DRC CommentsPLAT19-06-000340Plan Case ID CITY OF COPPELL DRC REPORT Project Name , Lot , BkCOMMENTS Address Case Manager 06/24/2019Application Complete Date Subdivision Plat - ReplatsPlan Type/Workclass Fire Station #4 Plat and Water Tower - Diamond Addition, Lot 1 and 2, Block AProject Description Agency Reviewed By Review Date Plan Review Details Building Suzanne Arnold 06/27/2019 No comment Engineering Kumar Gali Fire Tim Oates 06/27/2019 1. 40-ft access easement should be a fire lane easement as well. Parks John Elias 06/25/2019 no comments Planning Mary Paron-Boswell 06/28/2019 Plat - show setbacks - Make the mutual access easement on Lot 2 also a fire lane. - show additional easements - dedication to reflect "new" lot 2R-3R2 - label all iron rods - size and material and found or set - floodplain admin date is incorrect - missing signature block foe plats for PZ secretary and PZ chairman - add name to franchise utility note - Title should be: Replat/Minor Plat, Diamond Addition (Fire Station #4) 1 of 1