A. Reoues~nm
Rezonin~ ~ ~ S~cifie Use Permit
!. S~ey ~ Abs=acu
5. Location
P?esen: Lonin~ Pr~ose~ Zomn~
Dw~ng P~oor Area
Cl~s~- Gro~ N et= ClassiC- Gro~ N et= U~'Acre ~ o~R~i~
ca, on Area Area cation Are~ Are~ (R~i~ O~v} ~s~ O~v)
'Exc~uoes ms3or ~ secon0a~' :~orougn~res.
D. R~n(s).f~ Zo~g Ch~ge (~ ~ ~e~ch
app~ca~or~ h~ be~ pai~ to ~e Ci~ of ~oppe~ on /~/' , ~. r~er,
~e~ aurorae ~e C~t~ of Copoell and i~s ~pioye~, to ~ter ~on ~e prem~
herein ~ove 6~=ibed et ~ reportable ~m~ for the p~e of ~ec~, m~n:~, cr
remo~n~ ~ to notify ~e p~Mc of ~e pending
conce~ng s~ eppMce~o~ ~ (We) r~e~e t~e Ci~ of toppe~] en~ ~:s empioye~ !r~m
M~:7 ~ ~y ~m~ w~ may be ~m~e~ :o my (o~) p~pe~ ~ ~ne erect, m~~,
k. Complete all par~s of the official zonln~ aFplicatior, for.-. ..........................
5. Pay a~propria~e filing fee:
!. Zoning - S]00 plus $6.0C per acre ........................................................
a. Zoning appeal - 5100 plus ,~.0~ per property owner nolified ..................
3. Land Study - 5]00 plus $1.00 per acre (for annexaiions) .........................
4. Concept Plan- $]00 when submitted separa~eh,- with a zoning request
n/c when submitted wilh zoning recuest (for PD requeszs) .............. . .......
5. Site-Plan/},lulli-Famib,' - $] 00 plus $6.00 per unit (for PD requests) ........ []
6. Site Plan - Olher - $10D (for PD requests) .............................................
-~ 7. Specific Use Permit (SUP) - $10C. plus $~.00 per acre ............................. n
C. S4~bmit twent},-l:wo (ZZ) folded prints of the zoning exhibit drawn at a scale
one inch equals ZOO fee~ or larger on sheet 24" x 36". ...................................
.~. Submit ~wen~x'-two (-ZZ) folded prinzs of the site ~lan of the proposed develop-
men~ on sheez size Z4" x 36'. ............................ [ .........................................
E. Submil one (i) S~" ~: II" ~rin: of bo:h ~he zoning exhibil and sile plan .........
F. Prinls of ihe zoning ex]~ibi~ will conlair, the following information ali on
~. ],iap of property,' to be ~one~2 and all proper~T iota:ed wi:h~ 200 f% ........
~. Nm,ne and ado. tess of applicanl Chi/Or owner .........................................
-'.. l~ame and adiress of ce:~ified surve?o: ................................................
~. Name and a~ress of person preparing ~he exhibi~ .................................
6. No~h point, scale and ~,ate ..................................................................
7. Accurate iocatior- ~a.'~. L-i t~e upper rigb2 or left band. cornet .................
6. S~rve.~ and. abstract wi:~ ~racl desi~na','ion ...........................................
~. Curren~ and. proposed zoning of ~be site ................................................
] ~. Current zonin~ of proper~,' 3o~aled wi~hir~ 20~ fl of ~he si:a ..................
ii. Names of owners of unpia::e~2 ian~ within 20~ fl of the proper~T :c be
zoned ................................................................................................
!5. Gross anf Ne~ acreages of ~he requested zonin~ ....................................
34. Po~entia! n~mber of dwellin~ ~ni:s fo: residential zonin~ reQues:s ..........
!.:. Potential s~.uare-footage of buiidin~ space for commercial, office, re:ail,
and indus:rial zonin~ re@ues:s ..............................................................
]~. Loca:io~ of existing ri~ht-of-wa7, u:ili~,~ and/o: draLna~e easements ......
17. Topo~rapl~y an~ f~oo~ piair, ~esi~na:ioz ................................................
]S. Aircraft Noise Zone ~esi~"na:ior. (if applicable) .....................................
!.~. De:ailed legal descriplion of prope,'c.T ..................................................
''~-'hi~ checklist is only a supplemen~ to rlae curren: Zoning Ordinance. It is the applicant's
responsibilit'F to revie~r an~. comply wi-..h the requirements of the current Zoning
O. In all ins:an;es ,~.'be:e :he a?plinan: ?:eooses :c modify, delete
slar.~ar~ reFulat~ons of a recuest¢~ =onm~ ~is:m:t, a ccmpie~e an~ ~etaiie~ list cf
the changes s,,=,~ be s~bm~rteg .....................................................................
