SPAm 2018 Police FencingWNW TC Wr5AOCKI COMERICA '� O M WNW X LOf 1, PLOCK� TOM.1 (TN TER ADDITION New Bushes Match existing and tie to irrigation TCCENTE.RBLVD �N New 6' ornamental - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — — fencing �X, 811 WAtl?, nins MManual Vehici 02 NR 59WN5 I'MY M OAK 2 _511 Ckirer, New sidewalk per city standard New curb per city standard EXST. TRANSFORMER CONC. PAD Oil VAMM CALIM TW GRASS: GRASS. If F­ )ITION Pedestrian Gate Verify if Knox Box required I New 6' ornamental fencing I 1. Permit required prior to starting the work 2. Re -stripe as necessary for parking and fire lanes 3. Barricades required for work near street 4. Automatic sliding gate to meet Fire Department requirements 5. 6. 7. 8. AGRI 11,1, nn, I S: a '(s z? v ir�il j5j, I Hl_` 3t I Date M OAK 1 _511 C&IMP New concrete paving. Match existing W ***Automatic sliding gate to meet Fire Department requirements' Automatic Sliding Exit Lines Remove existing metal fencing and replace with 6' ornamental. Columns remain. hwllwffi'i CONC. E 'r. FIRE VXSTVEMORIAL HYDRANT— CONC, FLAGROCES �� i GRASS DEf PARKIN, CONC, N V, X R -- ---------- ADDITION ADDITION (390 SF) (390 SF) X X X L= FINISH FLOOR -468.77 (22,640 SF) EXISTING BRICK BUILDING SINGLE STORY _j 7" GRASS Pedestrian Gate 7 Z GRASS QONC. 'vAleview. is limited to the content, -the pl-ns surnTfl-" ed and einy XST. TRANSFORMER 01 ON CONC. PAD errors or onldssionS r,0 ntained h n sh-,H not be conStmed a - ere", ''to allow any,-ondltior pe'Mslsslorl , 11$ 1 to ;9.xis t, i n viol ati of the cor-11'. es 3ft.he Citty of Coppell, 3c, PRESSEDSPEAR (SP) 3 AtAIL FjANF',X LFJOC TK� 90�5!'.- vc� 9!5, STANUAA,,D WALK r5ATV 4 14l j "_;1 E 1G- Cr aPENIN' 6 ',.-: WWWF UAr, Al- 114 f3Atf,,5­', AN.13 ,AVAlUkIBLE mom Date Received: Chcciked injoy: A P PFOVL' Bldg. ,hnS;rA Fire pncn; 16' ornamental fence I C -oval of C i ry OF CC CA R T Y A 7D 02 -, 2 7 F U97 1711U�_ 01 E 7" Prior ito C.O. or Final, the generall contracorshall orovide as -built pns in PDIFF, Brick Column Similar to Existing 6' ornamental infill fence N A If F­ )ITION Pedestrian Gate Verify if Knox Box required I New 6' ornamental fencing I 1. Permit required prior to starting the work 2. Re -stripe as necessary for parking and fire lanes 3. Barricades required for work near street 4. Automatic sliding gate to meet Fire Department requirements 5. 6. 7. 8. AGRI 11,1, nn, I S: a '(s z? v ir�il j5j, I Hl_` 3t I Date M OAK 1 _511 C&IMP New concrete paving. Match existing W ***Automatic sliding gate to meet Fire Department requirements' Automatic Sliding Exit Lines Remove existing metal fencing and replace with 6' ornamental. Columns remain. hwllwffi'i CONC. E 'r. FIRE VXSTVEMORIAL HYDRANT— CONC, FLAGROCES �� i GRASS DEf PARKIN, CONC, N V, X R -- ---------- ADDITION ADDITION (390 SF) (390 SF) X X X L= FINISH FLOOR -468.77 (22,640 SF) EXISTING BRICK BUILDING SINGLE STORY _j 7" GRASS Pedestrian Gate 7 Z GRASS QONC. 'vAleview. is limited to the content, -the pl-ns surnTfl-" ed and einy XST. TRANSFORMER 01 ON CONC. PAD errors or onldssionS r,0 ntained h n sh-,H not be conStmed a - ere", ''to allow any,-ondltior pe'Mslsslorl , 11$ 1 to ;9.xis t, i n viol ati of the cor-11'. es 3ft.he Citty of Coppell, 3c, PRESSEDSPEAR (SP) 3 AtAIL FjANF',X LFJOC TK� 90�5!'.- vc� 9!5, STANUAA,,D WALK r5ATV 4 14l j "_;1 E 1G- Cr aPENIN' 6 ',.-: WWWF UAr, Al- 114 f3Atf,,5­', AN.13 ,AVAlUkIBLE mom Date Received: Chcciked injoy: A P PFOVL' Bldg. ,hnS;rA Fire pncn; 16' ornamental fence I C -oval of C i ry OF CC CA R T Y A 7D 02 -, 2 7 F U97 1711U�_ 01 E 7" Prior ito C.O. or Final, the generall contracorshall orovide as -built pns in PDIFF, Brick Column Similar to Existing 6' ornamental infill fence