Recorded Minor PlatOWNER'S CERTIFICATE / I STATE OF TEXAS § R / I COUNTY OF DALLAS Line Table O T Distance LI 5 89'19'14' W 0 H N 0.'140'46' W 76450' LS 80 0 40 11111i WEESENE"IT 80 160 N 699914• E OHIO' 1 inch = 80 ft. 0.00' US N 00'4076' W 344' I S 89'19'14" W 11094' Le S WARr46" E 715.50' 0 N 69'19'14' E 75.07' LIO N 00'40'46' W 6106' III N 1544'57 W halo L12 x 467.74' L13 rECT 6206'. L14 N 1344'51" W 3687' LI5 N 00'40'x° W 33520' L16 N WNR x" w 0ibj I Liz N 561 E 8045' IS N 43'43'12° E 71991' L19 N J709'I6" E 123.89 120 N 161IOW E 79.77' NO Line Table Una I 6WNn9 Distance LI 5 89'19'14' W 24612' L2 N 0.'140'46' W 76450' LS N 89'19'14' E 11146' L4 N 699914• E OHIO' IS 5 89'1994" W 0.00' US N 00'4076' W 344' I S 89'19'14" W 11094' Le S WARr46" E 715.50' 0 N 69'19'14' E 75.07' LIO N 00'40'46' W 6106' III N 1544'57 W 3S67' L12 N 004076° W 467.74' L13 N 0640'460 W 6206'. L14 N 1344'51" W 3687' LI5 N 00'40'x° W 33520' L16 N WNR x" w 111.60' Liz N 561 E 8045' IS N 43'43'12° E 71991' L19 N J709'I6" E 123.89 120 N 161IOW E 79.77' Line Table Line / 8x04419 Distance L21 N 102358° W 95.96' 122 N 14'48'09" W 100.95' LZJ N 01'475'1 E 86.15' 114 N 21 E 93.51' 125 N 073756" W 10..71' L26 N 44'0942" W 44.48' 117 N 12'03'19 E i7d7 1128 N 2902'15' E 172.65' L29 N 5716'52" E 11496' 00 N 61'12'16' E 8106' L31 S 454046" E 21121' 02 N 891990 E 61 L3J N 81 E 417' 04 N 0640'46° W 99,98' 1135 N 8519'14' E 42.99' 06 S 0640'46' E 41350' L37 N 7509'15' W 3579' "a S 89'19'14' W 19.17' L39 S 750995 E J754' L40 N 8919'14° E 2121' = I I 4 / WHEREAS Somantan's Puree is the owner of a tract of land situated in the J. Gibson Survey, Abstract No. 1716, City of Coppell, Dallas County. Texos. - / being a portion of a tract conveyed to Fellowship of Las Colinas, according to the deed recorded in Document Number 201MO2678W of the Official Fellowship of Las Colinas / Public Records, Dallas County, Texas (OPRDCT), with the subject tract being more pamawary described as fallaws: VOL. NMI, Pg. I6BOAROGr/ "Werw FGA BEGINNING m a 1/2' Iran and with a plastic yellow cap stamped "SPIARSENG°set on the west line of Creeknew Drive, a public right-of-way, from which an exualO �Ir` 9� IM° p" 'n" found in concrete for the northeast comer of Lot 1, Black 1, DCT Fellowship West Addition, recorded in Instrument Number 201 60011 71 81, Official yN� Public Records, Dallas County, Texas, bears S 0040'46" E, 437.93 feet; N 62°1@82 E .17 THENCE WEST, 556.30 feet to a 1/2"iron rod with a plastic yellow cap stomped "SPIARSENG"aet at corner; 15' Drainage Ewnl 1 y'Jt" TY i z THENCE N 5650'10" E, 10B.76 feet; ON! No. 201 XdW8B4 0.9PJCIF °E THENCE N 43'43'12" E, 115.58 feet; // 1 roiIII 8 THENCE N 32'09'16" E. 119.08 feet; 1I 26 Fork Oroinage Esmf, tr ETmion HazaN Se I i I THENCE N 1617'19" E. 72.24 feet; /,� e,1 THENCE N 10'23'58" W, 90.46 leek 4D, THENCE "\1� ITHENCE N 14'46'09" W. 103.09 feat; i ra Ira III I THENCE N 01'42'52" E, 93.60 feet; m /�� I THENCE N 2T21'10° E. 91.78 feet; Oc / 1 I THENCE N OT3T56• W, 92.80 feet; - I City Access EvnL�-� y IN THENCE N 441 W. 48.56 feet; THENCE N 12'03'19" E. 451.14 feat; THENCE N 29'02'150 E, 179.75 feet; \ 10' Builfvlg a l I I I THENCE N 52'16'52" E, 121.16 feet; S Ma m' I THENCE N 64'12'16' E,92.60 feet to the east line of said Fellowship track and being on the wast line of a tract conveyed to Caruso, Ltd., recorded in Caruso, Ltd. / Volume 2003055, Page 6363363 OROCf, 1/2"iron rod wkM1 a plastic yellow cap stomped °SPIARSENG"aet at corner; LOCATION w l / III i i I VW. 200305, Pg 8383 DR CK I / THENCE S CO28'44" E, 398.29 feel along said west line to a 1/2"iron and with a plastic yellow cap stamped "SPIARSENG"set of comer, 15' Orange Eand. I / JO' Pemlwrcnt East 1 1/z• CMS oning : u Dac NO 291800267804 OINa'1C I�I put rya 20LW01�! 1 1 / • / THENCE S Creei6" E, 225.36 teal continuing along said line to a 1/2' iron roti found for the southwest comer of said Caruso tract and being on the west line off Creekview Drive: y 1 ' DEIHEL R0. LOCATION MAP T^=10o0 THENCE along the west line thereof, around o non -tangent curve to Ole left having a central angle of 2049 36 , a radius of 455.00 feet, a chord of 5 0944'02" W - 164.48 feet, an arc length of 165.39 feel to a 1/2"iron red with a plastic yellow cop stamped 'SPIARSENG•set at corner ; rJ N p`V EY I I THENCE S 0640'46" E. 730.81 feet continuing along the west line of said right-of-way to the POINT OF BEGINNING with the subject tract containing IBR OLIO No. 1716 11 l Iad 465,360 square feat or 10.683 scree of land. NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That SAMARITAN'S PURSE, does hereby adopt this plat designating the herein described property as SAMARITANS PURSE FELLOWSHIP ADDITION, LOT 1, BLOCK A, an addition to the City of Coppell, Texas, and does hereby dedicate, in fee simple, to the public use forever the streets shown thereon. The