DRC Comments NovemberPD18-08-000269 Plan Case ID CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Project Name Prologis , Lot 3 , 2R, BkBCOMMENTS 455 N FREEPORT PKWY Address Marcie Diamond Case Manager 10/22/2018 Application Complete Date Planned Development - Conceptual PD Plan Type / Workclass PD-295-HC Archway 121 Project Description Agency Reviewed By Review Date Plan Review Details Building Suzanne Arnold No comments at this time. Engineering Kumar Gali 10/24/2018 1. Provide preliminary drainage plan showing no impacts to downstream storm sewer system. 2. Provide a looped, private water line system to serve the site. 3. If maintenance is required on the water line, a portion of the fire lane could be disrupted. Consider locating WL in that area. 4. A Traffic Impact Analysis will be needed to evaluate if additional right-turn decal lanes will be needed. 5. Additional comments will be provided upon receipt of detailed engineering plans Fire Tim Oates 1. Water/Fire Hydrant system does not meet city standards. Looped system required with double detector check valve vaults. FH spaced at 300 ft intervals along the fire lane easements. 2. Fire lane shall extend around the hotel site – west side of property – continue to the QT site. 3. Radii for fire lanes are 30-ft inside, 54-ft outside for 24 ft fire lane – can differ if fire lane width increases. Parks John Elias 10/25/2018 1. Tree Survey is incorrect, please remove all unprotected trees from the tree survey. Note: all trees are protected at 10"DBH or greater. Planning Marcie Diamond Opening Statement: The HC District (the zoning on this property) is intended primarily as a high intensity area permitting a mixed-use for office, commercial-retail, and highway oriented uses, such as hotels, restaurants, and low and mid-rise offices, and should be located generally along high-volume thoroughfares. The site characteristics for each area should be designed in a manner to create an attractive appearance from I.H. 635 and S.H. 121, and an impressive gateway into the community. Because these areas are designated as major thoroughfare entry points, emphasis has been placed on building arrangement, setbacks, parking, and landscape treatment, which are intended to be elements influencing the character of entrance into the city. It is the intention of the "highway commercial" zoning district to create an attractive and unique entrance into the city. The 2030 Master Plan echo’s that intent. The exhibits submitted do not appear to address the purpose and intent of the Zoning or the Future Land Use designation on this property. Technical Comments: Winkelmann Letter 1. Requested variances to HC – The four variances (A-D) are 1 of 4 PD18-08-000269 Plan Case ID CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Project Name Prologis , Lot 3 , 2R, BkBCOMMENTS requesting that the uses required to have SUP’s should be permitted subject to P&Z Approval as a detail site plan. • Staff cannot support these variances as the specified purpose of requiring SUP’s for drive through restaurants, gas stations and hotels is to allow City Council, after recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission, to determine the appropriateness of the use, its character and impact on surrounding properties. • This Concept Plan, if approved, will require Detail Site Plans to be approved through public hearing process for gas stations, hotels and drive-thru restaurants as they require SUP’s in the Zoning Ordinance. 2. Development Code Variances: A. What is the rationale for requesting 10-foot building setbacks and HC requires 20 feet side and 30’ rear setbacks? One area on the Concept Plan indicates a 5’ setback. B. In the HC District a minimum 20 landscape setback is required along streets, why is there a request to violate that landscape setback with parking? HC District and Freeway Special District Land Use Designation encourages a greater setback (30-50 feet) along these major thoroughfares. C. In response to this request to determine landscaping requirement on an overall basis instead of lot by lot - there is an opportunity to adjust landscaping numbers if a significant landscape feature is provided (common/gathering area, fountain, public art, etc.) or similar compensation… not just a few trees in unusable corners of the property. In addition, each individual lot must achieve a minimum of 30% landscaped areas. D. Understanding this property is bounded by streets, 94% of the parking being provided in the front yard appears excessive, especially considering that the HC district encourages a greater setback (30-50 feet) along these major thoroughfares which is not being accommodated on SH 121 Service Road or Northwest Drive (Except for Tract A) . Exhibit A – Development Plan Concept Site Plan 1. Relabel this sheet/revise the Title block to Concept Plan for PD295-HC – Archway/121 2. Add a detail list of requested variances to the Zoning Ordinance, the HC District regulations and the Landscape Ordinance 3. In the HC District a minimum 20 Landscape setback is required along streets, and 30-50 foot wide buffer is encouraged. 4. Are Tract B and E intended to be one Lot? 5. Why does the fire lane not connect in front of the proposed hotel? 6. More clearly indicate the Hike and Bike trail along Freeport Parkway. 7. All fire lanes need to be fire lane and mutual access easements. 8. Where are the monument signs proposed to be located? 