DRC Report.JanuaryPD18-01-000215 Plan Case ID
Project Name , Lot , BkCOMMENTS
Case Manager
01/17/2018 Application Complete Date
Planned Development - Detail PD - New/Not In Conformance Plan Type / Workclass
PD-133R8-HC, Magnolia Office Park (Savannah) Project Description
Agency Reviewed By Review Date Plan Review Details
Building Suzanne Arnold 1. Building addresses from east to west will be: 105, 125,145,
205, 225 and 245 SH 121
Engineering George Marshall 01/22/2018 General - Utility Plan:
Show property lines
6" Service requires a connection at a MH.
Provide water connection for fire supression system for each
Drainage will need to be reviewed in more detail. It appears
the desing diverts water from one DA to a different direction to
allow for connection to existing system. Diversion of water is
not allowed.
Draining a parking lot through a "curb cut" to an alley is not
allowed. Collect the storm drain into a pipe collection system.
Standard Detailed Engineering - Site Plan:
FYI comment - There may be additional comments gernerated
upon detailed engineering review.
Provide deceleration lane along frontage road. for each
Follow City of Coppell Standards. Driveway radius 30'.
Construct sidewalk outside TxDOT ROW & provide easement.
Show FDC connections & provide sufficient spacing from FH.
Show handicap access from sidewalk along SH 121 to
Provide a calculation of pervious and impervious area of site. -
Fire Tim Oates 01/25/2018 1. Fire hydrants required every 300 linear feet along the fire
lane easement
2. FDC shall be detached, adjacent to a fire hydrant
Riser rooms shall be accessible from an exterior door. Room
shall be minimum 8'x8',
Parks John Elias 01/22/2018 1. October Glory Maple Trees are not on the approved palnt
Planning Marcie Diamond
Site Plan
1. Please note that Medical Office requires parking at 1:175,
which would require smaller buildings but would allow for
more flexibility in leasing
2. Monument Sign needs to be setback 15' from property line
3. Add dimensions to landscape buffers
4. Add standard detail for masonry screening wall.
5. Add the following to the title block on all sheets:
"PD-133R8-HC, Magnolia Office Park (Savannah Coppell)"
Landscape Details
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PD18-01-000215 Plan Case ID
Project Name , Lot , BkCOMMENTS
These calculations are not correct. See commenes on
Landscape Plan
Landscape Plan
1. All sheets could be combined onto one, two maximum.
2. Is it intended that the area between buildings be
grass/ground cover? if so, then may be used to fulfill portion of
the non-vehicular landscaping.
3. The Calculations are incorrect and incomplete:
Landscape Data Table showing required/provided
trees/shrubs and square footage for each category as follows:
• Perimeter Landscaping: _______ sq. ft. required ______
sq. ft. provided - (provide for all property lines
not just north and south)
Trees (#) required (#) provided
• Interior Landscaping: _______ sq. ft. required ______ sq.
ft. provided
Trees (#) required (#) provided
• *Non-vehicular Landscaping : _______ sq. ft. required
______ sq. ft. provided
Trees (#) required (#) provided
• Percentage of Total Site Area devoted to landscaping:
*Calculations for Non-Vehicular Landscaping for this project
would be:
235,852-50,000 = 180,833 x .15 = 27,125 sq. ft. - 50% of which
is required to be in the front yard.
This is required in addition to the Perimeter and Interior
4. Ornamental trees are permitted instead of overstory where
they conflict with powerline easements, however they must be
provided at a ratio of three ornamental trees per required
overstory tree.
5. Add the monument sign location to this sheet.
6. Correct the title block
Building Elevations
1. Submit a color board indicating materials proposed for this
2. Using similar color brick and stone as the exsting bank and
retail center would be appropriate.
2. The elevations of several of the buildings indicate signs
attached to the windows, is this intentional?
3. Monument sign - what is the material of the cabinet? Metal?
Internal illumination is not permitted, however halo lit letters
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