Tree Mitigation Plan L1.0(Variable Width R.O.W.)768767765764724725730731734736738739740741744746754756120758759760119112113114115116118111110109108806805800798796794770792791790788787786778776773FUTUREPARKINGCivil engineerarchitectureprojectownerSTUDIO RED DOT5307 Mockingbird Ln., Suite 509Dallas, TX 75206t. 214.379.7427 m. 972.896.7594revisionstitlesheetdateNORTHPOINT HOTELCoppell, TexasPRELIMINARY ISSUEPD 242 R2EXISTING TREE PLAN01.09.2017LandscapeL1.001 EXISTING TREE PLANSCALE 1"=30'-0"LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSTUDIO GREEN SPOT, INC.CHRIS TRONZANO(469) 369-4448CHRIS@STUDIOGREENSPOT.COMPROGRESS SET - FOR REVIEW ONLYISSUEDThese documents are NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL,PERMITTING OR CONSTRUCTION.They were prepared by, or under the supervision of:Chris Tronzano Tx. Lic. #2042Studio Green Spot, Inc.01-09-20171.Existing trees to remain shall be protected during construction from treestructure damage and compaction of soil under and around dripline (canopy)of tree.2. If any root structure is damaged during adjacent excavation/construction,notify the Architect immediately. It is recommended that a licensed Arboristbe secured for the treatment of any possible tree wounds.3. No disturbance of the soil greater than 4" shall be located closer to the treetrunk than 1/2 the distance of the drip line to the tree trunk. A minimum of75% of the drip line and root zone shall be preserved at natural grade.4. Any fine grading done within the critical root zones of the protected trees mustbe done with light machinery such as a bobcat or light tractor. No earthmoving equipment with tracks is allowed within the critical root zone of thetrees.5. Material Storage: No materials intended for use in construction or wastematerials accumulated due to excavation or demolition shall be placed withinthe limits of the dripline of any tree.6. Equipment Cleaning/Liquid Disposal: No equipment may be cleaned, toxicsolutions, or other liquid chemicals shall be deposited within the limits of thedripline of a tree. This would include but not be limited to paint, oil, solvents,asphalt, concrete, mortar, primers, etc.7. Tree Attachments: No signs, wires or other attachments, other than those ofa protective nature shall be attached to any tree.8. Vehicular Traffic: No vehicular and construction equipment traffic or parking isallowed within the limits of the dripline of trees.9. Boring of Utilities: May be permitted under protected trees in certaincircumstances. The minimum length of the bore shall be the width of thetree's canopy and shall be a minimum depth of forty-eight (48") inches.10. Trenching: Any irrigation trenching which must be done within the critical rootzone of a tree shall be dug by hand and enter the area in a radial manner.11. Tree Flagging: All trees to be removed from the site shall be flagged by theContractor with bright red vinyl tape (3" width) wrapped around the main trunkat a height of four (4') feet above grade. Flagging shall be approved byLandscape Architect prior to any tree removal. Contractor shall contactLandscape Architect with 72 hour notice to schedule on-site meeting.12. Protective Fencing: All trees to remain, as noted on drawings, shall haveprotective fencing located at the tree's dripline. The protective fencing may becomprised of snow fencing, orange vinyl construction fencing, chain link fenceor other similar fencing with a four (4') foot approximate height. The protectivefencing will be located as indicated on the Tree Protection Detail(s).13. Bark Protection: In situations where a tree remains in the immediate area ofintended construction, the tree shall be protected by enclosing the entirecircumference of the tree's trunk with lumber encircled with wire or othermeans that does not damage the tree. Refer to Tree Protection Detail(s).14. Construction Pruning: In a case where a low hanging limb is broken duringthe course of construction, the Contractor shall notify the Landscape Architectimmediately. In no instance shall the Contractor prune any portion of thedamaged tree without the prior approval by the Landscape Architect.EXISTING TREETO BE BE TRANSPLANTEDTREE PROTECTION FENCINGTO REMAIN DURING CONSTRUCTIONREFER TO 01/L1.00EXISTING TREETO REMAINDIA.INCHESTREE SURVEY FIELD DATA88881088886861224201210101420121510121812101620121220101210201410101212121510151510121810108109110111112113114115116117118119120721724725730731734736739740741744746754756759760764765767768770773776778782783786787788790791792794796800805806NO.TO BE TRANSPLANTEDCEDAR ELMCEDAR ELMCEDAR ELMCEDAR ELMCEDAR ELMCEDAR ELMCEDAR ELMCEDAR ELMCEDAR ELMCEDAR ELMCEDAR ELMCEDAR ELMCEDAR ELMSPECIES(COMMON NAME)REMARKSEXISTING TREE NOTESEXISTING TREE LEGEND4'2X44'4"02TREE PROTECTION FENCE BNOT TO SCALE01TREE PROTECTION FENCE ANOT TO SCALENOTE:WRAP TREE TRUNK WITH 2 X 4 STUDS AND ROPE OR BAND IN-PLACEAS NEEDED TO PROECT TREES IN WORK AREASNOTE:FENCING SHOWN ABOVE IS DIAGRAMMATIC ONLYAND WILL CONFORM TO THE DRIP LINE AND LIMITEDTO PROJECT BOUNDARYHACKBERRYHACKBERRYHACKBERRYHACKBERRYHACKBERRYHACKBERRYHACKBERRYHACKBERRYHACKBERRYHACKBERRYHACKBERRYHACKBERRYHACKBERRYHACKBERRYHACKBERRYHACKBERRYHACKBERRYHACKBERRYHACKBERRYHACKBERRYHACKBERRYHACKBERRYHACKBERRYHACKBERRYHACKBERRYHACKBERRYHACKBERRYHACKBERRYHACKBERRYHACKBERRYHACKBERRYHACKBERRYHACKBERRYHACKBERRYHACKBERRYEASTERN RED CEDAREASTERN RED CEDARTO BE TRANSPLANTEDTO BE TRANSPLANTEDTO BE TRANSPLANTEDTO BE TRANSPLANTEDTO BE TRANSPLANTEDTO BE TRANSPLANTEDTO BE TRANSPLANTEDTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAINTO BE REMAIN627 CALIPER INCHES EXISTING ON SITE(8) TREES- 56 CALIPER INCHES ARE TO BE TRANSPLANTED0 CALIPER INCHES ARE PROPOSED TO BE REMOVEDNOTE: A TREE REMOVAL PERMIT IS REQUIRED PRIOR TOREMOVAL OF ANY TREESExhibit "E"