North Gateway Plaza, Lot 1, Block A - Filed 2018I- O n Li- m M 0 Q Q O v a� C U Q) 4 U 4- k O z 0 O 0 O O Q O v Q) Q) U - 0 0 O Z Ln Q) w �t- 0 O N C6 O R SITE DENTON CO. DALLAS CO. S gMRgye� TD 121) VICINITY MAP - NTS COPPELL, TEXAS LEGEND 1 ` CC# ........... COUNTY CLERK'S DOCUMENT NUMBER SURVEYOR'S NOTES CIRF........... CAPPED IRON ROD FOUND 1. Horizontal Datum being the Texas Coordinate System, NAD83, North Central Zone - 4202, as CIRS........... 5/8 CAPPED IRON ROD MARKED "BHB INC" SET DRDCT RECORDS DALLAS COUNTY established using GPS Technology in conjunction with the Texas RTK Cooperative Network. , TEXAS IRF.............IRON ROD FOUND E OPRDCT ..... OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS 2. All distances shown are at ground. o PRDCT........ PLAT RECORDS, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS 3. The use of the word "certify" or "certificate" used hereon constitutes an expression of RPRDCT..... REAL PROPERTY RECORDS, DENTON COUNTY, TEXASSSMH........SANITARYSFWER MANHOLE professional opinion regarding those facts of findings which are the subject of the S certification, and does not constitute a warranty or guarantee, either expressed or implied. �_io 01 40' 20' 0' 40' 80' �� z i {o CLI 4. By scaled location of FEMA FiRM Map No. 48121C0705G, Revised April 18, 2011, the subject / / / y / { �, { z 0 _ / / / I z W a I i I LOT 9, BLOCK A property lies within: —Zone X (unshaded) Areas determined to be outside the 0.2% annual chance floodplain. GRAPHIC SCALE: 1 — 40 / / / c� Na / i W w { h N( NORTH GATEWAY PLAZA Q uE / %=��n� / I g i Jz o{ CC# 2009-145 5. The surveyor, as required by state law, is responsible for surveying information only and / � o a� / �, a, I� 01 RPRDCT bears no responsibility for the accuracy of the engineering data, such as floodplain and / /oo vU Q/ 20' PRIVATE I �. J la o floodway locations and minimum finished floor elevation data placed on this plat. \ J WATER EASEMENT , Q OL_— �` CCRPRDCT 4S � N `\ UJ � — — - -- — �?� 2 I \►����— \ \ \ \ \ 9� \ LOT 18 ! 'i LOT 15 BLOCK C /Q , /^ „„UT { \ \ LOT 18X \ A\ ' ' ' O�� h 1 2" iRF L2 / OUND \ \ c \ COPPELL GREENS { ` � o Q BLOCK C 1 \ /o \ �' \ PHASE ONE w COPPELL GREENS PHASE ONE \ �o� o,� { i \ �° Q,/--�-- s \ �,� CAB. P, PG. 160 �, 4 °Q — CAB. P, PG. 160 � PRDCT { { s° / Q \ 9� J, \ / �O,\ \ \ J / / FIRE LANE AND MUTUAL PRDCT �` { 0ACCESS EASEMENT J LOT 16 / ti ��0. CC# 2014: 020958 / 30' FIRE LANE AND MUTUAL LOT 17 , ' / / �' ©c�`Z' AC OPRDCT �M // CESS EASEMENT ELECTRIC LINE \ 6'o'Li�, \\ o' AF,\ � -\- CC#2009-145 2 F �_. _ — — Q m / / FIRE LANE AND MUTUAL RPRDCT EASEMENT AND ROW LOT 18X SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT \ \ O -9 -� -- — — — — — — — — — ---{ — — — — — — — — CC# 2004-138839 VOL. 98146, PG. 4736 - DRDCT \ \ \��' .� sF / 20' DRAINAGE EASEMENT / / / ACCESS EASEMENT ao _ _ _ _ _ _ — t — — o CC# 201400058531 OPRDCT 5/s" IRF N89°5628"E \ \ \ F�� 7.5 UE - CAB. P, PG. 160 - PRDCT 426.70 CAB PRDCT 160 1/2" IRF / OPRDCT CIRS / —' -` — — — — — SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT \� VOL. 98146, PG. 4736 I VOL. 98146, PG. 4736 DRDCT ( DRDCT if PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT �CC# 461 Go-10Soo g-72. RPRa T 20' PRIVATE 98146, PG. 4736. � 20 PRIVATE WATER EASEMENT DRDCT ©1g4�3s �lSOPRDCT/ { (I CC# 20PRDCT 8531 24' FIRE ANE AND MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT � �O��� ,��,��� BY THIS PLAT O N �k. Q• ��. P�, I C� i I `� , 00 00 L N tib` �� �� 24' FIRE LANE AND Q' { J�JP � MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT____ PRIVATE I rn BY THIS PLAT { WATER EASEMENT CALLED 1.6152 ACRES BY THIS PLAT i SILVER CREEK LAND HOLDINGS, LTD CC# 201400250945{ 20' PRIVATE OPRDCT WATER EASEMENT BY THIS PLAT 24' FIRE LANE AND MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT BY THIS PIAT 15' ELECTRIC EASEMENT I ( I LOT 7R, BLOCK A BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT ( lI NORTH GATEWAY PLAZA b -Z LU� I II CC# 201400058531 ---., Z LU a 12' FIRE LANE AND MUTUAL { I OPRDCT ACCESS EASEMENT CC# 2014 00020958 m OPRDCT I 12' FIRE LANE AND MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT { CC# 201400058531 ®� P { I { OPRDCT GRA p0�` .�,21 P 437� z7 UX 4n 2*1.2. 0 rn9i Q OWNER'S CERTIFICATE BEING a 5.319 acre tract of land situated in the Clarinda Squires Survey Abstract No. 1327, Dallas County, Texas and the Clarinda Squires Survey Ab.tract No. 1682, Denton County, Texas and being a portion of a called 6.127 acre tract of land described in a deed to Legacy Gateway, Ltd., recorded i � Inst. No. 201300385593, Official Public Records Dallas County, Texas (OPRDCT) and Inst. No. 2013-149131, Real Property Records Denton County, Texas RPRDCT) and being more particularly described as follows: (Basis of bearing being the Texas Coordinate System, NAD83, North Central Zone - 4202. As a Lablished using GPS Technology in conjunction with the Texas RTK Cooperative Network) COMMENCING at a capped iron rod found for corner in the north line of State Highway No. 121 a variable width right of way and being the uthwest corner of Lot 5R, Block A of North Gateway Plaza an addition to the City of Coppell according to the plat recorded in Instrument No. 2011 0023079 (OPRDCT); THENCE along the north line of said State Highway No. 121, North 6.5010'27" West a distance of 147.03 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set for cor der at the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE along the north line of State Highway No. 121, North 65°10'27" West, a distance of 391.11 feet to a point for corner; THENCE continuing along said north line, North 60°26'11" West, a distance of 66.31 feet to a capped iron rod found for corner at the southwest orner of said 6.127 acre tract of Land and being the southeast corner of a tract of land described in a deed to Silver Creek Land Holdings, Ltd recorded in Inst. No. 201400250945 (OPRDCT); THENCE along the common line of said 6.127 acre tract and said Silver Creek Land Holdings, Ltd tract, North 23°25'40" East a distance of 328.60 fe i to a 5/8 inch iron rod found for corner in the south line of Block C of Coppell Greens Phase One an addition to the City of Coppell according to the plat re)lorded in Cabinet P, Page 160 (RPRDCT); THENCE along the south line of said Block C, North 89°56'28" East a distance of 426.70 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set for corner; j THENCE continuing along said Block C, North 24°04'02" East a distance of 77.09 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set for corner for the most northerly r Drthwest corner of said 6.127 acre tract; THENCE along the north line of said 6.127 acre tract, North 89°4354" East a distance of 91.09 feet to an x -cut in concrete found for corner for theI� rthwest corner of Lot 