January P& Z Staff Report ITEM # 5 Page 1 of 8 CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT PD-295-HC, Archway 121 P&Z HEARING DATE: November 15, 2018 Held under advisement until January 17, 2019 C.C. HEARING DATE: February 12, 2019 STAFF REP.: Marcie Diamond, Assistant Director of Community Development/Planning LOCATION: S.H. 121 and Freeport Parkway, S.E.C. SIZE OF AREA: 8.7 acres of property CURRENT ZONING: HC (Highway Commercial) REQUEST: A zoning change request to PD-295-HC (Planned Development-295-Highway Commercial), to establish a Concept Site Plan for gas station, hotel, retail, restaurants and office uses on 8.7 acres and a Detail Site Plan for a Convenience Food Store with gas pumps on 2.14 acres. APPLICANT: Owner: Engineer: Archway 121 Coppell Ltd. Chase Helm 13430 Northwest Frwy, Ste 395 Winkelmann & Associates Houston, Texas 77040 6750 Hillcrest Plaza Drive 214-697-1807 Dallas, Texas 75230 Email: ewhawk@archwayprop.com (972) 490-7090 Email: chase@winkelmann.com HISTORY: In 2003, the Planning and Zoning Commission called a series of public hearings to determine the proper zoning along the limited frontages the city of Coppell has along freeways. The intent of this initiative, which was adopted by City Council, was to revise the 1996 Future Land Use Plan and to rezone these properties from Light Industrial to Highway Commercial to “allow the land owners significant flexibly in development options to take advantage of the highway access while assuring compliance with the vision for the City’s most visible corridors”. The 2030 Comprehensive Plan reinforced this vision by designating this property as Freeway Special District. HISTORIC COMMENT: This property does not have any historic significance. ITEM # 5 Page 2 of 8 TRANSPORTATION: SH 121 is a state highway built to standard. Freeport Parkway is a six-lane divided thoroughfare. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North: vacant land – HC (Highway Commercial) South: vacant land – HC (Highway Commercial) East: office/warehouse – PD-272 LI (Light Industrial) West: SH 121 and office/warehouse – LI (Light Industrial) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Coppell 2030 Comprehensive Master Plan shows this property as suitable Freeway Special District. DISCUSSION ON REVISED SUBMITTAL On November 15th , the Planning and Zoning Commission held this case under advisement, with the public hearing left open, to allow the applicant time to address the issues and concerns raised by staff and discussed at the public hearing. The applicant has:  Revised QT site plan by placing the convenience store at the corner of SH 121 and Freeport Parkway and the gas canopy along Freeport Parkway.  Revised the Concept Plan by replacing the 3,900 square foot drive-through restaurant with a 8,400 square foot retail building and increased the proposed office from a two- story 34,300 to a 4-5 story 73,720 square foot office building with structured parking and provided a pedestrian plaza area connecting the retail to the hotel.  Revised the Conceptual Building Elevations to incorporate building materials from the QT and added architectural features such as metal canopies.  Increased buffers along street frontages from 15’ to 20’ to meet ordinance requirements.  Saved one 22” pecan tree, but still clear cutting the remainder of the property.  Added Archway 121 Entry Sign(s). Variances are still being requested to the Zoning Ordinance to allow significant deficits in landscaping in the Concept Plan areas and variances to sign and canopy materials to allow the QT. The proposed built-out has increased from 65,773 square feet to 107,520 square feet. The Traffic Impact Analysis will be performed prior to the submission of a subdivision plat to ensure all needed traffic improvements (i.e. driveway locations and deceleration lanes) are provided. It is staff’s understanding that the applicant’s Traffic Engineer will be at the public hearing to address traffic issues. Staff reviewed the revised submission through the DRC process, and generated four pages of technical comments, some were incorporated into this submission, other remain outstanding. The outstanding technical comments are summarized below. Concept Plan The most significant issues with the concept plan is the significant shortage in the amount of landscaping proposed for the future concept plan areas. Staff understands that at this time there are no known users for the remainder of the property, but cannot support the approval of a Concept Plan with such a significant deficit (approximately 26%) in landscaped areas. ITEM # 5 Page 3 of 8 The landscaping proposed for Tract A, the QT site (Detail Site Plan), exceeds the minimum requirement for landscaped areas, however, the other three tracts are severely deficient, most notably, in the non-vehicular (open space) requirement. Specifically, within Tract D, the hotel tract, the pool/plaza area is being used to fulfill approximately 90 percent of the non-vehicular open space requirement. Within Tract B, the two retail buildings, the non-vehicular open space is 100% plaza area (hardscape), with no additional green areas as required by the Landscape Ordinance. There