easements shown thereon are hereby reserved for the purposes indicated The utility and fire lane easements shall be open to the public, fire and police 'm\I 'I /II• / units, garbage and rubbish rcollection agencies. and all public and private utilities for each particular use. The maintenance of Daring on the utility and I I I 15' Puh4„ Wafers 1 fire lane easements Is the responsibility of the property owner. No buildings fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growths shall be constructed, I E f { 1/2' ff reconatructed or placed upon, over or s the easements shown. Said easements being hereby reserved for the mutual use and accommodation of Oil _ /` Cg public utilities using or desiring to use some. All and any public utility shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or parts of and buildings, Fellowship of Las Colinas I 24' FiMam Emammi oI 1 L�1 fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growths which in any way endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance or efficiency of its VOL 94O Pg. aa0ORD0r II 1 pp respective right of ingress or egress to or from and upon the said easement for the purpose of constructing, reconstructive, inspecting, patrolling. zonallIf / / � � maintaining and adding to or removing all or parts of its respective systems without the necessity at any time of procuring the permission of anyone. L41� =!7 / (Any public utility shall have the right to ingmss o egress to private property, for Me purpose c of reading meters and any maintenance o required / EyKjri or ordinarily performed by the utility). V _711,00,' D=20'483@' L=165$9' Water main and waste water easements shall also include additional areas of working apace for construction and maintenance of the systems. Additional N441D8'42PJ L6 IS 0 C15=5OW4402"W mal menta is also conveyed a for installation and maintenance of manholes, cleanouts. Ore hydrants, water services and waste water service from the 4iB LD -1 '� main to they area or pavement line, and description of such additional easement herein granted shall be determined by their location as installed. 15OWinage Faint 1 a\ ON. W. 201800267661 OPROCT I I I This plat approved subject to all platting eminences, rules, regulations, and resolutions of the City of Coppell, Texas. G I I Lot 1, Block AM' cMs f/z' aRf 11 //-- I yq � Il I I t0.6B3Ac. WITNESS, my hand, this the � day of JA.4'IN(a1-'Y 2019. $ N 07°wu 9280'/ (466.3MSF) I MIN. ff=525.00 I I LOC 3. Block A Samaritan's Purse c FREEPORT NORTH n , N 27'21'10' E / I I I vd. zo001Zo"4626 aROCT °o'I1 91.7'0' I I 15' Finite NO.20� 224806 �'�I � Y Zarrt'IH: L, BY 4e'/ oI 20 PoN¢ O,orw9e J / I IRon Wilcox. Chief Operations Officer tr Erosion Hazvld Set Texas North Cntral Zane 4202, North American Datum of 1983, _ (2011)'STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 4 2. Selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is a J\ N0142 'E I I I i �L p COUNTY OFTI✓A,ii4�4, § violation of citydinance and state law and is subject to fines and withholding of utilities and banding permits. \ apprax. IacAmn CZ5 0 9 BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for The State of North Carolina, on this day personally appeared Ron Wilcox, known to me to be the FEM9 fIRM Zone A' I (} 3 p erson and officer whose name s subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the some for the purposes and FRANCHISE UTILITY NOTE `\ 1 ( I I I I 014 5 $' f/1• G1RF Oneieerauona therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated I, David Bond, verify that all franchise utilities have each been contacted and provided o i I I III Y GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the 14/ day of w.IRMW _ 2019. copy of the plat and development proposal antl all franchise utility easements and/or Si L\ abandonments are currently shown. I '�\ YI U6 e w 1�\`1 p Notary Public, St!taatre of Noah Carolina KAp6N W MCNER. Davidr Bond ` ii1 hi i III 1rx NOTury PURllc 1 NORTHCMOLINA / I 1 In I att Won F11,4 d eroic Re - WATMNMLOUNIY If.TY!J_ WIRVG Oft Poe1lo Records 54Wm F. Werrai cmun9 clan cp Wi Wt• fK�i/tiS Approv and Accepted: I 447 90-06 11 I I �I I I e nmi2ecly 12 45 2lm Jb'a N • d 091 et $64. Do N TIME I �- \ Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission Date // F City of CapPeil, Texas N 82°09'16"E I I I Lot Block SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 20IM24014 nsoa' / I I IN E 10, RT NORTH Vd. 2000102, Zoning 4B260BOG9 That I, Oaad K. Brown. m Spiers Engineering, Inc., do survey o certify that prepared this plat and Me field notes of Cappelli \ 15' Orm'na East /� I I I II I there rt thereof from a actual and accurate sup vi f Me land and that the comer monuments shown The undersigned, Me Planning and Zoning Commission Secretary of U City pP /C\NIW Doc Na 2pigW26 WRxI� \ ` 1 g4' Fi2yw ly�l II Zaw� O Merman