PL-AP Filed w/County 082316I I I I I Y NOTES: roIf- I v 14 1 �®1. All comers set are monumented with a 5/8" iron rod with red plastic cap stamped "KHA', unless s' u.E. 6 °' otherwise noted. I o 0 VI I , 2. Bearings are based upon the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, North Central Zone per the City �. — — — — �� _15' P.A.E. I{ of Coppell GeodeticControl Station No. 2, City of Coppell Benchmark No. 15 and Ci tyof Coppell C� Benchmark No. 17. The bearings shown hereon are Grid values. The distances shown are surface -- �-------------- ( I ��® values. s° u.E. I Ci 3. All easements shorn are from the plat of Westhaven Phase 2A, recorded in Instrument No. OGK I I \ 201500116332, Official Public Records Dallas County, Texas - unless otherwise noted. 4. The survey abstract lines shown hereon are approximate and are not located on the ground. I J' 5. According to Map No, 48113C0135J, dated August 23, 2001 and Map No. 48113C0135K, dated July 7, i 13A I Q 2014 of the National Flood Insurance Program Map, Flood Insurance Rate Map of Dallas County, I I / ® \ 1 Texas, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration, as amended in I yI o \ 1 FEMA LOMR Case No. 14-06-1947P, effective February 09, 2015, this property is not within Flood I 1 °0 \ , 1 Zone AE, which is a special flood hazard area inundated by a 100 -year flood, and is within Zone "X" (shaded) and Zone ")C" (unshaded). For the portions this site that are not within an identified special flood hazard area, this flood statement does not imply that the property and/or the structures thereon ' will be free from flooding or flood damage. On rare occasions, greater floods can and will occur and I A=5 3616" flood heights may.b0. increased by man-made or natural causes. This flood statement shall not create j ® R=407.50' \ \ , \ 1 liability on the part of the surveyor. L=39.86' \ \ CB�N79°03'14"E \ \ \ \ O 1 6. Lots less than 50' wide shall have a 5' private drainage maintenance and access easement (P.A.E.) on I — C=39.84' �. \ �,''�G the "non -zero" side Of the lot. No permanent structures above grade within limits of the easement, and I I m \ G no lot -to -lot drainage will be permitted. ® IRSC c ® ,^ \ ! \ ALLEY � IRSC ® 10'X 10' T.P.E. \ \ \ \ ABANDONED D BY \ \ \ \ \ (see note 3) T I i \ 10 X 10 T.P.E.T.P.E, X 10' eTF, BY THIS PLAT , 1 \ \ \ 9 \ \ \ I I T.I I I 1 1 \ \ I I' F.M.E. \ \ Wl°STHAVEN PHASE 2A \ \ \ 5 1 �° \ \ { { I \ \ T. N INT. o.201500116332, \ \ \ { 1 Q \ 10 O.P.R.DA.C.T. 1 1 AMENDED BY \ \ { I I I 1 cm \ 1 INOT. No. 201500257174, \ \ I 1 all \ \ O.P.R.DA.C.T. \ \ \ 1 I I I ;�' I I I 58' R.O.W. I I 12 SURVEYOR°S CERTIFICATION V_ I 25.0' 33.0' I I •r• I X I GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 20 0 10 20 40 lit = 20' @ 24X36 I ao1 I I X I \ m \ gyp' B� \ That I, Michael B. Marx, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor, licensed by the State of Texas, do hereby certify that l { 1 { 1 \ \ \ \ \ this plat and the description shown hereon are based upon an on the ground survey of the land, and this plat is an Cfi{ I I I N, 1 \ \ accurate representation at, the physical evidence found at the time of the survey; that the corner monuments shown hereon I O ( z 1 m \ were found and/or placed under my personal supervision. This plat was prepared in accordance with the platting rules and \ \ regulations of the City of Coppell, Texas. Dated this the da of s 201& F•r �- 1 I 11 { 1 \ \ �o y .v�u f- I I I \ \Jet �s 1 � 10,BL. \ � � e •••MICHAEL •B.•MARX •• 9 .�d rofessional Land Surveyor •••••.�po ••••••�,P.�•• Michael B. Marx Regi ;,0 5181 o KIMLEY-HORN AND AS41 OCIATES, INC. �,q,V•• f �y0 IRSC 5750 Genesis Court, Suito, 200 O SU Rv -I-- / V.T. V.T. _.- IRSC I �I { Frisco, Texas 75034 / 972-335-3580 S75°24'19"W p Fax 972-335-3779 -I- / —/ \ \ { _ — IRSC 7.37' ? V.T. % A=5°06'26" / N POINT OF / R=475.00' o / STATE OF TEXAS § BEGINNING L=42.34' I CB=S77°57'32"W \ / v� COON +§ OF COLLIN C=42.33' _42.33 ® a BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Michael B. Marx, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to 17110 that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed and in \� 50 the capacity therein stated. I GIVEN under my hand acid seal of office, this the & day of 201 L . JESSICA WALL Notary Publ n and for the State of Texas Notary Public, State of Texas Comm. Expires 03-22-2019 -- --- t 0171 g Notary ID 126048141 too ' -- —� PETER HAMONSC�N O M 1 UTILITY ESMT 1 50'R.Ow` INST. NO. 201500116253 S U RVEY A- 1794 2 1 33 1 O.P.R.DA.C.T. ,0' \ 25 \ G 1 52.