North Lake Woodlands - Replat Block 4h N e"Vft UAW aa. W oil CIA y � -s ���/ r Nt�ri1 i N ' ,1 C,4C N\1�P�► MA�� I N 0001'0' 40"t V4► .1Y 1 .10. 00' 11100001004 140 Vol 1AO 00' P N .10.1'0' 400t AV 90' .10 00' 1:10.00' 00" 1.10..10' iof 00' I N 44.100' 15"t /0-101 .10. 00' 00010,100 10" /0. 14' 40 /0' 4 S 44'10' J5 "t 50. 40' 40-00, I!'1A' 10" 01. 5�" Jo /O' .1 S 11050' 15 "t los. 34' 173. 00' 1'1'•45' S0" 100-46, ' S5. J0' O S 01011 / o!"1- 15.001 113. 00' 110J0101' 05. Aro' J.s a ' / N 11000'50"1- 51.10' 513.00' 00,11'10" 51.1!' 10.10' 0 S 0101110401- 11. 11 ' 513. 001 0105/111' 11-11, J. 55' 9 S 100"14001- 00. 14' "J.001 15.00' 40' NO. /0' 40. 00' 10 S 70000,4004C /0. 11 ' 175. 00' tJ'Oi' 40" /0.510, 15. /I ' 11 N /4.54' J/"E 114. 9i' 115. 00' 51004001, 114. 111 111. J4' 11 N 040541.171F 101. 1 !' 1/5.00, 57.04' 070 J14 -JI, 15. 15' is S Jt•04' 1 J'E 430. it Its.001 J40JO' 400 450. i!' 115. 100' 14 S 41•40J' 5/'1- J00. 93' 17S. 00' 15.51 ' JJ • 171. 30' .04.15, IS S J3•J11t70E 50. 00' 175. "1 03.41 ' SO' S0. Ol ' 15. 01 ' J0 S ISOJ3'J4•E Ili. O/' 175. 00' ISO" ISol, lit. 41' 111.#$, J,1 S 14.40' 631E JOG. 00' SO. 04' 170.00' 00' J51. 00' IO' It N 01'!9'40'0 Of. 0.01 SIPS. 00' 14.10'13• OJ. 13' 40. 70' J9 N 01.39'41'0 0/. 41' 1/5. 00' J491/1JJ' O/. /S' J4. $J' IO N 1/001 ' 01 •E /0. SO' lis. 00' .0.0•50' 37' !0. JO' 45. /O' lJ N 70001101'E JOS. 30' 1/5. 00' ll•SO' 31' JJO. Jl' 6S. Ol ' PP S 2301PI ' 3011E 40. 93' 515. 00' 00.30' 05' 40.00' ?4. 54' ?J S 14.05' 40"E .109. J,1' ?75. 00' ?7.101011 1 JO. J9' 00. 45' ?4 N 09041"J800 J04.11' 915. 00' 110311550 105. It I S3. O0' 15 S tl •14' 471E 111. 0?' 515. 00' 11.51 ' 41' 11 /. 07' 50.101 10 S 1J •14' 478E 100. 4t' 475. 00' It •51 ' 418 100. 04' 5J. 55' l/ S 15•57'438E 135. 33' J50. "' 11.17'41' JSI. 19' 11.911, " S ?5057' 438E 154.17' 400.00' ll •J7' 4J' 155. 15' 10. s?' 1?9 S 50•10'OteE Ari. "I 105. 00' 41.31'571 ill. 03' 119. 01' JO S 500"'"'E JOS. 41' ISS. 00' 4t •30' 57' 109. 11 ' 99. 55' !J S 10'40'510E 9t. S9' 50. "1 150.00' 00' I". 90' 100. i0' 30 N 00.11 10.111E 0i. S9' $0. 00' 150.00' 00' 130. 90' JOS. 10' JJ S 10043'10'E JIG. 95' 175. 00' !/•25' 4709 J04.30' 9S. 0J 1 34 S J 9.4J' 1 o'1- 219. 05' 515. 00' "'105"00" ?17. SJ' 113. ?3' 35 S OJ•40' S9'E 910. 001 ?75. 00' 'pg 011'?IPe JJ7. J0' 195. 59' JS S 03.40' S9'E 574. 17' MS. 00' 70•171IP08 391. 70' 001. 19' 3/ N "'10'150E 131. It' 415. 00' 11.44' 51' 1 Jl . S5' 01. 3S' JO N 00.51 ' J0/0 101. 7J' 415. DO' 07.11'011 103. SS' 103. 010' 39 N J0.14'19'E $0. 00' 415. 00' "044'400 S0. 03' 15. 