DRC CommentsPD18-10-000289Plan Case ID CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Project Name , Lot , BkCOMMENTS Address Case Manager 10/19/2018Application Complete Date Planned Development - Detail PD - New/Not In ConformancePlan Type/Workclass PD-296-LI, Samaritan's Purse - proposed 85,220 sf building on Creekview Dr.Project Description Agency Reviewed By Review Date Plan Review Details Building Suzanne Arnold Engineering Kumar Gali 10/26/2018 No comments at this time, more detail review will be performed during engineering review process. Fire Tim Oates 10/21/2018 1. Fire hydrants shall be located out of the potential collapse zone of the building. 2. Just install four fire hydants, one at each corner of the building. 3. FDC shall be adjacent to a fire hydrant. 4. Fire lane shall be entire width of driveway openings until reaching the first drive aisle, then narrow to 24-ft. 5. Any gates that cross the fire lane easement shall be automatic; equipped with GTT Opticom, bi-directional sensors with Knox padlock override and tied into the fire alarm system to open during alarm condition. Parks John Elias 1. Tree Removal Permit required prior to start of construction. 2. Preservation Credit calculations are incorrect, do not include unprotected trees in the Total Caliper Inches on site number. Planning Mary Paron-Boswell General - Site Plan - Add plat name to title block - Add zoning to title block - correct zoning in summary data table - list actual building height proposed - provide parking based on all uses - office, warehouse, etc. list ratios used and sq ft of each use - Provide a letter explaining what you are proposing and what, if any, variances you are requesting and why you cannot conform with the ordinance requirements - Remove contours from this sheet - Nose-to-Nose parking is 9'x19' - revise parking layout - show location of all driveways within 200 ft of property - show all existing and proposed easements - label dumpsters and provide note about screening - provide location of any proposed monument signs - provide information on any wall signs proposed - show fire hydrant spacing - label any sliding gates - label masonry screening wall for truck court area. provide a detail and height of wall. - label all fencing around property, provide a legend and fence details - label retaining walls - list/show number of overhead doors - Is it a pressurized gas line? callout - label creek - label limits of floodplain/floodway. 1 of 2 PD18-10-000289Plan Case ID CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Project Name , Lot , BkCOMMENTS - Where does the SS easement go? It turns and ends abruptly. - SHOW EROSION HAZARD SETBACK - PROVIDE A FIRELANE AND DRAINGAGE EASEMENT, NEED TO PROVIDE ACCES TO THE CREEK. - UNRESOLVED General - Landscaping Overall Landscape Plan - L1.00 - Revise parking layout - add contact info for owner/applicant also - add existing and proposed easements - label sidewalk - follow title block format - follow site plan notes - need 2 trees at end of parking islands, 1 per aisle L1.03 - Provide total fee for tree mitigation required L2.03 - Provide a colored exhibit differentiating the different landscaping calculations - recheck landscaping numbers - UNRESOLVED General - Elevations - 80% masonry veneer required for each elevation . Masonry =brick, stone, concrete. Does not include stucco or concrete blocks. Do not include openings (doors, windows) - storefront? is it glass? - provide distance between articulations - UNRESOLVED 2 of 2