CC approval on 10/10/89.' .t:._~v; 4-24-89
Cous~detat~o~ o~ a zo~ chau~e, Case ~-t037.~,
F~ily-12~ to (SF-12-S~) Single F~ily-12 Special Use Pe~it, located approxi~tely
1~000 feet north fr~ the intersection of Ha~rthur Boulevard and Riverchase Drive, to
allow the operation of a private club, at the request of ~ican Golf Association.
St',NI.. BY:(,,,ector's Si.tu,e) ,.';',"-'%T~ ~Taryon P.
Date of Planning & Zoning Heeting: September 21, 1989
Decision of Planning & Zoning Commission: Approved (3-2) with variances.
Applicant is requesting approval of a Special Use Permit to alloy the operation of a private
club, vith the folloving variances:
1) Square footage of the air conditioned part of the temporary clubhouse is 1,524 square
feet of patio, for a total of 2.021 square feet.
2) Exterior signs vi11 reflect the phrase "Riverchase Golf Club".
3) Food preparation and storage area viii occupy 160 square feet or 7.9~ of the total
restaurant area including patio.
4) Food operation in this temporary clubhouse may produce non-alcoholic food and drink
sales of approximately 50% of total food and alcoholic beverage combined sales.
5) There viii be no designated vaiting areas in this temporary clubhouse, and; therefore,
no screening devices.
Please see attached staff report for further details.
LEGAL REVIE~ BY: ~W~N~) ~ ~: /
AGENDA RiO FORM '" '"'*'..
0588DS ~ t
DATE: October 10, 1989
RE: Case #S-1037.1
LOCATION: Approximately 1,000 feet north of the northeast corner of
MacArthur Boulevard and Riverchase Drive.
APPLICANT: American Golf Enterprises
Represented by Mr. Jim Helms
North - Vacant, Single-family zoning
South - Vacant, Single-family zoning
East - Vacant, Single-family zoning
West - Vacant, Single-family zoning
HISTORY: Subject zoning case was presented to the Planning and
Zoning Commission and City Council in September and October
of 1988. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended
approval; however, the case was denied by the City Council
on October 25, 1988.
SUMMARY: Applicant is requesting approval of a special use permit
to allow the operation of a private club for a golf course
facility. The variances which are submitted in your packet
are basically the same request as submitted last year,
according to the applicant. Variances requested are as
1) Square footage of the air conditioned part of the
temporary clubhouse is 1,524 square feet of patio, for
a total of 2, 021 square feet.
STAFF COMMENT: The private club ordinance #297-A-28,
Section 29.15 (1) requires that private club structures
"shall occupy not less than three-thousand (3,000) square
feet of air conditioned floor area and shall be free
2) Exterior signs will reflect the phrase "Riverchase
Golf Club".
STAFF COMMENT: Section 29.15 (1) states the "Exterior
signs.., shall not advertise or refer to either words or
symbols in the sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages
or the word "club".
3) Food preparation and storage area will occupy 160
square feet or 7.9% of the total restaurant area
including patio.
STAFF COMMENT: Section 29.15 2(B) states that "The food
preparation and storage area occupied by the restaurant
with a private club shall comprise a minimum of 20% of the
square footage of the area occupied by the restaurant with
a private club..."
4) Food operation in this temporary clubhouse may produce
non-alcoholic food and drink sales of approximately
50% of total food and alcoholic beverage combined
STAFF COMMENT: Section 29.15 2(C) requires that "At least
70% of the gross sales of a restaurant with a private club
shall be from the sale of food and/or non-alcoholic
5) There will be no designated waiting areas in this
temporary clubhouse and; therefore, no screening
STAFF COMMENT: Section 29.15 (4) requires that "A private
club shall have a waiting area with seating inside the
building, separate from the bar area..."
ALTERNATIVES: 1) Approve the zoning change with variances.
2) Approve the zoning change without variances.
3) Deny the zoning change.
ATTACHMENTS: 1) Zoning vicinity map
2) Letter submitted by applicant to request variances
3) Letter from TABC
4) Proposed Insurance Policy
5) Site Plan & Elevations
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-~,M..'_';':.I, 'AN G(.')LF COF~POI~ATIC;N
August 11, 1988
Planning and Zoning Commission
City of Coppell
Dear Commission Members:
The attached application requests your consideration to zone the
described property on which the Riverchase clubhouse, cart storage and
parking lot are being built, to provide for a "restaurant with private
club" permit in order that alcoholic beverages may be served.
Our structure and site useage as under construction, will require
variance from requirements in ordinance no. 297-A-28 as follows:
1) Square footage of the air conditioned part of our temporary
clubhouse is 1,524 square feet plus 497 square feet of patio,
for a total of 2,021 square feet.
2) Exterior signs shall say - "Riverchase Golf Club".
3) Food preparation and storage area will occupy 160 square feet
or 7.9% of the total restaurant area including patio. Non-
food preparation and storage will equal 92.1% of the total area
of 2,021 square feet.
4) Our snack bar operation in this temporary clubhouse may produce
non-alcoholic food and drink sales Of approximately 50% of total
food and alcoholic beverage combined sales. We can provide the
commission with actual sales statistics of other golf courses
in Texas operated by American Golf Corporation, as evidence of
our usual sales percentages of alcoholic vs. food sales.
