Exhibit D - Sign Plan (10 Pages)CUSABCEGDFHThis is an original unpublished drawing subm itted for use in connectionwith a project being planned for you by Kieffer Holding Co.It is not to bereproduced,copied or exhibited in any fashion without the writtenpermission of KiefferHolding Com pany.Coppell, TXTheBiscuitBar104S.DentonTapRd.Coppell,TXM.Jackson05/17/2019-M.Griswold1901864THEBBISCUIT ARNorth and South ElevationsProposed Front ( South ) ElevationScale: 1/8”=1’-0”13’-7 ½”3'-6 ½"59'-0" FRONTAGE19'-1"AAS/F CABINET WITH CHANNEL LETTERS &ROUT OUT PUSH THRU COPY AND GRAPHICS -FRONT & HALO LIT :3'-6 ½ X 13'-7 ½ = 48.0 SQ. FT.BCTRIMLESS CHANNEL LETTERS WITHDUAL COLOR GOLD VINYL :1'-10¼" X 16'-0" = 29.7 SQ. FT.mrg-6/26/19Chg "B" to DF blade signChg "B" and "D" sign layouts-Revert signage back to original layout and elevations--mrg-7/12/19mrg-7/17/19---mrg-6/26/19Reduce "C" sz and break up copy wordsmrg-7/5/19Chg "B"blade sign to ext illum. with fco letters, Chg "C" Chl Ltrs alignmentDD3'-2"2'-0"5'-0"D2'-0"5'-0"4'-5"3'-8 ½"TRIMLESS CHANNEL LETTERS ONBACKER PANEL3'-8½" X 4'-5" =16.4 SQ. FT.DF BLADE SIGN WITH FCO GRAPHICS2'-0" X 5'-0" =10.0 SQ. FT.3--VINYLPAINT- CUSABCEGDFHThis is an original unpublished drawing subm itted for use in connectionwith a project being planned for you by Kieffer Holding Co.It is not to bereproduced,copied or exhibited in any fashion without the writtenpermission of KiefferHolding Com pany.Coppell, TXTheBiscuitBar104S.DentonTapRd.Coppell,TXM.Jackson05/17/2019-M.Griswold1901864THEBBISCUIT ARA3'-0" X 11'-6 ½" = 34.6 SQ. FT.mrg-7/30/19Chg color of canopy from yellow to white------------6"DRevert signage back to original layout and elevationsmrg-7/12/194"1" 1"3--VINYLPAINT- CUSABCEGDFHThis is an original unpublished drawing subm itted for use in connectionwith a project being planned for you by Kieffer Holding Co.It is not to bereproduced,copied or exhibited in any fashion without the writtenpermission of KiefferHolding Com pany.Coppell, TXTheBiscuitBar104S.DentonTapRd.Coppell,TXM.Jackson05/17/2019-M.Griswold1901864THEBBISCUIT AR13’-7 ½”12’-1 ¾” Biscuit Bar13’-3 ¼” Gold Push Thru Border1’-6” “B”2’-10 ¾” Gold Push Thru Border3’-6 ½” O.A.H.GE Tetra Max “AMBER”LED’s for Halo3/4” CLEAR ACRYLICPUSH THRU W/#125 Golden Yellow VINYLReturns painted PMS 143CGoldLed Reverse & Face Lit C/L on CabinetScale: 3/4”=1’-0”48.25 Sq. Ft.3/4” CLEAR ACRYLICPUSH THRU W/#20 TRANS. WHITE VINYLELECTRICALPRIMARYPROVIDEDBY CLIENTIN J-BOXACHANNEL LETTERS ON HALO LIT BACKER WIREWAYB--------------Revert signage back to original layout and elevationsmrg-7/12/193--VINYLPAINT- CUSABCEGDFHThis is an original unpublished drawing subm itted for use in connectionwith a project being planned for you by Kieffer Holding Co.It is not to bereproduced,copied or exhibited in any fashion without the writtenpermission of KiefferHolding Com pany.Coppell, TXTheBiscuitBar104S.DentonTapRd.Coppell,TXM.Jackson05/17/2019-M.Griswold1901864THEBBISCUIT AR3"4"PTD. BLACK.063”ALUM BASE PAN1” ’SOVERLAP TO CONCEAL LEDWHITE LED’sGE TETRA MAX“AMBER”LED’s FOR HALOLED POWER SUPPLY3MM WHITE ACM C/LBACKELECTRICAL SERVICE PENETRATIONSTHRU WALL