Planning comments DEVELOPMENT REVIEW CDHHITTEE PL~INI NG DEPARTMENT Case #S--IO~?. I Special Use Pe'r=i~it fo~ Ppivate Olub Reviev~-d by: Ta~yozl Bowman, Plarmi~ & Zoning Coo~di~ato~ pl a~. Si~e pla~ needs ~o sh~ a vi~i~y romp. Revi~ ~ill ~i~ue at the ~ex~ O~ me~i~B ~o be held W~esday~ Se~b~ 6, I~9. This i~ is s~eduled f~ ~he gl~iz~g a~d Z~iz~ C~missi~ ~ing on Thupsday~ 9e~embee ~1~1989 a~ 7:~ p.m.~ a~d also the Ci~ Council m Tuesday~ O~ob~ 10~ 1989~ a~ 7:00 p.m. · he To~n C~ Council Chambers. S- 1037 Submitted for your review arid consideratior~, is a Special Use Permit reo uest by Arnerican Golf Erst erpr i ses, to ai Iow the operation of a private club. The preliminary and fir~al plat has beer~ approved by the City, and t~e applicant must now a~p!y for a Special Use Permit in order to o~erate a private clu~ for the gol fcourse. Property owners within 200' of this request were r, otified by mail. None of the reply forms were returned. Zor, ing to the nort~ of t~is property is SF-O for zero lot iir~e homes, and is presently vacant. To the west and to the east, the surrounding zoning of thi~ property is SF-12 S.U.P. Zoning to the sout~ is MF-2 and is also vacant. As you will note in your packets, several variances are beir~g requested by the applicant. They are as follows: ~ariance ~1~- Square footage of the air conditioned part of the temporary clubhouse is 1,524 square feet of patio, for a total of 2,021 square feet. Staff comment: The private club ord ir~ance ~297-A-28 Section 29. 15 (1) requires that private club structures "shall occupy not less than three--thousand (3,000) square feet of air- conditioned floor area and s~all be free standing." ~ariance ~2~ - Exterior signs will reflect the phrase "Riverchase Golf Club". Staff comment: Sect ion 29. 15 (I) states that "Exterior signs.., shall not advertise or refer to either words or syrnbois in the sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages or the word "club~ . ~ariar~ce ~3~ -- Food preparation and storage area will occuoy 160 s0uare feet or 7.9% of the total restaurar~t apea inciuOing patio. Staff comment: Sect ion 29. 15 2 (B) states that "The food preparation and storage area occupied by the restaurant with a ~rivate club shall comprise a minimum of 20% of the ~quar~ footage of the area occupied by the restaurant with a private club..." ~a~iance ~4~- Food operatic, r, in this temporary clubhouse ~ay produce r~on-alcoholic food and drink sales of a~proximately 50% of total food and alcoholic beverage combir~ed sales. Staff commerst: Section 89.15 8(C) re0uires t~at "At least ?0~. of the gross sales of a restaurant with a private club shall be from ~he sale of food and /or non-alcoholic beverages." City Council met on September 13, 1988 to reconsider this issue arid has at,eroded the P~ivate Cltlb O~dir~ar, ce, section 29. I5(3) to ~rovide that a private club shall not be located closer than ~00 fee~ of any residential structure, instead of the previous language which read "a restaurant with a private club shall not be located closer than 300 feet from any residential zoned district". The a~end~ent also defined the term structure to be defined as "any multi-family or apartment building, condominium, town ho~e, zero lot line home, or any single family dwelling as defined by the Department of Housir~g and Urban Development. ~Variann~ ~ - There will be no designated waiting area~ in ~his temporary clubhouse arid therefore no screening devices. Staff comment: Section 29. 15 (4) requires that "a ~rivate club shall have a waiting area wi~h seating inside ~he building, separate from the bar area..." If you have any questions regarding ~his request, staff will be happy to answer the~.