were property placed under my personal supervision, in accordance with the Subtlivision Regulations of Me Texas, Hereby certifee that Me foregoing plat of SAMARITANS PURSE FELLOWSHIP / `��\ n 1 _ MINOR PLAT ADDITION, LOT 1, BLOCK A, an addition to the Cit Coppell was submitted to the Planning x� ` SNkOCk Easement Dat of Coppell, Texas. Y o g \ 20' dear ONi m brat / Y I I I III and Zoning Commission an Me � day of �QY 2018, and Me Planning and s � tr Endear Hazaaa0 Setback / y Dated this the day of O F Zoning Commission, by formal action, then and Mere accepted Me dedication of streets, /X 1O No.1D o;\ I �vU V 2019. hP E, F4fF}N SAMARITANS PURSE alleys, Forks, easements, public places, and water and sewer lines, as shown and set forth N 48'12"E / OPROC!aT _ in and upon said plat, and said Chairman to note the acceptance thereof by signing his name as hereinabove subscribed DARKEN K. BROWN FELLOWSHIP ADDITION Or8792, bmf. c 1 U / Vd. 879 \ .x0 I 2E �� -/ I C28 DARREN K. BROWN, R.P.L.S. NO. 5252 401252 ? { Q• s LOT 1 BLOCK A N WITNESS, my hand, this L� day of J ay1'� AD., 2019. _1 � / I II\ 021 Lia `_}1(1' 9,yD Fssta; O d � 0g L0r0 T 7�______io' e�rldr�seag pc wwK Ea GZD/ ua� TUR ACRES T the 0'EPlanning aria zoom Commission Secretary, '•pRS ,>--__-__ NI,�,��wt-�,_--_-__-1� ttJ. GIBBON SURVEY{ABSTRACT 440. 1716 II//�lr,1./� L1 u C,STATE OF TEXAS § CITY OFCOPPELL DALLAS COUNTY TEXAS K�,�(JJ. yU•C�'L� -.COUNTY OF COLLIN 4 5 5 City of Coppell, Texas BEFORE ME, the undersigned, 0 Notary Public in a d far The State of Texas, on this day personally appeared DarrenZoning. PD -29(i -LI N. Brown, known l0 me t0 be xthe person antl officer whose name is subscribed l0 the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me Mat he a ecuted the Rome for Me purposes and considerations therein expressed and in Me/ capacity therein statedOWNER/APPLICANT ENGINEER /SURVEYOR Floodplain Development Permit Application No. has been filed with((1��vxSamaritan's Purse $piers Engineering, Inc. the City of Coppell Floodplain Administrator on 2019. � GIVEN UNDER MY HANG ANO SUL OF OFFICE this the tlay of r6knu rOy 2019. PO BOX 3000 765 Custer Road, Suite 100 Fe lowshl Of Lae CDIina6 y Boone, North Carolina 28607 Plano, 7%75075 p /�I/1 /1 /�Telephone(828) 278-1204 Telephone:(972) 422-0077 //�?/��iua. e4ae; Pg. leen OROcrContact: Ernest Compitello TEPE No. F-2121/III No. F-10043100 FlootlPlain Atlminie[rotor oats Zamrprtl s'g;'_oary u6 aeo'NOmry PUUlia, Smte of texas CpntaLY: David Bond 22 Scale: 1" = 80' January, 2019 SEI Job No. 18-111 LEGEND (Nd aN items MY be vpplTNd'e) 1/2" IRON ROD WITH PL1S ICCAP STAMPED SPIARSENG" SET, UNI OTHERWISE NOTED OF IRON ROD FOUND CMF UPPED IRON ROD FOUND CM CONTROL MONUMENT East EASEMENT III. UTILOY (B!P) BYTHISPIAT R.D.W. RIGHT -OF -WAV Inc FF MINIMUM FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION BL BUILDING UNE Coe. CABINET Vol. VOLUME Pg PAGE Na NUMBER FEEM FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENTAGEWY FIRW FLOODINSUNPNCERATEROMP 0tl. No. ORDINANCE NUMBER k2f. INSTRUMENT OR DOCUMENT DRIXT DEED RECORDS, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS .VRIX:i MAP RECORDS, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS ORPOC! OFFIQAL PUBLIC RECORDS, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS THENCE along the west line thereof, around o non -tangent curve to Ole left having a central angle of 2049 36 , a radius of 455.00 feet, a chord of 5 0944'02" W - 164.48 feet, an arc length of 165.39 feel to a 1/2"iron red with a plastic yellow cop stamped 'SPIARSENG•set at corner ; rJ N p`V EY I I THENCE S 0640'46" E. 730.81 feet continuing along the west line of said right-of-way to the POINT OF BEGINNING with the subject tract containing IBR OLIO No. 1716 11 l Iad 465,360 square feat or 10.683 scree of land. NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That SAMARITAN'S PURSE, does hereby adopt this plat designating the herein described property as SAMARITANS PURSE FELLOWSHIP ADDITION, LOT 1, BLOCK A, an addition to the City of Coppell, Texas, and does hereby dedicate, in fee simple, to the public use forever the streets shown thereon. The easements shown thereon are hereby reserved for the purposes indicated The utility and fire lane easements shall be open to the public, fire and police 'm\I 'I /II• / units, garbage and rubbish rcollection agencies. and all public and private utilities for each particular use. The maintenance of Daring on the utility and I I I 15' Puh4„ Wafers 1 fire lane easements Is the responsibility of the property owner. No buildings fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growths shall be constructed, I E f { 1/2' ff reconatructed or placed upon, over or s the easements shown. Said easements being hereby reserved for the mutual use and accommodation of Oil _ /` Cg public utilities