Grass Hydromulching Work Requirements:1. Grass works:a. Seed which has become wet, moldy and otherwise damaged in transit or in storage will not beacceptable.b. All grass seed shall be fresh, re-cleaned grass seed of the latest crop, mixed in the followingproportions by weight and meeting the accepted standards of pure live seed content, purityand germination.c. Grass seed shall have the following minimum ratio:Summer Mix:Cynodon Dactylon (Hulled Common Bermuda Grass) 85% pure live seed at 75 Lbs. Purelive seed per acre.Winter Mix:Cynodon Dactylon (Unhulled - Common Bermuda Grass) 85% pure live seed at 75 Lbs.Pure live seed per acre. Annual Rye Grass or equal, 85% pure live seed at 175 Lbs. Purelive seed per acre.2. Slurry Mix Component per Acre shall be Wood cellulose fiber mulch = 2,000 pounds + Grass Seed asspecified + fertilizer (13-13-13) 800 pounds.3. Hydromulched seeding on Prepared finished grades:a. Install and spread out a minimum of one inch layer of topsoil over all areas to behydromulched.b. Bed preparation: Immediately after the finished grade has been approved, begin hydroseedingoperation to reduce excessive weed growth and erosion.c. Apply seed, fertilizer and mulch by spraying them on the previously prepared seedbeds in theform of an aqueous mixture and by using the methods and equipment described herein.d. Particular care shall be exercised by the contractor to insure that the application is madeuniformly and at the prescribed rate and to guard against miss and overlapped areas.e. Where slope of areas to be grassed exceed a 3:1 H:V; an erosion control fabric shall beinstalled prior to hyromulching process.4. Maintenance:a. Maintenance shall consist of weeding, fertilizing, insect control, watering, replanting, mowing,maintaining of existing grades and repair of any erosion damages.b. Guarantee growth and coverage of hydromulch planting shall be a minimum on ninety fivepercent 95% of the area planted will be covered with specified planting after sixty days with nobare spots visible.c. Watering: Coordinate with the Owner to properly operate irrigation system to assure a regular,deep watering program.5. Inspection and Final Acceptance:Final acceptance of lawn establishment shall mean that hydroseed areas are Ninety Fivepercent 95% uniform coverage of grass in excess of one inch height. No bare spots will beacceptable.Owner's Responsibility For MaintenanceLandscape Contractor's Responsibilities:Client acknowledges and agrees that proper Project maintenance is required after the Project is complete. A lack of or impropermaintenance in areas such as, but not limited to, operation and maintenance of automatic irrigation system, all site drainage and allplanting materials maintenance may result in damage to property or persons. Client further acknowledges that he is solely responsible forthe results of any lack of or improper maintenance.All drainage (surface and subsurface) of all landscape areas within the project limits shall be the responsibility of the installing landscapecontractor and landscape maintenance company. All grading of areas along all building areas must absolutely have positive slope awayfrom building. In no case shall any plant bed be constructed along edge of building that will impede water flow away from building. Ifplanting beds are located at edges of building, landscape contractor shall make sure that these areas drain properly (surface andsubsurface-wise). Contractor shall install moisture barrier along building as necessary to keep water from penetrating underneath buildingslab."REFER TO FINISHED GRADES SHOWN ON PROJECT CIVIL GRADING PLAN. IT WILL REPRESENT FINAL ELEVATIONS. CARESHOULD BE TAKEN BY THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR NOT TO INCREASE THESE FINISHED GRADES WITH LANDSCAPINGOR OTHER ALTERATIONS. THE THICKNESS OF SOD, GRASS AND LANDSCAPING MATERIALS SHOULD BE DEDUCTED FROMTHE FINISHED GRADE ELEVATIONS IN THESE CIVIL GRADING PLANS IN ORDER TO DETERMINE THE GROUND ELEVATIONSDURING CONSTRUCTION."LANDSCAPE PLANSCALE: 1" = 50'-0"LANDSCAPE PLANL1.11L1.1Landscape Requirements:1 Perform all work in accordance with all applicable laws, codes, and regulations required by authoritieshaving jurisdiction over such work and provide all inspections and permits required by Federal, State,and local authorities in supply, transportation, and installation of materials.2. The contractor shall be responsible for the verification of all underground utility lines (telephone, gas,water, electrical, cable, TV, etc.) and all overhead utility easements prior to start of any planting works.3. All plant