®' 1 1 \ 1 1 , 1 1 , OWNER'S CERTIFICATE OWNER'S DEDICATION STATE OF TEXAS § STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § WHEREAS, CALATLANTIC HOMES OF TEXAS, INC., is the sole owner of a tract of land situated in the Peter Harmonson Survey, Abstract No. 1794, in the City of Coppell, Dallas County and Denton County, Texas, and being all of Lot 11, Block C, Westhaven Phase 2A, according to the plat there of recorded in Instrument No. 201500116332, Official Public Records, Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped "KHA" set for the south west corner of said Lot 11, common with the southeast corner of Lot 12, Block C, said Westhaven Phase 2A, on then north right-of-way line of Evergreen Drive (50 foot right-of-way); THENCE North 9°29'16" West, along the common line of said Lots 11 & 12, a distance of 111.14 feet to an iron rod set for the northwest corner of said Lot 11, common with the northeast comer of said Lot 12 on the south right-of-way line of Alley F (15 foot right-of-way), same being the beginning of a non -tangent curve to the left having a central angle of 5036'16", a radius of 407.50 feet, a chord bearing and distance of North 79003'14" East, 39.84 feet; THENCE in a northeasterly direction, along the common line of said Alley F and said Lot 11 and with said curve to the left, an arc distance of 39.86 feet to an iron rod set for the northeast corner of said Lot 11 at the end of said curve to the left, same being the northwest corner of Lot 10, Block C, said Westhaven Phase 2A; THENCE South 14°35'41" East, departing the south line of said Alley F and along the common line of said Lots 10 & 11, a distance of 110.04 feet to an iron rod set for the southeast corner of said Lot 11 on the north right-of-way line of the aforementioned Evergreen Drive, common with the southwest corner of said Lot 10; THENCE South 75°24'19" West, along the common line of said Evergreen Drive and said Lot 11, a distance of 7.37 feet to an iron rod set at the beginning of a tangent curve to the right having a central angle of 5°06'26", a radius of 475.00 feet, a chord bearing and distance of South 77057'32" West, 42.33 feet; THENCE in a southwesterly direction, continuing along said common line and with said curve to the right, an arc distance of 42.34 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.114 of an acre (4,953 sq. ft.) of land, more or less. Bearings are based upon the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, North Central Zone per the City of Coppell Geodetic Control Station No. 2, City of Coppell Benchmark No. 15 and City of Coppell Benchmark No. 17. The bearings shown hereon are Grid values. The distances shown are surface values. NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That, CALATLANTIC HOMES OF TEXAS, INC., does hereby adopt this plot designating the herein described property as WESTHAVEN, PHASE 2A, LOT 11R, BLOCK C, an addition to the City of Coppell, Texas and does hereby dedicate, in fee simple, to the public use forever the streets shown thereon. The easements shown thereon are hereby reserved for the purposes indicated. The utility and fire lane easements shall be open to the public, fire and police units, garbage and rubbish collection agencies, and all public and private utilities for each particular use. The maintenance of paving on the utility and fire lane easements is the responsibility of the property owner. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growths shall be constructed, reconstructed or placed upon, over or across the easements shown. Said easements being hereby reserved for the mutual use and accommodation of all public utilities using or desiring to use same. All and any public utility shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or parts of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growths which in any way endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance or efficiency of its respective right or ingress or egress to or from and upon the said easement for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining and adding to or removing all or parts of its respective systems without the necessity at any time of procuring the permission of anyone. (Any public utility shall have the right to ingress or egress to private property for the purpose of reading meters and any maintenance or service required or ordinarily performed by the utility). Water main and waste water easements shall also include additional