using or desiring to use some. All and any public utility shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or parts of and buildings, Fellowship of Las Colinas I 24' FiMam Emammi oI 1 L�1 fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growths which in any way endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance or efficiency of its VOL 94O Pg. aa0ORD0r II 1 pp respective right of ingress or egress to or from and upon the said easement for the purpose of constructing, reconstructive, inspecting, patrolling. zonallIf / / � � maintaining and adding to or removing all or parts of its respective systems without the necessity at any time of procuring the permission of anyone. L41� =!7 / (Any public utility shall have the right to ingmss o egress to private property, for Me purpose c of reading meters and any maintenance o required / EyKjri or ordinarily performed by the utility). V _711,00,' D=20'483@' L=165$9' Water main and waste water easements shall also include additional areas of working apace for construction and maintenance of the systems. Additional N441D8'42PJ L6 IS 0 C15=5OW4402"W mal menta is also conveyed a for installation and maintenance of manholes, cleanouts. Ore hydrants, water services and waste water service from the 4iB LD -1 '� main to they area or pavement line, and description of such additional easement herein granted shall be determined by their location as installed. 15OWinage Faint 1 a\ ON. W. 201800267661 OPROCT I I I This plat approved subject to all platting eminences, rules, regulations, and resolutions of the City of Coppell, Texas. G I I Lot 1, Block AM' cMs f/z' aRf 11 //-- I yq � Il I I t0.6B3Ac. WITNESS, my hand, this the � day of JA.4'IN(a1-'Y 2019. $ N 07°wu 9280'/ (466.3MSF) I MIN. ff=525.00 I I LOC 3. Block A Samaritan's Purse c FREEPORT NORTH n , N 27'21'10' E / I I I vd. zo001Zo"4626 aROCT °o'I1 91.7'0' I I 15' Finite NO.20� 224806 �'�I � Y Zarrt'IH: L, BY 4e'/ oI 20 PoN¢ O,orw9e J / I IRon Wilcox. Chief Operations Officer tr Erosion Hazvld Set Texas North Cntral Zane 4202, North American Datum of 1983, _ (2011)'STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 4 2. Selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is a J\ N0142 'E I I I i �L p COUNTY OFTI✓A,ii4�4, § violation of citydinance and state law and is subject to fines and withholding of utilities and banding permits. \ apprax. IacAmn CZ5 0 9 BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for The State of North Carolina, on this day personally appeared Ron Wilcox, known to me to be the FEM9 fIRM Zone A' I (} 3 p erson and officer whose name s subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the some for the purposes and FRANCHISE UTILITY NOTE `\ 1 ( I I I I 014 5 $' f/1• G1RF Oneieerauona therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated I, David Bond, verify that all franchise utilities have each been contacted and provided o i I I III Y GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the 14/ day of w.IRMW _ 2019. copy of the plat and development proposal antl all franchise utility easements and/or Si L\ abandonments are currently shown. I '�\ YI U6 e w 1�\`1 p Notary Public, St!taatre of Noah Carolina KAp6N W MCNER. Davidr Bond ` ii1 hi i III 1rx NOTury PURllc 1 NORTHCMOLINA / I 1 In I att Won F11,4 d eroic Re - WATMNMLOUNIY If.TY!J_ WIRVG Oft Poe1lo Records 54Wm F. Werrai cmun9 clan cp Wi Wt• fK�i/tiS Approv and Accepted: I 447 90-06 11 I I �I I I e nmi2ecly 12 45 2lm Jb'a N • d 091 et $64. Do N TIME I �- \ Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission Date // F City of CapPeil, Texas N 82°09'16"E I I I Lot Block SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 20IM24014 nsoa' / I I IN E 10, RT NORTH Vd. 2000102, Zoning 4B260BOG9 That I, Oaad K. Brown. m Spiers Engineering, Inc., do survey o certify that prepared this plat and Me field notes of Cappelli \ 15' Orm'na East /� I I I II I there rt thereof from a actual and accurate sup vi f Me land and that the comer monuments shown The undersigned, Me Planning and Zoning Commission Secretary of U City pP /C\NIW Doc Na 2pigW26 WRxI� \ ` 1 g4' Fi2yw ly�l II Zaw� O Merman were property placed under my personal supervision, in accordance with the Subtlivision Regulations of Me Texas, Hereby certifee that Me foregoing plat of SAMARITANS PURSE FELLOWSHIP / `��\ n 1 _ MINOR PLAT ADDITION, LOT 1, BLOCK A, an addition to the Cit Coppell was submitted to the Planning x� ` SNkOCk Easement Dat of Coppell, Texas. Y o g \ 20' dear ONi m brat / Y I I I III and Zoning Commission an Me � day of �QY 2018, and Me Planning and s � tr Endear Hazaaa0 Setback / y Dated this the day of O F Zoning Commission, by formal action, then and Mere accepted Me dedication of streets, /X 1O No.1D o;\ I �vU V 2019. hP E, F4fF}N SAMARITANS PURSE alleys, Forks, easements, public places, and water and sewer lines, as shown and set forth N 48'12"E / OPROC!aT _ in and upon said plat, and said Chairman to note the acceptance thereof by signing his name as hereinabove subscribed DARKEN K. BROWN FELLOWSHIP ADDITION Or8792, bmf. c 1 U / Vd. 879 \ .x0 I 2E �� -/ I C28 DARREN K. BROWN, R.P.L.S. NO. 5252 401252 ? { Q• s LOT 1 BLOCK A N WITNESS, my hand, this L� day of J ay1'� AD., 2019. _1 � / I II\ 021 Lia `_}1(1' 9,yD Fssta; O d � 0g L0r0 T 7�______io' e�rldr�seag pc wwK Ea GZD/ ua� TUR ACRES T the 0'EPlanning aria zoom Commission Secretary, '•pRS ,>--__-__ NI,�,��wt-�,_--_-__-1� ttJ. GIBBON SURVEY{ABSTRACT 440. 