5) The temporary clubhouse site is located less than 300 feet from
residential zoned district (this property is vacant and there
are no structures within 2,000 yards).
6) There will be no designated waiting areas in this temporary
clubhouse and therefore no screening devices.
We know of no other requirements that our plan does not meet.
We point-out that this is a temporary location for our clubhouse.
We will sell alcohol only to members of the American Golf Club who are
patronizing the golf course. Our food service will be a snack bar type
service to convenience our golf customers. We plan to build a permanent
clubhouse when the course annual revenue becomes sufficient to justify
Te×as Office: P.O. Box 157609, Irving, Texas 75015-7609 Metro (214) 445-0334
1~33-?~:' t~'r~,-~ ~.m!:~ M~,~';~ C,~:;fl,~ma 9~,~04-~024. T?lel)hon~ ~213~3~--:200
a larger building. We expect this to occur within five years. This
facility will close 30 minutes after dark. There will be no night
beverage service.
Golf Enterprises
Texas Office: P.O. Box 157609, Irving, Texas 75015-7609 Metro (214) 445-0334
AMERICAN GOLF COPPORAT!ON. 1633 26th Slreet. Santa Mon,ca. Cahforn,a 90404-4024. Telephone (213~ 315-4200
August 9, 1989
Planning and Zoning Commission
City of Coppell
Dear Commission Members:
The attached application requests your consideration to zone the
described property on which the Riverchase clubhouse, cart storage and
parking lot are'being built, to provide for a "restaurant with private
club" permit in order that alcoholic beverages may be served.
Our structure and site useage as under construction, will require
variance from requirements in ordinance no. 297-A=28 as follows:
I) Square footage of the air conditioned part of our clubhouse
is 1,524 square feet plus 497 square feet of patio, for a
total of 2,021 square feet.
2) Exterior signs shall say - "Riverchase Golf Club".
3) Food preparation and storage area will occupy 160 square feet
or 7.9% of the total restaurant area including patio. Non,food
preparation and storage will equal 92.1% of the ~otal area of
2,021 square feet.
4) Our snack bar operation in this clubhouse may produce non-
alcoholic food and drink sales of approximately 50% of total
food and alcoholic beverage combined sales. We can provide the
commission with actual sales statistics of other golf courses
in Texas operated by American Golf Corporation, as evidence of
our'usual sales percentages of alcoholic vs. food sales.
5) The clubhouse site is located less than 300 feet from resi-
dential zoned district (this property is vacant and there are
no structures within 2,000 yards).
6) There will be no designated waiting areas in this clubhouse
and therefore no screening devices.
We know of no other requirements that our plan does not meet.
Texas Office: 20q0 E. Shadz Grove Rd., Irving, TX 75060 Metro (214) 445-0334
,633-26t~ S[ree~. ~anta Mon~ca. 2al~forn~a 90404--024 Teieonone ~213)315-4200
We will sell alcohol only to members of the American Golf Club who
are patronizing the golf course. Our food service will be a snack bar
type service to convenience our golf customers. We plan to build another
clubhouse when the course annual revenue becomes sufficient to justify a
larger building. We expect this to occur within five years. This
facility will close 30 minutes after dark.
Regional Director
texas Office: 2000 E. d [OV~ Rd., Irving. TX~.5.~2~' ,,,e0none,~$~15-z~6
AMERICAN GOLF CORPORA~Iho~. ,~33G.~6,in :~,ree,. Sa.ta,~4-on,ca. ua|iforn,a ~ .q6 '%~t. rO (2 .4.~ --03~4
Revised: 6-17 g? ' **MUST RETURN ALL SIX
A: Requesting:
Specific Use Permit [ ]
B. Description & Location of Property:
1. Survey & Abstract: Weston Perry Survey. Abs~,ra~. ] 1 57
2. Addition Name (if applicable): Riverchase Clubhouse Addition
3. Lot & Block (if applicable): Lot 1 Block 1
4. Total Number of Acres: 3.4774
5. Location further described: 1000 feet east of southeast corner of
Riverchase Drive and MacArthur Blvd.
C. Zoning Requested:
Present Zoning Proposed Zoning
Dwelling Floor Area
Classifi- Gross Net* Classifi- Gross Net* Units/Acre (Non-Resid.
cation Area Area cation Acres Acres (Resid.Only) Uses Only)
SF12-SUP 3.4774 3.4774 R-SUP 3.4774 3.4774 None 1524 sq. ft.
*Excludes major & secondary thoroughfares.
D. Reason(s) for Zoning Change (please be specific)s To retail SUP w/variance
to zoning ordinance no. 297-A-28 for sale of alcoholic beveraoes
E. Fee:
I (We) hereby certify that the application fee, $ 217.39 , to cover the cost
of this zoning application, has been paid to the City of Coppell on Aug, ~7 ,
19 . Further, I (We) hereby authorize the City of Coppell and its employees, to
ent'er upon the premises herein above described at all reasonable times for the
purpose of erecting, maintaining, or removing signs to notify the public of the
pending zoning application and/or public hearing concerning said application.
(We) release the City of Coppell and its employees from liability for any damages
which may be incurred to my (our) property in the erecting, maintaing, or removal
of said signs.
Date: August 9, 1989 Owners Name: American Golf CorD.
Representative: Jim Helms Address: 1633 26th Street
Owners Signature: Santa Moni~, CA gD4N4-4N?4~
Telephone 9: 214-445-0334