WEATHERPROOFED-¼” w/WEEP HOLE LIGHT SCREEN[]PREVENTS LIGHT LEAKSSTAINLESS STEELFASTENERS PVC SPACERSw/½”CLEAR YLICACR.040”ALUMINUM RETURNSPAINTED PMS 143C GOLDTRIMLESS ACRYLIC FACES¾”W/CLEAR ACRYLIC PUSH THRU COPYWHITE LED LIGHTING BEHINDW/ #125 GOLD VINYL 1ST SURFACE2nd SURFACE DIFFUSER2"WITH SILICONEU.L.SECTION DRAWING LED FACE LIT ON CABINET- C/L FACE LIT & REVERSE HALO LITSCALE: 1 1/2”= 1’-0”1”½”w/THICK ACRYLIC FACEROUTED EDGEWHITE VINYL DIFFUSERON BACKALUMINUM RETURN18/ ”CLEAR LEXAN TABSGLUED INTO ROUTED GROOVESON BACK OF FACEFACE EDGE DETAILN.T.S..090”ROUTED ALUM PAN FACEPRIMARY ELECTRICAL BOXAND SWITVCHPROVIDED BY CUSTOMER70 Modules: GE Lighting Solutions - Tetra MAX Wet Location Amber - GEMXYG-W1-HALO77 Modules: Principal LED - Qwik Mod 2 - PL-QM2-TW150-P-BISCUIT BAR & ROLLING PIN50 Modules: Principal LED - Street Fighter Plus - PL-OP2-SF3-P-TW-CC1 Power Supply: GE Lighting Solutions - GEPS12-60U1 Power Supply: Principal LED - Universal 120WL70 mods37.8 wL50 mods36.0 wB12 mods10.6 wI3 mods2.6 wS6 mods5.3 wC5 mods4.4 wL8 mods7.0 wU6 mods5.3 wI3 mods2.6 wT6 mods5.3 wB12 mods10.6 wA7 mods6.2 wR9 mods7.9 wModules: 70Watts: 37.8 of 60.0PS: GEPS12-60UModules: 119Watts: 96.7 of 120.0PS: Universal 120WPRINCIPAL LEDAMBER HALO LEDMounting Quantity: 9 RIVNUT/THREADED RODQTY: (9) H20-0040-12 Threaded rod stee ¼ “ 20 X12” ZNLIQUID TITE CONDUIT-AND CONNECTIONSTHRU WALLONOFFQTY: (1)-E53-0063 Cover Switch SG WP Bell MX1050SQTY GA WIRE: (47’) -E51-0003 - 18: (1) - E52-0295 - ,1/2",QTY CONNECTOR 90DEG,OLiquid Tite P3011QTY: (1) - E52-0375-06 Chase Nipple ½”QTY; (1)-E53-006 Handy Box SG WP W/1/2 K.O. P1926QTY; (1)-E52-0385 Washer ½” SealingQTY: (1) -E53-001-01-Switch 1P 20A White P4563EXPANSION ANCHORINTO MASONRY ORTHROUGH BOLT INTOBLOCKING BEHINDSERVICE ON/OFF SWITCHL.E.D. DETAIL SPECIFICATIONSC--------------Revert signage back to original layout and elevationsmrg-7/12/193--VINYLPAINT- CUSABCEGDFHThis is an original unpublished drawing subm itted for use in connectionwith a project being planned for you by Kieffer Holding Co.It is not to bereproduced,copied or exhibited in any fashion without the writtenpermission of KiefferHolding Com pany.Coppell, TXTheBiscuitBar104S.DentonTapRd.Coppell,TXM.Jackson05/17/2019-M.Griswold1901864THEBBISCUIT ARDmrg-7/17/19Chg "B" layout and add bkr panel------------Revert signage back to original layout and elevationsmrg-7/12/19JUMPS TO OTHER LETTERS2"Detail Section16.4 Sq. Ft.( 1 ) Set RequiredPOP RIVETSALUMINUM BACKING PANELPAINTED BLACKScale: 1" = 1'-0"4'-5"10"8 ½"8 ½"3'-8 ½"3--VINYLPAINT- CUSABCEGDFHThis is an original unpublished drawing subm itted for use in connectionwith a project being planned for you by Kieffer Holding Co.It is not to bereproduced,copied or exhibited in any fashion without the writtenpermission of KiefferHolding Com pany.Coppell, TXTheBiscuitBar104S.DentonTapRd.Coppell,TXM.Jackson05/17/2019-M.Griswold1901864THEBBISCUIT AREmrg-7/5/19Chg "C" Chl Ltrs alignment----------mrg-6/26/19Reduce "C" sz and break up copy wordsRevert signage back to original layout and elevationsmrg-7/12/193--VINYLPAINT- CUSABCEGDFHThis is an original unpublished drawing subm itted for use in connectionwith a project being planned for you by Kieffer Holding Co.It is not to bereproduced,copied or exhibited in any fashion without the writtenpermission of KiefferHolding Com pany.Coppell, TXTheBiscuitBar104S.DentonTapRd.Coppell,TXM.Jackson05/17/2019-M.Griswold1901864THEBBISCUIT ARScale: 1”=1’-0”D/F Externally Lit Blade Sign10.0 Sq. Ft.