areas of working space for construction and maintenance or the systems. Additional easement area is also conveyed for installation and maintenance of manholes, cleanouts, fire hydrants, water services and waste water services from the main to the curb or pavement line, and description of such additional easements herein granted shall be determined by their location as installed. This plat approved subject to all platting ordinances, rules, regulations, and resolutions of the City of Coppell, Texas. Notwithstanding the forgoing, CALATLANTIC HOMES OF TEXAS, INC., reserve for themselves, their successors and assigns the right to use the surface of all such easements for installing landscaping and irrigation systems, for parking of vehicles (except that parking shall not be authorized in any designated fire lanes) for the passage of pedestrian and vehicular traffic, and to construct and maintain paving on the surface of such easements for the purpose of such reserved use. Witness my hand at Coppell, Texas this the 1*0*d-ay of 20 (to BY: CALATLANTIC HOMES OF TEXAS, INC., a D.glawalpjCorporation By: Chip G. oy Vice President of Land Development STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared CHIP G. BOYD, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowleme that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN under my hand and seal of office, this the %" t day of , 20 1Y CARISTY..FOSTER ANotarV Public, State.of Teras Comm. ExMires 06-22-20 toflublic in and or the State of Texas'f;' o„ et NotA ° I0 120527436 1, MARK HARRIS, verify that Oncor has been contacted and provided a copy of the plat and development proposal and all Oncor utility easements and/or abandonments are currently shown. Mark E. Harris, Pro es ional Engineer No. 97242 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 5750 Genesis Court, Suite 200 Frisco, Texas 75034 972-335-3580 Fax 972-335-3779 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF COLLIN § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Mark E. Harris, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN under m hand and seal of office this the 04'-dayof , 20_k. Y � Notary Publ in d for the State of Texas MICOtE TRI66EiT A� "°`c,1 Notary Public. State of Texas Comm. Expires 02-02-2020 Notary ID 130520505 Conformed Copy Official Public Records John F. Warren, County Clerk Dallas County, TEXAS 08/23/2016 12:03:09 PM $64.00 Q 201 600233205 OWNER/APPLICANT: LOT 11 Calatiantic Homes of Texas, Inc. 2600 Network Blvd., Suite 600 Frisco, Texas, 75034 Phone No.: (469) 731-3100 Email: chip.boyd@calatl.com -9 wI- I� \�in,VISIBILITY TRIANGLE LEGEND W.M.E. Wall Maintenance Easement F.M.E. Fence Maintenance Easement T.P.E. Transformer Pad Easement P.A.E. Private prainage Maintenance and Access a Easement U.E. Electric Easement V.T. Visibility Triangle D.R.DA.C.T. Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas D.R.DE.C.T. Deed Records, Denton County, Texas O.P.R.DA.C.T. Official Public Records, Dallas County, Texas O.R.DE.C.T. Official Records, Denton County, Texas d Zero Lot Line Street Name Change I ao1 I I X I \ m \ gyp' B� \ That I, Michael B. Marx, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor, licensed by the State of Texas, do hereby certify that l { 1 { 1 \ \ \ \ \ this plat and the description shown hereon are based upon an on the ground survey of the land, and this plat is an Cfi{ I I I N, 1 \ \ accurate representation at, the physical evidence found at the time of the survey; that the corner monuments shown hereon I O ( z 1 m \ were found and/or placed under my personal supervision. This plat was prepared in accordance with the platting rules and \ \ regulations of the City of Coppell, Texas. Dated this the da of s 201& F•r �- 1 I 11 { 1 \ \ �o y .v�u f- I I I \ \Jet �s 1 � 10,BL. \ � � e •••MICHAEL •B.•MARX •• 9 .�d rofessional Land Surveyor •••••.�po ••••••�,P.�•• Michael B. Marx Regi ;,0 5181 o KIMLEY-HORN AND AS41 OCIATES, INC. �,q,V•• f �y0 IRSC 5750 Genesis Court, Suito, 200 O SU Rv -I-- / V.T. V.T. _.- IRSC I �I { Frisco, Texas 75034 / 972-335-3580 S75°24'19"W p Fax 972-335-3779 -I- / —/ \ \ { _ — IRSC 7.37' ? V.T. % A=5°06'26" / N POINT OF / R=475.00' o / STATE OF TEXAS § BEGINNING L=42.34' I CB=S77°57'32"W \ / v� COON +§ OF COLLIN C=42.33' _42.33 ® a BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Michael B. Marx, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to 17110 that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed and in \� 50 the capacity therein stated. I GIVEN under my hand acid seal of office, this the & day of 201 L . JESSICA WALL Notary Publ n and for the State of Texas Notary Public, State of Texas Comm. Expires 03-22-2019 -- --- t 0171 g Notary ID 126048141 too ' -- —� PETER HAMONSC�N O M 1 UTILITY ESMT 1 50'R.Ow` INST. NO. 201500116253 S U RVEY A- 1794 2 1 33 1 O.P.R.DA.C.T. ,0' \ 25 \ G 1 52.