are also deficiencies in interior landscaping and buffer area widths. Finally, there are discrepancies on the size of buildings and landscape areas from plan to plan which calls into question the validity of the calculations as presented. For example, depending on the exhibit, the landscape buffer between the retail and hotel tracts varies in width from 14 to 20 feet. If this area is intended to be an amenity to increase the pedestrian feel and aesthetics, it would be reasonable to increase, not decrease this greenspace area. It is reasonable to assume that these lots will be sold to individual end-users/developers and compliance with the regulations of the Landscape Ordinance is essential. The compatibility in architectural design between the QT and the remainder of the property is improved from the previous submittal, understanding that design details like cornices, metal accents (with and without stripes), store front color/materials, etc. will be determined at the time of Detail Site Plan approval through the PD Amendment Process. However, the question remains will there be standards for attached signs to be of a consistent architectural theme? Are the QT attached signs setting the standard for this development? The applicant’s request also states that: “The colors and materials used for façade on Exhibits B1-B3 in no way intended to preclude the use of architectural features of National Branding to define users in their own fashion” Staff is unclear as to the intent if this statement. Finally, the Color Board submitted indicates a dark grey stacked stone, two earth tone reds, six shades of grey brick and metal accents. Which of these materials are intended for the QT development needs to be defined. Various exhibits and renderings indicate a proposed brick wall(s) and a development sign, but there is inconsistency as to the location and placement. Will there be decorative walls along SH 121 as indicated on the Concept Plan? If so size, color, materials, height, etc. will need to be specified on the site and landscape plans. QT Detail Site Plan The approval of the Detail Site Plan for the QT would require the following variances to the Zoning Ordinance:  Variance to allow two monument signs, where only one 60-square foot sign is permitted, and they appear to be internally illuminated. As noted above, a “Archway 121” development sign is also proposed for this lot.  An attached, 121 square foot wall sign along the front façade of the QT building, exceeds the maximum permitted by the sign ordinance by 29 square feet.  The red metal canopies on the buildings are prohibited in the Zoning Ordinance.  There appears to be window signage which covers 100% of the window, whereas, a maximum of 10% is permitted by ordinance, and  To allow 20 sq. ft. button signs on the gas canopy, but it is unclear how many signs are being requested. As stated above, the Landscaping on this tract appears to exceed the minimum required by the Zoning Ordinance, however there are discrepancies in the calculations in the Detail Plan and as portrayed in the Concept Plan. ITEM # 5 Page 4 of 8 Although color renderings have been submitted for this QT, Building Elevations with the materials specified, is also required. The elevations need to specify which of the 9 brick samples included on the color board are proposed for this first phase development. Finally, the following is a partial list of other outstanding technical and drafting conditions as identified through the DRC process and remain unresolved. 1. Where are the monument signs/decorative walls proposed to be located included on the “Development Branding” exhibit, if they are the unlabeled crescent shaped elements on the plan, then the would require several variances to the Sign Ordinance in terms of number of signs, placement and size, etc. Need additional detail as to size, materials, colors, illumination etc. 2. Need additional detail on the patio/decorative paving area to be provided, if for outdoor seating then it need to be noted and parked for that use. 3. What is the width of the landscaped area between Tracts B & D, it is noted as three different widths. 4. Loading Areas (minimum of 12 feet by 30 feet) will be required for the hotel as well as the office. 5. Fire Lanes need to be labeled Fire Lanes and Mutual Access Easements, and shall have a minimum radii of 30 ft. inside and 54 ft. outside. 6. Need to provide additional detail on the proposed 4 story office, including what is the maximum height. 7. Provide clarity if the QT will be equipped with an automatic fire sprinkler system, as required for buildings 5,000 sq. f.t or greater. If so, then a riser room (minimum of 56 sq. ft.) must be included to accommodate fire/life safety systems. The FDC must be located on the building adjacent to the riser room, and the fuel islands shall be visible from POS. 8. Label/ title the Phase 1 exhibit, as such 9. Rectify all discrepancies in size of buildings, landscape calculations, etc. 10. Revise Concept Plan, Landscape Plan and Tree Survey to be the same scale and orientation. QT plans should also have the same orientation 11. Submit Building Elevations for the QT with materials specified. 