( 1 ) RequiredDDF BLADE SIGNFmrg-7/5/19Chg "B"blade sign to ext illum. with fco letters--Chg "D" blade sign layout and size--mrg-7/17/19----2'-0"4"1" 1"SIDE VIEWFABRICATED D/F ALUMINUM BLADE CABINET SIGN WITH 1" ALUMINUM SQ TUBE FRAME..125" ALUMINUM FACES AND RETURNS PAINTED BLACK.1" THICK CLEAR ACRYLIC BORDER PAINTED TO MATCH PMS 143C GOLD.1" THICK CLEAR ACRYLIC GRAPHIC ROLLING PIN PAINTED WHITE.PIN MOUNTED FLUSH ON 1ST SURFACE OF SIGN FACE.EXTERNAL ILLUMINATION MOUNTED TO TOP OF BLADE SIDE ( EXACT TYPE TO BE DETERMINED).INSTALL TO BUILDING FASCIA WITH APPROVED ANCHOR SYSTEMmrg-6/26/19Chg "B" to DF blade signRevert signage back to original layout and elevationsmrg-7/12/191"6 ¼"4'-2"5'-0"3--VINYLPAINT- CUSABCEGDFHThis is an original unpublished drawing subm itted for use in connectionwith a project being planned for you by Kieffer Holding Co.It is not to bereproduced,copied or exhibited in any fashion without the writtenpermission of KiefferHolding Com pany.Coppell, TXTheBiscuitBar104S.DentonTapRd.Coppell,TXM.Jackson05/17/2019-M.Griswold1901864THEBBISCUIT ARGE Tetra Max “AMBER”LED’s for Halo3/4” CLEAR ACRYLICPUSH THRU W/#125 Golden Yellow VINYLReturns painted PMS 143CGoldLed Reverse & Face Lit C/L on CabinetScale: 3/4”=1’-0”34.6 Sq. Ft.¾” CLEAR ACRYLIC PUSH THRU W/#20 TRANS. WHITE VINYLELECTRICALPRIMARYPROVIDEDBY CLIENTIN J-BOXE10'-3 ½" Biscuit Bar11'-3" Gold Border11'-6 ½"1'-3"2'-5 ½"3'-0"( 1 ) RequiredGAdd "E" detail pagemrg-6/26/2019------------Revert signage back to original layout and elevationsmrg-7/12/193--VINYLPAINT- CUSABCEGDFHThis is an original unpublished drawing subm itted for use in connectionwith a project being planned for you by Kieffer Holding Co.It is not to bereproduced,copied or exhibited in any fashion without the writtenpermission of KiefferHolding Com pany.Coppell, TXTheBiscuitBar104S.DentonTapRd.Coppell,TXM.Jackson05/17/2019-M.Griswold1901864THEBBISCUIT ARProposed ElevationProposed ElevationNot to ScaleNot to ScaleExisting ElevationNot to ScaleReplacement Tenant R.O.P.T. FacesScale: 3/4”=1’-0”24.5 Sq. Ft.Scale: 3/4”=1’-0”.125" ALUMINUM FLAT PANEL PAINTED BLACK WITH ROUT OUT PUSH THRU ACRYLIC COPY:¾” CLEAR ACRYLIC PUSH THRU COPYWITH WHITE VINYL DIFFUSER ON 2ND SURFACEBORDER TO HAVE #125 GOLD VINYL 1ST SURFACE7'-7 1/2"3'-1"9 3/4"2 ¼"3"1'-9"HREPLACEMENT TENANT PANELF--------------Revert signage back to original layout and elevationsmrg-7/12/193--VINYLPAINT- CUSABCEGDFHThis is an original unpublished drawing subm itted for use in connectionwith a project being planned for you by Kieffer Holding Co.It is not to bereproduced,copied or exhibited in any fashion without the writtenpermission of KiefferHolding Com pany.Coppell, TXTheBiscuitBar104S.DentonTapRd.Coppell,TXM.Jackson05/17/2019-M.Griswold1901864THEBBISCUIT ARABCFISITE PLANED3--VINYLPAINT-