1716 II//�lr,1./� L1 u C,STATE OF TEXAS § CITY OFCOPPELL DALLAS COUNTY TEXAS K�,�(JJ. yU•C�'L� -.COUNTY OF COLLIN 4 5 5 City of Coppell, Texas BEFORE ME, the undersigned, 0 Notary Public in a d far The State of Texas, on this day personally appeared DarrenZoning. PD -29(i -LI N. Brown, known l0 me t0 be xthe person antl officer whose name is subscribed l0 the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me Mat he a ecuted the Rome for Me purposes and considerations therein expressed and in Me/ capacity therein statedOWNER/APPLICANT ENGINEER /SURVEYOR Floodplain Development Permit Application No. has been filed with((1��vxSamaritan's Purse $piers Engineering, Inc. the City of Coppell Floodplain Administrator on 2019. � GIVEN UNDER MY HANG ANO SUL OF OFFICE this the tlay of r6knu rOy 2019. PO BOX 3000 765 Custer Road, Suite 100 Fe lowshl Of Lae CDIina6 y Boone, North Carolina 28607 Plano, 7%75075 p /�I/1 /1 /�Telephone(828) 278-1204 Telephone:(972) 422-0077 //�?/��iua. e4ae; Pg. leen OROcrContact: Ernest Compitello TEPE No. F-2121/III No. F-10043100 FlootlPlain Atlminie[rotor oats Zamrprtl s'g;'_oary u6 aeo'NOmry PUUlia, Smte of texas CpntaLY: David Bond 22 Scale: 1" = 80' January, 2019 SEI Job No. 18-111 NOTES: Curve Table aw/ L"We RAM, mo awe aw:v arae a.. In 1 Basis of bearingderived x017 UTW from the State Plane Coordinate System THENCE along the west line thereof, around o non -tangent curve to Ole left having a central angle of 2049 36 , a radius of 455.00 feet, a chord of 5 0944'02" W - 164.48 feet, an arc length of 165.39 feel to a 1/2"iron red with a plastic yellow cop stamped 'SPIARSENG•set at corner ; rJ N p`V EY I I THENCE S 0640'46" E. 730.81 feet continuing along the west line of said right-of-way to the POINT OF BEGINNING with the subject tract containing IBR OLIO No. 1716 11 l Iad 465,360 square feat or 10.683 scree of land. NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That SAMARITAN'S PURSE, does hereby adopt this plat designating the herein described property as SAMARITANS PURSE FELLOWSHIP ADDITION, LOT 1, BLOCK A, an addition to the City of Coppell, Texas, and does hereby dedicate, in fee simple, to the public use forever the streets shown thereon. The easements shown thereon are hereby reserved for the purposes indicated The utility and fire lane easements shall be open to the public, fire and police 'm\I 'I /II• / units, garbage and rubbish rcollection agencies. and all public and private utilities for each particular use. The maintenance of Daring on the utility and I I I 15' Puh4„ Wafers 1 fire lane easements Is the responsibility of the property owner. No buildings fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growths shall be constructed, I E f { 1/2' ff reconatructed or placed upon, over or s the easements shown. Said easements being hereby reserved for the mutual use and accommodation of Oil _ /` Cg public utilities using or desiring to use some. All and any public utility shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or parts of and buildings, Fellowship of Las Colinas I 24' FiMam Emammi oI 1 L�1 fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growths which in any way endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance or efficiency of its VOL 94O Pg. aa0ORD0r II 1 pp respective right of ingress or egress to or from and upon the said easement for the purpose of constructing, reconstructive, inspecting, patrolling. zonallIf / / � � maintaining and adding to or removing all or parts of its respective systems without the necessity at any time of procuring the permission of anyone. L41� =!7 / (Any public utility shall have the right to ingmss o egress to private property, for Me purpose c of reading meters and any maintenance o required / EyKjri or ordinarily performed by the utility). V _711,00,' D=20'483@' L=165$9' Water main and waste water easements shall also include additional areas of working apace for construction and maintenance of the systems. Additional N441D8'42PJ L6 IS 0 C15=5OW4402"W mal menta is also conveyed a for installation and maintenance of manholes, cleanouts. Ore hydrants, water services and waste water service from the 4iB LD -1 '� main to they area or pavement line, and description of such additional easement herein granted shall be determined by their location as installed. 