Engineering comments GINN, INC. April 13, 1989 Mr. Russell Doyle, P.E. City of Coppell P.O. Box 478 Coppell, TX 75019 CONSULTING ENGINEERS ,'~ . - ' '~-, ~~~"'' i }!ii',' Re: Kentucky Fried Chicken Zoning Request and Final Plat/Construction Plans DRC-Engineering Dear Mr. Doyle: We have reviewed the above referenced project and offer the following comments. Regarding the Zoning Change Request from Retail to Commercial- Special Use Permit with Drive-Thru, we suggest the monument sign not be indicated on the Site Plan at this time under the SUP but rather be handled as a separate issue. Also, a Variance Request should be added on the Site Plan for a north-drive access to be allowed off of Denton Tap Road. These Site Plan revisions can be made conditions of any motion when considering this issue at the Planning & Zoning meeting with the revisions being requested to be made prior to the Zoning Change Request going forward to City Council. Regarding the Final Plat we have the following comments. Applicant should re-verify the square footage and acreage calculated for this site. Per the City's Comprehensive Floodplain Management Ordinance, paragraph 4 on page 34, a Floodplain Permit note needs to be added to the plat. This site, however, is not within the limits of any existing floodplain or floodway, therefore, a permit number for development would not be applicable. Any proposed fire lanes outside the limits of the platted site need to be dedicated by separate dedication instruments. These instruments should be executed, notarized and provided to the City prior to the Final Plat being submitted to the city Council for consideration. The floodplain note shown on the Final Plat is not required to be on the plat, and thus, can be deleted. 17103 Prcston Road ·Suitc 100 · LB Il8 · Dallas, Tcxas 75248 · Phone 214/248-4900 Se The need for the Variance Request for a north-drive is due to the Sub-Division Ordinance requiring, for a 35 mph roadway, 100 feet be provided between drives and for a 40 mph roadway 120 feet be provided. Approval of the variance would allow a driveway spacing of only 72 feet approximately. Circulation will still exist without this drive via the common access drive between McDonalds and this site. Please reference the attached excerpts from the Sub- Division Ordinance. Regarding the Construction Plans we offer the following comments. Power feed from TU Electric should be an underground feed from Denton Tap. Site should sewer (sanitary) from the rear as per the original Preliminary Engineering plan. This will alleviate the need for the applicant to open cut approximately 65 feet across the new Denton Tap Road pavement (3 southbound lanes, median and 1 northbound lane). Public safety and reduced liability will be better assured for both the applicant and the City with this requested revision. The 2" domestic water tap should be in the same trench as the fire hydrant lead tap if the new Denton Tap Road concrete pavement is existing at the time the site develops. This will alleviate the need for 2 street cuts or tunnels (whichever is required by Public Works) and only require 1. Ail pavement shall be required to be 6" thick, 3000 psi at 28 days with a 6" lime stabilized subgrade (6%). This includes any drives. Also, no cushion sand is allowed between the subgrade and the pavement. Applicant must submit written permission from the property owner prior to the City allowing any pavement to be placed outside either the platted area or outside any fire lane easement boundaries. This shall be required prior to approval of the construction plans. Please call if you have any questions. Since? ~. ;;:id~pPei f fer:. E! . cc: Robert Howman, Ayres Assoc. DRC File 89305 II II II II II II II II II !1 II II II DR]VEWAY RAD]US Al! d=tvewoys tnte=secttng dedicated st=eets shol! be built w~th o circulo= cu=b =ad,us connecting the stx-~nch =a[sed cu=b of the =oadway to the design width pavement of the d=tvewa¥. D=tveways sha]! be ]ocated fo: enough f:om the inte:to: p=ope=ty line to pa=mit the curb ~adtus to fall enti:ely in f:ont of the sub)act p:ope:ty. The City Enginee: shall app:ove the d:iveway widths and d:tveway :adius at the time of site plan :eview p:evious to issuance of any but]ding pa=mit. In o:de: that the definition of the location of the edge of pavement fo= the tho:oughfa:e may be maintained, d=ivewoy :adJi sha]] a]~ays be designed to become tangent to the st:eat cu:b line. Two-way driveways shall always be designed to [nra=sect the st:eet at a 90-deg:ee angle. One-way d:iveways may be designed to tnte:sect a st:eat at a minimum ~5-deg:ee angle. DR[VE~AY SPAC]NG AND LOCATION The spacing a~d locatio~ of d:iveways shall be =e~ated to adjacent d=~veways and nea=by street intersections. The spacing between d~iveways shall be dependent upon [he speed limit of the thoroughfa=e and a~e ~ecommended as follows: Isee Figu=e ~1 ~D~D~_~D~-~J D~tveway SEacing (Feet) 'D" 20 ~5 ~5 ~5 30 ~0 35 100 ~0 1~0 ~5 150 50 200 Appendix A 12 II II II II I II I I Minimum spacing shal) not be mo=e than ten feet less than the =ecommended spacings shown above. Spacings between d=~vewoys wt)l be measu=ed along the p=operty )ine f~om the edge of one driveway to the closest edge of the next d=~vewoy and not from centerl~ne to cente=line. At intersections with no free r~ght-tu=n ]one, the m~nimum d~stonce A, F~gu=e 2, of a drive- way f=om the intersection of ma}o= tho=oughfa=es sba]] be fifty feet and the minimum distance A, F~gu=e 2, of o d=ivewoy f~om the lnte=section of minor tho=oughfo=es sha]l be tht=ty feet. Gene~o] =equt=ements fo= d=tve- way design ore shown in F~gu=e 2. A summo=y of d=[vewoy width, and ang)e requirements is given in Tob]e TABLE 11 SUMMARY OF REQUIREMENTS RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL IhI~JSTRIAL WIDTH Minimum 12 20 IlS 1-woyl 20 Maximum RIGH1 TURN RAD]US Minimum 5 10 15 Maximum 15 20 25 ONE-WAY DRIVE ANGLE Minimum {deg=eesl 45 45 45 MISCELLANEOUS THOROUGHFARE STANDARDS A. Specific detai]s shol) be as shown in the Design Stando=ds fo= the City of Coppell. Appendix A 23 LEGEND A-Distance bock from ir~ertection R - Driveway radius Wo Approach width D- Distance between' driveways ! II ! ! II II II II 50' Minimun W II II FIGURE 2 -- GEOMETRIC FOR DR I V E WAY DESIGN II