04' 40 N 05.13' 151E 111. 47' 315. 00 51.51' 54' 340. 00' ill. "' 41 # 11 •J0' 11'0 JOS. 3J' 515. 00' 11.49' 501 100. 11' S3. I9' 41 N 1J`'10'1190 19.97' 115.00' 11.49'508 90. 3I' 45.10' s! S JOS •3l'l1'E ill. "1 115. 001 410!41111 lis. Jt' ill. ?O' 44 S l5•Jl'l!'E t11.15' 315. 00' 41.34'!18 t19. "' 145.14' 45 S !t • 510 ' 110E 104. 53' 415. 00' 11 • J0' 04' 104. 14' 51. 59' 41 S Ol•J4'51'E 50. 70' 475. 00' 00.01105' 50. 71' IS. J0' 4/ S 0/0JJ ' 551E 5J. 4!' 415. 00' O1•?1 ° Sl1 $3.41' ls. 10' 41 S 70.0!'11'£ 119. 05' S.0S. "I IS•Jl'Os' 130. 91' 111. 35' 49 N 44.30' 109E 119.13' JOS. 00' 17.10' 31' 191. 111 110. 001 50 N 44.90' 191E Y31.77' 045. 00' 070?1' 31' 374. 06' 234.44' S1 N ?1.04' 03'£ 17t. is' 145. 00' 4101 S' 01' 17S. 47' 9t. 00' 5t N 14.40' 510E 1 53.11 ' 175. 00' 11.01 ' SS' 134. 54' 61. SS' 53 N 14.41 ' S0'E 151.4Y' 315. 00' 11.01 ' 50' 159. 01 ' 11. IS, 54 N 14.40' S1'E 133.01 ' 175. 00' "001'5S' 134.54' ".151 5S N 14.40' SI'E 157. 43' 315. 00' 11.01 ' 5S8 159. 01 ' 01. 13' 5S N 19.49.07'£ 101.41' 315. 00' 17.51137' 101. ON, 51. 30' 57 N 05.40'O!'E 51. OS' SAM 00' 10.04'190 51. J3' 106. 04' SI N 01.41'" E 11. 00' SIS. 0O' "00015111 It. 00' 1. 00' S9 N JS050'?0'E 145.71' 315.00' 15.55'009 141.01' 14.71' 00 N 13•SI'3l'E J9. 3J' 145.00' 09•II'IJ' 59.31' IS. 7IP' 11 N 10•St'11'E J55_-50' 145.00' 37.00'119 151.14' 11.99' 11 N 010111111E 40.00' Jos. 00' 11.41'15' 40.07' 10.11 ' 03 N 30•J71071E 150. 3J' JOS. 00' 75•41'J3' 1051.05' 151.54' 14 N 000JO1JJ10 7$.J4' 115. II' 15.41'19' 75. 30' J1. 99' 05 N J!•OJ'17'0 15.00' 1/5.00' 03.01131' 15.00' 1.50' Of N 01043'S3'0 11. 17' 315.00' IJ•57'04• 17.110, J4. "' 17 N 17.00' 40.7' 30.00' 315.00' Os05l' 419 J9.Ol' 19.54' NO N J3.41'13'0 I0. Ol' 375. 00' 13•!7'50' /9.15' 44. O0 N Os• J1' /410 9E J 11.00' 576.00' 17.00' !I' ill. 70 N 15.41' 33'E !3. 00' 37S. 00' JJ •10'11• 73. ll' 31.17' 71 N 1 !•JO' 11190 10. 91' 416.00' 0.0040' 110' 10. 91' 10. 41' !l N Ji•I1'4400 05.31' 415.00' il•S!'Jl• 95.51' 41.91' 73 N 0005914MIE 17. Os' 4?5. 00' 11.45' 370 17. 103' 43. 71' 74 N 50.34'10'`£ 1.91' JPS. 00' 0.10351Ot' 1.99' 4.49' 15. N ?0•0t'94'E .1.10. 09' 315.00' 19019'.1#0 110. 53' 55.0#' /0 N 03.05' 0400 150. 00' MS. 00' 10.41 ' 05' 151. 3S' 77. 00' 17 N 101.SS I "00 1,01. ##' SAM 00' 1103,0' 04' 107. 00' ".75 41 /1 N 11 0J7' 1 J'E I NO. 71' 175. 00' 40000,571, 190. 70' 100. 5#' /Y - N 13.51111'0 143. 0#' 175. 00' 30.00'IP4' 144. 00' 14. 05' NO N 35.47' 00.0 35. 03' Sts. 00' 014017107a 35. SS' 17. 14' 11 N t104915490 110. 71' 315. 00' 19.37'198 JJJ. JO' $0.10' sl N 00.45'57'1' 70. "1 315. 