15OWinage Faint 1 a\ ON. W. 201800267661 OPROCT I I I This plat approved subject to all platting eminences, rules, regulations, and resolutions of the City of Coppell, Texas. G I I Lot 1, Block AM' cMs f/z' aRf 11 //-- I yq � Il I I t0.6B3Ac. WITNESS, my hand, this the � day of JA.4'IN(a1-'Y 2019. $ N 07°wu 9280'/ (466.3MSF) I MIN. ff=525.00 I I LOC 3. Block A Samaritan's Purse c FREEPORT NORTH n , N 27'21'10' E / I I I vd. zo001Zo"4626 aROCT °o'I1 91.7'0' I I 15' Finite NO.20� 224806 �'�I � Y Zarrt'IH: L, BY 4e'/ oI 20 PoN¢ O,orw9e J / I IRon Wilcox. Chief Operations Officer tr Erosion Hazvld Set Texas North Cntral Zane 4202, North American Datum of 1983, _ (2011)'STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 4 2. Selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is a J\ N0142 'E I I I i �L p COUNTY OFTI✓A,ii4�4, § violation of citydinance and state law and is subject to fines and withholding of utilities and banding permits. \ apprax. IacAmn CZ5 0 9 BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for The State of North Carolina, on this day personally appeared Ron Wilcox, known to me to be the FEM9 fIRM Zone A' I (} 3 p erson and officer whose name s subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the some for the purposes and FRANCHISE UTILITY NOTE `\ 1 ( I I I I 014 5 $' f/1• G1RF Oneieerauona therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated I, David Bond, verify that all franchise utilities have each been contacted and provided o i I I III Y GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the 14/ day of w.IRMW _ 2019. copy of the plat and development proposal antl all franchise utility easements and/or Si L\ abandonments are currently shown. I '�\ YI U6 e w 1�\`1 p Notary Public, St!taatre of Noah Carolina KAp6N W MCNER. Davidr Bond ` ii1 hi i III 1rx NOTury PURllc 1 NORTHCMOLINA / I 1 In I att Won F11,4 d eroic Re - WATMNMLOUNIY If.TY!J_ WIRVG Oft Poe1lo Records 54Wm F. Werrai cmun9 clan cp Wi Wt• fK�i/tiS Approv and Accepted: I 447 90-06 11 I I �I I I e nmi2ecly 12 45 2lm Jb'a N • d 091 et $64. Do N TIME I �- \ Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission Date // F City of CapPeil, Texas N 82°09'16"E I I I Lot Block SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 20IM24014 nsoa' / I I IN E 10, RT NORTH Vd. 2000102, Zoning 4B260BOG9 That I, Oaad K. Brown. m Spiers Engineering, Inc., do survey o certify that prepared this plat and Me field notes of Cappelli \ 15' Orm'na East /� I I I II I there rt thereof from a actual and accurate sup vi f Me land and that the comer monuments shown The undersigned, Me Planning and Zoning Commission Secretary of U City pP /C\NIW Doc Na 2pigW26 WRxI� \ ` 1 g4' Fi2yw ly�l II Zaw� O Merman were property placed under my personal supervision, in accordance with the Subtlivision Regulations of Me Texas, Hereby certifee that Me foregoing plat of SAMARITANS PURSE FELLOWSHIP / `��\ n 1 _ MINOR PLAT ADDITION, LOT 1, BLOCK A, an addition to the Cit Coppell was submitted to the Planning x� ` SNkOCk Easement Dat of Coppell, Texas. Y o g \ 20' dear ONi m brat / Y I I I III and Zoning Commission an Me � day of �QY 2018, and Me Planning and s � tr Endear Hazaaa0 Setback / y Dated this the day of O F Zoning Commission, by formal action, then and Mere accepted Me dedication of streets, /X 1O No.1D o;\ I �vU V 2019. hP E, F4fF}N SAMARITANS PURSE alleys, Forks, easements, public places, and water and sewer lines, as shown and set forth N 48'12"E / OPROC!aT _ in and upon said plat, and said Chairman to note the acceptance thereof by signing his name as hereinabove subscribed DARKEN K. BROWN FELLOWSHIP ADDITION Or8792, bmf. c 1 U / Vd. 879 \ .x0 I 2E �� -/ I C28 DARREN K. BROWN, R.P.L.S. NO. 5252 401252 ? { Q• s LOT 1 BLOCK A N WITNESS, my hand, this L� day of J ay1'� AD., 2019. _1 � / I II\ 021 Lia `_}1(1' 9,yD Fssta; O d � 0g L0r0 T 7�______io' e�rldr�seag pc wwK Ea GZD/ ua� TUR ACRES T the 0'EPlanning aria zoom Commission Secretary, '•pRS ,>--__-__ NI,�,��wt-�,_--_-__-1� ttJ. GIBBON SURVEY{ABSTRACT 440. 1716 II//�lr,1./� L1 u C,STATE OF TEXAS § CITY OFCOPPELL DALLAS COUNTY TEXAS K�,�(JJ. yU•C�'L� -.COUNTY OF COLLIN 4 5 5 City of Coppell, Texas BEFORE ME, the undersigned, 0 Notary Public in a d far The State of Texas, on this day personally appeared DarrenZoning. PD -29(i -LI N. Brown, known l0 me t0 be xthe person antl officer whose name is subscribed l0 the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me Mat he a ecuted the Rome for Me purposes and considerations therein expressed and in Me/ capacity therein statedOWNER/APPLICANT ENGINEER /SURVEYOR Floodplain Development Permit Application No. has been filed with((1��vxSamaritan's Purse $piers Engineering, Inc. the City of Coppell Floodplain Administrator on 2019. � GIVEN UNDER MY HANG ANO SUL OF OFFICE this the tlay of r6knu rOy 2019. PO BOX 3000 765 Custer Road, Suite 100 Fe lowshl Of Lae CDIina6 y Boone, North Carolina 28607 Plano, 7%75075 p /�I/1 /1 /�Telephone(828) 278-1204 Telephone:(972) 422-0077 //�?