materials shall possess the following minimum qualities:a. Plants shall be nursery grown in accordance with good horticultural practices under climaticconditions similar to those of the project for at least twelve months.b. All plants shall be heavy, symmetrical, tightly knit, so trained or favored for development andappearance as to be superior in form, number of branches, compactness, and symmetry.c. Plants shall be sound, healthy and vigorous, well branched, and densely foliated when in leaf.They shall be free of disease, insects, pests, eggs, or larvae.d. All plants shall be true of species and variety and shall conform to measurements (caliper size,trunk heights, spread) as specified on the drawings.e. Container grown stock when specified shall have grown in the container in which delivered for atleast six months, but not over two years. Samples must prove no rootbound conditions exist.f. Caliper measurements shall be taken at a point on the trunk six inches (6") above natural groundline for trees up to four inches (4") in caliper.g. All trees shall be staked by a minimum of two metal "T" stakes for single trunk trees and threestakes for all multi-trunk trees.4. Planting mix shall be thoroughly mixed in the following proportions:a. Prepared soil as backfill for shade and ornamental trees shall be: 5 part clay loam topsoil + 2 partcompost + 1 part sharp sand + 4 Lbs. Commercial fertilizer per CY Or 10 Lbs. Organic fertilizer.b. Prepared soil as backfill for shrubs and groundcovers and seasonal colors shall be: 1 partenriched mulch + 1 part compost bark mulch + 1 part enriched topsoil + 1 part No. 1 Bank Sand+ 3 Lbs. Time- released fertilizer, 14-14-14 per CY or 8 Lbs. Organic fertilizer.5. Excavation work and Surface drainage works shall conform to the following requirements:a. Test drainage of plant beds and plant pits by filling with water twice in succession. Conditionspermitting the retention of water for more than 24 hours shall be brought to the attention of theOwner.b. Work shall include the final responsibility for proper surface drainage of planted areas. Anyobstructions on the site, or prior work done by another part, which precludes establishing properdrainage shall be brought to the attention of the Owner in writing.c. Excavate each tree hole 18" deep plus the depth of the tree container size (15 gal. Or 30 gal. Or65 gal. Or 100 gal.).d. Excavate entire shrub bed to a depth of 8" plus the depth of the shrub container size (5 gal.)unless noted as being pit planted on landscape legend.e. Excavate entire groundcover bed to a depth of 6" plus the depth of the groundcover containersize (4" pot or 1 gal.).6. Additional work requirements on landscape areas:a. Prior to installation of any planting works (trees, shrubs,groundcover and grass works); apply"Round Up" in all planting areas to eradicate all weed growths on site.b. ADD ALTERNATE: Install weed control barriers in all trees, shrub and groundcover plantingareas. Weed barrier fabric shall be back polypropylene sheet 27 mils thick, 4 oz/s.y. grab tensilestrength per ASTM D-4632; 90 lbs. (machine direction) 50 lbs.(cross machine direction). ProvideDeWitt "Weed Barrier" or approved substitute.c. Use "Shovel Edge" to separate all plant beds from grass areas.d. Spread a minimum two inch layer of pine bark mulch overall shrub and groundcover bed areas.7. Landscape maintenance work by the Landscape Contractor after final acceptance shall include thefollowing:a. The maintenance period shall commence upon inspection and approval at Final Acceptance andshall be for a period of Sixty Days (60).b. The landscape contractor shall coordinate the watering program for all the landscape work withthe Owner.c. Maintenance of new plantings shall consist of watering, cultivating, weeding, mulching, restaking,tightening and repair of guys; resetting plants for proper grades or upright position, and furnishingand application of pesticides/herbicides; sprays, and invigorants as are necessary to keepplantings free of insects and disease and in a thriving condition.8. Warranty Periods, Plant Guarantees, and Replacements:a. Planting supplied shall be warranted to remain alive and healthy for a period of twelve months(12) after the date of Final Acceptance by Owner. Plants in an impaired, dead, or dying conditionafter initial acceptance or within 12 months shall be removed and replaced immediately to thesatisfaction of the Owner.EX27SymbolicNameQuantities(Verify)BotanicalNameCommonNameSize and Plant RequirementsExisting trees to be fenced protected.Refer to Tree Protection Detail.Landscape Legend:Existing treesLO 133" cal. 65 gal. container; 12' to 14' ht.QuercusVirginianaLive OakSO 83" cal. 65 gal. container; 12' to 14' ht.QuercusShumardiiShumardOakPM 173" cal. 65 gal. container; 12' to 14' ht.PlatanusMexicanaMexicanSycamoreDW3905 gal. planted at 36" o.c. triangularlyspaced.MyricaPusilaDwarfWaxmyrtlesGrass VerifySF.Hydromulch for all bare/ unpavedareas between parking curb and rightof way areas along Royal Lane andGateway Boulevard.CynodonDactylonCommonBermuda4'-0"3"3'-0"MIN.6"6"MIN.BL1.1SINGLE-TRUNK TREE PLANTINGSCALE: NOT TO SCALEDEPTHVARIES12"6"12"REFER TOSPACING ON LEGENDCL1.1SHRUB PLANTINGSCALE: NOT TO SCALETHIN OUT INTERIORBRANCHING OF TREE3/4" BLACK RUBBERHOSENO. 