860317(SUP)-NR 860417 (2).r; ~ The City With A 5eautHul Future 214~62-03~2
will hold a public hearing on the /'7~% day of
a= 7:30 p.m. in the Coppell High School A~.inis=ra%ion
Building, for consideration of a zoning change re,es=
(Present ~Zon~n~ )' , ( Proposed ~on~ng
o.. ~_cpe_.y gen__=__y c_s.__me~ as follows:
Ail interested citizens of =he Cizy-of Coppel! and o~.her
parties of ~erest are invited to a~tend'~hi$ public hear'lng
p~.-c-wa.e in ~e s~e. ~V citizen of ~he City or other
_-... _n.e-est may 'also e~ress hi~ or her opinion concerning
~he proposed zoning ch~ge re,es= by le=~er addressed ~o the '=-
Coppe!l, TX 750!9.