DRC CommentsT H £ • C 1 T Y • 0 F COPPELL 9 g t Plan Case ID Address Plan Tvpe[Workclass Application Complete Date Case Manager Project Description Agency Building Engineering Engineering Fire Parks Planning SITE 18-07-000261 105 S DENTON TAP RD Site Plan - Site Plan 07/20/2018 CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Capital One Bank - Lot 3, Block 1, Sandy Lake Crossing COMMENTS T H £ • C i T Y • 0 F COPPELL Project Name Sandy Lake Crossing, Lot 3, Bk1 Reviewed By Review Date Plan Review Details Suzanne Arnold 07/26/2018 1. Light pole on west side - locate and direct to prevent glare on adjacent residential property at sw corner. 2. Confirm that the Capital One logo is an approved logo on the movement control signs. George Marshall 07/26/2018 General - Utility Plan: The current standard is to install a DDCV near the ROW for a Fire Line (see Detail 4160) The City is trying to allow for this to be in the building but have not finalized the details. Verify existing water services. If they can be re -used or relocated. Otherwise abandon existing meters. Provide a preliminary Drainage Area Map - UNRESOLVED Standard Detailed Engineering - FYI comment - There may be additional comments gernerated upon detailed engineering review. Site Plan: Show Fire Riser Room - UNRESOLVED Kent Collins Tim Oates 07/25/2018 1. Site plan shows 2" private fire line and utility shows 6" fire line. Fire sprinkler system requires a minimum 6"inch underground supply. 2. Show Fire Department Connection (FDC). Typically detached within 3-6 ft from a fire hydrant. John Elias Mary Paron-Boswell 07/24/2018 General - Photometrics Label all adjacent lots and zoning cannot be more than 0.25 -foot candles at residential property line - UNRESOLVED General - Elevations - revise per sign comments - UNRESOLVED General - Site Plan Remove contours from this sheet List zoning of all adjacent properties Min 15' landscape strip along street frontages Min 10' landscape strip along other perimeters Add note: Minimum 80% masonry veneer required Provide glazing numbers. No more than 50% glass on any facade show all alleys driveways within 100 feet provide lighting plan and glare shades. LED light bulbs to be shielded any rooftop mechanical to be shielded list height of parking lot lights add north arrow to vicinity map & scale at 1"=1000' label drive up/thru ATM area on all sheets provide pervious and impervious area 1 of 2 T H £ • C 1 T Y • 0 F T H £ • C i T Y • 0 F COPPELL CITY OF COPPELL COPPELL DRC REPORT k g s t 8 k n s 5 Plan Case ID SITE 18-07-000261 COMMENTS Project Name Sandy Lake Crossing, Lot 3, 131<1 Title block format for all sheets to include: Project name plat name lot #, Block # acreage, zoning address - UNRESOLVED General - Landscaping need to have 1 tree at each end of parking island label light poles recalculate tree numbers - UNRESOLVED General - Signs Monument Sign Cannot be internally illuminated can have individually mounted channel letters, or external illumination - directional signs: logo can only occupy up to 10% of sign, please reduce to 10% or less. - ATM sign - cannot be internally illuminated. Can use individually mounted channel letters. - Wall sign - because it is a corner lot you are limited to an aggregate total of 62.7 sq ft of wall sign and In no case shall any sign exceed a 1 square foot per linear foot facade width ratio. Current sign as shown is 53 sq ft x 2 = 106 sq ft - UNRESOLVED General - Rendering - Update based on comments (signage) - UNRESOLVED 2of2