Application & checkRev$~ed'- g-17 g7 ~.-iIUST RETURN AiJ. SI__~XX
B, D__e_~,rip,t,!p,~ & ~o_~c~.t. ion of. PropertyL
i, Survey & Abstract:
2. Addition Name (if applicable):~?
4. Total Number of Acres: .....
' d
~. tocatlo~ further descrl'~c ~ _.~~-~~~~
Present Zoning ~ Proposed Zoning ~ 0 P _
21assifi- Gross Net~ Claasifi- Gross Ne~ Unlt~/Acre (~:on-Resld.
cation Area Area j cation,, A~.res Acre~ (Resid.Only) Uses,, Only) _
~x~ludes maJg~ & ~eondary thoroughfares.
P, Reaaon(~) for Zoning Change (pleas~ he ~pecific)~
E. F~e I
- ' ~-~0 , cover the co~t
I (We) hereby certify that the ~pplication fee, $~ to
of this zoning application, h~s been paid to the City of Coppell on _~_~%
19q~. Further, I (We) hereby authorize the City o~ Coppell ~d its e~ployees, to
enter upon ;he premisem herein above described at all r~asomable tim~a for the
purpose of erecting, maintaining, or removing sign~ to notify the p~bltc of the
pending zoning applica~ion amd/or public hearing concerning said application.
(We) release the City of Coppell and i~s employees from liability for any d~ges
which ~Y be incurred to my (our) prope=ty in the erecting, me~ntaing, or removal
[f$ '.
May 20, `1992 UNIVEST