7R, Block A of North Gateway Plaza an addition to the City of Coppell according to the plat recorded in Inst. No. 201400058531(OPRD�T); THENCE along the west line of said Lot 7R, South 27056'06" West a distance of 84.60 feet to an x -cut in concrete set for corner; THENCE continuing along said west line, South 00°18'10" East a distance of 337.70 feet to an x -cut in concrete set for corner at the southwest corO 11 er of Lot 6, Block A of North Gateway Plaza an addition to the City of Coppell according to the plat recorded in Inst. No. 201200055495 (OPRDCT); i THENCE North 64°44'59" West a distance of 142.16 feet to an x -cut in concrete set for corner; THENCE South 24°49'33" West a distance of 240.09 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; CONTAINING 5.319 acres or 231,690 square feet of land more or less. NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: it That, LEGACY GATEWAY, LTD, does hereby adopt this plat designating the herein described property as NORTH GATEWAY PLAZA, LOT 1, BLC� K A, an addition to the City of Coppell, Texas, and does hereby dedicate, in fee simple, to the public use forever the streets shown thereon. The easement s shown thereon are hereby reserved for the purposes indicated. The utility and fire lane easements shall be open to the public, fire and police units, garL tW age and rubbish collection agencies, and all public and private utilities for each particular use. The maintenance of paving on the utility and fire lane eas a ents is the responsibility of the property owner. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growths shall be constructed reconstri icted or placed upon, over or across the easements shown. Said easements being hereby reserved for the mutual use and accommodation of all public utilft es using or desiring to use same. All and any public utility shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or parts of any buildings, fences, trees, s rubs, or other improvements or growths which in any way endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance or efficiency of its respective right or i 'gress or egress to or from and upon the said easement for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining and adding to or I,moving all or parts of its respective systems without the necessity at any time of procuring the permission of anyone. (Any public utility shall have the right to ingress or egress to private property for the purpose of reading meters and any maintenance or service required or ordinarily performed by the utility). Water main and waste water easements shall also include additional areas of working space for construction and maintenance or the systems. Additional easement area is also conveyed for installation and maintenance of manholes, cleanouts, fire hydrants, water services and waste water services om the main to the curb or pavement line, and description of such additional easements hereinranted shall be determined b their location as installed. g Y This plat approved subject to all platting ordinances, rules, regulations, and resolutions of the City of Coppell, Texas WiTNE S, my hand this theme* day of'N t � NAME TITLE ory 24 FIRE LANE AND G(,r '�,3' MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT I I STATE OF TEXAS § �Q cc 2� BY THIS PLAT FIRE LANE AND MUTUAL I ©� ( COUNTY OF § j ACCESS EASEMENT I 1/z" CC# 201100305594 BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personal) a � ti Y pp �CC�r� , o :'.Legacy eared Jet/Q. Som OPRDCT Gateway, ltd., known to me to be the person and officer whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he ! ecutecl IRF — — o,� I I 10' PRIVATE the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. WATER EASEMENT GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this the qday of r- / 2018. V°R/cC T°T ��CI�L�L 9390co�s�� 24'FIRE LANE AND i I I CC# 20PRDCT 5495 sos 0M NMI Wo= 6P T4 TiU \ MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT I { Ro c, ' 08 tc s KIMBERLY ANGELA PERALEZ o a P c a �� TSF \ �, ���tia►�r, �cr z�1 \ BY THIS PLAT Notary *..,H Notary Putaiic, State of TexasclRs i5'PRIVATE LOT 6, BLOCK A ota y Public in • d for the St to of Texas20 PRIVATE �/ :^^•..• Comm. Expires 01-03-2021 WATER EASEMENT / I I I DRAINAGE EASEMENT NORTH GATEWAY PLAZA A�r ��.� _ I CC# 201200055495 CC# 201200055495 ���i i�i ��°°° Notary ID 129250362 1 5/8" \ 24' FIRE LANE AND BY THIS PLAT FIRE LANE AND MUTUAL I I OPRDCT s ACCESS EASEMENT { �- "� OPRDCT SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE CIF ?O,p MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT �' CC# 201600348056 r R/VgrF BY THIS PLAT OPRDCT I / �i Line Table \ ByT►�igT�\ �� / i\ r" ` PRIVATE WATER EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: q FIRE LANE AND MUTUAL �, ,� CC# 201200055495 Line # Direction Length ACCESS EASEMENT \ I I ( OPRDCT SSMH T �� CC# 201700154657 clRs { — — -- -- — -- __ — _ — — _ That I, Robert P. Allen, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor, do hereby certify that 1 have prepared this plat from an actual on the ground sury of the L1 N24004'02"E 77. \�\ OPRDCT , „ { 15' FIRE LANE AND MUTUAL ACCESS ESMT land; and the monuments shown hereon were found and/or placed under m personal supervision in accordance with the platting rules and re ul ion f 09 � \� � x cur # Y p p g g s o PRIVATE WATER FOUND CC 201200055495 OPRDCT the City of Coppell, Texas. L2 N89043'54"E 91.09 10' SIDEWALK EASEMENT ~ �\\ LINE EASEMENT PRIVATE WATER \ C �O,p 15' FIRE LANE AND MUTUAL ACCESS ESMT — , BY THIS PLAT \ CC# 201600348057 EASEMENT \c#Zoe /�q,q CC# 200900228162 - OPRDCT r``` ' '(�°0 F T L3 S27°56'06"W 84.60 /il6So OPRDCT CC# 201700154657 900 �ligT �� _ — _ _ — — , _. _ _ 101 \ �\ OPRDCT `� 876Z FRFS ®� � �® 0 L4 N64044'59"W 142.16 ��'' ' a °,oRQ T 1 ��� a g� c FIRE LANE AND MUTUAL / �' t �/ � �� { T / Robert P. Allen �+ ACCESS EASEMENT ROBERT P. ALLEN �� Registered Professional Land Surveyor ®°g® LS N 60°26' 11"V1/ 66.31 20' UTILITY EASEMENT \ ~\�\,� ©4rg a CC# 201100305594 l4 ° ,� 6495 VOL. 2004093, PG. 28 � \ � � m OPRDCT ' � � � � No. 6495 � � DRDCT z c� _ \ LOT 4, BLOCK A + or -04 � ®�® 20 EASEMENT TO TEXAS UTILITIES ,M NORTH T I c' W r U Rel ELECTRIC CO. & COSERV LLC \� �. ` p� GA SWAY PLAZA Q o VOL. 99036, PG. s08 \ od` CC# 201700154657 I W UJ 0) a �' p� z cn o I STATE OF TEXAS § `�\OPRDCT / I N 0 VOL. 99054, PG. 1401 � � \ � `~' COUNTY OF TARR DRDCT �. �\� / { CC v v i ANT § BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared Robert P. Allen, of Baird, Hampton Brown, �j Inc, known to me to be the person and officer whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed t same Floodplain Developmen ermit Application No�«-has been filed with /Q �Z.11, \ �' � � � \ '�/RF�q � � ,\ `4CC eqfor the purposes and considerations therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. the City of Coppell floo p in administrator on 2017. C FSS Np 20 UTILITY EASEMENT C' `20 e4s MUT VOL. 2004093, PG. 28 °� �, KIMBERLY ANGELA PERAI.EZ .