Staff ReportITEM 4 Page 1 of 3 CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT SRINI Coppell Retail, Site Plan (RS Denton Tap 121 Addition, Lot 1, Block B) P&Z HEARING DATE: October 10, 2019 STAFF REP.: Mary Paron-Boswell, Sr. Planner LOCATION: On the north side of SH 121, approximately 890 feet west of Denton Tap Road SIZE OF AREA: 1.615 acres of property CURRENT ZONING: Highway Commercial (HC) REQUEST: Site plan approval for an approximately 14,700 square-foot retail building. APPLICANT: Owner Engineer RS Denton Tap 121 Claymoore Engineering Investments, LLC 1903 Central Drive, 1170 Corporate Dr. W. Suite 406 Suite 204 Bedford, TX 76021 Arlington, TX 76006 Contact: Drew Donosky drew@claymooreeng.com HISTORY: This parcel was part of a seven lot Preliminary Plat for the Coppell/121Office Park in 2003. The only portion that has developed up to this point is the lot to the west which has a medical office use on it. TRANSPORTATION: Denton Tap Road (P6D), 6-Land Divided Thoroughfare (110’ R.O.W.) State Highway 121 and service road. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North: Residential; PD-134R-SF-7 South: SH 121 East: Fitness facility; Planned Development-240R4R3-HC West: Medical Office; Highway Commercial COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Coppell 2030, A Comprehensive Master Plan, shows this land as appropriate for Freeway Special District use. ITEM 4 Page 2 of 3 DISCUSSION: Site Plan The site plan for SRINI Coppell Retail identifies a 14,700 square foot retail building. The site will tie into the adjacent LA Fitness lot to the east with a connecting mutual access easement and fire lane along the front of the property. The site will be accessible from both SH 121 and access easements to Denton Tap Road. This is a companion item to the RS Denton Tap 121 Addition, Lot 1, Block B, also on tonight’s agenda. The proposed building will be 1-story and contains 76 parking spaces, a loading zone and a drive-through lane for a possible dry-cleaning shop. As lots to the west of this lot develop, they will all share a mutual access easement and fire lane to Denton Tap Road. A masonry screening wall will be required to be constructed between this site and the residential property to the north. The screening wall will be required to tie into the existing walls and will need to be constructed prior to the building going vertical. Landscape Plan As designed, the Landscape Plan is compliant with the regulations of the Landscape Ordinance. Given that this property is less than two acres in size, a recent a Landscape Ordinance amendment caps the site area required to be devoted to landscaping 30%. This site is meeting that requirement. Overstory trees are being provided along the entire perimeter of this site, in addition to keeping four existing trees and planting 31 new trees. Building Elevations, Lighting & Signage The building is approximately 30-ft in height with tower features located at certain corners of the building being approximately 41-ft in height. The two facades visible from the street are the south and east facades, with the entrance being located on the southern facade. All of the facades have vertically oriented windows with metal awnings. Both the southern and eastern facades have towers at the corners of the building. The lower portion of the tower, below the cast stone watertable, is a stone veneer. The portion above the watertable is a stucco veneer, with wood roof brackets and a standing seam metal roof. The portions of the building in between the towers alternate between matching the tower material or having a stone veneer from the ground to the roofline. A Photometric Study and lighting plan will include shielding of any pole lighting and will be reviewed at the time of Building Permit. When asked about signage, the engineer indicated that all signage for the site will comply with ordinance requirements. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending APPROVAL of SRINI Coppell Retail Site Plan, subject to the following conditions: 1. There will be additional comments at the time of Detail Engineering Review and Building Permit. 2. Signage shall comply with the sign ordinance and be generally consistent in terms of style, placement and size. 3. Submission of the location and type of the lighting facilities, security lighting, screening and glare shades will be required at the time of Building Permit, to insure compliance with glare and lighting ordinance. 4. The screening wall will be required to be constructed prior to the building going vertical. ITEM 4 Page 3 of 3 RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: 1. Recommend approval of the request 2. Recommend disapproval of the request 3. Recommend modification of the request 4. Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date ATTACHMENTS: 1. Site Plan 2. Landscape Plan 3. Building Elevations