860923.1,2&3(SUP)-CS 860919 CITY OF CO?PELL ZONING APPLICATION 2 ] 4-~62-0022 ,? ~ezoning ~_J Specific Use Permit ~ B. Dm~c.-imtion & Location of Pro~er'.v: .. Survey & Abstract: George Jack Survey, Abstract No. 694 2. Addition Name {if applicable}: Connell Skaggs 3. Lot & Sloc~L.{h.'. applica~ie): Lot 4 4. -ot~ .Number of Ae.-em 0.74 5. Location further dmscribed~ Northwest corner of Sandy Lake Road & Denton Tap Road C. Eonin~ .Kequeszed: Present Zonin~ PrcDcsec Zon:n~ Dw e,.'l.'ng Fioor Area Classif.;- Gross K et" Classifi- Gros~ N et= Uni~/A ere (N o~F. esid. es:ion Area Area cation Are~ Are~ (~.esid. O~2v) Uses O~v) "c" 0.74 0.74 "c" ~ith 0.74 0,TS 3500 S,F, S.U.P. fo~ Gasoline Serv. Station, Grocery Store, and " Deli Style Restaurant "EXC!UOeS ma3or ~ seeoncm_~' tnorougnlare-~. D. Re"son(s).for Zoning Change (pie-se be specifiek Gasoline Service Station i (We) here~y' certify that ',he applic~_ton fee, $ 205.00 , to cover the cost of this zoning applica~on, hP~ been paid to the Ci:~, of Coppe]] on September 19 , !.~86 . Further, i (We) hereDy au'd~orize ',he City of Coppe]~ and its empioye~, 1o enter upon the premises herein above described at ~I1 reasonable times for the pu.-p, ose of erec'dn[, mnint~nin[, or removin[ si~r~ to notify the public of the pendin~ zonin[ application and/or puDlic he,-lng conce..-nin~ said applicatJo~ i (We) release '.he City.- of CopDe]] and 5%$ employe~ from,, Ii. abDi.:y for. e. ny damages which may be knctL-r, e~ ID my (our) proper:)' in the erec:ing, mainlainin[, Date: September 19, 1986 Owners Signature: .~.epresen%ative: Kevin White Owne.~ Name: Skyhawk Venture