00' 1t•3#134' 70. 91' 3S. 0IP' IS N 33.3111001' 51.00' 175.00' 10.5111/' 51.07' 15.11' BI N 14.75' 5100 531. 0J, 1/5. 00' 11.40' Sl' JJJ. 91 ' 11. 99' IS N 11.103' 1390 107. 1!' 176. 00' It • 34'55' I". 39' 54. 91 ' Of N 01.41115/0 11. 00' 175. 00' 04.35'01• 11. 01' • JJ. vi 1 17 N 10.13'0090 99. 14' J1S.00' 51.39111' 100.13' $0.47' i0 N 0005710190 I. 99' 316.00' 000Sl'44• 4.99' t.49' I9 S 11.11 1449E I. 00' 475. 00' "057'549 1. 00' 4.00' 90 S t0•45' SC 9E 9I. 41' 475.001 JJ •53' 649 00.14' 49. SO' !J S 15 0 1 6 1 571E IO. !I' Sls. 00' 0I.49'l1' IO. IO' 40. Si ' 92 S 1S•50194V'E 3/. OO' SPS. 00' 04.02120' 37.01' 11.51' 99 N 47010' 001E 53. t1 ' 50. 00' 140J71451` 5S. 11 ' 31. 410' 94 S 57.40' 0#'E 01. 01 ' 50. DO' 15.4?'550 74.7S' 4S. 39' 95 N ?9007' 0S"E S5. 5t' S#. 00' 11.51 '50'W 11. 44' 43. 3S' 90 S 70.51'5411E 5S. 0?' 50.00' 10.00'Ot8 59. 4S' 33.01' 97 S 19.511540£ 710. 05' 400. ##' 10.0010!' 70. 15' 31.171 9O S 31.07' 450E I3. 35' 400. 00' 11,571310 O3. 5#' 41:90' 99 S 39047' 3t'E 01. 55' 305. #O' 050,01 ' S7' IP1. 5S' J4. "' JOO S 500411440E 0O. J#' S05.001 10031107' ON. 41' 44. 50' JOI S 09.15'14'£ 109. 47' 305. 00' 10.40' 3J' 110. #S' 55.14' 1010 N 07.5111100 70. OS' SIPS. 00' I10lt'14' 70. J7' 35. IPt' 103 N It •Il ' 47'1' NJ. 05' 315. ##' 11.Os't3• 9J . 55' 40. Os' 104 N 3/.10'1000 91.15' 515.00' 11.01'.03' 9J. 55' 41.01' 105 N 47.51'51'1° I1. $1' S15,001 01.55'17' J1. 51' 1.IP1' Jr, N IS•10'J9'1' 130. $1' 1/5.00' Are Ar1551 JJJ. SIP' 01. IPO' 107 N J!011115'0 100.00' t15.00' leve"'11/ 90.49' 41. 15 1 I" N 41.0011590 54.0!' 1105.00' 04.70'10' 54.90' 11.41' JOS N 40•Jt'4J60 JJ1. "' 715.001 0I•SJ'00' JJ1. 4J' 51. 31' J10 N JJ •J!' 45'0 JJI.70' 115. 00' OI.55' 009 JJ1`. 4J' 51. Jl' JJJ N ll04114J'0 lil. ll' 116.00' 01.53'00' Jil. 41' 51. Jl' 1J40 M 11.5415390 44.511 11S. 00' OJ•31'l0' 44.57' ll. 109' JJS M 50.54' 4190 00. 45' SOS. 00' 00.41 '7I' 10. 40' 34. Al' 114 N 4?'43'?S"A' 100. 41' 595. 00' 09.4JJ5" 1470. $0' 50.4t' J15 N 3J •30' 5J "0 131. 94' 595. 00' 12.43' 52" 131. 21 ' SS. 30' JJ6 N 19.50'54"0 J407. .17' 595.00' 10.20'03" .107.321 53.10' JJ7 N 49.37'11 "0 90. 10' 595. 00' 09050'17" 90. 20' 40. 25' J11 N 400Jt'43.0 9t. JS' 595.00' 00053'00' St. J051 4S.2?' !J9 N JJ •39' 4500 St. 10' SYS. 00' 00.5?' 00" 9?. 105' 4S.102' Jt0 N 0,004S'43'0 910.10' 595.00' 00.53'000 91.105' 40. O,0' J,01 N 10.341!390 3S. S7' 505.001 OJ•3J'IPO' 3S. 51' 11. 109' Jt0 S 19•00'JS'E 111. J1' 775. #o' 00.13111' JJJ. 0J' S5. 70' its S 107.3915319E 511.1.1' 775. 00' 000J3'JI' JJJ. lei 55. 