® DR CT GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL F OFFICE this the _day of 2018. ° RYpa Floodpl dministrat r Date /C. + `� OCT 465 / ' ���� J �'�JP''��'°�` Notary Public, State �f Texas ;n� OWNER / SUBDIVIDER LEGACY GATEWAY LTD. 2929 CARLISLE ST., SUITE 365 DALLAS, TEXAS 75204 CONTACT: STEVE SAXSON SDS@LEGACYCAP.COM ENGINEER / SURVEYOR %-4 1 11 Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission City of Coppell, Texas vv,q Y mm. Expires Oi-oa / \ � � ,,,�- � EASEMENTS: Notary ID 128250362 Notary Public in and for the State of Texas �. POB �` o � � � � � THE 24 FOOT FIRE LANE AND MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT SEE SHEET 2 OF 3, DETAIL A. �,, �!� • t clRs #10, � � � THE 10 FOOT SIDEWALK EASE -- -- ----- --. 0 4s S �S� > MENT SEE SHEET 2 OF 3 DETAIL A. Filed for Record Date N6S° 1`S oar / ``� / THE 45 FOOT AND 15 FOOT PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT SEE SHEET 3 OF 3, DETAIL B. in the Official Records Of - EROSION HAZARD SET BACK 10 J. p/��cr / g=, �/ cC# 201700154657 �j, .�o�Q�°/ THE 20 FOOT PRIVATE WATER EASEMENT SEE SHEET 3 OF 3, DETAIL C. FINAL PLATQentol County OPRDCT On: 212012018 3:45:11 PM Q`' Ih� the PLAT Records The undersigned, the Planning and Zoning Commission Secretary of the City of Coppell, Texas, hereby certifies that the 20' EASEMENT TO TEXAS UTILITIES .` NORTH GATEWAY neco PLAZA Y pp g ELECTRIC CO. & COSERV LLC 1�,0 , \ \ LOT BLOCKA DOER H Number: 1 -- foregoing plat of NORTH GATEWAY PLAZA, LOT1, BLOCK A, an addition to the Cit of Coppell was submitted to the Planning and ' 0 8 96 VOL. 99036, PG. 808 -DRDCT 3 '� Number of Pages: 3 Zoning Commission on .the day of � 2011 and the Planning and Zoning Commission, by formal action, then and. VOL. 99054, PG 1401-DRDCT � there accepted the dedication of streets, alleys, parks, easements, public places, and water and sewer lines, as shown and set Amount: 150.00 `�� forth in and upon said plat, and said Chairman to note the acceptance thereof by signing his name as hereinabove subscribed. s/s° C,RF r�'� II� Order#:tt�1$02200017791 Y PLAZA�, GA CROSSWAY By: OB Witness my hand this ay of SURVEYING" A.D., 2018. AA A be & x -LA 231,689 SQUARE FEET OR 5.319 ACRE. Planning and Zing Commission Secretary, City of Coppell,, exas Baird, Hampton & Brown Engineering & Surveying 3801 William D. Tate Ave., Ste. 500, Grapevine, TX 76051 rallen@bhbinc.com 817-251-8550 www.bhbinc.com BHB Project #2017.715.001 TBPE Firm F-44 TBPLS Firm 10011302 FRA ISE UTI ITIES OTE _(Engineer), verify that all franchise utilities have each been contacted and provided a copy of the plat and development proposal and all franchise utility easements and/or abandonments are currently shown." CLARINDA SQUIRES SURVEY, ABSTRACT N0. 1327 (DALLAS COUNTY) CLARINDA SQUIRES SURVEY, ABSTRACT N0. 1682 (DENTON COUNTY) CITY OF COPPELL, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS FEBRUARY 2018 SHEET 1 OF 3 /ti ti W �� o DETAIL A CL ef w. .MkMk• WNEMEm 2 ASION AKI11% AMI19r§IAI A0%0%Pt%t% PA01ERRIE11091! E a Line Table Line # Direction Length Ll LU I / K, t5 LUt-K /A 77.09 L2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91.09 L3 S27056'06"W 84.60 L4 NORTH GATEWAY PLAZA 142.16 L5 . . ....... . . . . 