®' 1 1 \ 1 1 , 1 1 , OWNER'S CERTIFICATE OWNER'S DEDICATION STATE OF TEXAS § STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § WHEREAS, CALATLANTIC HOMES OF TEXAS, INC., is the sole owner of a tract of land situated in the Peter Harmonson Survey, Abstract No. 1794, in the City of Coppell, Dallas County and Denton County, Texas, and being all of Lot 11, Block C, Westhaven Phase 2A, according to the plat there of recorded in Instrument No. 201500116332, Official Public Records, Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped "KHA" set for the south west corner of said Lot 11, common with the southeast corner of Lot 12, Block C, said Westhaven Phase 2A, on then north right-of-way line of Evergreen Drive (50 foot right-of-way); THENCE North 9°29'16" West, along the common line of said Lots 11 & 12, a distance of 111.14 feet to an iron rod set for the northwest corner of said Lot 11, common with the northeast comer of said Lot 12 on the south right-of-way line of Alley F (15 foot right-of-way), same being the beginning of a non -tangent curve to the left having a central angle of 5036'16", a radius of 407.50 feet, a chord bearing and distance of North 79003'14" East, 39.84 feet; THENCE in a northeasterly direction, along the common line of said Alley F and said Lot 11 and with said curve to the left, an arc distance of 39.86 feet to an iron rod set for the northeast corner of said Lot 11 at the end of said curve to the left, same being the northwest corner of Lot 10, Block C, said Westhaven Phase 2A; THENCE South 14°35'41" East, departing the south line of said Alley F and along the common line of said Lots 10 & 11, a distance of 110.04 feet to an iron rod set for the southeast corner of said Lot 11 on the north right-of-way line of the aforementioned Evergreen Drive, common with the southwest corner of said Lot 10; THENCE South 75°24'19" West, along the common line of said Evergreen Drive and said Lot 11, a distance of 7.37 feet to an iron rod set at the beginning of a tangent curve to the right having a central angle of 5°06'26", a radius of 475.00 feet, a chord bearing and distance of South 77057'32" West, 42.33 feet; THENCE in a southwesterly direction, continuing along said common line and with said curve to the right, an arc distance of 42.34 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.114 of an acre (4,953 sq. ft.) of land, more or less. Bearings are based upon the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, North Central Zone per the City of Coppell Geodetic Control Station No. 2, City of Coppell Benchmark No. 15 and City of Coppell Benchmark No. 17. The bearings shown hereon are Grid values. The distances shown are surface values. NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That, CALATLANTIC HOMES OF TEXAS, INC., does hereby adopt this plot designating the herein described property as WESTHAVEN, PHASE 2A, LOT 11R, BLOCK C, an addition to the City of Coppell, Texas and does hereby dedicate, in fee simple, to the public use forever the streets shown thereon. The easements shown thereon are hereby reserved for the purposes indicated. The utility and fire lane easements shall be open to the public, fire and police units, garbage and rubbish collection agencies, and all public and private utilities for each particular use. The maintenance of paving on the utility and fire lane easements is the responsibility of the property owner. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growths shall be constructed, reconstructed or placed upon, over or across the easements shown. Said easements being hereby reserved for the mutual use and accommodation of all public utilities using or desiring to use same. All and any public utility shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or parts of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growths which in any way endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance or efficiency of its respective right or ingress or egress to or from and upon the said easement for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining and adding to or removing all or parts of its respective systems without