10' J04 S SI.59' 151E 95.I# I 115. 00' #1•#?' OI' 95:10' 47. 04' Jl5 S 45.55'#1'£ St. 10' 115.00' 01.49104' SIV. 100' 40.10' Jli S 01.51101'0 410. YS' 115. 00' 10.50157' 43. 00' tl. 50' JO7 S 11.55' 34'0 17.s71 115. 00' .0,00", "a, NN.,P41 44. 09' J,00 N 71.50' J I'0 17. S!' ?IPS. 00' "#,V, I 00' 11. IP4' 44. 09' J19 N 170"'4790 4. 04' 11S. 00' OJ •JO' 54' 4.04' IP. SIP' 130 S 10'31 ' 40"E 04. 5J ' 175. 00' 27.59' 40" 05. 35' 43.54' J3J N 70.501170£ 11.00' 1/5.00' 4?9'01'11" 00.95' 45.46' Jit N S,0•JJ't7'E AP. 49' S#. 00' ?5.59'210 - 100. ON 11. 54' J 33 N 17.11 1071E 53. 00' 50. 00' 54.00' 39' 55. 10' 31. Iff J34 S 4S•49'Jl'E 53. 00' 50. ##' 04.00139' 55. 10' 3J. 15' J35 N 11.101419£ ,01.49' $0.00' 15.59'118 010.00' 11.54' J30 S IPS050'41'E 44. Jt' S0. 00' St•,05'31' 45. 09' ?4. 61' JJ7 S 70.4,0'OJ'E 3J. 97' $0.00' 370J1133' 30.54' J1. 17' J31 N 04.17' 319£ 310. SJ' 50. 00' 37.50' #3' ".is, J Jr. SO' 539 N 14.17'01"E 51.44: 50.00' SJ•S4'S0" 54.03' ?9.39' J40 S 54005'51"E S1. J0' 50. ##' 71.19'00" 05. 73' 30. 59=' J4J N 45.31' 500E S7. 71 ' S#. ##' IS•13ISP, ".371 4S.00, Jot N 11.40110110 53.16' 50.00' 39.54'01' 34.69' J7. 9'9' J4J S S1.50'JJ9E J9. 10' Mf. 00'"005"4119is. 10' 9.10' J44 S 13.51'54"E 95..91' 516.00' J00l5'05' 9S. 40' 47. I0' J45 S I4.10'J79E 96.51' 615.00' 10.15101' 95.41' 47.00' J41 N 090ll'4S•E 100.10' S1S.00' O.00J1'J4' lO.I0' 10.40' /90 5, 1 N "047' 5S'E 51.75' 2 S 37.00134'£ 45.00' 3 N 00.30140.0 44.54' 4 N 71.011411E 45.00' 5 S 31055140'E 3.1.13' S S 14.41' 538£ 41.00' 7 S 27.40'41'£ 40.79' 0 N 00.30' 40'0 50. 31 ' 9 N 00*30' 40.0 50. 31 ' J0 N 01045'0080 51.105' 11 N 01.451,00'0 51. 05' Jt- S 31.55'408£ 19.09' 13 N 05.31111'£ 17. to' 14 S 20.11151'£ 37. S,0' Is N 00.47' 518E 51. 75' IS S 73.00'01'£ 00.10' 11 S 30.30' Ot 0E 7t. 45' is N t3•l0'400E 17.40' 19 S 54015130&E ?0. 71 ' t0 S 01.451001£ 43.11' 01 N OI.45' 00.0 103. 35' Ar S 140411S3'E 00. S4' 03 S 14.41' 531E 45. 00' 104 S 14.41' 531E 03. 00' is S 14.41' 531E 00. 14' 11 N 19.19'001£ 11.05' 01 N 00.10' ##'E 30. 90' 100 S 19.401001£ 44.91' 109 S SS•3311001WE 00.44' JO S 00.33' 00'£ 31 S 10.57' 103'£ S9. 15' 30 S 10.33't01E 10. JS' 33 S 19.19' 10'£ 01. 00' 34 S 01.3310011£ 7. Sl' 36 N 15.50' 451E 15.00' 31 S 41.30'41'£ 110.04' J! S 10.39'1!£ 69.00' 31 N 00.371441£ SS. Sr, 39 N 50.'Ole '..*!