DRC CommentsPD18-05-000240 Plan Case ID
Project Name Coppell Middle School Easr, Lot , BkCOMMENTS
Case Manager
05/24/2018 Application Complete Date
Planned Development - Detail PD - New/Not In Conformance Plan Type / Workclass
PD-292R-SF-12 Project Description
Agency Reviewed By Review Date Plan Review Details
Building Suzanne Arnold 05/31/2018 No comments on site plan.
Comments for permit plan review:
1. Need overall occupant load and construction type.
2. Show fire walls in existing building.
3. Correct building code on G01-01: Should be 2015
International Building Code.
4. Gym addition is indicated as being the storm shelter –
must be constructed per ICC 500.
5. Need to discuss peak occupant load of new gym with
respect to the rest of the building.
Engineering George Marshall 05/31/2018 Standard Detailed Engineering - FYI comment - There may be
additional comments gernerated upon detailed engineering
Provide Fire lane around the building.
The entire set of engineering plans have not been reviewed
through this process. The City is waiting on a resubmittal from
the engineer based on the first set of review comments. -
Fire Tim Oates 05/31/2018 1. Site Plan indicates fire sprinkler system to be installed,
shown on utility plans - please show on site plan as well.
2. The fire lane easement minimum turning radii 30-ft inside,
54-ft outside.
3. Fire hydrant required within 50-ft of FDC - prefer 3-ft.
4. The riser room shall be a minimum of 64 sq ft, with
minimum dimension of 8-ft. Fire alarm panel to be relocated to
the riser room.
5. Riser room to have direct access to the exterior.
Parks John Elias 05/31/2018 No comments
Planning Marcie Diamond General - Sheet C0.300 and C0.301
1. Correct Site Restrictions to read as follows:
a. The use of the outdoor sound system shall not be permitted
prior to 8:00 a.m. or after 9:00 p.m. and shall only be used for
athletic competitions and not practice.
b. The sound system including speakers and projection
elements shall not produce sound exceeding 50 decibels as
measured from the perimeter of the property.
c. The lighting of the track and football field shall not be
permitted before 6:30 a.m. or after 9:00 p.m.
d. The use of these facilities shall be limited to CISD athletic
and extracurricular uses only.
2. Correct the existing zoning to PD-292-SF-12 and the
proposed to PD-292R-SF-12
3. Correct the scale from 1”=100’ to 1” = 60’
4. Add all existing parking counts as well as revised parking
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PD18-05-000240 Plan Case ID
Project Name Coppell Middle School Easr, Lot , BkCOMMENTS
counts to the table - I counted 57 in front of the Elementary
School, and 200 for Middle School East – please verify and
add to the Parking Tabulations table.
5. Revise the setback lines on the plan to match what is in the
Site Data Summary Table.
6. It is reccommended that this property be platted to provide
the existing and proposed utility easments and the existing
and proposed fire lanes.
7. The existing fence (and proposed hedge row) needs to be
relocated out of the existing detention pond at the northeast
corner of the property. - UNRESOLVED
General -
Landscape Plan
1. Incorporate all applicable revisions as required to Sheets
Co.300 and 301.
2. Correct the spelling of cafeteria
3. Are there any options available to not remove the existing
Cedar Elm (10”?) and disrupt the mature tree line and
replacing with 3” Cedar Elms?
4. Add a second overstory trees in the parking lot islands that
serve a double row of parking.
5. To provide the visual buffer as agreed to with the previous
zoning request (site revisions) minimum 7 to 10 gallon Nellie
R Stevens are recommended. 5 gallon, 2 foot tall plants will
not provide the required buffer in a reasonable time period.
Do not need to submit the life safety plan with this PD request.
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