12 GAUGE DOUBLESTRAND TWISTEDGALVANIZED WIREMETAL "T" STAKES -(120 DEG. APART)5" HIGH SAUCER WITHA 4" LAYER OFSHREDDED PINE BARKMULCHSOIL MIX AS SPECIFIEDTREE ROOTBALLCOMPACTED SOILMOUND2" LAYER OF PINE BARKMULCH INSTALLED IN 3"MIN. HIGH SAUCERSOIL MIX AS SPECIFIEDSHRUB ROOTBALLBACKFILL MIXUNDISTURBED SOIL12"12"2X ROOTBALL DIAMETER (MIN.)6" TOPSOILSUBGRADE6" TOPSOILFINISHED GRADEAT TURFSHOVEL CUT BED EDGE AT45°-90° ANGLE, 6" DEEP4" MULCH AS DEFINED IN THE LANDSCAPESPECIFICATIONS SHEET 1-1.3, PART 2.HOLD MULCH 4" FROM TRUNK.TURF SIDE PLANTING BED SIDESHOVEL CUT BED EDGESCALE: NOT TO SCALEDL1.1WIDTH VARIESNO CUTTING, FILLING, TRENCHING, OR SOILCOMPACTION SHALL OCCUR WITHIN THE TREEDRIPLINE AREA.ALL FENCING SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TOSTART OF ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES.TREE DRIPLINEMETAL POST OR WOODPOST @ 6'-0" O.C.ORANGE MESH FENCE ORCHAIN LINK FENCINGTREE DRIPLINECRITICAL ROOT ZONETREE DRIPLINECRITICAL ROOT ZONEAL1.1SCALE: NTSTREE PROTECTION DETAIL6'-0" O.C.POSPROTECTION FENCETREE PRESERVATIONAREAS.3'-0" HEIGHT MIN. METAL POSTOR WOOD POST @ 6'-0" O.C.48" ORANGE MESH FENCEOR CHAIN LINK FENCING.Special Notes for Protection of Existing Trees:1. Tree protection fencing shall be installed to eliminate activities detrimental to trees including but not limitedto the following:a. Soil compaction in the critical root zones resulting from heavy equipments, vehicular or excessivepedestrian traffic or storage of equipments or materials.b. Root disturbance due to cuts, fills, or trenching works.c. Wounds to exposed roots, trunks or limbs by mechanical equipments.d. Other activities such as chemical storage, cement truck cleaning, fire, etc. are not acceptable orallowed around existing trees designated to remain on site.2. Location and types of tree protection devices:a. Tree protection devices are to be installed to completely surround the critical root zones (tree dripline)of ail trees to be preserved.b. Tree protection fencing shall consists of chain link fencing or accepted substitutes (orange coloredfabric mesh membrane). In addition to fencing, where tree trunks are in jeopardy of being damagedby equipments, 2x4 inch boards may be required to be strapped around the trunks of trees.c. Tree protection fence may be installed around a grouping of existing trees for better control.3. All tree protection fencing shall be installed prior to any clearing, grubbing or grading. Tree protectionfences must remain in functioning condition throughout all phases of the site development/construction.4. The contractor shall provide Class One Tree works for ail trees designated to remain on the project site.Work shall include required root pruning; removal of dead/dying branches, trimming/thinning out of treebranches; repair of tree cavities and other tree damages. Trees shall be fertilized annually. A 3-1-1 ratio ofnitrogen, phosphorus and potassium containing slow release, non-burning nitrogen should be appliedaccording to manufacturer's instructions.5. All existing trees to remain shall be maintained bv a certified tree arborist.6. During construction, no excess soil, additional fill, equipment, liquids or construction debris shall be placedinside the protective barrier, upon the root protection zone, nor shall any soil be removed from within thebarrier.7. The proposed finished grade and elevation of land within the root protection zone of any tree to bepreserved shall not be raised or lowered more than one inch. Welling and retaining methods are allowedoutside the root protection zone and shall be done in conformance with the Texas A & M University,Extension Landscape Horticulture, Protecting Existing Landscape Trees from Construction Damage Due toGrade Changes", Everett E. Janne and Douglas F. Welch, PhD, authors.HSBTTHSBTTHSBTTCE/3add to landscape legend:CE 3 Ulmus Crassifolia (Cedar Elm) 3"cal. 65 gal. container; 12' to 14' ht.Exhibit "C"