H. If :he applicant is reques:in~ a "P~" Planned Development ~i~:rict he must com~iy with
the ad~:ional requiremen:~ outline/ in :be Zoning Ordinance.
i. The applican~ shall pla:e a ~n~ ahan~e si~, provifieg Py :he City, in a highly visable
lo~a=iox on the ~ite. The sign must be m pos~:ion ten (iD} ~avs Frior :o P & Z
¢onsi~ern:ion anf ~hen rezurn¢~ to %he Ciry ';'~ '-
~,.,,h. 24 hours after City Council
consifiera:io~ ..............................................................................................
J. If the applicant is reques:ing a Specific Use Permi: (SUP) be must comply with the
additional requiremmn;s ou:line~ in ;he Zoning Orlinance.
K.Afzer review' by :be City staff, the applican: shall make all corrections
of him by :be Agminis:ra~ive Assis:an: .........................................................
L. The appliann: shall provihe a shor~ summary of his :rack recorf ns a ~eveloper
(examples of projea:s in o=her communi:ites: han~ou:s, slide present:ion,
shee~ ~suSm~1 ~wen~y-two ~.~ folded pmn~s and one ~,~
and acces~ casements adjacent to ~he prope~y, and access points on and adjacent to
the property;
~. Se:bac~s anti buil~in= lines;
4. All existing private and public s:reets including street widths, median openings, and
left-turn lanes;
5. ~ropose~ areas of dedication, if necessary, fincluding streets, alleys or easements;
~. ~oi~=s of ingress and egress to the properw Lncluflin[ desiF= anti spacing of ~riveways;
7. Parking area inclu~in[ number anE lavou~ of spaces, 'aisle wifl:h, garbage pick-up
location, tire lanes, and types of surface o~ ~ire lanes;
~. Screening walls an~ lo~:ion, Wpe of screen~g wail, el:her livin~ o: masonry.
~. indicate al~ area~ tc be landscaped, type of i~n~scaping, an~ total seuare footage of
ian~scaped ar~as; do not use "tree stamps ;
~ ~. All ez~ services, fire hydrants, water mains, an¢ sewer mains wi:bm :he :tact
and imme~ia;elT adjacent to i: wi:h pipe ~ an¢ loca:ion indicate5.
!1. All propos~ wa¢er a=~ sanitary sewer pipe i~n¢s with s~e¢ ~dicated an~ valves, fire
hyd:ants, m~holes, an~ o:he: appurtenanc¢~ or s:ruccures shown.
~2. AI~ proposed or exis~E wa~er and sewer co~ections, meter io~:ions, s~e of me:ers,
wiuh mete: and/or de~ec~or check valve va~u~
i~. Pinishe~ ~oo: elevation of proposed or ex~g s:ructures
sea ievei datum;
]4. Exisuing ~d proposed con:ours of :he :rat: ;m in:ervalz of one foot o: icss, referenced
:o sea leve~ ~atum;
~. Proposed o: exi¢:~g on an¢ off-site ~le:¢; ~ver:s
The foliow~g ~forma:ion ~hould be ~ubmi::ed ~ ~otez on :he si~e pian:
A. Proposes u~e cf :he cite o:
~. Lo: or tract area.
C. 5~e of buiifi~g (square too:age}.
~. Height of al! s:ru=ture~.
E. Number of living unit~, b~' number of b¢firoom~, ff applicable.
F. Calcula:ion of ~he parking spaces required ~d provided.
Prin~s of ~he concepl plan shah contain ~he follou'in~ information all on one ~ x 3~"
. (~ ~olded prints and one S.%.i x print}:
(submit twenty-two ~ i1"
I. The propert)' dimensions of the site, inclu~in~ toza] acreage and total
square footage of site, and approximate distance to ~he nearest cross street.
2. Existing or proposed building sites, on or adjacen~ to the
3. Exiszing public or private szreet~ wi~h right-of-wa}' and pavemen~ width, median
op¢nmEs, an~ lef~ zurn lan~s.
4. Proposed areas of dedication, if necessary, including gzreets, alleys, easements,
~. PoLnzs of ingress and egress including width of driveways and distance between
~. 5xiszing or propos¢~ drivewa},s adjacenz to or acros~ ~he s~reel from ~h¢ proper~¥,
s~acking space and ~ransi~ion
8. Park~g ar~a~. Parking aisles should be shou, n (d~zailin~ ~dividual spaces is
preferre~, bur no: necessary), as ~ell as ant proposed parking decks.
] D. Propos~ loz coverage, ~clud~ fora] square foozage propose~ ~ project.
i!. Topo~raph}' az five (5) foot conzours or less.
12. Any reoulred or proposed s:reenin~.