Council Cover Memo - Feb 26th1
To: Mayor and City Council
From: Mindi Hurley, Director of Community Development
Date: February 26, 2019
Reference: Consider approval of PD-295-HC, Archway to establish a Concept Site Plan for a gas
station, hotel, retail, restaurants and office uses on 8.7 acres and a Detail Site Plan for a
Convenience Food Store with gas pumps on 2.14 acres until February 26, 2019.
2030: Business Prosperity
Executive Summary:
The Planning Commission recommended denial of this request, therefore a super majority vote of City
Council (6 out of 7) is required to overturn the P&Z recommendation. On February 12, 2019 the City
Council, at the applicant’s request, tabled the consideration of this PD, with the public hearing left open,
until February 26, 2019.
This is a two-part request. Part one is to establish a Concept Plan for a convenience store with gas pumps,
hotel, retail, restaurant and office uses, on the entire 8.7 acres, and the second part is a request for approval
of a Detail Site Plan to allow a QT convenience store with gas pumps to be built at the corner of SH 121
and Freeport Parkway.
The initial request included a prototypical gas station (red brick), with red awnings and accents and non-
compliant signs at the corner of the freeway and Freeport Parkway, with a Concept Plan for the remaining
6.5 acres for pad sites for hotel, retail, restaurant and hotel uses. While these other land uses are supported
by the HC zoning and the land use designation on the Comprehensive Plan, the conceptual designs and
submitted include “no coherent architectural theme”. The remaining buildings were modern, two-tone
grey toned brick. The only architectural theme being extended from the QT is the inclusion of non-
compliant red awnings for the restaurant. There are also no apparent “focal points” or 50-foot, privately
owned, landscaped buffer along the Freeway. The request also included reductions in landscaped areas
as well as the ability to build the hotel and drive-through restaurants without additional public hearings.
In response to staff’s recommendation and the comments and discussion at the November Planning and
Zoning Commission hearing, the applicant revised the request for the January meeting which:
• Revised QT site plan by placing the convenience store at the corner of SH 121 and Freeport
Parkway and the gas canopy along Freeport Parkway.
• Revised the Concept Plan by replacing the 3,900 square foot drive-through restaurant with an
8,400 square foot retail building and increased the proposed office from a two-story 34,300 to a
4-5 story 73,720 square foot office building with structured parking and provided a pedestrian
plaza area connecting the retail to the hotel.
• Revised the Conceptual Building Elevations to incorporate building materials from the QT and
added architectural features such as metal canopies.
• Increased buffers along street frontages from 15’ to 20’ to meet ordinance requirements.
• Saved one 22” pecan tree, and
• Added Archway 121 Entry Sign(s).
As detailed on the attached QT Variances and Outstanding Technical Conditions, this request still
includes a significant reduction in landscaped areas in the Concept Plan areas, variances to sign and
canopy materials to allow the QT and a number of unresolved technical and drafting errors.
On February 12, 2019, the City Council, at the applicant’s request, tabled the consideration of this PD,
with the public hearing left open, until February 26, 2019.
On January 17, 2019, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended DENIAL of the revised PD-
295-HC, Archway due to the variances being requested to the Zoning Ordinance to allow significant
deficits in landscaping in the Concept Plan areas, variances to sign and canopy materials to allow the QT
and the number of unresolved technical and drafting errors.
On November 15, 2018, the Planning and Zoning Commission held this request under advisement for 60
days to allow sufficient time for the applicant to revise the request to address issues and concerns raised
by staff and the Planning and Zoning Commission at the November public hearing.
Legal Review:
This did not require city attorney review
Fiscal Impact:
The Planning Department recommended Denial
1. QT Variances and Outstanding Technical Conditions
2. Staff Report
3. Applicant’s Letter – Revised January 8, 2019
4. Concept Site Plan
5. Concept Phasing Exhibit
6. Concept Overall Landscape Plan (5 pages)
7. Concept Overall Landscape Rendering
8. Concept Tree Survey
9. Concept Retail Office Elevations
10. Concept Wall Signs (Branding Development)
11. QT Site Plan
12. QT Paving Plan
13. QT Landscape Plan
14. QT Building Elevations
15. QT Canopy Elevations
16. QT Signs – Attached
17. QT Signs – Monument
18. QT Signs – Canopy
19. QT Rendering
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QT Variances and Outstanding Technical Conditions
QT Detail Site Plan
The approval of the Detail Site Plan for the QT would require the following variances to the Zoning
Variance to allow two monument signs, where only one 60-square foot sign is permitted, and they
appear to be internally illuminated. As noted above, a “Archway 121” development sign is also
proposed for this lot.
An attached, 121 square foot wall sign along the front façade of the QT building, exceeds the
maximum permitted by the sign ordinance by 29 square feet.
The red metal canopies on the buildings are prohibited in the Zoning Ordinance.
There appears to be window signage which covers 100% of the window, whereas, a maximum of 10%
is permitted by ordinance, and
To allow 20 sq. ft. button signs on the gas canopy.
Outstanding Technical and Drafting Conditions as identified through the DRC process and remain
1. Traffic Impact Analysis being submitted prior to subdivision plat.
2. Resolve the discrepancies in the calculations in the Detail Plan and as portrayed in the Concept
Plan for the QT Site
3. Where are the monument signs/decorative walls proposed to be located included on the
“Development Branding” exhibit, if they are the unlabeled crescent shaped elements on the plan,
then the would require several variances to the Sign Ordinance in terms of number of signs,
placement and size, etc. Need additional detail as to size, materials, colors, illumination etc.
4. Need additional detail on the patio/decorative paving area to be provided, if for outdoor seating
then it needs to be noted and parked for that use.
5. What is the width of the landscaped area between Tracts B & D, it is noted as three different
6. Loading Areas (minimum of 12 feet by 30 feet) will be required for the hotel as well as the office.
7. Fire Lanes need to be labeled Fire Lanes and Mutual Access Easements and shall have a minimum
radii of 30 ft. inside and 54 ft. outside.
8. Need to provide additional detail on the proposed 4 story office, including what is the maximum
9. Provide clarity if the QT will be equipped with an automatic fire sprinkler system, as required for
buildings 5,000 sq. f.t or greater. If so, then a riser room (minimum of 56 sq. ft.) must be included
to accommodate fire/life safety systems. The FDC must be located on the building adjacent to the
riser room, and the fuel islands shall be visible from POS.
10. Label/ title the Phase 1 exhibit, as such
11. Rectify all discrepancies in size of buildings, landscape calculations, etc.
12. Revise Concept Plan, Landscape Plan and Tree Survey to be the same scale and orientation. QT
plans should also have the same orientation
13. Submit Building Elevations for the QT with materials specified.
14. Correct the parking counts for the QT on the Concept and Phase One Exhibits
15. Concept Utility Plans need to be revised to
a. include all proposed utilities (water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer) for proposed
development (not just for QT),
b. include sanitary sewer size,
c. make connection between the proposed and existing, and
d. add vault with double detector check at the Northwestern connection.
16. QT Utility Plans need to be revised to
a. include to include size for water main loop and sanitary sewer service
b. include the storm sewer system, and
c. the proposed fire hydrant south of QT will be required with QT phase.