14090 Transmittal Letter - October 1 2014
Traffic. Transportation Planning. Parking. Design.
400 South Houston Street, Suite 330 Phone 214.748.6740
Dallas, Texas 75202 www.deshazogroup.com
October 1, 2014
Ms. Marcie Diamond, AICP
Planning Department
City of Coppell
265 Parkway Boulevard, P.O. Box 9478
Coppell, Texas 75019
RE: Universal Academy-Coppell, Fall 2014 Traffic Study Update
DeShazo Project No. 14090
Dear Ms. Diamond:
Pursuant to the requirement of the City of Coppell City Council, please find attached the updated Traffic Impact
Analysis and Traffic Management Plan for the Universal Academy-Coppell charter school (the “School”) based
upon our updated traffic counts and observations conducted in September 2014. Based upon our meeting
today to review those studies, the following is a list of action items to be undertaken:
1. Lengthen the southbound, left-turn bay on S. MacArthur Boulevard that serves the school driveway to
increase the vehicle storage length. The specific length shall be determined during the design process.
[Responsible party: SCHOOL] (NOTE: This requirement was established by previous decision of the
City Council.)
2. Install a “No U-Turn” sign on the traffic signal mast arm for the westbound approach of E. Sandy Lake
Road at the intersection with S. MacArthur Boulevard. [Responsible party: CITY] (NOTE: City has a
pending work order to accomplish this.)
3. Remove existing speed bumps on the School’s exit driveway. [Responsible party: SCHOOL]
4. Install traffic cones at the School’s inbound driveway on E. Sandy Lake Road to emphasize the intent
of a right-turn-only maneuver and discourage any left-turn maneuvers into the driveway. [Responsible
party: SCHOOL]
5. Install the following signs on the school campus:
a. A lane assignment sign indicating left lane for left turns and right lane for right turns at the exit
driveway on E. Sandy Lake Road. (DeShazo Recommendation – install one sign on each side of
driveway on or near existing bridge.) [Responsible party: SCHOOL]
b. A sign indicating that in-vehicle use of electronic devices by motorists is prohibited on school
property. [Responsible party: SCHOOL]
6. Amend Traffic Management Plan recommendation to reflect that traffic at the intersection of queue
lane and parking lot exit lane shall be controlled manually by school personnel rather than by STOP
Ms. Marcie Diamond, AICP
October 1, 2014
Page 2
sign during morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up periods. [Responsible party: DESHAZO] (NOTE:
This change is reflected in the attached TMP report.)
7. Update and re-issue the school traffic safety bulletin for parents to iterate the following safety
a. Use turn signals when entering and exiting the School driveways
b. Motorists shall not use electronic devices while driving on school property.
c. Use seat belts or other appropriate restraining device for all passengers in vehicle at all times.
Also attached are the enrollment data (showing 1,036) provided to us by the school immediately following our
on-site traffic counts/observations.
Please let me know if you have any questions about this submittal. Thank you for your assistance.
Steve E. Stoner, P.E., PTOE
Cc: Ms. Janice Blackmon and Ms. Perkina Gross-Dickerson – Universal Academy-Coppell
Mr. Gary Hasty – Karrington & Company
Mr. Tommy Fuller – Fuller Law Group
Enclosures: Updated Traffic Impact Analysis – Fall 2014
Updated Traffic Management Plan – Fall 2014
Enrollment data as of September 18, 2014