CC 8/22/89 minutesNinutes of August 22, 1989
The City Council of the City of Coppell met in a regular called session
on Tuesday, August 22, 1989, at 6:30 p.m. for an Executive Session and
7:00 p.m. in open session in the City Council Chambers of To~n Center,
255 Parkvay Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. Those members present vets:
Mark Wolfe, Mayor
David M. Thomas, Councilman
Tom Morton, Councilman
Bill Smothermon, CounciLman
Ron Rob,freSh,
John A, Nelson, Councilman
Mayor Pro Tam Dean Milkerson and Councilman Jim Cowman were absent from
the meeting. Also present were Alan D. Ratliff, City Manager, Larry
Jackson, City Attorney, and Linde Orau, Assistant City Secretary.
~ayor Wolfe called the meeting to order.
EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed to the public)
ES1 Article 6252-17, Section 2 (g) concezuing personnel to discuss
City Council procedures.
Mayor Wolfe then declared the public session closed for an Executive
Session on Tuesday, August 22, 1989, at 6~31 p.m. as alloyed nnder the
above recited articles. Mayor Wolfe adjourned the Executive Session st
6:42 p.m. on Tuesday, August 22, 1989, and opened the public session.
Open Session (Open to the Public)
Mayor Wolfe asked everyone present to stand while Councilman Morton gave
the invocation. Following the invocation Mayor Wolfe led those present
in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Item 3~ Approval of Minutes - August 8, 1989
Councilman Robertson moved to approve the minutes of August 8, 1989, as
submitted. Councilman Smother~on seconded the motion; motion carried
5-0 with Councilmen Thomas, Morton, Smother~on, Robertson and Nelson
voting in favor of the motion.
Item 4: Mayor's R~port
Mayor ~olfe reminded the Council that Mayor Pro Tam ~ilkerson
and Councilman Covemn vere not present; therefore, vith five
(5) voting Council members present the Council ~ust have four
(4) affir~ative votes to approve an agenda ite~.
Mayor Wolfe informed chose present that there viii be 4 (four)
Students in Govermnt Progrm planned for the 1989/90 school
year. The progran for the upcoming year has been expanded to
include the 8th and 12 grade classes. The fifth grade classes
will have two (2) programs and the 8th and 12th Eradas hav~
one (1) proEr~. ~e first scheduled pro~r~ of 5th srade
students ~11 be h~ld September 26.
Item 9:
Discussion regardin~ the drainage issue affecting honeovaers
on the southern side of Masdovcreek Road in the 300 and 400
blocks - Requested by Hayor Wolfe.
~ayor Wolfe infor~ed those present that the City, during the budget
workshop, did approve the funding of a City wide drainage study. This
study would evaluate the drainage problems the City ia having throughout
the coununity and address those issues. Shohre Daneshnand, Civil
Engineer, made the presentation to the City Council. l~, Danes~A~d
presented an overview de£ining the four (4) major creeks in the City
which are the Blm Fork of the Trinity River, Denton Creek, Cottonwood
Branch, and Crapavine Creek and the location of nine (9) minor
These major creeks have been studied by the City in addition to a study
by FEHA. A study of the i~pact of the these creeks and ~tnor
needs to be addressed at this time to deter~ine the drainage problems
the City is currently experiencin~ and how the City will proceed in
correcting those problems. Nr. Ralph Klaus, 313 Hands,creek Road, and
Rick Church, 417 Headowcreek, addressed the Council concerning drainage
problems which are affactin~ their property. Hr. Church also presented
slides showing the da~aSe to his property. Its. Phyllis Horphy, 321
Meadovcreek, presented pictures taken fro~ behind her home illustrating
the erosion of the creek area. Hayer Wolfe stated the the co~prehenaive
study should be completed within approxismtely four (4) to six (6)
months. No action was taken on this ite~by the Council.
Iteu 7:
Consider approval of a reception, hosted by the City Council.
for applicants applying for a position on the City's Boards
and Com~ssious. This reception will be held Monday,
September 11, 1989, at 6:30 p.m. in the To~n Center, 255
Parlcvay Boulevard, Coppe11, TX. - requested by Hayer Wolfe.
Councilman Norton moved to the approve a reception, hosted by the City
Council, for applicants applying for a position on the CityVs Boards and
Commissions which vii1 be held Monday, September 1I, 1989, at 6:30 p.m.
Councilman Robertson seconded the motionl motion carried 5-0 with
Councilmen Thomas, Morton, Smothermon, Robertson and Nelson voting in
favor of the mo~ion.
