Application & checkRavised: 3-23-87 ~' **~ RETURN ALL FOUR PAG___~ OF THIS APPLICATION 214-462-0022 B. p.escription & Location of Property: Speci~t 1. Survey & Abstract: Mckinney & Williams Abstract # 1054 2. Addition Name (if applicable): Coppell Hieght 3. Lot & Block (if applicable): Lot 7 4. Total Number of Acres: 0.5509 Acres 5. Location further described: Lot 7 in Coppell Hieghts, an addition to the City of Coppell, Texas, as recorded in Volume 32, page 229 of map records, Dallas, County, 'fexas. ~'uther described as 928 C. Zoning Requested: South Beltiine Road, Coppell, Texas. Present Zoning ~ Proposed Zoning Dwelling Floor Area Classifi- Gross Net* Classifi- Gross Net* Units/Acre (Non-Resid. cation Area Area cation Acres Acres (Resid .Only) Uses Only) Commerci 1 24,000 0.550') 2600 SF 24,00C SF Commerci~l 0.550~ NA SF 0.5509 Acres *Excludes major & ,,.~econdary thoroughfares. D. Reason(s) for Zoning Change (please be specific): Maintaining exit;ting use of Convenience Store and gasoline Sales. Due to the building being vacant for 3 years, we are required to obtain a Specific Use Permit. E. Fee: I (We) hereby certify that the application fee, $ 205.00, to cover the cost of this zoning application, has been paid to the City of Coppell on Oct. 19, 1~88. 19 88. Further, I (We) hereby authorize the City of Coppell and its employees, to enter upon the premises herein above described at all reasonable times for the purpose of erecting, maintaining, or removing signs to notify the public of the pending zoning application and/or public hearing concerning said application. I (We) release the City of Coppell and its employees from liability for any damages which may be incur, ed to my (our) property in the erecting, maintaing, or removal of said signs. PRIDE OF TEXAS DISTRIBUTING CO., INC. Date: October 19, 1988 Owners Na-~' Homer McGinnis Representative: A_i~~ Address:P.O. Box 1208 Ar--'--~c,/M~w~a~tk~/~nn ovations Owner~ Signature:~~_~~ Arlington, Texas 76004 Telephone ~: 214-9~-82~ 817-261-2575 Representative's Name: Alf Bumgardner Architectural Innovations 1174 ll3th Street Grand Prairie, Texas 75050 I1 ]