851216(SUP)-CS 851213 CiTY OF CODPELL
A. Requestin¢: ~-] [._]
Permanent Zoning ~ Rezoning , , SDecifie Use Permit
B. Description & Location of Property:
1. Survey & Abstract: ~OF_.¢-~-
2. Addition Name (if applicable): --'
3. Lot dc Block (if applicable): L~)'r' 'dr
4. Total Number of Acres:
5. Location further described:
C. Zoning Requested:
Present Zonin~ Proposed Zonin~
Dwelling Floor Area
C]assifi- Gross Net~ Classifi- Gross Net* Units/Acre (N on-Resid.
cation Area Area cation Areas Areas (Resid. Only) Uses Oniv)
' L' 0.'14 o,q4 :'c
0.14 0.14 joo
'~, o. ~."
*Excludes major dc secondary thoroughfares.
D. Reason(s) for Zoning Change (please be specific): 'T~o
E. Fee: Call Planning Department ~ (214) 462-0022 for fee schedule.
I (We) hereby certify that the applicaton fee, $ , to cover the cost of this zoning
application, has been paid to the C[ty of Coppel] on ~)~- ~3 , 199~L. Further, ! (We)
hereby authorize the City of Coppell and its empioyees, to enter upon the premises
herein above described at all reasonable times for the purpose of erecting, maintaining, or
removing signs to notify the public of the pending zoning application and/or public hearing
concerning said appliea{ioni I (We) release the City of Coppell and its employees from
liability for any damages which may be incurred to my (our) property in the erecting, maintaining,
or removal of said signs.
Date: ~2' I_~-~ Owners Signature:
Representative:(~ ~ .~ ~F,~ A. ~c~ 5',. Owners Name: ~A~,~v~ ~'~_~-~
~. ¢~=~-r~_ ~%t3o Address: [O~,'~
City, State, Zip: ~\~ '1-,l -~=jZ. S a. C~ty, State, Zip:
Phone No.: ~ZZ - 4(~ea Phone No.: :~'q
Zoning Cese Date Received:
Public He~ing Date ~i~ed B~:
P osition:
Planning Deper~ment
P~ge I of ~
City of Coppell
Zoning Application Continued
A. Please submit the following:
1. Eight (8) prints - drawn at a scale of one (1) inch equal 200 feet or larger
on sheet size 24" x 36"
2. One (1) 8½" x 11" black-line print for inclusion in Planning & Zoning Commission
and City Council Agenda packets.
3. Special Zoning District Provisions - In all instances where the applicant
proposes to modify, delete, or add to any of the standard regulations of a
requested zoning district, a complete list of the changes shall be submitted.
B. Prints shall show a map of the property to be zoned and all property located
within 200 feet. Prints shall contain the following information, all on one sheet:
1. Names and address of:
a. Applicant and/or owner of the property.
b. Surveyor responsible for the survey.
c. Person preparing the drawing.
2. North point, scale, date, and location map.
3. Survey and abstract with tract designation.
4. Scale distances only.
5. Existing zoning of the property located within 200 feet of the property to
be zoned.
6. Names of owners of unplatted land within 200 feet of the property to be zoned.
7. Location and width of planned or existing major and secondary thoroughfares
located within or adjacent to the subject property.
8. Zoning as requested with gross acreage and defined by scaled distances.
9. Location and width of existing or platted streets or county roads within and
adjacent to subject property.
10. Location of existing right-of-way, utility, and/or drainage easements.
11. Topography.
12. Additional information as required to clarify the request.
All parts of this application shall be completed prior to acceptance or scheduling
of a public hearing by the City.
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