Application & check 11/01x90 15:2z ~ i 817 735 4738 WO~nMONT CORP 04 Revt~ed: 6-17 ~7 **MUST RETURN ALL ~IX ?ACKS OF TH~ A?PLI~ATION CITY OF COPPELL . ?.O~I ~G APPI.ICATION -.- '--. ..... 21 ~-~62-0022 ,/'// A: Reque~t~ng~ .... Specific Use './ B, De.scription_~ Location of Property: 1. Survey ~ Abstract:C~tySin~lff~e~a. ~V~You~}tract'~]~93 2, Add~ton N~me (I( applicable): Valley Ranch Centre 3. Lo= 6 Block (if applicable): Lot B - Our space is 1684 sq.ft. Total Number of Acres: .9188 5. Location fur:her described: 820 S. MacArthur, Suite 102, Coppell, Texas 75019 (Tom Thumb Shopping Center) c, Zoning Requee[ed: Change from L.I. to L.I.S.U.P. Premen~ Zoning Proposed ~elling Flo6r Area ClassiI1- Gross Net* CJasaifi- Gross Net* Untt,/Acre (Non-Resid. cation Area Area ca,ion Acres Acres (Resid.Onl. y) Uses Only) -~Excludes major & secondar~ thoroughfares, D. Reason(s) for Zoning Change (please be specific): To allow the operation of a restaurant (qarryout and delivery, no seatingS_ E. Fee: I (We) hereby certify tha~ the application fee, $ 205.00 , co cover ~he cost of this zoning application, has been paid to the City Of Co~pell on November 7 , 19 90. F~rther, I (We) hereby au~horize the City of Coppell an~ its employees, to ~nte'--~ ~pon the premises herein above described at all reasonable times for the purpose of erecting, maintaining, or removing signs co notify the public of the pendini zoning application and/or public hearing concerning said application, I (We) release the City of Coppell and its employees £rom liability for any damages which m~y be incurred ~o my (our) property in the erecting, maintaing, or removal ~ate: November 5, 1990 O~mers ~ame:Dunninq L~mite~ P rtne.rshi~ gepreem~tative: Devil L. Keil &~ate~a:.c/o Scot~ Morwav,.~.~..R. O~ae~m $$B~atu~e: * _ 7001 Preston Road, Suite 222, L.B. 36 Telephone ~: (817) 595-2595 _~allas, Texa~ 75205