the necessity at any time of procuring the permission of anyone. (Any public utility shall have the right to ingress or egress to private property for the purpose of reading meters and any maintenance or service required or ordinarily performed by the utility). Water main and waste water easements shall also include additional areas of working space for construction and maintenance or the systems. Additional easement area is also conveyed for installation and maintenance of manholes, cleanouts, fire hydrants, water services and waste water services from the main to the curb or pavement line, and description of such additional easements herein granted shall be determined by their location as installed. This plat approved subject to all platting ordinances, rules, regulations, and resolutions of the City of Coppell, Texas. Notwithstanding the forgoing, CALATLANTIC HOMES OF TEXAS, INC., reserve for themselves, their successors and assigns the right to use the surface of all such easements for installing landscaping and irrigation systems, for parking of vehicles (except that parking shall not be authorized in any designated fire lanes) for the passage of pedestrian and vehicular traffic, and to construct and maintain paving on the surface of such easements for the purpose of such reserved use. Witness my hand at Coppell, Texas this the 1*0*d-ay of 20 (to BY: CALATLANTIC HOMES OF TEXAS, INC., a D.glawalpjCorporation By: Chip G. oy Vice President of Land Development STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared CHIP G. BOYD, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowleme that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN under my hand and seal of office, this the %" t day of , 20 1Y CARISTY..FOSTER ANotarV Public, State.of Teras Comm. ExMires 06-22-20 toflublic in and or the State of Texas'f;' o„ et NotA ° I0 120527436 1, MARK HARRIS, verify that Oncor has been contacted and provided a copy of the plat and development proposal and all Oncor utility easements and/or abandonments are currently shown. Mark E. Harris, Pro es ional Engineer No. 97242 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 5750 Genesis Court, Suite 200 Frisco, Texas 75034 972-335-3580 Fax 972-335-3779 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF COLLIN § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Mark E. Harris, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN under m hand and seal of office this the 04'-dayof , 20_k. Y � Notary Publ in d for the State of Texas MICOtE TRI66EiT A� "°`c,1 Notary Public. State of Texas Comm. Expires 02-02-2020 Notary ID 130520505 Conformed Copy Official Public Records John F. Warren, County Clerk Dallas County, TEXAS 08/23/2016 12:03:09 PM $64.00 Q 201 600233205 OWNER/APPLICANT: LOT 11 Calatiantic Homes of Texas, Inc. 2600 Network Blvd., Suite 600 Frisco, Texas, 75034 Phone No.: (469) 731-3100 Email: chip.boyd@calatl.com -9 wI- I� \�in,VISIBILITY TRIANGLE STREET ROW n457'7 CURB — — CE STREET VISIBILITY TRIANGLE DETAIL NTS VICINITYMA, (NOT TO SCALE) LOT TABLE LOT NO. ACRES SQ. FT. BLOCK C -11 R 0.114 4,953 J 0J a o I I LEWISVILLE p w oI� of COPPELL 10' B.L. Q CY Q Zo Z z s ACE S N 0 72, eyp `L� ASS C\X. D. SITE CITY CORPORATE PAR Codrew Br Park DENTON CREEK Andrew Brown Community Par G� ul Q o0 MISTY HAVEN COT ON VISIBILITY TRIANGLE DETAIL NTS VICINITYMA, (NOT TO SCALE) LOT TABLE LOT NO. ACRES SQ. FT. BLOCK C -11 R 0.114 4,953 = ZERO LOT LINE 15' ALLEY t2d'B.L. J I a I o I I ro m p oI� of j 10' B.L. 41.00' STREET TYPICAL LOT DETAIL ZONING RBN-4 REQUESTED VARIANCES TO CHAPTER 13 SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES 1. All sidewalks within street right-of-way shall be 5 feet wide. The Amending Plat of WESTHAVEN, PHASE 2A, is hereby approved pursuant to Section 212.016(11) of the Texas Local Government Code. The owner(s) have joined in the application for amendment to the plat, the plat does not attempt to remove any covenants or restrictions, does not increase the number of lots, and does not create or require the creatio new street �tjor/make nec ssary the extension of municipal facilities. /L 1 [ %, _ _ , ng ATTEST: Miles, City of Coppell AMENDING PLAT WESTHAVEN, PHASE 2A LOT 11 R, BLOCK C 1 RESIDENTIAL LOTS 0.114 OF AN ACRE PETER HARMONSON SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1794 CITY OF COPPELL DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS V - to, - [60 Date PURPOSE FOR AMENDING PLAT: RELOCATE THE TRANSFORMER PAD EASEMENT WITHIN LOT 11, BLOCK C. Z