•£ 55.31' 40 N Sl.tt11SNE 55.31' P107 E I.P. £ L_ s e d Vol.IG049 Pg• 16"15 5 Ur'6er9found f-lecIr"c- C ab le .ase me n � s I hereby Certify that th• above aad foregoing Flat Of HMM LAKS SLAWS talned by the individual overs of the adjacent lots. I I� the lilt CotC11 Of tb• y The drainage channels are subject to store water overflow and natuaal bank erosion to an extent which cannot be definitely I in I I � 5 Ur'6er9found f-lecIr"c- C ab le .ase me n � s I hereby Certify that th• above aad foregoing Flat Of HMM LAKS SLAWS talned by the individual overs of the adjacent lots. ADDITION 100 the C1 Of CO %Zits approved p"U , the lilt CotC11 Of tb• y The drainage channels are subject to store water overflow and natuaal bank erosion to an extent which cannot be definitely defined. M obstruction to the natural flow of store run-off shall be permitted by filling or by construction of any type City Of Coppell on the day Of `-"-'_ _ a 197- ee of d, building, bridge, fence or any other structure. 1►,e C%1y of Coppe\l x k io d%,nk 1n k1 e, areal,. , leag , 1+V& the r�hm 4 deemed r ecessary . V11s approval shall be axaThe invalid,taa the Plat for 110th Addition is miaisue floor elevations on houses built within this addition shall be Lot 2, Block 2 - - 490.0 Lot 3, Block 2 - - 488.0 as follow: Lot 4, Block 2 - - 486.0 reawded in the office of the County Gari of Dallas County, T•Zas within Lot 3, Block 2 - - 485.0 Lot 6, Block 2 - - 484.0 Lot 7, Block 2 - - 483.0 (�!) da from said data of final approval. . Lot 8, Block 2 - - 482.0 Lot 9, Block 2 - - 481.5 Lot 10, Block 2 - - 481.0 � Lot 11, Block 2 - - 481.5 Lot 12,IXock 2 - - 482.0 Lot 13, Block 2 - - 482.5 Lot 14,31ock 2 - - 483.0 Lot 15, Block 2- - 483.5 Lot 16,Block 2 - - 484.0 iiITO I S MY IMM this of� ],9 ] Lot 17, Block 2 - - 486.0 Lot 18, Block 2 - - 488.0 Lot 19, Block 2 - - 490.0 ---- .� .--.•- Lot 20,31lock 2 - - 491.0 Lot 21,Block 2 - - 492.0 Lot 22,31ock 2 - - 492.0 AMC ll,Bl90-'k.4 - - 483.5 Lot 12,Block 4 - - 483.0 Lot 13,Block 4 - - 482.5 Lot 14,31ock 4 - - 482.0 Lot 1, Block 8 - - 480.0 Lot 2, Block 8 - - 481.0 Lot 3, Block 8 - - 481.0 Lot 4, Block 8,- - 482.0 Cb"*U, Texas j OWNERS CERTIFICATE AND DEDICATION STATE OF TEXAS it COUNTY OF DALLAS n WHEREAS, TROTH ENTERPRISES, INC. is the owner of a tract of land situated In the McKinney & Williams Survey, Abstract No. 1062, Dallas County, Texas, and being all of Block 4 of North Lake Woodlands, an addition 'to the City of Coppell, Texas, as recorded In Volume 74189, Page 1390, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That TROTH ENTERPRISES, INC. does hereby adopt this plat designating the hereinabove described property as REPLAT OF BLOCK 4, NORTH LAKE WOODLANDS, an addition to the City of Coppell, Texas, and does hereby dedicate to the public