12. Correct the parking counts for the QT on the Concept and Phase One Exhibits 13. Concept Utility Plans need to be revised to a. include all proposed utilities (water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer) for proposed development (not just for QT), b. include sanitary sewer size, c. make connection between the proposed and existing, and d. add vault with double detector check at the Northwestern connection. 14. QT Utility Plans need to be revised to a. include to include size for water main loop and sanitary sewer service b. include the storm sewer system, and c. the proposed fire hydrant south of QT will be required with QT phase. REVISED RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Per direction of the Planning and Zoning Commission, the staff has worked with and advised the applicant on revisions required and ordinance requirements, and after review and analysis of the revised application, staff continues to recommend DENIAL of PD-295-HC, Archway 121, for a Concept Plan for gas station, hotel, retail, restaurants and office uses on 8.6 acres and a Detail Plan on 2.14 acres for a Convenience Food Store with Gas Pumps. ITEM # 5 Page 5 of 8 ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend approval of the request 2. Recommend disapproval of the request 3. Recommend modification of the request 4. Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date REVISED ATTACHMENTS: 1. Applicant’s Letter – Revised January 8, 2019 2. Concept Site Plan 3. Concept Phasing Exhibit 4. Concept Overall Landscape Plan (5 pages) 5. Concept Overall Landscape Rendering 6. Concept Tree Survey 7. Concept Retail Office Elevations 8. Concept Wall Signs (Branding Development) 9. QT Site Plan 10. QT Paving Plan 11. QT Landscape Plan 12. QT Building Elevations 13. QT Canopy Elevations 14. QT Signs – Attached 15. QT Signs – Monument 16. QT Signs – Canopy 17. QT Rendering DISCUSSION – NOVEMBER PLANNING AND ZONING HEARNG This is a two-part request. Part one is to establish a Concept Plan for a convenience store with gas pumps, hotel, retail, restaurant and office uses, on the entire 8.7 acres, and the second part is a request for approval of a Detail Site Plan to allow a QT convenience store with gas pumps to be built at the corner of SH 121 and Freeport Parkway. As mentioned in the history section of this report, this property was a part of a city-initiated effort, 15 years ago, to establish Highway Commercial (HC) zoning along the freeway frontages to enhance development standards, ensuring that the limited freeway frontage and entry portals into the City of Coppell are of the high-quality developments envisioned. Specifically, the stated purpose of the Highway Commercial District includes: To create “….an impressive gateway into the community. Because these areas are designated as major thoroughfare entry points, emphasis has been placed on building arrangement, setbacks, parking, and landscape treatment, which are intended to be elements influencing the character of entrance into the city” The 2030 Master Plan adopted in 2011, echoed that intent by designating this area as Freeway Special District, which also speaks to site elements including: “Focal Points - Corners of major intersections should include a “focal point” near major intersections and around “gateway” areas. Focal points should include vertical architectural features, fountains, public art, and/or public plazas. ITEM # 5 Page 6 of 8 “Setbacks - A minimum of 50-ft of privately owned land along the freeway/highway right-of-way should be free of buildings and parking, with a total of 80-ft in width landscaped, including privately owned land and available public highway right-of-way, and “Building Form and Character - Buildings within a development should have a coherent architectural theme in terms of mass, height, rooflines, and materials”. In summary, this request is for approval of a prototypical gas station (red brick), with red awnings and accents and non-compliant signs at the corner of the freeway and Freeport Parkway, with a Concept Plan for the remaining 6.5 acres which includes pad sites for hotel, retail, restaurant and hotel uses. While these other land uses are supported by the HC zoning and the land use designation on the Comprehensive Plan, the conceptual designs and submitted include “no coherent architectural theme”. The remaining buildings are modern, two-tone grey toned brick. The only architectural theme being extended from the QT is the inclusion of non-compliant red awnings for the restaurant. There are also no apparent “focal points” or 50-foot, privately owned, landscaped buffer along the Freeway. Furthermore, the applicant is requesting that the hotel and restaurants with drive-thru’s be approved as part of this Concept Plan and no additional City Council public hearings be required. The Zoning Ordinance specifies that these particular uses require City Council approval of Special Use Permit which allows for the discretion to provide “special conditions in order to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the general public and adjacent land uses”. Language included in the recently adopted Hotel Ordinance, suggests the City Council consider: “that the type of hotel or residence hotel proposed is compatible and consistent with and will have no adverse effect on existing uses in the area, that the proposed use is equal to or exceeds development standards of other uses and that the proposed use will not adversely affect the ability to locate, in the future, additional uses that are allowed within the zoning district of the area”. In lieu of a SUP process, City Council approval of a PD amendment to attach Detail Site Plan has been used in similar situations (the PD for Point West at 635 and Belt Line Road.), which requires the same public hearings and technical reviews of the site and landscape plans, building elevations, conditions, etc. as an SUP. Technical Issues with the Concept Plan In addition to the issues detailed above, the following variances are being requested to the Highway Commercial (HC) District to allow this Concept Plan:  Requesting a 15’ landscape buffer along street frontages. o This does not comply with the 20’required landscape buffer along all streets. o This also does not address the 30-50-foot setbacks as encouraged by the 2030 Master Plan designation.  The request includes that the 30% of lot area being devoted to landscape areas be calculated on an over-all, verses a lot by lot basis. o It is reasonable to assume that these lots will be sold to individual end- users/developers and compliance with the regulations of the Landscape Ordinance is essential.  Requesting variance to the HC district requirement that a maximum of 50% of the required parking be located in the front yard. o Understanding this property is bounded by three streets, however, 96% of the parking being provided in the front yard appears excessive for Tracts A and C, and should be revisited. Other Technical Issues with the Concept Plan Submittal include: ITEM # 5 Page 7 of 8  Tree survey is inaccurate the calculations are not correct, and o No attempt was made to preserve any trees.  No apparent architectural compatibility standards for the overall development are provided.  No standards for attached signs to be consistent architectural theme while permitting branding/logos of the individual tenants are included.  No location and/or consistent design for monument signs are included.  The 4-story hotel elevations would not be complaint with the Hotel Ordinance.  No traffic impact analysis was submitted. Technical Issues with the Detail Site Plan for QT A convenience store with gas pumps was not envisioned as the most appropriate use for this high- profile, entry portal into the City of Coppell. The applicant has made an effort to include additional landscaping and screening at the corner, however, the development is not compliant with various provisions of the HC Zoning District regulations and landscape requirements. The following variances are being requested:  A 121 square foot attached sign, plus four 20 square foot medallions (80 sq. ft.) for a total of 201 square feet of attached signage is being requested, where a maximum 90 square foot sign would be permitted. This calculation does not include the red striping on the canopy along the building, which is also non-complaint with the Zoning Ordinance, and would be considered additional signage.  Red metal awnings instead of earth-tone fabric awnings.  Allowance for three - 20 sf. ft. button signs on the gas canopy  Two monument signs are being proposed, only one 40-square foot sign is permitted.  No landscape buffer being provided along the southern property line, and not all landscape islands are a minimum of 150 square feet within the parking lots.  A full 96% of the parking is being provided in the front yard, exceeding the maximum permitted in the HC district by 46%. The Detail Site Plan was submitted late, and did not go through detail DRC review, so additional comments will be generated if this proceeds though the process, however, some notable issues are:  A Traffic Impact Analysis is required to determine the need for deceleration lanes, etc.  A Detail Tree Mitigation plan for this tract needs to be submitted.  Additional specification of the low walls as shown on the site plan and renderings need to be included.  Fire Lanes need to be labled Fire Lanes and Mutual Access Easements  Determination that the monument signs are externally illuminated.  Phasing of development to ensure the entire fire lane serving this tract is built with this lot.  Beer and Wine Sales as noted in the cover letter are not part of the Zoning request, and separate application though TABC will be required. Staff has discussed these non-compliance issues, land use concerns and lack of addressing the vision as set forth in the Highway Commercial (HC) Zoning District as well as the Freeway Special District designation on the Comprehensive Plan with the applicant, however they have chosen to bring this version through the public hearing processes. ITEM # 5 Page 8 of 8 ORIGINAL RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff recommends DENIAL of PD-295-HC, Archway 121, for a Concept Plan for gas station, hotel, retail, restaurants and office uses on 8.6 acres and a Detail Plan on 2.14 acres for a Convenience Food Store with Gas Pumps.