points of ~ngress anC egress inclu~m~ width of ~riveways and distance between ~riveways. ~. Existing o: propos¢~ driveways adjacent to o: a~ross the street from the property, with widths. 7. Proposed median breaks and distance between medlar, breaks, including left-turn s~ackin~ space and transition distances. S. Parking areas. Parking aisles should be shown (detailing individual s~aces is preferred, but not necessary), as well as any proposed park~n~ decks. 9. Height of all buiidin~s and structures in feet and stories. lC. Proposed lo~ coverage, includ~g total square footage proposed in projec%. ii. Topography at five (5) foot conzours or less. 12. Any reouired or proposed screening.