CC Cover Memo1
To: Mayor and City Council
From: Mindi Hurley, Director of Community Development
Date: March 27, 2018
Reference: Consider approval of PD-293-LI, Sherrill Acres, a rezoning request from LI to PD-293-
LI to allow the subdivision of the property into two lots, allowing the retention of the
existing office on Lot 2B1 and the approval of Concept Plan for Lot 2B2 for the future
office building, containing 1.44 acres of property located at 1703 East Belt Line Road.
2030: Business Prosperity
Executive Summary:
This lot has recently been purchased and the current owners desire to sell the southern portion of the lot
for a separate office development. When an existing lot is divided into two it alters the development
regulations, including increasing the landscaping requirements, adjusting the building lines and presents
other development challenges. To allow this to occur and still be compliant with the various provisions
of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, a Planned Development District was required.
This property is a part of a three-lot subdivision which contains three medical offices and one general
office. When the lotting pattern was approved in the early 2000’s it was envisioned that this lot would
be developed with two office buildings sharing access, parking, dumpters, etc. Since that time, the
medical office was constructed on the northern portion of the lot, and the southern portion remains vacant.
To allow a second office building to be constructed on a separate lot, several setback and landscape
variances and a flag lot configuration was required to comply with Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances.
When this was approved approximately 15 years ago, a 15’ wide hike and bike trail easement was
dedicated along the west property line of this tract. To address the deficit in landscaping, the applicant
has offered to build the hike and bike trail along the extent of their property.
While this is not an ideal lotting pattern, the existence of two lots will be invisible to occupants and
visitors to the site, and allowing the development of an office building on this long-standing vacant
property is desirable.
On February 15, 2018, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of PD-293-LI,
Sherrill Acres the following conditions will be incorporated as PD Conditions:
1. Approval of a Detail Site Plan shall be required prior to the development Lot 2B2.
2. The hike and bike trail shall be constructed by the property owner/developer from the southern property
line to Belt Line Road prior to the certificate of occupancy for the development on Lot 2B2 or within five
years, whichever occurs first.
3. The occupants of the building on Lot 2B2 shall be permitted to advertise on the existing monument sign
located on Lot 2B1.
4. The occupants of Lot 2B1 shall retain the right to use the existing dumpster located on Lot 2B2.
5. Variances to the Landscape Ordinance.
Legal Review:
This item did not require City Attorney review
Fiscal Impact:
The Planning Department recommends approval.
1. Staff Report
2. Site Plan
3. Tree Survey
4. Landscape Plan