66.31 L12 S24049'33"W 22.08 CC# 201400058531 Ln 24.00 ........... N62058'03"W o L15 ENGINEER / SURVEYOR OPRDCT C5 86050'37" 30.00' 45.47' 12' FIRE LANE AND MUTUAL 41.24' C6 Baird, Hampton & Brown Engineering & Surveying 0 N 22.25' On C C:) 0 ACCESS EASEMENT rallen@bhbinc.com 817-251-8550 www.bhbinc.com 47.12' C TBPE Firm F-44 TBPLS Firm 10011302 Zi C UJ CC# 201400020958 30.00' 45.73' N4603551"E 0 C9 Ln OPRDCT l I 47.17' I 12'FIRE LANE AND MUTUAL a Line Table Line # Direction Length Ll N2400410211E 77.09 L2 N89043'54"E 91.09 L3 S27056'06"W 84.60 L4 N64044'59"W 142.16 L5 N60"26111"W 66.31 0tLtL.1 KIL L.U. & LU_'�tKV LLL0 0 I" GA��'�A Y Z 1. Horizontal Datum being the Texas Coordinate System, NAD83, North Central Zone - 4202, as VOL. 99036, PG. 808 - DRDCT PLAZA VOL. 99054, PG. 140 1 - DRDCT NOR" Ln established using GPS Technology in conjunction with the Texas RTK Cooperative Network. P0c 5/8" CIRF 2. All distances shown are at ground. "CROSSWAY SURVEYING" 231 689 SQUARE FEET OR 5,319 ACRES SUBDIVIDER SUBDIVIDER >1 Q) 3. The use of the word "certify" or "certificate" used hereon constitutes an expression of professional opinion regarding those facts of findings which are the subject of the certification, and does not constitute a warranty or guarantee, either expressed or implied. LEGEND 4. By scaled location of FEMA FIRM Map No. 48121C0705G, Revised April 18, 2011, the subject CC# ........... COUNTY CLERKS DOCUMENT NUMBER property lies within: CIRF ........... CAPPED IRON ROD FOUND -Zone X (unshaded) - Areas determined to be outside the 0.2% annual chance floodplain. CIRS ........... 5/8" CAPPED IRON ROD MARKED "BHB INC" SET DRDCT ....... DEED RECORDS, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS 5. The surveyor, as required by state law, is responsible for surveying information only and IRF .............IRON ROD FOUND bears no responsibility for the accuracy of the engineering data, such as floodplain and OPRDCT ..... OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS floodway locations and minimum finished floor elevation data placed on this plat. PRDCT ........ PLAT RECORDS, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS RPRDCT ..... REAL PROPERTY RECORDS, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS SSMH ........ SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE Line Table Line # LEGACY GATEWAY LTD. Length L7 N23025'40"E 2929 CARLISLE ST., SUITE 365 D Cn N23'025'40"E DALLAS, TEXAS 75204 L9 I--,' 37.70 CONTACT: STEVE SAXSON S1018'41"W wSDS@LEGACYCAP.COM L11 N7302859"W 12.61 L12 S24049'33"W 22.08 L13 Ln 24.00 L14 N62058'03"W o L15 ENGINEER / SURVEYOR 10.00 C5 86050'37" 30.00' 45.47' 00 41.24' C6 Baird, Hampton & Brown Engineering & Surveying 0 N 22.25' 3801 William D. Tate Ave., Ste. 500, Grapevine, TX 76051 Go 0 C7 rallen@bhbinc.com 817-251-8550 www.bhbinc.com 47.12' BHB Project #2017.715.001 TBPE Firm F-44 TBPLS Firm 10011302 C8 87020'33" 3. The use of the word "certify" or "certificate" used hereon constitutes an expression of professional opinion regarding those facts of findings which are the subject of the certification, and does not constitute a warranty or guarantee, either expressed or implied. LEGEND 4. By scaled location of FEMA FIRM Map No. 48121C0705G, Revised April 18, 2011, the subject CC# ........... COUNTY CLERKS DOCUMENT NUMBER property lies within: CIRF ........... CAPPED IRON ROD FOUND -Zone X (unshaded) - Areas determined to be outside the 0.2% annual chance floodplain. CIRS ........... 