DRC CommentsPD18-06-000254 Plan Case ID CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Project Name , Lot , BkCOMMENTS 1125 NORTHPOINT DR Address Marcie Diamond Case Manager 06/20/2018 Application Complete Date Planned Development - Detail PD - New/Not In Conformance Plan Type / Workclass PD-242R4-HC, Holiday Inn Express Project Description Agency Reviewed By Review Date Plan Review Details Building Suzanne Arnold 06/28/2018 No comment on site plan. Insufficient detail to review building code issues. Engineering George Marshall 06/27/2018 Standard Detailed Engineering - FYI comment - There may be additional comments gernerated upon detailed engineering review. Site Plan: 1) The entrances and exits out of the additional parking to the west will need more pavement so that cars are able to turn in and use this area. 2) Clearly show what is proposed with this phase of construction and what is existing. The fire lanes should already be dedicated by plat. 3) Provide curve labels and dimensions throughout the site plan. 4) The Fire lanes are to be constructed with Aloft not Holiday Inn. 5) Double row parking is 9x19' not 18'. - UNRESOLVED General - Drainage Plan: 1) Show affect of existing drainage area divides and how the pipe system can carry this additional flow. - UNRESOLVED Fire Tim Oates 06/28/2018 1. FDC lines should be 4", not 6" - buildings are less than 100,000 2. North hotel is not properly showing the required 'fire riser room' - minimum 64sf (8x8) with direct access from exterior. 3. Canopies that encroach into the fire lane easement must have 14ft clearance. 4. All fire lanes for the property must be completely installed prior to building construction going beyond foundation. Parks John Elias 06/26/2018 no comments Planning Marcie Diamond Site Plan 1. Replat will be required to accommodate this additional land. 2. Verify the acreage and the building size as the number are different on the landscape plan. 3. Indicate the full width of the driveways leading to the parking area proposed to the west of the building 4. When parking spaces are “nose to nose” minimum 19’ depth is required – if adjacent to landscaped median or area, 18’ depth is allowed. 5. The northern row of parking (5 spaces) is encroaching on the required 15’ landscape setback. 6. Currently it appears that you are requesting a one parking space variance, once the site plan is revised as required above, the shortage of parking will most likely increase. 7. Note about requesting a variance “to include 6 colors” 1 of 2 PD18-06-000254 Plan Case ID CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Project Name , Lot , BkCOMMENTS needs to be revised to reflect elevations of this hotel – 4 colors? 8. Include the recently installed decorative metal fence along the east property line. 9. Max. attached sign, if determined on the façade of the building with the main entrance, and not façade adjacent to the street, would be 224 square feet. The two building signs requested would be 244 square feet, and must be reduced to be in compliance with code. 10. There appears to be a Limited Service Restaurant, at least a breakfast bar shown on the 1st floor plan. First Floor Plan 1. Add the square footages on the plan for clarification – i.e. what is the size of the meeting room vs. the board room? 2. Does “suite” just indicate a larger room and not the inclusion of kitchen/cooking facilities? Landscape Plan 1. The calculations are in error and do not match the site plan. a. Parking is encroaching into the required 15’ landscape buffer along Northpoint Drive, how can the calculations indicate that that requirement is met? b. The provided and the required # of trees do not add up. c. It appears that there is a shortage in non-vehicular landscaping, but that cannot be determined until the area calculations are corrected. 2. Consider adding shrubs, ornamental trees and/or seasonal color along the front façade of the building. 3. Is the “enhanced paving area” the proposed patio? 4. A minimum of 30% of the lot needs to be landscaped Building Elevations/Signage 1. Max. attached sign allowed if determined on the façade of the building with the main entrance, and not façade adjacent to the street, would be 224 square feet. The two building signs requested would be 244 square feet, and must be reduced to be in compliance with code. 2. No monument sign is being shown or would be permitted unless included on the site plan, with elevations on 2 of 2