use forever the streets and utility easements shown horebn. WITNESS MY HAND at Dallas, Texas this day of PRlL 1976. TROTH tNTERPRISES, INC. By: W. T. MOTH, Presl en STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS 0 BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for said.County and State, on this day personally appeared W.T. TROTH, President TROTH ENTERPRISES, INC., known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing Instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and in the capacity therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFiCE this eZ1 day of AWi1- 1976. -6--/s Notary ub c, a as ounty, exas ENGINEERS CERTIFICATE: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT I, JOHN H. FERGUSON, do hereby certify that I prepared this plat from an actual and accurate survey of the land and that the corner monuments shown were properly placed under my super- vision in accordance with the platting rules and regulations of the City of Coppell Pian Commission. HN H. R ON, tensed Engineer STATE OF TEXAS � J COUNTY OF DALLAS Z BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public In and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared JOHN H. FERGUSON, known to me to be the person whose name Is subscribed to the foregoing Instrument and acknow- ledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes herein expressed, GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFiCE this Z( day of ,�AOIL 1976. APPROVED: Chairman, ann n on ng Commission Ta e APPROVED: ayor, Coppe I , Texas I hereby certify that the above and foregoing Plat of Nor Ohlcake Woodlands Addition to the City of Coppell. Texas was approved by Gifle City Council of the City of CQppell on the 13t1i day of July, 1976, - i This approval shall be invalid unless the approved Plat for such Addition is recorded in the office of the County Clerk of Dallas County, Texas within thirty (30) days from said date of final approval. Witness my hand this 15th day of July, 1976. Cik /J City Secretary, City ofo oppel1, Texas .. .." :.-;: _ Y 0000 ,.. - ' '`'« r �u �� w'"", '�,;-•w � ' kY - 'E 4f1fi Z. 5L' �, � "•.�y ice'" •�-r :,> x10 �al� ole j Y - 111+•1 h. 4 z K Y' } _ REPLAT bLOCK 4 NORiI-�► LA1�� W O�OLANDS ANS 4.00I71.0N "T O Z NE C\-CY. OF COPPELL ,SEX AS M� �ZNNEY � WILLIAMS SURV EY AP�S"C. NO. �06r1 GALLAS CpuN� `C ,ZE>(AS TROT1� EN�E.RPRISES ,1NC . N GJJNER A639 No. CEN�RP.I.. � DALLAS, ZEICAS FERGUSON -DEERE INC. y Et1GINEERS 98"1 �GINGS�.EY R(>. DALLP.S, T�>CAS � MAIC X9"1 5 cn.�.E �=�00'