Landscape Plan & Tree Mitigation1. Street Frontage: One tree shall be provided for every 40 Lf. 2. Perimeter Landscape: One tree shall be provided for every 50 I.f. 3. 30" ht screen along perimeter Required Village Parkway: 140'= 3 trees West Prop Line: 220'= 5 trees Kimbel Court: 220'= 5 trees South Prop Line: 140'= 3 trees screening Provided 3 trees 12 ornamental due to power pole conflicts 5 trees 6 ornamental due to power pole conflicts screening provided 1. 15% of lot not covered by buildings to be landscape open space. One tree shall be provided for every 2500 s.f. of open space 2. One overstory tree per platted townhouse Required Provided 2,866 s.f. 9,162 s.f. ** 2 trees 4 trees 9 trees 9 trees ** reference architectural drawing for breakdown of HOA vs. privately maintained areas iMITIGATION Required Provided 100" to be paid into fund >---1 M WE- u QD ditions OTY f r=__ _._ fir..... -- ...... � - - - -f -___ __ -- L COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME SIZE NOTES - - - - - - - - - TREES 18 CM Crape Myrtle 'Tuscarora' Lagerstromia indica 'Tuscarora' 30 gal. 8' ht. 3' spread, matching ° 3 CE Cedar Elm Ulmus crassifolia 3" cal. 12' ht., 4' spread, matching I I I I O I I r RP 6 ED ELO Escarpment Live Oak Quercus fusifomtis 3" cal. 12' ht., 4' spread, matching 3 LE Lacebark Elm U/mus parvifolia Sempervirens' 3" cal. 12' ht., 4' spread 2 SO Shumard Oak Quercus shumardii 3" cal. 12' ht., 4' spread 214 GRAPHIC SCALE 6 VIT Vitex Vitex agnus cactus 30 gal. 8' ht, 4' spread, 3 trunk minimum 0 10 20 FEET SHRUBS /GROUNDCOVER CIT�OF OP PELL Scale 1"=10'- 0" 30 AB Glossy Abelia Abelia grandiflora 5 gal. full, 24" spread, 36" o.c. P0,NNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT 75 DBH Dwarf Burford Holly Ilex comuta 'Dwarf Burford' 5 gal. full, 20" spread, 36" o.c. 40 GL Giant Lirope Liriope gigantea 1 gal. full, 18" O.C. 17 IH Indian Hawthorne'Clara' Raphiolepsis indica 'Clara' 5 gal. full, 18" sprd, 24" o.c. 20 KO Knock Out Rose Rosa hybrida 'Radtko' 5 gal. full, 20" spread, 36" o.c. LANDSCAPE PLAN 38 LOR Loropetalum 'Plum Delight' Loropetalum chinensis Plum Delight' 5 gal. full, 18" sprd, 24" o.c. 6 LM Lindheimer Muhly Grass Muhlenbergia lindheimed 5 gal. full, 24" spread, 36" o.c. AND TREE MITIGATION 80 MFG Mexican Feather Grass Nassel /a tenuissima 1 gal. full, 18" o.c. 28 TS Texas Sage'Green Cloud' Leucophyllum frutescens 'Green Cloud' 5 gal. full, 24" sprd, 30" o.c. 19 WM Wax Myrtle Myrica cerifera 7 gal. full, 48" o.c. Bermuda Solid Sod • Plant list is an aid to bidders only. Contractor shall verify all quantities on plan. All heights and spreads are minimums. Know what's b @fOW. Gd . Trees shall have a strong central leader and be of matching specimens. All plant material shall meet or exceed remarks as indicated. Call before you dig. 10321 BRADSHAW DRIVE FORT WORTH, TX . 76108 512.517.5589 REVISIONS BY CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 8, 2014 DRAWN AWR CHECKED AWR SCALE AS SHOWN JOB NO. SHEET OF SHEETS