Item 10:
Discussion and consideration of approval of a variance to the
Coppe11 Subdivision Ordinance, Appendix A, Itu D.1.JI that
five (5) inches of concrete be used for the parchment
tnprovenent, outside the fire lanes, This variance is
requested ~or the Park West Com~rce Center, Tract No. 1,
Shohre Daneahuand, Civil Engineer, made the presentation to the Council.
Ho. Daneshumnd stated that tlL~S iS a request for the uae of five (~)
inches of concrete for pavement improvement, outside the fire lanes,
rather than 6 (six) inches as required by the Coppell Subdivision
Ordinance. Follo~lu~ further discussion, Councilman Morton moved to
approve a v&r~nce ~o ~he Coppell Subdivision Ordinance, Appendff~x
I~e~ D.I.J~ Chat five (~) inches of concrete be used for the pavemen~
improvement; outside the fire lanes, This variance is requested for the
Park West Con~erce Center, Tract Ho. 1, Council~an ~elson seconded the
motionl motion carried 5-0 with Councilmen Tho~s, Morton, S~othat~on,
Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion.
Item 11:
Discussion and consideration of approval of a variance from
Section 10-5-2C of the Sisn Ordinance which concerns the
maximum size and maximum height of monument st~ne. The
variance ia requested by ~entucky Fried Chicken for the
property located at 135 S. Denton Tap.
Dale Jackson, Chief Building Inspector, made the presentation to the
Council. Mr. Jackson stated that a previous variance request for a
seventy-six (76) square foot monument sign was heard, and denied, by the
City Council on June 13, 1989. The request nov being presented to the
Council is to erect a esvsnty-£ive (75) square foot ~ontment sign. lit.
Dan Johnson, Construction E~$inear, ~entucky Fried Chicken, also
addressed the Council. Following a lsngthIy discussion Councilman
Robertson made a motion and amended his ~otion which moved to approve a
variance from Section 10-5-2C st the Sign Ordinance allo~ the
construction of a seventy-five (75) square foot sign with the total
not to exceed the existin~ City Ordinances for yell sign,s, with
landscaping as shown, and that no other st~n variances will be brought
forward for con~ideration by the Council, Councilman N~rton seconded
the ~otion; motion carried 5-0 with Council~en Thomas, Norton,
Smothsrmon, Roberteon and Nelson voting in favor of the motion.
CounciLman Robertson requested staff to review and amend the present
Sign Ordinance.
Item 12: Discussion and consideration of approval of a variance from
Section 10-8-5 of the Sign Ordinance which concerns
subdivision signs. The variance is requested by T. H.
Pritchett for the property located at the corner of Airline
Drives and Bsltline Road and the property northeast of the
intersection of Freeport Parkway and Airline Drive located
within the Park West Commerce Center.
Dale Jackson, Chief Buildin~ Official, made the presentation to the
Council. Hr. Jackson stated that the applicant is requesting to locate
a 150 sqnare foot subdivision sign on the norttmsat and southwest
corners of Airline Drive and Beltlins Road. They are also requesting
approval to erect an additional entry sign into the development that
would be located along the north side of Airline Drive, northeast of the
Freeport Parkway and Airline Drive intersection. Hr. Thomas Pritchett,
Landscape Architect representing Prentiss Properties, also addressed the
City Council. Following discussion Councilman Smothermon moved to
approve the variance to Section 10-8-5 of the Sign Ordinance as
requested by T,H. Pritchett, for the intersection of Freeport Parkway
and Airline Drive and Beltline Road located within the Park West
Commerce Center. Councilman Robertson seconded the motion; motion
carried 5-0 with Councilmen Thomas, Morton, Smothermon, Robertaon and
Nelson votin~ in favor of the motion.
Item 13: Discussion, consideration of sendin8 a letter of endorsement
for the Region llII THL Resolution endorsing and supporting
the proposed amendments to the state's alcoholic beverage code
and Section 211.003 of the local $ovsrnamnt code dealing with
zonin~ powers - Requested by Councilman Morton.
Councilman Smothermon moved to approve the above stipulated item.
Councilman ~orton seconded the motion. Following discussion on this
item, Councilman Smothermon withdrew hie original motion and Councilman
Morton withdrew his second of the motion. Councilman Smothermon then
moved to table this item until the September 12 City Council meeting.
Council~an Norton seconded the motionl motion carried 5-0 with
Council~en Thomas, Morton, Smothermon, Robertson and Nelson voting in
favor of the motion.
Discussion and consideration of approval of a letter of
a~ree~ent (contract) with Tctmley-Horn & Associates, Inc. for
professional services of Hr. Ronald W. Morrison, Senior