/��iua. e4ae; Pg. leen OROcrContact: Ernest Compitello TEPE No. F-2121/III No. F-10043100 FlootlPlain Atlminie[rotor oats Zamrprtl s'g;'_oary u6 aeo'NOmry PUUlia, Smte of texas CpntaLY: David Bond 22 Scale: 1" = 80' January, 2019 SEI Job No. 18-111 Curve Table aw/ L"We RAM, mo awe aw:v arae a.. In uw' NW' Fli x017 UTW LIM R 7a&' AN WWW' NN'19IrE M71' u 12.0 DW' N'OW' 0nV3rE Cup Of no DW' April' Irld?ur[ TOM 6 29A' N/A' MI S 5176 Me E 2791 Is ONO SOW' M'a'rs' NWATW'E nz1 GO 50 NN' III Nw'w'SrW vin' 1.9' MN' 41MN' NOnxiA ci eDi' JAW' WsMe N4fwr2'W NO sl an MW' 16alls. NTalw mr- IJ55 AIS' Awaro- N ITN'18' W Cap C12 ON MW' WWWO SNON III Sk TIO CIJ M17' AM WN'W' S45W'M'E ON' ON ELA' M.N' roar NWICOM'W nm' LI5 III IMS' MI Hnon' W Am C16 are Were now NOT12'W'W n7 CI7 We WN' rear' NIOWA' W 1021 C18 Car' .W.N' OMAN N IONIC' IF& On OAT' SON' 1944'-0' N ION Or W OM' CA ONO WW' SZ51 Yfi R'53'Zfi E 2826 RI MWO WW' .ti'SI Jfi I715726( 28M On M17 ISM' MAN' Na'19'WC III 021 1295' AN' NON' N 61'5255 E 17M CN IS17' .0W' 29'iTm' 1Asia' W ISN/ 1 1' 5M'v65W e47 225 2a1s e'aN' f9iasr 5uxa'W 2271' CBI eI K' ffiW' 118-05'-0' 5 W'W'AI'E 71.42' CM 6.59' A.N' Inila' NN'IW42'E 857 THENCE along the west line thereof, around o non -tangent curve to Ole left having a central angle of 2049 36 , a radius of 455.00 feet, a chord of 5 0944'02" W - 164.48 feet, an arc length of 165.39 feel to a 1/2"iron red with a plastic yellow cop stamped 'SPIARSENG•set at corner ; rJ N p`V EY I I THENCE S 0640'46" E. 730.81 feet continuing along the west line of said right-of-way to the POINT OF BEGINNING with the subject tract containing IBR OLIO No. 1716 11 l Iad 465,360 square feat or 10.683 scree of land. NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That SAMARITAN'S PURSE, does hereby adopt this plat designating the herein described property as SAMARITANS PURSE FELLOWSHIP ADDITION, LOT 1, BLOCK A, an addition to the City of Coppell, Texas, and does hereby dedicate, in fee simple, to the public use forever the streets shown thereon. The easements shown thereon are hereby reserved for the purposes indicated The utility and fire lane easements shall be open to the public, fire and police 'm\I 'I /II• / units, garbage and rubbish rcollection agencies. and all public and private utilities for each particular use. The maintenance of Daring on the utility and I I I 15' Puh4„ Wafers 1 fire lane easements Is the responsibility of the property owner. No buildings fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growths shall be constructed, I E f { 1/2' ff reconatructed or placed upon, over or s the easements shown. Said easements being hereby reserved for the mutual use and accommodation of Oil _ /` Cg public utilities using or desiring to use some. All and any public utility shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or parts of and buildings, Fellowship of Las Colinas I 24' FiMam Emammi oI 1 L�1 fences, trees, shrubs, or other improvements or growths which in any way endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance or efficiency of its VOL 94O Pg. aa0ORD0r II 1 pp respective right of ingress or egress to or from and upon the said easement for the purpose of constructing, reconstructive, inspecting, patrolling. zonallIf / / � � maintaining and adding to or removing all or parts of its respective systems without the necessity at any time of procuring the permission of anyone. L41� =!7 / (Any public utility shall have the right to ingmss o egress to private property, for Me purpose c of reading meters and any maintenance o required / EyKjri or ordinarily performed by the utility). V _711,00,' D=20'483@' L=165$9' Water main and waste water easements shall also include additional areas of working apace for construction and maintenance of the systems. Additional N441D8'42PJ L6 IS 0 C15=5OW4402"W mal menta is also conveyed a for installation and maintenance of manholes, cleanouts. Ore hydrants, water services and waste water service from the 4iB LD -1 '� main to they area or pavement line, and description of such additional easement herein granted shall be determined by their location as installed. 