5/8" CAPPED IRON ROD MARKED "BHB INC" SET DRDCT ....... DEED RECORDS, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS 5. The surveyor, as required by state law, is responsible for surveying information only and IRF .............IRON ROD FOUND bears no responsibility for the accuracy of the engineering data, such as floodplain and OPRDCT ..... OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS floodway locations and minimum finished floor elevation data placed on this plat. PRDCT ........ PLAT RECORDS, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS RPRDCT ..... REAL PROPERTY RECORDS, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS SSMH ........ SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE Line Table Line # Direction Length L7 N23025'40"E 10.06 L8 N23'025'40"E 24.12 L9 S60047'56"E 37.70 L10 S1018'41"W 3.04 L11 N7302859"W 12.61 L12 S24049'33"W 22.08 L13 S24049'33"W 24.00 L14 N62058'03"W 24.81 L15 S24 -49-3311W 10.00 Curve Table Curve # Delta Radius, Arc Length Chord Bearing Chord Length C1 119021'15" 30.00' 62.49' N59003'30"E 51.79' C2 16020'45" 30.00' 8.56' N8013'52"W 8.53' C3 90000'00" 30.00' 47.12' S44056'28"W 42.43' C4 4202924" 54.00' 40.05' S68048'50"E 39.131 C5 86050'37" 30.00' 45.47' S46038'13"E 41.24' C6 42029'24" 30.00' 22.25' S68048'50"E 21.74' C7 90000'00" 30.00' 47.12' S44056'28"W 42.431 C8 87020'33" 30.00' 45.73' N4603551"E 41.43' C9 90005'40" 30.00' 47.17' N45021'02"W 42.46' C10 57055'48" 30.61' 30.95' S29021'21"E 29.65' C11 90000'00" 30.00' 47.12' S44056'28"W 42.43' C12 4603537" 54.00' 43.91' S66038'40"W 42.711 C13 71056'22" 30.00' 37.67' S79019'02"W 35.241 C14 90000'00" 30.00' 47.121 N45003'32"W 42.43' C15 124017'30" 5.00' 10.85' S27047'44"W 8.84' C16 3005331" 30.00' 16.18' S4904747"E 15.981 -1 7 CLARINDA SQUIRES SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1327 (DALLAS COUNTY) CLARINDA SQUIRES SURVEY, ABSTRACT N0.1682 (DENTON COUNTY) CITY OF COPPELL, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS Filed for Record in the Official Records Of: Denton County On: 2120/2018 3:45:11 PM In the PLAT Records NORTH GATEWAY PLAZA Doc Number: 2018-96 Number of Pages: 3 Amount: 150.00 Ord er#:20180220000791 By: C8 SHEET 2 OF 3 eV CL Z y 1_% DETAIL B: 2M E DETAIL C: 20 FOOT PRIVATE WATER EASEMENT L5= 20' PRIVATE ........... WATER EASEMENT BY THIS PLAT 0 7_ Q> , . .. . .. . . 4100P NY* 00 :7) 0 0 r� y 6, n*) 00 �',, �, 401 0 /V1 6 081ST ri/,Q 'A IL /Y 51'__'1'1,1 -i'-1-11 m Gyp, tip ,,� M POB CIRS U 0 3: Q) 4- 0 CD 4- 0 0 0 0 0 (D 0 0 Q) 4� 0 COD Line Table Line # Direction Length Ll N24004'02"E 77.09 L2 N89*4354"E 91.09 L3 S27056'06"W 84.60 L4 N64044'59"W 142.16 L5 N60026'11"W 66.31 Line Table Line # Direction SURVEYOR'S NOTES 0 Z Ln N24051'44"E 15.00 1. Horizontal Datum being the Texas Coordinate System, NAD83, North Central Zone - 4202, as N34050'00"E 18.39 L19 established using GPS Technology in conjunction with the Texas RTK Cooperative Network. 