9. Loading Areas (minimum of 12 by 30 feet) will be required for the multi-tenant building, the hotel as well as the office 2 of 4 PD18-08-000269 Plan Case ID CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Project Name Prologis , Lot 3 , 2R, BkBCOMMENTS building 10. Concept Site Data Table revise: a) Tract A – parking for convenience store is 1 space per 200 g.s.f = 24 spaces, plus 6 + 30 spaces required b) Tract C – indicate maximum square footage of restaurant based on number of parking spaces. Exhibits C1 and C3 - Landscape Plan and Tables 1. Add tract numbers to reflect the notations on the Concept Plan and re-orient and re-scale the Landscape Plan to match the Concept Site Plan. There are several minor discrepancies. 2. As stated above, some variations to the amount of landscaping per lot could potentially be justified if compensated with overall design and amenity package and the minimum of 30% of each lot to be landscaped areas is achieved. As presented, it is not acceptable. a. Note that the non-vehicular calculation is net of the provided perimeter and interior landscaped areas. b. Perimeter landscaping is required along all interior lot lines but may be relocated internal to the site (including required number of trees) where mutual access/driveways are along the lot lines. At this Concept Plan stage, and an accurate accounting of the areas designated as landscaping (both soft and hardscape) as well as quantity and size of landscape materials (overstory trees, ground cover and shrubs) is more pertinent than specific plant material types. 3. More clearly indicate the Hike and Bike trail along Freeport Parkway. Exhibit C3 - Tree survey 1. The tree calculations are not correct please review Section 12-24-2-1 of the Code of Ordinances, in summary: a. For protected trees (which includes all trees 6” or greater and Hackberry, Bois d'Arc and Mesquite Trees 10” or greater) , reparation will be made in the amount of $100.00 per one inch DBH for trees less than 12 inches DBH and $200.00 per one inch DBH for trees 12 inches DBH and greater. b. For specimen trees (minimum size of 24-inch caliper DBH) reparation will be made for the appraised value of the removed tree as determined by CLTA (council of landscaping tree appraisers) guidelines. c. Historic trees (minimum size of 40-inch caliper DBH or 100 years of age or older) must be preserved and cannot be removed unless "hardship" is applied for and approved by the city council. a. If a hardship is approved, reparation will be made for the appraised value of the removed tree as determined by CLTA (council of landscaping tree appraisers) guidelines. 2. Is there any opportunity to preserve any of the trees, such as the 22’ pecan along SH121? Concept Elevations Exhibit B1 – Hotel Elevations 1. 4-story hotel would most likely not meet the requirements of either the Zoning Ordinance or the Building Code. 3 of 4 PD18-08-000269 Plan Case ID CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Project Name Prologis , Lot 3 , 2R, BkBCOMMENTS Exhibit B2- Restaurant Elevations 1. The elevations indicate a patio, but none is shown on the Concept Site Plan. 2. Red awnings – violate the provision of the Zoning Ordinance, but are consistent with the requested red awnings of the QT – is this the theme that will be throughout the development? Exhibit B3 – Fuel Center Elevations Page 1 – 1. Are two monument signs proposed, as indicated on this sheet, but nowhere else in the submittal package? 2. Will the sidewalk be continued along SH 121? 3. Outdoor patio area proposed? 4. The building will essentially be hidden from the prominent intersection of SH 121 and Freeport Parkway by the gas canopy. Pages 2, 3 and 4 1. The building style, color and materials, as requested, are not consistent or architecturally compatible with the remainder of the development. 2. Proposed brick wall? 3’ tall? Is not indicated on any other plans. If desired, will need to be specified on the site and landscape plans. 3. Signage and awning color do not comply with Zoning Ordinance. Page 5 1. Note that compliance with Outside Storage and Display – Retail Stores and Shops in Article 42 – Special Definitions of the Zoning Ordinance which prohibits outside storage and display under canopies and awnings, and only permits outside storage when visually screened with a solid wall will be adhered to. Exhibit D – Site Signage 1. What is the purpose of this Exhibit? 2. Does QT not intend to have gas prices on their monument sign? This illustration conflicts with the rendering package for this use. 3. Will there be standards for attached signs to be consistent architectural theme while permitting branding/logos of the individual tenants? Are the QT attached signs setting the standard for this development? Also included in the resubmittal are but not on the list of exhibits: • “Concept Elevations” - note that EFIS is not classified as a masonry product, and the HC District notes that “Masonry is further defined as brick and stone of earth tone colors, other brick colors shall be permitted as accent provided that, in combination, accent materials and non-masonry materials do not exceed the 20 percent non-masonry benchmark on any one façade”. • Picture of Light Fixture – what is the purpose of this? Does not appear to be incorporated in any of the other exhibits. In Summary, the staff cannot support the approval of this Concept Plan. 4 of 4