15OWinage Faint 1 a\ ON. W. 201800267661 OPROCT I I I This plat approved subject to all platting eminences, rules, regulations, and resolutions of the City of Coppell, Texas. G I I Lot 1, Block AM' cMs f/z' aRf 11 //-- I yq � Il I I t0.6B3Ac. WITNESS, my hand, this the � day of JA.4'IN(a1-'Y 2019. $ N 07°wu 9280'/ (466.3MSF) I MIN. ff=525.00 I I LOC 3. Block A Samaritan's Purse c FREEPORT NORTH n , N 27'21'10' E / I I I vd. zo001Zo"4626 aROCT °o'I1 91.7'0' I I 15' Finite NO.20� 224806 �'�I � Y Zarrt'IH: L, BY 4e'/ oI 20 PoN¢ O,orw9e J / I IRon Wilcox. Chief Operations Officer tr Erosion Hazvld Set Texas North Cntral Zane 4202, North American Datum of 1983, _ (2011)'STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 4 2. Selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is a J\ N0142 'E I I I i �L p COUNTY OFTI✓A,ii4�4, § violation of citydinance and state law and is subject to fines and withholding of utilities and banding permits. \ apprax. IacAmn CZ5 0 9 BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for The State of North Carolina, on this day personally appeared Ron Wilcox, known to me to be the FEM9 fIRM Zone A' I (} 3 p erson and officer whose name s subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the some for the purposes and FRANCHISE UTILITY NOTE `\ 1 ( I I I I 014 5 $' f/1• G1RF Oneieerauona therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated I, David Bond, verify that all franchise utilities have each been contacted and provided o i I I III Y GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the 14/ day of w.IRMW _ 2019. copy of the plat and development proposal antl all franchise utility easements and/or Si L\ abandonments are currently shown. I '�\ YI U6 e w 1�\`1 p Notary Public, St!taatre of Noah Carolina KAp6N W MCNER. Davidr Bond ` ii1 hi i III 1rx NOTury PURllc 1 NORTHCMOLINA / I 1 In I att Won F11,4 d eroic Re - WATMNMLOUNIY If.TY!J_ WIRVG Oft Poe1lo Records 54Wm F. Werrai cmun9 clan cp Wi Wt• fK�i/tiS Approv and Accepted: I 447 90-06 11 I I �I I I e nmi2ecly 12 45 2lm Jb'a N • d 091 et $64. Do N TIME I �- \ Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission Date // F City of CapPeil, Texas N 82°09'16"E I I I Lot Block SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 20IM24014 nsoa' / I I IN E 10, RT NORTH Vd. 2000102, Zoning 4B260BOG9 That I, Oaad K. Brown. m Spiers Engineering, Inc., do survey o certify that prepared this plat and Me field notes of Cappelli \ 15' Orm'na East /� I I I II I there rt thereof from a actual and accurate sup vi f Me land and that the comer monuments shown The undersigned, Me Planning and Zoning Commission Secretary of U City pP /C\NIW Doc Na 2pigW26 WRxI� \ ` 1 g4' Fi2yw ly�l II Zaw� O Merman were property placed under my personal supervision, in accordance with the Subtlivision Regulations of Me Texas, Hereby certifee that Me foregoing plat of SAMARITANS PURSE FELLOWSHIP / `��\ n 1 _ MINOR PLAT ADDITION, LOT 1, BLOCK A, an addition to the Cit Coppell was submitted to the Planning x� ` SNkOCk Easement Dat of Coppell, Texas. Y o g \ 20' dear ONi m brat / Y I I I III and Zoning Commission an Me � day of �QY 2018, and Me Planning and s � tr Endear Hazaaa0 Setback / y Dated this the day of O F Zoning Commission, by formal action, then and Mere accepted Me dedication of streets, /X 1O No.1D o;\ I �vU V 2019. hP E, F4fF}N SAMARITANS PURSE alleys, Forks, easements, public places, and water and sewer lines, as shown and set forth N 48'12"E / OPROC!aT _ in and upon said plat, and said Chairman to note the acceptance thereof by signing his name as hereinabove subscribed DARKEN K. BROWN FELLOWSHIP ADDITION Or8792, bmf. c 1 U / Vd. 879 \ .x0 I 2E �� -/ I C28 DARREN K. BROWN, R.P.L.S. NO. 5252 401252 ? { Q• s LOT 1 BLOCK A N WITNESS, my hand, this L� day of J ay1'� AD., 2019. _1 � / I II\ 021 Lia `_}1(1' 9,yD Fssta; O d � 0g L0r0 T 7�______io' e�rldr�seag pc wwK Ea GZD/ ua� TUR ACRES T the 0'EPlanning aria zoom Commission Secretary, '•pRS ,>--__-__ NI,�,��wt-�,_--_-__-1� ttJ. GIBBON SURVEY{ABSTRACT 440. 1716 II//�lr,1./� L1 u C,STATE OF TEXAS § CITY OFCOPPELL DALLAS COUNTY TEXAS K�,�(JJ. yU•C�'L� -.COUNTY OF COLLIN 4 5 5 City of Coppell, Texas BEFORE ME, the undersigned, 0 Notary Public in a d far The State of Texas, on this day personally appeared DarrenZoning. PD -29(i -LI N. Brown, known l0 me t0 be xthe person antl officer whose name is subscribed l0 the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me Mat he a ecuted the Rome for Me purposes and considerations therein expressed and in Me/ capacity therein statedOWNER/APPLICANT ENGINEER /SURVEYOR Floodplain Development Permit Application No. has been filed with((1��vxSamaritan's Purse $piers Engineering, Inc. the City of Coppell Floodplain Administrator on 2019. � GIVEN UNDER MY HANG ANO SUL OF OFFICE this the tlay of r6knu rOy 2019. PO BOX 3000 765 Custer Road, Suite 100 Fe lowshl Of Lae CDIina6 y Boone, North Carolina 28607 Plano, 7%75075 p /�I/1 /1 /�Telephone(828) 278-1204 Telephone:(972) 422-0077 //�?/��iua. e4ae; Pg. leen OROcrContact: Ernest Compitello TEPE No. F-2121/III No. F-10043100 FlootlPlain Atlminie[rotor oats Zamrprtl s'g;'_oary u6 aeo'NOmry PUUlia, Smte of texas CpntaLY: David Bond 22 Scale: 1" = 80' January, 2019 SEI Job No. 18-111