15.00 L20 N81053'40"E 10.54 L21 OWNER SUBDIVIDER 16.50 2. All distances shown are at ground. S81053'40"W LEGACY GATEWAY LTD. L23 S60008'09"E 21.27 2929 CARLISLE ST., SUITE 365 3. The use of the word "certify" or "certificate" used hereon constitutes an expression of Cn DALLAS, TEXAS 75204 N60008'09"W professional opinion regarding those facts of findings which are the subject of the L26 CONTACT: STEVE SAXSON 11.01 certification, and does not constitute a warranty or guarantee, either expressed or implied. N60047'50"W SDS@LEGACYCAP.COM L28 N11017'38"E 34.79 L29 N65008'16"W 4. By scaled location of FEMA FIRM Map No. 48121CO705G, Revised April 18, 2011, the subject L30 N24051'44"E 15.00 property lies within: o ENGINEER /SURVEYOR L32 -Zone X (unshaded) - Areas determined to be outside the 0.2% annual chance floodplain. co L33 Baird, Hampton & Brown 5. The surveyor, as required by state law, is responsible for surveying information only and L34 S47010'42"E Engineering & Surveying bears no responsibility for the accuracy of the engineering data, such as floodplain and 0 N 3801 William D. Tate Ave., Ste. 500, Grapevine, TX 76051 floodway locations and minimum finished floor elevation data placed on this plat. 06 0 rallen(obhbinc.corn 817-251-8550 www.bhbinc.com BHB Project #2017.715.001 TBPE Firm F-44 TBPLS Firm 10011302 Line Table Line # Direction Length L6 N24051'44"E 15.00 L18 N34050'00"E 18.39 L19 S0001'40"E 15.00 L20 N81053'40"E 10.54 L21 S8006'20" E 16.50 L22 S81053'40"W 19.37 L23 S60008'09"E 21.27 L24 S2905151"W 15.00 L25 N60008'09"W 20.70 L26 S34050'00"W 11.01 L27 N60047'50"W 15.07 L28 N11017'38"E 34.79 L29 N65008'16"W 13.63 L30 N24051'44"E 15.00 L31 S65008'16"E 10.57 L32 N12056'26"E 28.58 L33 N47"10'42"W 56.63 L34 S47010'42"E 39.22 L35 N1303833"E 45.67 L36 S13038'33"W 1 40.52 Line Table Line # Direction Length L37 N89056'28"E 15.44 L38 S25009'15"W 11.76 L39 N89056'28"E 43.25 L41 N89043'54"E 21.95 L42 N89043'45"E 17.25 L43 SO"00'00"E 7.48 L44 S1205626"W 8.53 L45 S65008'16"E 13.95 L46 S24051'44"W 15.00 L47 N65008'16"W 11.19 L48 S65008' 16"E 4.01 L49 S24049'33"W 38.36 L50 N65010'27"W 41.12 L51 N11020'16"E 21.48 L64 S2903349"W 10.06 L68 N0003'32"W 33.11 LEGEND CC# ........... COUNTY CLERK'S DOCUMENT NUMBER CIRF ........... CAPPED IRON ROD FOUND CIRS ........... 5/8" CAPPED IRON ROD MARKED "BHB INC" SET DRDCT ....... DEED RECORDS, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS IRF .............IRON ROD FOUND OPRDCT ..... OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS PRDCT .... ....PLAT RECORDS, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS RPRDCT ..... REAL PROPERTY RECORDS, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS SSMH ........ SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE ■ F�/� �y 391 ��� �'�� P, Ty 'qr` a1' RIG, �k® OB CIRS Con tormed copy t ic .iai put:)lic C.Unty Clerk war- r el) Dallas CoUn 1 ' AM 021213120't8 $!2? 03 FINAL PLAT, LOT 1, BLOCK A NORTH GATEWAYPLAZA 231,689 SQUARE FEET OR 5.319 ACRES CLARINDA SQUIRES SURVEY, ABSTRACT N0.1327 (DALLAS COUNTY) CLARINDA SQUIRES SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO, 1682 (DENTON COUNTY) CITY OF COPPELL, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS FEBRUARY 2018 Line Table Line # Direction Length L52 N23 25 4011E 16.35 L53 S89056'28"W 11.28 L54 N000332"W 19.49 L55 N44"5628"E 59.90 L56 N89'05628"E 15.57 L57 S0003'32"E 15.00 L58 S8905628"W 17.41 L59 S24049133"W 20.00 L60 S24051'45"W 11.69 L61 S24051'44"W 8.30 L62 S65008'15"E 6.40 L63 _ S8905628"W T 17.80 Filed for Record in the Official Records Of: Denton County On: 212012018 3:45:11 PM In the PLAT Records NORTH GATEWAY PLAZA Doe Number: 2018-96 Number of Pages: 3 Amount: 150.00 0rder#:20180220000791 By: CB SHEET 3 OF 3